May 19, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4115 required to work in impoverished and under- African-Americans accounted for 55 percent dent, designer of the Great Society, served inner-city and urban communities. I be- of deaths due to HIV in 2002 and their survival politician, educator, and civil rights lieve that this is important because Americans time after an AIDS diagnosis is lower on aver- enforcer. who need access to medical care, the poor age than it is for other racial/ethnic groups. The Clerk read the title of the con- and needy, will benefit. This would be a tre- HIV was the third leading cause of death for current resolution. mendous improvement in the U.S. medical African-Americans, ages 25–34, in 2002 com- The text of the concurrent resolution system and would move us closer to garnering pared to the sixth leading cause of death for is as follows: access to healthcare for all. Whites and Latinos in this age group. H. CON. RES. 354 Specifically, I worked to include the fol- African-American women account for the Whereas August 27, 2008, marks the 100th lowing language in the bill: majority of new AIDS cases among women, birthday of Lyndon Baines Johnson; It is the sense of Congress that Federal 67 percent in 2004; while White women ac- Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson was born in programs waiving the J–1 home residency re- count for 17 percent and Latinos 15 percent. Stonewall, Texas, to Samuel Ealy Johnson, quirement for physicians are generally de- Jr., a Texas representative, and Rebekah signed to promote the delivery of critically Among African-Americans, African-American women represent more than a third, 36 per- Baines, on August 27, 1908; needed medical services to Americans lack- Whereas upon graduation, Lyndon B. John- ing adequate access to physician care and cent, of AIDS cases diagnosed in 2004. son enrolled in Southwest Texas State that when determining the qualification of a Although African-American teens, ages 13– Teachers’ College, where he vigorously par- location for a waiver petition, the Depart- 19, represent only 15 percent of U.S. teen- ticipated in debate, campus politics, and ment of Health and Human Services should agers, they accounted for 66 percent of new edited the school newspaper; always consider the needs of vulnerable pop- AIDS cases reported among teens in 2003. Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson had several ulations in low-income and impoverished It is my hope that the language that I teaching positions throughout Texas, includ- communities, communities with high infant ing at the Welhausen School in La Salle mortality rates, rural areas, and commu- worked to get included in the bill will promote County, at Pearsall High School, and as a nities exhibiting other signs of a lack of nec- the delivery of critically needed medical serv- public speaking teacher at Sam Houston essary physician services. ices to Americans in low-income and impover- High School in Houston; Across this great Nation the health dispari- ished communities, rural areas, and commu- Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson went to work ties between minority and majority populations nities that are in desperate need of physician as a congressional assistant at the age of 23; are staggering. Most major diseases—diabe- services. Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson served the tes, heart disease, prostate cancer, HIV/AIDS, I urge my colleagues to support this bill. 10th Congressional District in the Texas low-birth-weight babies—all hit the minority Mr. KING of Iowa. I have no further House of Representatives from April 10, 1937, communities harder. Minorities consistently speakers, and I will yield myself such to January 3, 1949; have decreased access to care, and receive time as I may consume. Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson became a Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this commissioned officer in the Navy Reserves lower quality care, when they do have access. in December 1941; As the economy continues to falter and as the bill. I think reauthorizing the J visas Whereas during World War II, Lyndon B. unemployment rate spikes, millions of Ameri- for access to health care across this Johnson was recommended by Undersecre- cans are losing their health insurance. That Nation, allowing people practicing tary of the Navy James Forrestal to Presi- state of affairs will only make the health dis- medicine to come in at the rate of 30 dent Franklin D. Roosevelt, who assigned parities worse. Consider these statistics: per State, and look around to see Johnson to a three-man survey team in the African-American women are nearly three which States utilize that and which southwest Pacific; times as likely to die from pregnancy com- ones don’t, it is easy for us to see those Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson was conferred plications and childbirth as White women. States that need that access to health the Silver Star, which is the military’s third Native American, African-American and His- highest medal, by General Douglas Mac- care. This will help. It will help in a lot Arthur; panic women are most likely to receive inad- of the States. In fact, it will help in all Whereas in 1948, Lyndon B. Johnson was equate prenatal care. the States, if they use it. elected to the Senate at the age of 41; Compared with White women, African Amer- I urge its adoption. Whereas in 1951, Lyndon B. Johnson was ican women are twice as likely and Hispanic I yield back the balance of my time. elected Senate minority leader at the age of women are nearly three times as likely to be Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, 44 and elected Senate majority leader at the uninsured. Furthermore, African Americans I yield back the balance of my time. age of 46, the youngest in our history; and Hispanics are much more likely than The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson was elected Whites to lack a usual source of care and to question is on the motion offered by Vice President at the age of 52, becoming encounter other difficulties in obtaining needed president of the Senate; the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson’s congres- care. SCOTT) that the House suspend the Certain minorities also have much higher sional career and his leadership spanned the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5571, as stock market crash, the Great Depression, rates of diabetes-related complications and amended. World War II, the nuclear age, the Cold War, death, in some instances by as much as 50 The question was taken. the space age, and the civil rights move- percent more than the total population. It is The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the ment, some of the most turbulent years in truly an epidemic. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being American history; Nearly 31 percent of African American girls in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Whereas Vice President Lyndon B. John- son was appointed as head of the President’s in the 4th grade were overweight in 2001. Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I ob- Thirteen percent of Houston high school stu- Committee on Equal Employment Opportu- ject to the vote on the ground that a dents are overweight and 17 percent are at nities, through which he worked with Afri- quorum is not present and make the risk. can Americans and other minorities; Thirty-four percent of African American point of order that a quorum is not Whereas an hour and 38 minutes after the women are obese, compared to 19 percent of present. assassination of President Kennedy, Lyndon The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- B. Johnson was sworn in as President aboard White women. Air Force One; Forty-four percent of African American ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Chair’s prior announcement, further Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson was a bold women are projected to be obese by 2020, leader; and 47 percent by 2040. proceedings on this motion will be Whereas as President, Lyndon B. Johnson As of February 2006, African-Americans postponed. believed that government could guarantee represented only 13 percent of the U.S. popu- The point of no quorum is considered human rights, could lift people out of pov- lation, but accounted for 40 percent of the withdrawn. erty, and provide access to quality education 944,306 AIDS cases diagnosed since the start f and health care throughout the Nation; Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson was an ideal- of the epidemic and approximately half, 49 RECOGNIZING THE 100TH BIRTH- percent, of the 42,514 cases diagnosed in ist, a force of nature, and had the energy and DAY OF LYNDON BAINES JOHN- determination and leadership to turn those 2004 alone. SON dreams into reality; African-Americans also account for half of Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson was a ‘‘can- new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in the 35 States/ do’’ President because no matter how dif- areas with confidential name-based reporting. I move to suspend the rules and agree ficult and daunting the task at hand, he The AIDS case rate per 100,000 population to the concurrent resolution (H. Con. never rested until it was completed; among African-American adults/adolescents Res. 354) recognizing the 100th birthday Whereas in 1964, the Johnson Administra- was nearly 10.2 times that of Whites in 2004. of Lyndon Baines Johnson, 36th Presi- tion passed the landmark Civil Rights Act of VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:09 May 20, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.063 H19MYPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC60 with HOUSE H4116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2008 1964, which banned de jure segregation in the Lyndon Baines Johnson, the 36th Presi- ment of civil rights legislation that Nation’s schools and public places; dent of the United States.
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