December 19, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2659 fraud on Government programs even when TRIBUTE TO AARON N. grew steadily over the years, blossoming into the Government uses agents and other third MENICHETTI the now $3-million-a-year industry with per- parties to administer Government programs formances across the country. and contracts; Clarifying that the Govern- HON. SAM GRAVES Despite these notable achievements, Bill will ment’s new or amended complaint in a qui OF MISSOURI probably be best remembered for founding the tam action relates back to the original qui tam IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Critics and Awards Program, otherwise known complaint to the same extent it would relate as the Cappies. Bill was inspired to institute back if the Government had filed the original Wednesday, December 19, 2007 this regional institution, which honors excep- complaint; Clarifying that plaintiffs do not need Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly tional high school dramatic and musical per- to have access to individual claims data or pause to recognize Aaron N. Menichetti a very formances throughout the Washington, DC, documents to bring a False Claims Act case; special young man who has exemplified the metro area, after being diagnosed with an ag- Amending the Act so that a qui tam case may finest qualities of citizenship and leadership by gressive strain of pancreatic cancer. Every be dismissed in light of prior public disclosures taking an active part in the Boy Scouts of year, high school students gather at the Ken- only upon motion of the Government, and only America and earning the most prestigious nedy Center for a ceremony not unlike the if the case is truly parasitic; Amending and award of Eagle Scout. Tony Awards in New York. I look forward to clarifying the Act to specify how the Act’s chief Aaron has been very active with his troop, the Cappies every year, and hope this tradi- investigative tool—the civil investigative de- participating in many scout activities. Over the tion continues for years to come. mand—may be used to investigate violations many years Aaron has been involved with I was saddened to hear Bill succumbed to of the Act; and clarifying how the Act applies scouting, he has not only earned numerous cancer at his home in McLean, VA, on De- to Federal employees who discover fraud dur- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- cember 18, 2007. His legacy of both the Cap- ing the course of their employment, by pro- ily, peers, and community. itol Steps and the Cappies will keep his mem- viding the Government authority to move to Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join ory alive within the Capitol Beltway for many dismiss the action of any Federal employee me in commending Aaron N. Menichetti for his years to come. May the elected officials in this who brings a qui tam action under the Act accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of body never cease to give Mr. Strauss’ com- without first having provided the Government America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- pany a plethora of material to keep the coun- fair notice and opportunity to pursue such ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. try laughing. wrongdoing through its own False Claims Act f Madam Speaker, in closing, I would like to action or other appropriate remedy. pay tribute to the life and accomplishments of Fighting fraud against U.S. taxpayers is not HONORING THE LIFE OF BILL Mr. William Arthur Strauss, and express my a partisan issue. When we passed the False STRAUSS deepest condolences to all who knew and Claims Act amendments in 1986, we did so loved him. with a strong bipartisan coalition in both HON. TOM DAVIS [From the Washington Post, Dec. 19, 2007] houses. I’m pleased to continue that tradition OF VIRGINIA BILL STRAUSS, 60; POLITICAL INSIDER WHO by introducing this bill today with Representa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STEPPED OVER INTO COMEDY tive JIM SENSENBRENNER as my partner. I look Wednesday, December 19, 2007 (By Joe Holley) forward to working with him to make these Capitol Steps founder Bill Strauss was a amendments to the False Claims Act law this Mr. DAVIS of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I Harvard-trained lawyer and Senate sub- Congress. rise today to honor the life of the late Mr. Wil- committee staffer when he broke through liam Arthur Strauss. the chrysalis of Capitol Hill conventionality f I first met Bill Strauss in 1963 when we to become a musical satirist. EXPRESSING SORROW OF THE were both pages here in Washington. Bill Mr. Strauss, who died Dec. 18 of pancreatic HOUSE AT THE DEATH OF THE served at the Supreme Court; I served in the cancer at his home in McLean, recalled the HONORABLE JULIA CARSON, Senate. Our respective careers continued to breakthrough in a phone interview shortly before his death at age 60. MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM revolve around the Nation’s capital—mine in It was Memorial Day 1981, he said, and he THE STATE OF INDIANA Congress, Bill’s in the executive branch. was hosting a party that ended with a jam Bill boasted an education few can match: an session around the piano. Party-goers riffed SPEECH OF undergraduate degree from Harvard University on parodies of Reagan-era news makers. HON. BOB ETHERIDGE in 1969, a law degree from Harvard, and a Mr. Strauss discovered that night that he master’s degree from Harvard’s venerable had a facility for impromptu silliness and OF NORTH CAROLINA satire. He began to wonder whether, at age IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John F. Kennedy School of Government. He returned to Washington with his young bride in 34, he might be able to make a living at it, Tuesday, December 18, 2007 even though his only musical training was a 1973, joining the Department of Health, Edu- stint in his elementary school orchestra. Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, I raise cation, and Welfare (now Health and Human During the next several months, when not to honor the legacy and accomplishments of Services) as a policy aide. He quickly moved worrying about nuclear proliferation and our recently passed colleague and dear friend up to the Presidential Clemency Board, direct- other weighty matters, he wrote musical JULIA CARSON. ing a report on the impact of the Vietnam War parodies. Enlisting other musically gifted In 1996 JULIA’s deep commitment to those on draft-eligible youth. Senate staffers, he scheduled the group’s she served led her to become the first African- Bill Strauss continued his work for the Fed- debut at the annual office Christmas party of American woman to be elected to the U.S. eral Government, moving to the Department of Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.), Mr. Strauss’s em- ployer. House from Indiana. I had the opportunity to Energy in 1977. Subsequently, in 1980 Mr. The group christened itself the Capitol get to know JULIA during our freshman terms Strauss became chief counsel and staff direc- Steps, an allusion to the location of a late- in the 105th Congress and build a relationship tor of the Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear night amorous moment enjoyed by Rep. with her over the past 10 years that we have Proliferation, and Government Processes. John W. Jenrette (D-S.C.) and his wife, Rita. both served. Julia spent her time in Congress Despite his long service in the Federal Gov- Capitol Steps was a hit from the beginning. working for children’s issues, women’s rights ernment—or, possibly more aptly, as a result For the next few years, the group performed and efforts to reduce homelessness. One of of it—Mr. Strauss discovered at a Memorial regularly for free at parties and in church basements. ‘‘We were clinging to our day her biggest accomplishment in the House was Day party in 1981 that he was blessed with jobs,’’ co-founder Elaina Newport said. passing legislation granting the Congressional the gift of improvisational comedy. Having per- ‘‘Frankly, we were trying not to get in trou- Gold Medal to Rosa Parks, the Mother of the formed successfully to a receptive audience of ble.’’ Civil Rights Movement who was arrested for friends, Mr. Strauss realized he could make a Today, Capitol Steps is still performing, refusing to give up her seat on a segregated living satirizing the goings-on within the Belt- although not in church basements. It’s a $3 city bus in Montgomery, AL. She leaves be- way. million-a-year industry with more than 40 hind an unmated record of service to the peo- During his office’s Christmas party in 1981, employees who sing and satirize at venues Mr. Strauss, along with a group later chris- across the country. ple and an unequaled legacy of leadership. The group’s success was ‘‘totally out of the Madam Speaker, I urge all of my colleagues tened the Capitol Steps, performed his first blue,’’ Mr. Strauss said. ‘‘Neither I nor any- to join me in paying respect to the family of musical parody. Senator Charles Percy (R–Ill), one else was expecting it.’’ JULIA CARSON and in honoring her career in his employer, and the rest of the staff knew in- Mr. Strauss’s more serious side found ex- service to our country. stantly that Bill Strauss had a gift. The group pression in six books he co-authored about VerDate Aug 31 2005 09:05 Dec 20, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19DE8.131 E19DEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS E2660 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 19, 2007 American generations and as co-founder of The diagnosis prompted him to form the lulosic ethanol.
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