raing for, CPS Offices Slow By DON WHITE Clark "Jinx" Rector, -,'1de1y dential positio 11. Others interested considered as a presidential as- in these ottices waited to jockey Campus politicians coyly wait- pirant, told this reporter yester- for positions after candidates be- ed out the first week of nomina- day he would 'definitely be a gin lining up later this week. tion petitioning in r a c e s for candidate for an ASCPS office." ASCPS offices apparently leery Marlene Buck admitted she wa Rector refused to disclose what preparing to campaign for ASCPS of declaring their candidacy too position he would seek. far in advance. With a full week secretary and Ann Throckmortor IFC President Duane Anderson confirmed remarks she would of filing gone there were no peti- refused to confirm rumors he tions returned to the student seek a delegate-at-large seat. would be a candidate for presi- Duane Parker will run for junior body office as late as Sunday dent but offered he was consid- night. Filing ends Monday and representative as will Phi Delt's ering it." Kappa Sig's John Stev- Tom Beardemphi. the primary elections are March ens spiked rumors he would seek 13 and 14. the ASCPS presidency. 'Tlere is The meetings of Greek organ- In political circles there was a no possibility of that," he corn- zations last night were expected rash of speculation as to what men ted. to produce a bevy of office-seek- WELCOM1NG CPS visitors, Mrs. R. Franklin Thompson (I.) presents a candidates would declar them- The 1st and 2nd vice presi- ers who will file with the bless-. bouquet of Tacoma daffodils to Mrs. Charles Taft, as Dr. Thompson, cal- selves this week. Bob McGill, 2nd dencies were wide open as the ings of their frats or sororities. kge president (I.) and Mayor Taft look on. RE speaker Taft arrived Sunday. vice president and long suggested first week of filing ended. Trail Petitioning will be heavy t h i s as a possible presidential can- editor Al Guns announced he week and undoubetdly, judging didate, did not have his petition would run for 1st vice president. from the undercurrent of enthus- returned Sunday but confirmed John Sherwood had no comment asm, a full slate will vie for the he would definitely be a contend- on widely-circulating rumors he 11 ASCPS positions and May RE Program Main Speaker er for the office. would campaign for a vice presi- Queen. Taft to End (PS Visit Today Charles P. Taft, former mayor of Cincinnati and well- known political personality, will end his stay on the CPS campus today after a busy three days as main speaker for the last Religious Emphasis program. In addition to speak- T H-E I L ing on the theme, "Religion in expert. From 1955 to 1957 Taft THE OF F IC IAL P F ASSOCI D Life - . Participation," Taft led was mayor of Cincinnati. Recent- STUDENTS OF TH F PUGET SOUND group discussions and met with ly he declared his intention to members of the faculty while run as a Republican candidate here. for the governorship of Ohio. The RE program began Sunday As a part of the RE program, Tacoma, Washingtoll night with worship at the First books are being sold in the Re- 1957-58—N umber 16 Tuesday, Februari 25, 1958 Methodist church. Townspeople ligious Life center. According to and students attended the service general co-chairmen, Nancy East- IRC Opens Drive o hear Taft speak about the re- man, Pat Cann and Duane Parker, lating of religious beliefs to voca- the books will continue to be sold Central Boar d Views Trail, 'Books for tions and life-work. through Wednesday. Among those The CPS International Relations Several students took part in being displayed and sold are sev- club began spear-heading the leading the worship service, and eral written by Taft, as well as Books for Asians" drive on cam- the Tacoma Choral society per- other religious and humorous Tam anaw as Editorial P pus this week. The campaign is formed special music. Faculty books. Joe Sartz is chairman of Central Board turned its criti- houses as a minor function. (2) intended to raise used text and members and their wives met the sale. cal gaze Wednesday toward the Any organization holding a func- fiction books wrich the club will with Taft at a tea at President R. Tamanawag and the Trail. tion on a week night may submit send to students of 20 Asian na- Franklin Thompson's home fol- A publications committee rec- a written report instead of filling tions. iowing the church service. ommendation, presented by Chair- out social forms, and obtaining University and college level Speaks at Convo New Dorm man Aulani Rutherford. to make chaperone. books in good condition published Monday's program i n c I u d e d free Tamanawas space available In the money-spending depart- after 1945 And works by stand- morning discussions and an in- Bids Opened; only t 0 all-colloge activities ment, the student solons voted to ard fiction authors published be- formal luncheon and discussion caused heated discussion before pay travel costs and $15 toward fore 1945 arl needed. meeting held in the lower lounge the board tabled it. registration fees for up to eight Anyone having books to donate of Collins Memorial library. More Work Begins In effect, the recommendation delegates to the spring meeting may contact club president An. lime was devoted to group dis- Contracts have been let and would have required G r e e k of Evergreen Conference Students nette Burk, secretary Hannah Da- cussions led by Taft that after- construction has started on the groups to pay for the photos of association, scheduled for March vidson, or leave the books in the noon. college's new $500,000 women's their queens. 6-9 at the University of British history department offices in Taft's last appearances on cam- dormitory, Dr. R. Franklin Thomp- Two less controversial recorn- Columbia. lower Jones hall. pus are at joint convocation this son, college president, reported mendations—one calling on stud- morning in the Fieldhouse, and Friday. ents with ideas about the Tam- at an informal gathering which The facility, to be located be- anawas to confer with publica- follows in the Religious Life ceii- tions committee, and the other di- 11cr. tween Anderson and Jones halls, is expected to be completed in recting the Tamanawas editor to Taft was graduated from Yale discuss with publications com- niversity with a bachelor's de- time for occupancy this fall. Aug. 26 is the projected completion mittee in the spring costs, appor- gree in 1918, and was admitted to tionment of space, and contents the Ohio bar in 1922. During col- date. Norman Strom's construction of the book—were approved by ege he was an all-around ath- the board. lute who played championship firm was awarded the building's football and basketball at Yale. general construction c o n t r a c t "The Trail's editorial column is He was second in his class there, from a field of 16 bidders. The written by staff members, gen- and edited the Yale Law Journal. heating and plumbing and the erally the editor, and does not Political Career electrical contracts were let to necessarily reflect the opinions of After serving as prosecuting at- H-K Western and Connors Elec- the Associated Students or the lorney for Hamilton County in trical companies, Thompson said. college." That is what publica- Ohio, he was a tax and trial law- All are Tacoma firms. tions committee reported it had er, labor consultant and housing Upon the dorm's completion, decided after investigating Trail coeds currently living in Fresh- editorial policy. man hail, originally planned as a After kicking aj-ound a sugges- Social Calendar men's dorm, will return to the tion that ASCPS sponsor all-col- Feb. 25—Wrestlers at Fauntle- women residents' side of the lege mixers on week-end even- roy YMCA. campus. ings when no other all-school Feb. 28—AWS tolo. The name of the Tacoma busi- function is planned, the student Feb. 28 and Mar. I—Swim meet ness man who donated the resi- legislators empowered a c t i n g at EWCE. dence hail to the college has not chairman John Damitio to appoint AWS TOLO KING candidates are (top row, I. to r.): Wayne Carter, Kers Mar. 1—Movie, "I'd Climb the yet been released. The building a three-member committee to Carter ,Dick Pruett; (bottom row): Scott Strode, Wes Miller, and Duorie Highest Mountain." is expected to bear his name. look into the matter. Zaske. Bandleader of the Starlighters is Gary Gonter. (top, r.): Co-choir- Student Affairs committee head men of the dance are into Macs (middle row, I.); and Judith Smethurst. Bob McGill reported SAC had sent two recommendations to fac- Noted Physicist Lofgren to Deliver ulty rules committee: (1) Classify any activity held in fraternity Dance-Goers to See AWS Series of Lectures, T älk With Students King Crowned Saturday Dr. E. J. Lofgren, physicist in pices of the American Institute of the radiation laboratory of the Physics and the National Science Debaters Schedule The coronation of a king will be held from 9 to 12 p.m. Satur- University of California will serve Foundation. While at CPS, Lof- highlight the annual Associated day. Cottons and sport clothes as a visiting lecturer at CPS gren will be the guest of Profes- Women Students' tolo in the will be the proper dress.
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