Redesigned Website – Feb 1! palmerstonara.org JOIN US NOW! — see inside for details Should Toronto Become a Charter City? By Paul MacLean Should Toronto become a Charter City? Join the conversation and have your say. es, recent provincial cuts are impacting the city democratic participation in decision making that were and our neighbourhood! Citizens are now acutely present well before the last provincial election. Yaware of how little influence we have on deci- sions great and small that affect the quality of our urban At PARA’s AGM last June we heard about the move- life and the future of our city. Can becoming a Charter ment to create a City Charter for Toronto that would City help? A movement is afoot to shift power, authority, provide new powers and protections and more au- and responsibility for our urban life towards the people tonomy for our city. Charter City Toronto has now put of Toronto. forward a comprehensive proposal for such a charter The actions of the provincial government over the with the intention of building conversation and support. past year and a half have caused chaos and a waste of The proposal covers: valuable staff, political, and volunteer energy in our sGOVERNANCE city. Council has been reduced, funding for essen- sCONSTITUTIONALPROTECTION tial services have been cut, and the decision-making sPOWERSANDAUTHORITYDISTINGUISHINGBETWEENEX- framework created by the City to handle its future clusive city jurisdictions and jurisdictions that are development has been rescinded. These changes have shared with other levels of government) served to highlight issues of funding, governance, and sREVENUEANDlNANCES continued on page 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Nish Dish 7 Message from Councillor Layton; Responsible Planning 2 Lane Naming Celebration 8 PARA GREEN REPORT: Clean-Up Day; Climate Strike; Having a Party? 4 New to the Neighbourhood 10 Pollinator Grant; Did You Know? 5 Party in the Park; Palmerston Gates 11 Membership Form and Information 6 Mirvish Park 12 ABOUT PARA (Palmerston Area Residents’ Association): PARA is a volunteer organization of residents committed to strengthening and preserving the stability, distinctive character and quality of life in the Toronto neighbourhood bounded by Bloor and College, Grace and Bathurst Streets. ESTABLISHE D 1985 P age 1 7).4%2s Charter City? cont’d from page 1 Responsible Planning and Development — Challenges and Frustrations By Ingrid Nasager have many dedicated realm and transportation; and We neighbours who give of to guide future development their expertise and considerable and retail along this diverse and volunteer time to planning and character-flled street. Charter City Toronto advocate Councillor Josh Matlow. development issues, both large This avenue planning study and small. But lately their eforts co-sponsored by Councillors Interestingly, tHEEXCLUSIVECITY have been very frustrated. The Layton and Bailao in June 2018, jurisdictions proposed include land- following are two examples that had been scheduled to begin in use planning, streets, housing, local illustrate both the persistence late 2019. transit, health and education. This list and patience of our volunteers The best the city planners is bound to be controversial. and also the unsatisfactory state could do was to suggest that A City Charter addresses the core of our civic structures and ser- PARA engage on its own in some issue that has led to a very unsatisfac- vices. One concerns long-range of the preliminary work to pre- tory state of affairs. In the Canadian planning and the other non-com- pare for the study. constitution, created in the 19th cen- pliance with existing regulations. This delay is but one of the con - tury, municipalities are creatures of the sequences to our neighbourhood province. This may have been appro- College Street of provincial cuts to the structure, – an Avenue Study and resources of City Council. priate for the era, but now that Toronto PARA and its College Street With the redrawing of ward has a population greater than half the Task Group have recently been boundaries, City Plan ning has had #ANADIANPROVINCESANDISEXPERIENC- informed that it will be at least to restructure its planning zones ing unprecedented growth, it is time another year before the College and related stafng, resulting for a new deal. Street West Avenue Study will in an even bigger backlog of You can read and comment on the get underway. planning requests. proposal at: chartercitytoronto.ca. PARA had requested an av- 9OUCANlNDOUTABOUTEVENTSSUP- enue study for College Street Noncompliance porting this movement through Coun- from Bathurst to Lansdowne: in the Neighbourhood cillor Josh Matlow’s site: joshmatlow. to protect heritage buildings There are existing bylaws, stan- ca/empowerto/ PARA and character; to improve public dards, and city and provincial Community Update From Councillor Mike Layton Copenhagen last month on behalf hope everyone in PARA enjoyed brought forward declaring a climate of the City of Toronto. I attended at I the fall season. I have been busy emergency and committing Council the request of the Mayors of Paris at City Hall, responding to the to climate actions that would signif- and Copenhagen in recognition of concerns from PARA about climate cantly reduce our emissions. I have my leadership on climate change change and working on issues been working on this for a long time, initiatives in Toronto, and specif- related to development pressures alongside environmental experts cally my role in starting Toronto’s on College, the status of the Palm- and advocates. I expect that the Home Energy Loan Program (HELP) erston Gates, and the next steps in green plan PARA put together will be and High-Rise Retroft Improvement the Mirvish Village Park. a framework for climate mitigation Support Program (Hi-RIS). At City Council in October, I was eforts within this neighbourhood. Locally, City Planning agreed to glad to have the support of my I also had the privilege of attend- begin work on a College Street West Council colleagues on a motion I ing the C40 World Mayors Summit in Avenue Study that will help guide 7).4%2s P age 2 WWW.P ALMERSTONAR A.ORG Ensuring compliance with existing regulations and creating imaginative and responsible plans for future development are proving a challenge for both the City and its many residents’ associations. departments that are intended to pro- erating as a rooming house and the ments. If you notice suspicious activ- tect neighbourhoods from illegal, un- matter is being pursued by the City’s ity at a property in the neighbour- safe, and substandard developments legal department. Whether or not hood, please contact PARA for advice and renovations. What if an unscru- there will be signifcant consequences on how to proceed. pulous developer simply ignores legal for the developer remains to be seen. These are but two of an increasing processes? A recent example illus- This is a fagrant – but not unique number of issues afecting our neigh- trates the frustrating process of iden- – case of extensive work being bourhood in which PARA has taken a tifying and reporting concerns within done without the requisite permits. role and spent considerable energies. the existing municipal framework. An The lack of coordination and slow At the city level our councillor now extensive renovation was undertaken response of various departments manages a ward equivalent in size without the required permits. A group to residents’ complaints can prob- to our federal and provincial ridings. of concerned residents contacted no ably not be laid at the feet of the Ensuring compliance with existing fewer than fve separate city and pro- provincial government but is more regulations and creating imagina- vincial departments over a period of likely due to chronic understafng. tive and responsible plans for future several months, but with few results However, the only way to stop illegal development are proving a challenge and no discernible coordination. Stop developments and renovations is to for both the City and its many resi- Work orders were ignored and the by- make a complaint and to follow it dents’ associations. These and other HOY C laws were fouted with little recourse. up persistently with the councillor’s municipal issues have fuelled support AMES J The building in question is now op- ofce and the relevant city depart- for new powers for Toronto. PARA future growth in the erston was believed to be We expect to have plans in Janu- neighbourhood and the private entryway to ary for comment, followed by the prepare for densifca- a rural private street. The plans being submitted to the Design tion. This needed re- plans will help to ensure Review Panel later in the year. Once view has been delayed that this piece of our his- designs are solidifed, construction to late 2020 due to tory is never lost, and we can begin, although the opening will staf shortage, but I will continue to continue to honour our past. likely be late 2022 because the area work to ensure it is funded and com- Lastly, the design for Mirvish Vil- is required in the interim for con- pleted as quickly as possible. lage Park continues, and my ofce struction staging. On Bloor Street, staf have created will be communicating next steps for If you have any questions/con- plans to reinvigorate and beautify community involvement in the com- cerns please don’t hesitate to email the Palmerston Gates, a relic of a ing months, including an updated me at: Councillor_Layton@ toronto. simpler time in the City, when Palm- park concept to share with all of you. ca or by telephoning: 416-392-4009. ESTABLISHE D 1985 P age 3 7).4%2s PARA GR EEN REP O R T Clean-Up Day shorelinecleanup.ca), an organization donated cookies and hot drinks of that promotes community clean-ups mulled apple cider and hot chocolate PARA’s Clean-up day is becoming a and tracks the amounts and kinds with marshmallows.
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