Cruising Map of the Droitwich Canals including Droitwich Barge Canal Droitwich Junction Canal River Salwarpe (in Droitwich) Issue 117 Route 41M1 Map Issue 53 Notes 1. The information is believed to be correct at the time of publication but changes are frequently made on the waterways and you should check before relying on this information. 2. We do not update the maps for short term changes such as winter lock closures for maintenance. 3. The information is provides “as is” and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. SSEVERNEVERN 3311 SSEVERNEVERN 3311 DDROITROIT 0011 DDROITROIT 0011 M ask lock keeper 11.74m.74m ((5'9")5'9") i 8 HHoltolt LLockock TThehe WWharfharf IInnnn i HHoltolt LLockock SStaffed.taffed. 0019051905 620620 218218 VHFVHF 7474 M patrons CheckCheck openingopening hourshours onon 0303003030 4040 4040 40,40, typicallytypically Spring:Spring: 08:00-18:0008:00-18:00 ! Weir 2266 HHoltolt Summer:Summer: 08:00-19:0008:00-19:00 FFleetleet BBridgeridge Autumn:Autumn: 08:00-18:0008:00-18:00 RRiveriver SSevernevern Winter:Winter: 08:00-16:0008:00-16:00 (closed(closed TueTue & Wed,Wed, aadvancedvance bookingbooking requiredrequired oonn 0014521452 310310 8832)32) 57.8K 35.9M 3L 0B 8.5H TrafficTraffic Lights:Lights: Red:Red: Wait,Wait, Green:Green: Proceed,Proceed, FFlashinglashing Red:Red: Wait,Wait, locklock keeperkeeper awareaware SSEVERNEVERN 3322 This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updates for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. RRiveriver SSevernevern 2.0K 1.2M 3L 0B 1.0H 22.00m.00m (6'7")(6'7") MMildenhamildenham MMillill LLockock 3 m MMildenhamildenham i BBevereevere LLockock SStaffed.taffed. 0019051905 640640 275275 VHFVHF 7474 BBridgeridge 4 CheckCheck openingopening hhoursours onon 0303003030 4040 4040 40,40, ttypicallyypically 0.2K 0.1M 2L 0B 0.5H m Spring:Spring: 08:00-18:0008:00-18:00 h mp 4 Summer:Summer: 008:00-19:008:00-19:00 4 22.36m.36m (7'9")(7'9") Autumn:Autumn: 08:00-18:0008:00-18:00 6. 3 LLinacreinacre U U h 2 HHawfordawford TTopop LockLock p p kp r t str Winter:Winter: 08:00-16:0008:00-16:00 (closed(closed TueTue & Wed,Wed, s 6 mp BBridgeridge 9. m a ea e M 6 h 2 A449A449 BBridgeridge aadvancedvance bookingbooking requiredrequired oonn 0014521452 310310 8832)32) m kp 8 1 TrafficTraffic Lights:Lights: Red:Red: Wait,Wait, Green:Green: Proceed,Proceed, h 2. 8 1 TTurnoverurnover FlashingFlashing Red:Red: Wait,Wait, locklock keeperkeeper awareaware Dow nsstrtreeamam HHawfordawford JJunctionunction BBridgeridge DDroitwichroitwich WWABAB 0022 0.0K 0.0M 0L 0B 0.0H DROIT 1 HHawfordawford BBottomottom LLockock BBargearge 54.0K 33.5M 3L 0B 8.0H SEVERN 11.46m.46m ((4'9")4'9") CCanalanal ! i 11.59m.59m ((5'2")5'2") ! CChannelhannel mmarkersarkers BBevereevere LLockock 7 DDownstream:ownstream: kkeepeep rightright UUpstream:pstream: kkeepeep llefteft M ask lock keeper ! Weir 52.9K 32.9M 2L 0B 7.5H M patrons CCampamp HHouseouse IInnnn RRiveriver SSevernevern DDROITROIT 0022 SSEVERNEVERN 3300 WABWAB 0101 DDROITROIT 0011 DDROITROIT 0011 SSEVERNEVERN 3311 SSEVERNEVERN 3311 DDROITROIT 0022 DDROITROIT 0022 e g e e id g ge rri id id B r r b d B t a h o o rrcc o R F e A SSEVERNEVERN 3311 e y r rrpp a NNetherwichetherwich cr a DDROITROIT 0011 A w llww BBasinasin t l i st a R e SSaal R M 48h pen W 3 4 o 1 1 lly 2 R a 1 W m rm No 18 1155 1177 e 1166 ! g e idg g r id Br BBrri eell n cchh SSwingwing un FFootbridgesootbridges ((4)4) TTun DDroitwichroitwich ! Swing Bridges lwwayay BBargearge NNethwerethwerwwii CCanalanal RRaiai VValleyalley WWayay 1111 SSidingiding 8.9K 5.5M 8L 0B 3.5H FootbridgeFootbridge 1010 LLaneane BBridgeridge 6.9K 4.3M 8L 0B 3.0H OOmbersleymbersley WWayay BridgeBridge 9 ! WWindinginding PPointoint SSwingwing BBridgeridge WWideide bbeameam bboatsoats ffromrom tthehe RRiveriver SSevernevern RRomanoman WWayay BBridgeridge 8 mmustust wwindind hhereere aass BBridgeridge 1155 iiss nnarrow.arrow. 77AA SwingSwing BBridgeridge WWABAB 0033 DDroitwichroitwich m BBargearge 7 SSalwarpealwarpe BBridgeridge CCanalanal SSwingwing BBridgeridge 66AA ! ! SSwingwing BBridgeridge 66AA BBee aawareware ooff ccillill ofof fformerormer sswingwing bbridgeridge 4.3K 2.7M 8L 0B 2.5H LLadywoodadywood BBridgeridge 6 16.8m (55’) 8 LLadywoodadywood TTopop LLockock 11.91m.91m ((6'3")6'3") 55AA 7 LLadywoodadywood UUpperpper MMiddleiddle LLockock 22.05m.05m ((6'9")6'9") 3.9K 2.4M 6L 0B 2.0H 6 LLadywoodadywood LLowerower MMiddleiddle LLockock 11.96m.96m ((6'5")6'5") 5 LLadywoodadywood BBottomottom LLockock 11.88m.88m (6'2")(6'2") 4 PPortersorters MMillill LLockock 22.04m.04m ((6'8")6'8") m 5 PPorter’sorter’s MMillill BBridgeridge m 3.3K 2.1M 4L 0B 1.5H DDROITROIT 0033 WWABAB 0044 WWABAB 0022 WWABAB 0022 DDROITROIT 0022 DDROITROIT 0022 SEVERN 30 WAB 01 WWABAB 0044 WWABAB 0044 DDROITROIT 0033 DDROITROIT 0033 This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updates for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. DDROITROIT 0022 ! MM55 TTunnelunnel 5 NNominalominal hheadroomeadroom 11.8m..8m. e g e VVariableariable wwithith riverriver llevel.evel. e d g g riri id id B r DDroitwichroitwich SSpapa MMarinaarina r B e B b d B '3")3") dg t a h (0 rriid HHanburyanbury RRoad,oad, DDroitwichroitwich SSpa,pa, WR9WR9 7DU7DU o o m (0 B o rcrc 9.4K 5.8M 9L 4B 4.0H el F R 0.08m p 0079707970 662626 807807 e A k 0.08 ha e y NNetherwichetherwich c r rprp a Lo wwww.droitwichspamarina.co.ukww.droitwichspamarina.co.uk c a al oorr C A w lwlw BBasinasin rial ggee 3388 t l i ori rid s a R n Bri al e SaSal R M 48h pe r MMeem ad 3377 W 3 4 o ai 13 1 lllyly cl RRoo e 2 R a n p 1 W m rrmm SSiin grroveove aarr ge on Canal M NNoo Max sg w rid tition Can ''5")5") 18 0 8 Max m B c e 19 2 BBrorom SSalal unun ddgg 8 k ") J i .022mm (16(16 1155 1177 c eerr DDrriiveve 8''33") BBrri 5 e 1166 LLoco n ( ay ) 3366 ! e m ichich ((22 g RRiviv 52 W l ssee W 11.1K 6.9M 15L 4B 5.5H id g 7 SSwawan22.. eeyy e ") a r d n nn ''77 rc E 7 oitwp Tu ((77 i B Im S BBrri ! DDroir 6tw ! m SStatai T eell SSwingwing 22.30.30 44-5-5 DDroitwichroitwich n cchh ! 6 D M P ge un wi FFootbridgesootbridges ((4)4) JJunctionunction id TTun B BBrri DDroitwichroitwich ddss ! Swing Bridges 10.2K 6.3M 10L 4B 4.5H arards)ds) CCanalanal lwwayay y l 5 k 3 tfiel (6666 e 4 c e es BBargearge NNethwerethwerwi n ge LLoco dg k 2 m RRaiai m ( un dge rrii c ge 1 WWestfiel 6600m ttbbrriid ootbtb LLoco id CCanalanal M5M5 TuT ooono Fo BBrrid k 3 1111 SSidingiding F ub c k 2 8.9K 5.5M 8L 0B 3.5H CCll LoLock 3oc k 1 M 24h y e Lo oc LLaneane BBridgeridge 10.6K 6.6M 13L 4B 5.0H uggbby ttottom ddll p L B 3355 Ru BoBo ToTo D HHanburyanbury JJunctionunction ry y MMidid y G nbu ur buuryr 15.2K 9.4M 16L 0B 6.5H WAB ! RRiveriver SSalwarpealwarpe Hanbu b an C "")) HHanan ) Han DDoo nnotot moormoor onon 0''44 ") ''33" 11.6K 7.2M 16L 4B 6.0H DROIT 1'2" ((1111 ! WWindinginding PPointoint thethe RRiveriver SalwarpeSalwarpe asas 55mm ((110 3344 CCoffinoffin BBridgeridge 1 22mm ((11'21 422mm WWideide bbeameam bboatsoats waterwater levelslevels changechange 33.. 3.4 33.. WWABAB 0055 ffromrom tthehe RRiveriver SSevernevern rapidlyrapidly withoutwithout warning.warning. mmustust wwindind hhereere aass M BBridgeridge 1155 iiss nnarrow.arrow. 3333 HHadzoradzor BBridgeridge WWABAB 0033 WWABAB 0033 HHammond'sammond's BBridgeridge 3322 WWorcesterorcester & BBirminghamirmingham CCanalanal 13.3K 8.3M 16L 0B 6.0H SShernalhernal GGreenreen BBridgeridge 3311 PPipeipe BBridgeridge B TTrinityrinity NNarrowboatarrowboat HHolidaysolidays H DDunhampsteadunhampstead Wharf,Wharf, Droitwich,Droitwich, WWR9R9 7JX7JX 2210m10m ((230230 yyards)ards) 0019051905 777979 048048 oror 0787607876 191191 339797 DDunhampsteadunhampstead TTunnelunnel wwww.trinitynarrowboatholidays.co.ukww.trinitynarrowboatholidays.co.uk ! Tunnel H DDROITROIT 0033 B DDROITROIT 0033 WWABAB 0044 DDunhampsteadunhampstead BBridgeridge 3300 WWABAB 0044 WAB 02 Waterway Routes Maps and DVDs covering the canals and rivers of Britain Complete 01 England & Wales Rings 82 South Pennine 83 Cheshire 84 Four Counties 85 Black Country 86 East Midlands 87 Warwickshire 88 Stourport 89 Birmingham Mini 90 Avon 91 Mid Worcestershire Canals and Rivers 09 Lancaster 10 Leeds & Liverpool 11 Rochdale 12 Huddersfield 13 Aire & Calder and Calder & Hebble 14 River Ouse and Tributaries 15 Sheffield & South Yorkshire 17 Chesterfield 18 Fossdyke & Witham and Tributaries 19 Grantham 20 River Trent 23 Manchester Ship and River Mersey 24 River Weaver 25 Bridgewater 26 Ashton and Peak Forest 27 Macclesfield 28 Trent & Mersey 30 Caldon 31 Shrewsbury and Newport Canals 32 Shropshire Union 33 Llangollen 34 Montgomery 35 Staffs & Worcester 38 BCN 40 Birmingham & Fazeley 41 Droitwich 42 Worcester & Birmingham 43 River Severn and G&S 44 River Avon (Stratford) Please Help 45 Stratford upon Avon 46 Coventry This map, and maps for over 50 restoration projects, are free 47 Ashby to download.
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