Op Title List since Date: Mar 16, 2019 Publisher Imprint ISBN Title Author Pub Pub Format Status Status Last Month Price Date Return Date Audio Audio 1427202303 LONG WAY GONE UAB CD BEAH, ISHMAEL 03/07 39.99 CD OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Audio Audio 1427214816 TRUCKER GHOST STORIES ABR CD WILDER, ANNIE 08/12 23.99 CD OP 05/27/19 08/25/19 Audio Audio 1427215464 PUBLIC SPEAKER'S GUIDE TO ACING YOU MARSHALL, LISA B. 10/09 14.99 DA OP 05/08/19 08/06/19 Audio Audio 1427217513 LOOK AGAIN ABR CD SCOTTOLINE, LISA 01/12 14.99 CD OP 06/10/19 09/08/19 Audio Audio 1593979029 TWELVE SHARP UAB CD EVANOVICH, JANET 06/06 34.95 CD OP 07/07/19 10/05/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 074754445X LORCA - A DREAM OF LIFE STAINTON, LESLIE 07/13 24.95 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0747588937 MODERNITY BRITAIN KYNASTON, DAVID 07/13 40 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 074759404X SHOE PRINCESS'S GUIDE TO THE GALA BOWD, EMMA 07/10 12 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0747595313 EDIBLE SEASHORE WRIGHT, JOHN 07/10 25 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0747595321 PRESERVES CORBIN, PAM 09/08 25 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0747595348 VEG PATCH DIACONO, MARK 05/14 25 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0747596514 THE INFORMERS VÁSQUEZ, JUAN GABRIEL 06/09 17 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0747596670 HARM'S WAY WALDEN, CELIA 06/10 12 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0802778372 GOOD BOOK GRAYLING, A C 03/13 22 TP OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408158809 EL CLASICO: BARCELONA V REAL MADRID FITZPATRICK, RICHARD 09/13 18 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408801191 BLOOD OVER WATER LIVINGSTON, JAMES 10/11 18.5 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408801299 MEMOIRS OF A RADICAL LAWYER MANSFIELD, MICHAEL 11/11 22.5 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408802546 CONFIDENCE MANTHORPE, ROWLAND 11/16 25 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408803070 LIBERTY IN THE AGE OF TERROR GRAYLING, A C 05/11 18 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408807564 RIVER COTTAGE AND BABY TODDLER COOK DUFFY, NIKKI 04/12 34 TC OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408808811 FRUIT DIACONO, MARK 04/14 25 TC OP 04/30/19 07/29/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408808838 HERBS DUFFY, NIKKI 04/14 25 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408809788 ZIMBABWE BARCLAY, PHILIP 10/11 18.5 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408812088 WG'S BIRTHDAY PARTY KYNASTON, DAVID 06/11 16 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408812134 ISLAND SUMMERS CULME-SEYMOUR, TILLY 09/13 32 TC OP 06/10/19 09/08/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 140881420X MY EARLY LIFE AL-QASIMI, SULTAN BIN MUH 06/11 50 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408816881 LE MANOIR AUX QUAT'SAISONS BLANC, RAYMOND 11/16 375 TC OP 07/19/19 10/17/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408817896 GENTLE PLEA FOR CHAOS OSLER, MIRABEL 10/11 16.5 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408821893 PAO YOUNG, KERRY 04/12 15 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408822059 SUN HASN'T FALLEN FROM THE SKY GANGEL, ALISON 01/12 18.5 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408822083 RIFLEMAN STROUD, RICK 01/12 16.5 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408822113 KITCHEN SECRETS BLANC, RAYMOND 12/12 32 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408822210 RAIN TREE OSLER, MIRABEL 05/14 13.99 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408827751 GOODBYE SARAJEVO REID, ATKA 05/14 13.99 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408830221 CORONATION GALLICO, PAUL 05/13 19.95 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408830507 CAIRO SOUEIF, AHDAF 02/14 15 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408831422 STILL LIFE LUARD, ELISABETH 04/14 15.99 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408833999 GLORIOUS MISADVENTURES MATTHEWS, OWEN 07/15 18 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408835479 SOPHIA ANAND, ANITA 07/16 18 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408842572 MOB RULE EVANS, HANNAH 05/14 13.99 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Jul 30, 2019 - 1 - 2:40:48 PM Op Title List since Date: Mar 16, 2019 Publisher Imprint ISBN Title Author Pub Pub Format Status Status Last Month Price Date Return Date Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408843315 ISLAND SUMMERS CULME-SEYMOUR, TILLY 12/14 13.99 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408843404 THE DISINHERITED SACKVILLE-WEST, ROBERT 08/16 18 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408843676 BRICKS & MORTALS WILKINSON, TOM 01/17 20 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408845105 ROMANY AND TOM WATT, BEN 12/15 16 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408845784 TOM THE OBSCURE ELLMANN, LUCY 06/14 5.99 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408856301 FRANCIS BACON IN YOUR BLOOD PEPPIATT, MICHAEL 01/17 20 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408856662 DON'T LET HIM KNOW ROY, SANDIP 03/16 16 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408865289 THE HOLLOW OF THE HAND HARVEY, PJ 10/15 85 TC OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 140887685X HINTERLAND BROTHERS, CAROLINE 01/17 17 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408878097 TIPS FROM WIDOWERS ROBINSON, JAN 01/17 16 TC OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1472904249 SOCIAL SUPPERS ATHERTON, JASON 12/14 30 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1472905660 PIE! TAYLOR, GENEVIEVE 10/14 23 TP OP 06/10/19 09/08/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1472909410 TOM KERRIDGE’S BEST EVER DISHES KERRIDGE, TOM 10/14 35 TC OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582343438 LEMON TREE TOLAN, SANDY 05/06 24.95 TC OP 04/30/19 07/29/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582344256 WHY READ? EDMUNDSON, MARK 09/04 21.95 TC OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596912529 GEARY'S GUIDE TO THE WORLD'S GREA GEARY, JAMES 10/07 19.95 TC OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596912774 HATCHED! TANEN, SLOANE 04/07 14.95 TC OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596914130 CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE LONGWORTH, RICHARD C. 12/07 25.95 TC OP 07/12/19 10/10/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596915501 BIG FAT DUCK COOKBOOK BLUMENTHAL, HESTON 11/08 250 TC OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596915900 CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE LONGWORTH, RICHARD C. 08/09 16 TP OP 07/12/19 10/10/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608190838 FREEDARKO PRESENTS: THE UNDISPUTED SHOALS, BETHLEHEM 10/10 25 TC OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608192814 DEADLY SPIN POTTER, WENDELL 11/10 26 TC OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608195511 HUNGRY EAR YOUNG, KEVIN 10/12 25 TC OP 07/12/19 10/10/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608196097 FURIES MARTINES, LAURO 01/13 28 TC OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608196186 FURIES MARTINES, LAURO 09/14 18 TP OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608199266 POISON SPRING VALLIANATOS, E.G. 03/15 17 TP OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1620400049 S STREET RISING CASTANEDA, RUBEN 07/14 26 TC OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1620404982 A SLANT OF LIGHT LENT, JEFFREY 01/16 17 TP OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 162040642X WHY TEACH? EDMUNDSON, MARK 08/14 16 TP OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1620408546 CONVERSATION VOLANDES, ANGELO, M.D. 01/15 26 TC OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1632860392 ARTHUR AND SHERLOCK SIMS, MICHAEL 01/17 27 TC OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1632863146 DIVIDED WE STAND SPRUILL, MARJORIE J. 02/17 33 TC OP 06/14/19 09/12/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1632863774 THE FLANEUR WHITE, EDMUND 10/15 18 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1899791213 TRADITIONAL AGA BOOK OF SLOW COOK WALKER, LOUISE 07/95 16 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1899791744 TRADITIONAL AGA BOOK OF BREADS AN WALKER, LOUISE 12/03 16 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1904573010 CINNAMON CLUB COOKBOOK WAHAB, IQBAL 10/03 40 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1904573045 LITTLE BOOK OF AGA TIPS 2 MAGGS, RICHARD 03/03 4.95 TP OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 190457310X LITTLE BOOK OF RAYBURN TIPS MAGGS, RICHARD 03/03 4.95 TP OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1904573193 LITTLE BOOK OF AGA TIPS 3 MAGGS, RICHARD 03/04 4.95 TP OP 04/30/19 07/29/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1904573231 COMPLETE BOOK OF AGA KNOW-HOW MAGGS, RICHARD 12/04 16 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Jul 30, 2019 - 2 - 2:40:48 PM Op Title List since Date: Mar 16, 2019 Publisher Imprint ISBN Title Author Pub Pub Format Status Status Last Month Price Date Return Date Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1904573355 LITTLE BOOK OF GARDENING TIPS FORTT, WILLIAM 03/06 4.95 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1904573371 LITTLE BOOK OF BARBECUE TIPS LANGLEY, ANDREW 03/06 4.95 TP OP 04/05/19 07/04/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 190457341X CINNAMON CLUB SEAFOOD COOKBOOK SINGH, VIVEK 07/06 25 TC OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1904573509 LITTLE BOOK OF POKER TIPS FRENCH, PETER 03/06 4.95 TP OP 07/26/19 10/24/19 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult
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