Global & Local Vol. 22 No. 1 Economic Review Volume 22 No.1 2018 Zia Ur Rahman, Manzoor Ahmad, Umar Sultan, Cai Hongbo The determinants of exports between Pakistan and its major trading partners: applying the gravity model approach Flavio Felice The international dimension of the social market economy: Global & LocalGlobal Economic Review 2018 its reception in Italy and Sturzo’s interpretation Umer Shahzad, Suleman Sarwar, Waqas Amin, Qamar-uz-Zaman The relationships among economic growth, renewable energy consumption, co2 emissions and agriculture production: empirical evidence for China and India Muhammad Arif, Kashif Ur Rehman Determinants of the usage of financial services in Pakistan € 13,00 (i.i.) ISSN: 1722-4241 Education McGraw-Hill POLICY FOR THE SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GLOBAL & LOCAL ECONOMIC REVIEW 1. PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS For a manuscript to be accepted for publication in the Review, authors are required to abide by the following publication rules. In particular, authors must state that: %the manuscript, or relevant parts of the manuscripts, was not previously published; %the manuscript is not simultaneously under review by any other journal; %the manuscript will be not submitted elsewhere before the final outcome of peer-reviewing process by the Scientific Board. 2. MANUSCRIPTS SUBMISSION Manuscripts must be sent to the Scientific Board by e-mail attachment to gler@ Papers, which must be submitted in printable formats, should include the manuscript text, footnotes, a bibliography, an abstract not longer than 300 words and the JEL code (available on It is the author's responsibility to ensure that papers are written in clear and comprehensible English, especially if they do not adhere to linguistic standards. Institutional affiliation, telephone number and the e-mail address of the author (or the corresponding author in case of multiple authorship) should be placed on the first page of the manuscript. All manuscripts should follow the format specified in the section “Instructions for authors”, available on the Review website 3. REVIEWING PROCESS The manuscript is reviewed by the Scientific Board and, if judged suitable for publication in the Review, is then sent to three referees for a rigorous blind peer-reviewing process. %The initial decision by the Scientific Board takes 2 weeks. %Authors will be informed of the review decision and all relevant comments by the three referees within approximately a month. Based on the referee's recommendations, the Scientific Board then decides whether the paper should be accepted as it is, revised or rejected. In any case, authors will be provided with a feedback. In case of acceptance by the Scientific Board, the publication process will begin by assigning the manuscript to a number and a year of the Review. Proof corrections and the printing process takes approximately a month. 4. MISCELLANEOUS Authors submitting manuscripts to the Review are expected to be available for contributing as referees, in the event they would be so requested. The articles published on Global & Local Economic Review will be listed in the ECONLIT and EJEL bibliographies. Table of Contents Global & Local Economic Review Honorary Editor: Kumaraswamy V. Velupillai Editor-in-chief: Nicola Mattoscio, University of Chieti-Pescara Associate Editor: Tonio Di Battista, The Italian Statistics Society, Rome BOARD OF EDITORS 1,&2/$$&2&(//$/D6DSLHQ]D8QLYHUVLW\5RPH -26e&$5/265$/&$178'8QLYHUVLGDGGH6DODPDQFD -$9,(5%$-23e5(=8QLYHUVLGDG3ROLWpFQLFDGH0DGULG ('*$5'2%8&&,$5(//,8QLYHUVLW\RI&KLHWL3HVFDUD 6+8+(1*&+(11DWLRQDO&KHQJFKL8QLYHUVLW\7DLSHL 3,(5/8,*,&,2&&$/XLJL(LQDXGL)RXQGDWLRQ7XULQ -8$10$18(/&25&+$'258QLYHUVLGDGGH6DODPDQFD *,86(33('(5,7$6RFLDO,QYHVWPHQW6WXG\&HQWUH&(16,65RPH )/$9,2)(/,&(3RQWLILFLDO/DWHUDQ8QLYHUVLW\9DWLFDQ&LW\ -($13$8/),72866,,QVWLWXWG·(WXGHV3ROLWLTXHVGH3DULV '21$7(//$)85,$8QLYHUVLW\RI&KLHWL3HVFDUD 0$852*$//(*$7,0DUFKH3RO\WHFKQLF8QLYHUVLW\$QFRQD -$<$7,*+26+-DZDKDUODO1HKUX8QLYHUVLW\1HZ'HKOL $'5,$12*,$112/$6RXWKHUQ,WDO\,QGXVWULDO'HYHORSPHQW$VVRFLDWLRQ69,0(=5RPH +(55$'(,*(56+(,08QLYHUVLWpGH6WUDVERXUJ 9$/(17,12/$5&,1(6(/RQGRQ6FKRRORI(FRQRPLFV 3$2/2/(*5(1=,,8$98QLYHUVLW\9HQLFH (/Ì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«Global & Local Economic Review» is included in JEL on CD, e-JEL and Econlit, the electronic indexing and abstracting service of the American Economic Association (GLWRULDO2IÀFHV: CorVo UmEHUWR,Q513HVFDUa 7HO 2110 – Fax 210 WHEVLWH: wwwJOHrLW (PDLOJOHU#IRQGD]LRQHSHVFDUDErX]]RLW All rights reserved 1 IV Indice Copyright © 201 McGraw-Hill Education (Italy), s.r.l. Via Ripamonti, 89 – 20141 Milano I diritti di traduzione, di riproduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica e di adattamento totale e parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm e le copie fotostatiche) sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Date le caratteristiche intrinseche di Internet, l’Editore non è responsabile per eventuali variazioni negli indirizzi e nei contenuti dei siti Internet riportati. Nomi e marchi citati nel testo sono generalmente depositati o registrati dalle rispettive case produttrici. Portofolio Manager B&E: Marta Colnago Programme Manager Custom: Daniele Bonanno Produzione: Donatella Giuliani Stampa: Prontostampa, Verdellino Zingonia (Bergamo) 0F*UDZ+LOO(GXFDWLRQ ,WDO\ ISSN (print) 1722-4241 - ISSN (online)1974-5125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 PS PS 2020 2019 2018 2017 Global & Local Economic Review Volume 22 No. 1 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Zia Ur Rahman, Manzoor Ahmad, Umar Sultan, Cai Hongbo The determinants of exports between Pakistan and its major trading partners: applying the gravity model approach Pag. 1 Flavio Felice The international dimension of the social market economy: its reception in Italy and Sturzo’s interpretation ” 23 Umer Shahzad, Suleman Sarwar, Waqas Amin, Qamar-uz-Zaman The relationships among economic growth, renewable energy consumption, co2 emissions and agriculture production: empirical evidence for China and India ” 41 Muhammad Arif, Kashif Ur Rehman Determinants of the usage of fi nancial services in Pakistan ” 69 * /(59RO1R ___________________________ =LD8U5DKPDQ 0DQ]RRU$KPDG8PDU6XOWDQÁ&DL+RQJER 7+('(7(50,1$1762)(;32576%(7:((13$.,67$1$1',76 0$-2575$',1*3$571(56$33/<,1*7+(*5$9,7<02'(/ $3352$&+ $EVWUDFW 7KLV VWXG\ VHHNV WR LGHQWLI\ UHOHYDQW IDFWRUV IRU 3DNLVWDQ¶V ELODWHUDO H[SRUWV ZLWKLQ WKH IUDPHZRUN RI DQ DXJPHQWHG JUDYLW\ PRGHO WR DQDO\]H YDULRXV GHWHUPLQDQWV RI 3DNLVWDQ¶V H[SRUWV WR LWV ILIWHHQ PDMRU WUDGLQJ SDUWQHUVZKLFKDEVRUEDOPRVWRI3DNLVWDQ¶VWRWDOH[SRUWV3DQHOGDWD IURP D WKLUWHHQ\HDU SHULRG FRYHULQJ WKH \HDUV WR KDYH EHHQ XVHG7KHDLPRIWKLVVWXG\LVWRGLVFRYHULIWKHPRVWFRPPRQJUDYLW\PRGHO YDULDEOHVKDYHVLPLODUHIIHFWVRQ3DNLVWDQ¶VH[SRUWVDVWKH\KDYHIRUPRVWRI WKH DGYDQFHG HFRQRPLHV 7KH +DXVPDQ WHVW UHYHDOV WKDW WKH IL[HG HIIHFWV PRGHO LV WKH PRVW DSSURSULDWH PRGHO IRU RXU SDQHO GDWD DQDO\VLV 2XU HVWLPDWHG UHVXOWV VKRZ WKDW WKH SURGXFW RI DQ H[SRUWLQJ FRXQWULHV¶ *'3 H[FKDQJH UDWH IRUHLJQ GLUHFW LQYHVWPHQW 6$$5& PHPEHUVKLS DQG )7$V KDYH VLJQLILFDQW SRVLWLYH LPSDFWV ZKLOH GLVWDQFH DQG WHUURULVPKDYH VLJQLILFDQWGHOHWHULRXVDQGQHJDWLYHLPSDFWVRQ3DNLVWDQ¶VH[SRUWV7KHVWXG\ DOVRIRXQGWKDWDQLQFUHDVHLQWKHSHUFDSLWD*'3RIDQH[SRUWLQJSDUWQHUKDV DQHJDWLYHHIIHFWDQGVKDULQJDFRPPRQODQJXDJHZLWKDQH[SRUWLQJSDUWQHU KDV D SRVLWLYH EXW VWDWLVWLFDOO\ LQVLJQLILFDQW LPSDFW RQ 3DNLVWDQ¶V H[SRUWV 7KH UHVXOWV RI WKLV VWXG\ ZLOO EH KHOSIXO WR WKH 3DNLVWDQL JRYHUQPHQW LQ VHWWLQJH[SRUWSROLFLHV -(/&/$66,),&$7,21)))& .(<:25'6 *5$9,7< 02'(/ (;3257 *'3 (;&+$1*( 5$7(7(5525,60)',3$.,67$1 3K'6WXGHQWLQ:RUOG(FRQRPLFV5HVHDUFK6FKRROIRU6RXWKHDVW$VLDQ6WXGLHV;LDPHQ8QLYHUVLW\ 1R6RXWK6LPLQJ5RDG;LDPHQ)XMLDQ&KLQD3KRQHE-mail address ]UDKPDQ#\DKRRFRP 3K'6WXGHQWLQ6FKRRORI(FRQRPLFV'HSDUWPHQWRI,QGXVWULDO(FRQRPLFV1DQMLQJ8QLYHUVLW\ Á 6XEMHFW 6SHFLDOLVWV LQ (FRQRPLFV (OHPHQWDU\ DQG 6HFRQGDU\ (GXFDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW .K\EHU 3DNKWXQNKZD3DNLVWDQ $VVRFLDWH3URIHVVRU%HLMLQJ1RUPDO8QLYHUVLW\%XVLQHVV6FKRRO%HLMLQJ&KLQD 1 The Determinants of Exports Between Pakistan… ,QWURGXFWLRQ $FFRUGLQJWRWKHH[SRUWOHGJURZWKK\SRWKHVLVH[SRUWVDUHLPSRUWDQWIRU DFRXQWU\¶VHFRQRPLFJURZWKDQGIURPWKHSHUVSHFWLYHRILQWHUQDWLRQDOWUDGH WKHRU\H[SRUWVSOD\DYLWDOUROHLQDQGDUHEHOLHYHGWREHWKHHQJLQHIRUWKH HFRQRPLF JURZWK RI DQ\ FRXQWU\ +XPD\RQ 5DP]DQ $KPDG 1DVHHE0XKDPPDG%DKDGDU 1DGHHP$]DP,VODP 6DMMDG DQG 0DKPRRG DQG $I]DO $OL QG $OWKRXJK 3DNLVWDQ LV WKH WK ODUJHVWH[SRUWHFRQRP\LQWKHZRUOGLWVH[SRUWVGRQRWHTXDORUH[FHHGLWV LPSRUWV 3DNLVWDQ¶V WRWDO H[SRUWV ZHUH ELOOLRQ DQG LWV LPSRUWV ZHUH ELOOLRQUHVXOWLQJLQDWUDGHGHILFLWRIELOOLRQ :', 7KH PDMRUUHDVRQIRUWKLVGHILFLWLVWKDW3DNLVWDQ¶VH[SRUWVDUHEDVHGRQSULPDU\ FRPPRGLWLHVDQGVHPLPDQXIDFWXUHGJRRGVDQGOHVVRQPDQXIDFWXUHGJRRGV )OXFWXDWLQJZRUOGGHPDQGIRULWVH[SRUWVGRPHVWLFSROLWLFDOXQFHUWDLQW\WKH LPSDFW RI RFFDVLRQDO GURXJKWV RQ LWV DJULFXOWXUDO SURGXFWLRQ WHUURULVP VHYHUHHQHUJ\VKRUWIDOOVDQGDODFNRILQIUDVWUXFWXUHKDYHDOOFRQWULEXWHGWR WKHYDULDELOLW\LQ3DNLVWDQ¶VWUDGHGHILFLW3DNLVWDQLVWKHWKODUJHVWSURGXFHU
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