Instauration® VOl. 16, NO. 1 DECEMBER 1990 THE GENEALOGY OF MEXICAN GENES D David Duke may have come out the winner after all. Imagine having to legislate under the same roof as rump fancier Barney Frank, fossil freak Helms and the aptly named Gus Savage. In keeping with Instauration's policy of anonym- ... o The Op-Ed squabble between syndicated 327 ity, most communicants will be identified by the columnists Pat Buchanan and Abe Rosenthal on first three digits of their zip codes. the issue of anti-Semitism is reminiscent of late­ .. D The best thing about glasnost and perestroi­ night tag-team wrestling matches in which one ka is that they are putting the Birch Society and o No wonder Senator Kennedy was the only guy gets stuck in his opponent's corner and is other anti-Communist groups out of business. member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to ganged up on while his partner eagerly waits to No more Soviet threat, no more eternal vote against Souter. He's still paying off the be tagged to jump into the ring. Abe went after screeching about Reds, less chance of sweeping media for their gentle treatment of Chappa­ Buchanan in a column yowling about "blood race -- the real issue -- under the carpet. As for quiddick, though the wear and tear is beginning libel." The New York Post, edited by Jerry the neocons, being Jewish racists, they can eas­ to show. His grotesquely fissured fat face is Nachman, printed a half-page, unsigned editor­ ily switch from anti-communism to anti-Iraq beginning to resemble the rifted terrain of a ial distancing itself from Pat's excessive exer­ warmongering, as they are now doing. Since Uranian moon. Character eventually comes cise in free speech. As columnists of every ideo­ their hearts belong to Israel, their other foreign through, as it did with Dorian Gray. 10gical stripe, from the liberal George Will to policy issues have never been more than 127 the conservative George Will, tripped all over smokescreens. themselves to get a shot at Pat, the Zuckerman­ 901 o Satcom Sal (Nov. 1990) wrote on Irish singer owned U.S. News & World Report let loose a Sinead O'Connor, who says she refuses to let secret: "Certainly, American Jews enjoy politi­ D Ty Cobb (Instauration, April 1990) was a the U.S. national anthem be played at her con­ cal access out of proportion to their numbers." full-blown SOB. certs because only blacks are censored in this 074 White Sox fan country, not whites. Sal supposed she was speaking of 2 live Crew, and she probably was. 0 liberals have little use for Biblical doctrine • D Congress has just approved a very special But what really got O'Connor's goat was prob­ on abortion or homosexuality, not to mention monument commemorating and glorifying the ably the refusal of NBC to honor her demand to stealing or coveting what is thy neighbor'S. Indians responsible for that massacre of whites censor Andrew Dice Clay on Saturday Night There are parts of the Holy Book more to their commonly known as "Custer's Last Stand." Live. You'll recall that Sinead was scheduled to liking, however. BBC recently devoted 10 Honestly, does anyone need any more proof appear on that episode, but refused to perform minutes to a black inner-city London preacher that the government of this fabulous land is out when NBC supported Clay's right to be disgust­ who cited Biblical chapter and verse to predict to destroy us completely? ing. So much for her high-minded condemna­ fire and brimstone unless the entire Third 775 tion of censorship as a principle. World moves in tomorrow. Twenty young Eri­ 244 trean men sleep on the floor of his church be­ .. D Reading National Review is like kissing your cause things are tough back home. The good sister! o If American elections were really "demo­ padredidn't address these questions: (1) There 121 cratic," David Duke would be the new senator· are enough Bangladeshis or Eritreans to double • elect for louisiana. The fraud, graft, collusion or triple the population of any European coun­ D It was a great thrill to have worked for the and shenanigans that the Republican and Dem­ try. Should no limit be set on our hospitality? (2) election campaign of David Duke. Had the me­ ocratic parties perpetrated on Majority mem­ If a mere 10 or 20 million would do for now, dia been honest about the issues and the per­ bers in Louisiana show more clearly than any­ wouldn't that be unfair to the 100 or 200 mil­ sonalities, Duke would have won going away. thing else that we are indeed the Dispossessed lion left behind? (3) What happens if the bles­ The slimeball commentators of the news media Majority. Seeing a line of Negroes snaking into sed newcomers stubbornly cling to some of the used every negative innuendo their masters in a polling place in a rundown New Orleans quaint customs even liberals fail to consider Zoo City could think of. I look forward to assist­ neighborhood said it all. "enriching," such as female circumcision? ing Duke in his next political race. 700 British subscriber 802 Instauration CONTENTS is published 12 times a year by Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. The Geneaology of Mexican Genes ............................................................ 6 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 The Tawana Brawley and Other Hoaxes Regurgitated ................................ 9 Annual Subscription Anti-Racist Mania in Britain .....................................................•...•........... 10 $30 regular (sent third class) Minority Skirmishes in Zoo City ............................................................... 11 $20 student (sent third class) Earnest Albert Hooton: A Reappraisal ...................................................... 13 Add $11 for first class mail $38 Canada and foreign (surface) Nordic vs. Japanese Smarts ...................................................................... 14 Add $22 Europe (air) Iffy Traits ........•...................................................•.................................... 15 Add $27 Elsewhere (air) Cultural Catacombs .........................................•....................................... 18 Single copy price $4, plus $1 postage Inklings .................................................................................................... 20 Wilmot Robertson, Editor WASPishly yours ...................................................................................... 22 Make checks payable to Howard Allen. Notes from the Sceptred Isle .................................................................... 23 Florida residents please add 6% sales tax. Satcom Sam Dishes It Out........................................................................ 24 Third class mail is not forwardable. Please advise us of any change of address Talking Nunlbers ...................................................................................... 25 well in advance. Prinlate Watch ......................................................................................... 26 ISSN 0277-2302 Elsewhere................................................................................................. 27 © 1990 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Stirrings .......•.........•................................................................................. 32 All Rights Reserved End of File ................................................................•............................... 34 PAGE 2 --INSTAURATION -- DECEMBER 1990 D The liberal aim of preserving a power bal­ D Hitler did a skillful job of-.hringing Germany D The man on the white horse rallying Majority ance in the Middle East and the minority in­ not only out of the 1930s depression, but out of members to their own defense seems an im­ terest of giving the Zionist entity a few more its moral lassitude and decadence. But then probable dream. How about this alternative? years of miserable existence have coalesced. something changed. I've made a list of about a The political whiz who cleverly compromises What troubles me most is that, for the fifth time dozen of Hitler's war strategies and campaign to obtain the highest office -- and then lowers in this century, the Dispossessed Majority has decisions. Everyone of them was wrong and the boom. been provided with an outlet for its aggression. resulted in defeat and disaster in each particu­ 401 As long as we continue to have one distracting lar instance. I no longer think those claims that war per generation, a wake-up call is unlikely. Hitler was a brilliant strategist are true. D Even if Duke's past had been pure as the 927 952 driven snow, the media would still have torn him apart. D The last several issues of Instauration have D Saddam has 250,000 troops already sta­ 495 been great, occasionally superb. They seem to tioned in Detroit alone. Bush has only about get better and better, month after month. I'm 200,000 in all Saudi Arabia. Saddam's Negro o In heaven's name, how can you have a "bud­ damned if I know how you can do this year in, troops are not costing him a cent; they are all get" which includes an annual $21 billion item year out. Anyhow, here's a double sawbuck for volunteers. for teenage pregnancies? All this says to the a sub so some college boy can be enlightened 503 minority brood mares is, "Sure, go ahead and (absolutely nobody at Harvard or Stanford, have that baby. Society will gladly take care of please!) Or, if you agree with me that the effort D Every parent knows that a child most stri­ your [budget-breaking] child." is probably wasted (hell, they can't read!), why dently denies dipping into the cookie jar,
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