CONTROL DATA® CYBERLOAN SERVICE: AN AUTOMATED LOAN AND SALES FINANCING SYSTEM Control Data Corporation now offers a new data proces- concurrently. Thus users not only execute their own pro- sing service designed especially for consumer loan and grams on this system but also have access to Control sales finance companies. CDC's CYBERLOAN Service is Data's comprehensive time-sharing and remote-batch an on-line consumer loan system developed for modern applications program library. large-scale computers using traditional consumer loan industry time-tested techniques. It extends the original A FLEXIBLE APPROACH TO AUTOMATION concept of CDC's CYBERNET® Service, the nation's most comprehensive nationwide computer network, by auto- For example, as a CYBERLOAN Service user, you have a mating all operations handled in branch offices of con- wide variety of options for a truly custom-tailored service: sumer loan companies. Conventional CYBERLOAN Service — Under this arrange- Offered as a "total services" package, CYBERLOAN ment, CDC provides the CYBERLOAN Terminal (for pur- Service provides the hardware (including the terminal), chase or lease) which transmits financial information to software and communications equipment required for on- a centrally located supercomputer. Control Data handles line processing of loan accounts, either on a lease or the technical details of operating and maintaining the purchase arrangement. The service also provides com- supercomputer; you handle normal financial activities via prehensive training for branch office personnel, and can the terminal. Costs are based solely on the number of include technical and facilities management support to transactions processed. And a wide range of high-speed develop customized programming and even to operate a terminals for linking your home office to the central com- complete computer system for your organization. puter are also available from Control Data Corporation on either a lease or purchase agreement. HOW CYBERLOAN OPERATES Your Own Data Processing Facility — If you desire, you Key to the new service is a stand-alone programmable can lease or purchase your own primary CDC supercom- computer called the CYBERLOAN Terminal, which oper- puter system with KRONOS and the CYBERLOAN pro- ates in many modes with a high-throughput capability. grams. You have the further option of operating the facility This typewriter-entry terminal records all transactions on with either your own personnel or Control Data personnel. a continuous form, debits and credits ledgers, prints Training and Conversion — Control Data also provides checks and performs other traditional functions required complete flexibility in training and conversion as part of in branch offices. its total services offering. CDC can train your branch Using the KRONOS time-sharing operating system, termi- office personnel to operate the terminals and software nal operators converse with a centrally located CONTROL using a custom-designed comprehensive training pack- DATA® CYBER 70 Model 73 supercomputer to create, age of user manuals, self-teaching materials, flip-charts update and maintain loan account records. Because the and other documentation. CDC instructors can teach your KRONOS System is a generalized, standard, commercially personnel to operate and maintain your primary super- available operating system, it provides even more than computer system; they can also assist in the conversion these basic branch office operations. As part of the of your present record-keeping system to the CYBER- CYBERNET Network, KRONOS also allows users to per- LOAN system. Or, if you desire, Control Data can handle form traditional time-sharing and remote-batch operations the entire conversion task. ASSOCIATION WITH A COMPUTER COMPANY Concurrent Processing Operations — CYBERLOAN Serv- Further support is provided for customers of CYBER- ice loan operations can be performed concurrently with LOAN Service through the total corporate assistance of non-CYBERLOAN time-sharing and remote-batch Control Data. This is ensured by the close cooperation of operations. CDC's many divisions which function as a single vendor Upward Compatibility — Because of Control Data's dedi- to: cation to providing upward compatible hardware and • Manufacture the central computer system software, the CYBERLOAN system can easily be upgraded • Provide and maintain all terminals which access the to take advantage of enhanced CDC equipment and computer operating system software— thus guarding against • Provide the CYBERLOAN application programs obsolescence. • Coordinate all telecommunications activities Optional Central-Site Placement — CYBERLOAN Service • Train personnel in the use of CYBERLOAN Service can be operated from either a single centralized site, or • Operate several secure data centers which maintain from regional data centers to reduce transmission costs. confidential files for a large number of customers High-Speed Terminal Access — CYBERLOAN Service provides for high-speed terminal access to your data ADVANTAGES OVER EXISTING SYSTEMS base; the same home office terminal also enables you to In comparison to existing consumer loan and sales fi- transmit information to the data center, as well as com- nance on-line systems, CYBERLOAN Service is the only municate with CYBERNET Centers for standard batch service that provides all these key features: processing of non-CYBERLOAN computer operations. Unique CYBERLOAN Terminal — Overall design and pro- Easy-to-Use Software — CYBERLOAN programs are writ- grammable concept of the CYBERLOAN terminal give it ten in high-level, simplified languages with expandable the unique capabilities to: record formats that can be custom tailored to any con- sumer loan and sales finance activity. • Increase the number of accounts one employee can handle Single-Vendor Efficiency — Since Control Data provides • Decrease the number of key depressions required for all the "pieces" to the CYBERLOAN package — hardware, data entry and control software, education, consulting, and operations person- • Decrease communications charges because of its abil- nel — you get the advantage and efficiencies of total serv- ity to compress data strings being transferred to and ices control through a single vendor. from the central site CYBERLOAN Service will be used by Commercial Credit • Provide expandability to a stand-alone computer Company (a subsidiary of Control Data), and its associ- ated loan subsidiaries. Conversion to the new service will Larger Data Fields — Money and term fields are enlarged begin in 1972. to accommodate full-scale sales finance systems. For further information, contact your nearest Control Data Applicable Throughout Continental United States — Be- sales representative, or CYBERLOAN Service, Control cause of its comprehensive rate structure, CYBERLOAN Data Corporation, 5272 River Road, Bethesda, Maryland. Service can operate throughout the 48 contiguous states. (Phone (301) 652-2268, Ext. 254). 200,595 Litho in U.S.A.-7/72.
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