June 4 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 Remarks to the Democratic Leadership Council National Conversation June 4, 1998 Thank you, Antonio, for that wonderful intro- And we have fundamentally, especially here duction. Thank you, Senator Lieberman, Gov- at the DLC, been a group of Democrats com- ernor Romer, Al From, and Will, and all the mitted to ideas. And in that sense, we have other folks here from the DLC. I thank Gov- embraced one of the central gems of wisdom ernor Carper and Lieutenant Governor Kathleen of the greatest Republican President, Abraham Kennedy Townsend, all the other elected offi- Lincoln, who, in a very eloquent series of state- cials who are here. I thank Jill Docking for ments that I'm sure many of you remember her work on this important project. by heart, reminded us that we could never build And let me say, I'm very glad to be here, our country up by tearing others down. I am and I wish that I could sit here for a couple proud to be a New Democrat with all of you. of hours and listen to you, instead of the other We have called our approach ``the third way,'' way around. I find I nearly always fail to learn with a Government that is more active, more things when I am doing the talking. But I am effective, less expensive; one that can bring us honored to be here. And I just took a little together and move us forward, not drive us picture in the next room with the elected offi- apart and set us back. cials who are here, and I was thinking that we I am profoundly grateful to the American have come a long way since 1984, a long way people that in two Presidential elections we have since the New Orleans Declaration, a long way been entrusted with the leadership of the coun- since Cleveland, and that all of you should be try into the 21st century. I believe it is not very proud to be a part of a growing national an accident that this has happened. I do not movement that at the same time is bearing faith- believe it is a figment of the fertile imagination fully our most treasured American traditions and of me or any political expert that worked for us. I think this happened because we had good ideas. ideas that were rooted in old values; that we I think it's worth remembering that in the were able to tell the American people in a con- early 19th century when the Democratic PartyÐ vincing way that we could transform our Nation, when the term began to be used, very often and in the process transform our party, in a the term was shortened from ``Democratic way that would enable us to do the eternal Party'' to just ``Democracy''; people used to refer business of America; that in the face of new to our predecessors as the Democracy, because challenges and new opportunities we would find we believed we were representing all Americans. a way to change while still anchored in our And I think that that may be a better name basic values; and that we could bring good re- for us now, even than it was then. Our party sults to the American people. is again a party of hope, a party of the future, That is what I think brought about those two a party that empowers individuals and gives election victories. And I believe that history, them a chance to be part of a larger national when people look back on it, will show that. progress and unity. And in that sense, every one of you who have The credo of Andrew Jackson's day that I've been a part of all we have done here for more heard Al From say a thousand times, ``oppor- than 10 years, and especially since the issuance tunity for all, special privileges for none,'' is of the New Orleans manifesto, can really take still a big part of what we believe. Thomas Jef- a lot of pride in the good things that have hap- ferson believed that we needed more freedom pened to America. We are, in effect, building and more responsibility, and that's still what we an American example for the new millennium believe. Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman right now. believed that America had to lead in this in- Now, just think how far we've come. Think creasingly interdependent world if we wanted about how America was in 1990, in 1991. We to advance the cause of freedom and peace and not only had problems, we were not only drift- prosperity and security. That's still what we be- ing apart and stagnating economically and our lieve. social problems were deepening, but there was 884 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 15:13 Jul 12, 2000 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00884 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\PUBPAP\PAP_TXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / June 4 a real belief on the part of many people that people have now come into national service in nobody was really concerned enough to do any- the last 4 years. And over half of them have thing about it. And more and more we had earned the credits to go to college; that was folks in the other party saying, ``Well, there's a very essential part of the DLC idea of national a reason we're not concerned. We can't do any- service and earning money for education. And thing about it, because Government is the prob- it is making America a better place. If you didn't lem, and we just have to let this stuff happen, read about it, it's only because no one had a and if we don't, it will just get worse. If we fight or called anyone a name. But it actually try to make it better, it will just get worse.'' happened yesterday, and it was quite wonderful. And you remember all their speeches, ``The And it was very, very moving to see that an Democrats would mess up a two-car parade,'' idea that all of us nourished for such a long and all that sort of thing. That was the basic time was actually out there alive. prevailing conventional wisdom that they tried One of the young men who spoke said, ``The to hammer home: ``So, yes, we have these prob- first time my mother ever said she was proud lems, but we really can't deal with them because of me was when I became an AmeriCorps vol- Government is inherently the problem. Now, unteer and I started working with children.'' A if you trust the Democrats, they'll just make young man that I met 7 years ago in Boston it worse by trying to help.'' when I was running for President came up and And then, to make the climate worse, there reminded the audience that he'd given me the were politicians who really tried to make these T-shirt off his backÐthe sweatshirt off his back social differences in our country bigger, when so I'd never forget the service project he was I'm trying so hard to make them smaller. Every involved in. And I kept it and ran in it and time they saw a point of tension in our society, still have it to this day. And he kept the service they saw that as an opportunity for what the to this day; he now does it full-time. professionals call ``wedge issues.'' And there There are young people like this all over were even people who believed, looking at all America. How did this happen? It happened this, that our country was in some sort of long- because the DLC developed this concept of na- term decline. And all the experts believedÐthe tional service. We had an election; it was part political experts believed that it would be a very, of the election debate; and the Congress ratified very long time before any Democrat could be the judgment of the people in the election of elected, because the other party said, ``Govern- 1992. And it changed America. There are lots ment is inherently bad, and besides that, the of other ideas like this. Democrats can't run the economy, manage for- The DLC talked a lot about reinventing Gov- eign policy. They're weak on crime, weak on ernment and how we had to change the way welfare, and they'll run the deficit up. It will Government worked and brought in a lot of be a disaster.'' You remember all that. people to actually go through the details of it. Where is all that? It's all gone. What drove And a lot of that is kind of boring, you know, it away? Reality. [Laughter] You should be and it doesn't make great high-flown lines in proud of that. You should be proud that you speeches. But a huge percentage of the savings have been a part of that. We tried in this admin- that we will enjoy over the next 5 years that istration to be faithful to what we said in Cleve- are helping us to balance the budget came be- land in 1991, to stay with the themes of oppor- cause of the reinventing Government efforts that tunity and responsibility and community. We've the Vice President led. And we now have over tried to make sure that our ideas were driven 300,000 fewer people, and 16,000 pages of un- by our values, and our politics were driven by necessary regulations gone, and more than 250 our policies, not the other way around.
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