\>-- - -t HSADgUARTSRS r 603HD TAi^K DE3THDYSR BATTALIOH (SP) AFO 3A0, US Array 4 December 1944 SUBJECT: Action Against EneT^', Reports After. TO : The Adjutant General, US Army, iYashington, D. C. (THRU: C. G., Sixth Amored Division, APO 256, US ArmjO 1. In accordance vdth AR 345-105, C-3, the folloi-.-ing report is submitted. Not) 1 NOV. This unit vras assigned to Third US Array and attached to 6th Armored Division, Components of this Battalion were detached as follovrs: a. Hq & Hq Co attached to Reserve Command b. Ren Co attached to Reserve Command . c. Co A relieved from attachment to CC"B" and attached to Reserve Command. d. Co B attached to Reserve Comnand in support of XII Corps Artillery e, Co C attached to Reserve Coiiim£nd in support of XII Corps Artillery Battalion Corrjriand Post was located in Doiiunartemont (about 2 miles NE of Nancy), Hq I: Hq Co, Ren Co, and Co A billeted in Dommartemont, Company B and Comparer o C in indirect fire ix>sitions in vicinity of (U952219). ' Companies B & C fired 13 harassing and interdiction missions, no casual- ties. Company A left Bn ai'ea at 1230 hrs and relieved Co B on indirect fire raission. Companj'- B returned to Bn area at I4OO hrs and vja.s attached to GC"B". '• 2 NOV. Company A registered for indirect fire mission at 1930. Company C fired 8 missions during this period. No casualties. / 3 NOV. Company C (reinforced by 1 Ren platoon) attached to CC"B". Company B (reinforced by 1 Ren platoon) attached to CC"A". Company C returned to Bn area at Dommartamont at I4OO hours. Company A attached to Reserve Command in indirect fire positions. 4 NOV. Company A fired several indirect fire missions. No casualties. 5 NOV. Comnanj'- A fired several indirect fire missions. No casualties. 6 NOV. Company A fired several indirect fire missions. No casualties. iatoaiion organized and prepared for attack. Battalion vras organized as follovrs: r.^.,^..^-., f_^r.A^-^r^^.rr>(^) Pt.t.pchpd to CC"A" j " -^"^F'C«TTON CHAMGEEfl-TOplatoon attach d to Task Force "G" d to Task Force "D" .:(less 2 plato-ns) vdth 1 Ren platoon attached to Reser 'e Command. OniTY OF TTEE -1- S3 r.. (Action AgaLnst Snenj'-, '•:"j'iX)rts Aftsr Cont'd) f 7 i:ov. (Cont'd) ... Company C (reinforced) attached to CC"B" " " '^''^''•^'^f^^il Isb platoon attached to Task Force ,f2 (V/alir 2nd platoon attached to Task Force #3 (Brindle) 3rd platoon attached to Taslc Force TTI (LeGrew) Co C (less 3 platoons vdth 1 Ren platoon attached to Reserve. Conpary A Reinforced) attached to Reserve Command. 1st platoon Co A attached to Task Force Forrest Co A (less 1 platoon) attached to Task Force Brovm 603d TD Battalion (less 3 Companies) attached to Reserve Comjnand and Task Force Brorm. Company A fired 8 harassing and interdiction missions. No casualties. S NOV. Various el'3nents of Battalion assembled v.dth their respective Commands read;,'' to resume the attack. Battalion Headquarters m.oved to .bivouac area 2 miles Southeast of Atton at 0930 hours. Battalion Surgeon vdth 3 Wi attached to 69th Tank Battalion. No casualties. 9 Nov. 2nd platoon of Company C (v.dth TF Brindle, CC"B") crossed the Seille River. Other units—no change. No casualties. '•10 i.OV. Companies B and C crossed the Seille. River. 3rd platoon of Company C captured 13 prisoners, destroyed 1 LD-: IV tan2<, 2 15Qmm Rifles (1 enplaced in concrete), 1 8Smm AT Gun, 1 75"^ Pack HovdtSrer. "This action took place in the attack on' Vigny, Buch;;,'-, and Soigne. 2nd iilatoon of Company C destroyed 1 SSSei AT Gun in vicinity of Buch^% Casurlties: 1 W. killed; 2 B.i seriously v-raunded. One LIS Icnocked out. 1st platoon of Co B supported the attack of Task Force Godfrey'-, CC"A" on 10 and 11 Nov. In vicinity of iiuchj'' to Han-Sur^Nied, along Route N4IO on these tv.t) da3''s, this platoon accounted for 3 Tiger tanlcs, 7 I-lc IV tanlcs, 1 1.1c HI tank, 1 Assault gun, 2 75ram Fak (AT) frons, 3 supply trucl-is, and 1 Command Gar. 11 Nov. Bn Headquarters roved to 1 mile South of Louvigny (U862388), Company C took part in crossing of Nied River at Sandry-Sur-Nied, In action at Sandi^'-Sur- Nied, C Company destroyed 2 enemy vehicles, 2 AT guns (1 83mm.), and ble^v up ammunition dump 7/ of Sorbey. Companj"- C v;as under intense artillery and small arms fire during this peidod. Compan;/ B took part in attack of Bechy and prep• aration for attack of Secourt. Casualties: 1 ELI seriously v.'ounded. 1 ? NOV. P,n Kp.ndqiiprters to bivouac area I/4 mdle North of Luppy. Company'' A remained in Reserve ComnvJid ready to rein-force either Combat Command. Company B vdth "CCA" took part in attack on Han-Sur-Nied, Vatimont and N'orvill e-3ur-Nied Gorapeny C v.lth "CC3" took part in crossing of the Nied River, the attack on Remilly, c-nd security mssions on left flanlc of Division. (Action Against EncnQr,^aj-brts After) (Cont'd) 12 NOV. (Cont'd) Battalion v/as recomrosed as follov/s: ^ 1st platoon Co B attached to Task Force Stabfem^^^^^ 3rd platoon Co B attached to Task Force Duvall 1st platoon Co A attached to Task Force Forrest Co B (-) attached to Reserve CC"3" 3rd platoon Co G attached to TasV Force Lagrev; (jrl) 1st platoon Co C attached to 'i'ask ^orce •''all 0f2) . 2nd platoon Co C attached to Task Force Brindle (#3) Co C less 3 platoons attached to CC"B" Reserve,, Reserve Coinman4 Co A less 1 platoon attached to Task Force ^rovm, Bn (less 3 companies) attached to Task J^^orce Brovm. Casualties: 1 officer and 1 M seriously vrounded. Lost 2 L'lS's. 13 NOV, Bn Headquarters ramained at Luppj"-. Co B vdth CC"A" took part in attack on Vatimont and Arraincourt, 2nd platoon of Company 3 supported attack of TF Forrest in capturing I.Ianj'.''^o-C remained in vicinity of Bagoncourt under severe arbillery and .'"nortar fire. Company A vdth TF Forrest took part in action neajr Herney, Casualties for this period: 1 officer and 3 Si killed in actionj. 6 HI seriously vrounded in action, Co "A" lost 2 1.1-18's. 14 NOV. Bn Headquarters ramained at Luppj% 2nd platoon of Co A v/as placed on outpost in Landroff at nightfsXL and v/as the recipient of a counterattack in v.-hich they destI^Dyed one I.3c IV tarfc and 1 75ram (SF) Assa'olt Gun a_nd killed a large namber of enemy infantry throughout the night. Company G took part in attack on, and capture of, Vittoncourt. Companj.-- 3 savT little a,ction in this period. Casualties: 1 S-I killed in action, 7 S.l seriously r^c-onded, 2 officers slightly v.oimded. 15 NOV. Co C m.oved vdth CC"B" to vicinity of Herny. Companies A and B received a large amount of shell fire in the vicinity of Suisse. Compajiies A and B sup• ported attack of Task Force #3 in talcing Suisse. Casualties: 2 officers vro'onded in action, 1 H.i Icilled in action, 3 H,I vrou-nded in action. 16 NOV. Companies A and B supported attack of CC"A" in talcing Boustroff, Chemery, Adelance, Eincheiville, and Villiers. Co "C"; no ch?_nge. Casualties: 1 31 ' killed, 2 Hvi iTOunded. Co A bivouaced in Brulange, Companj'- B near Suisse. 17 NOV, Companj'- B attached to Reserve Command. Com^pan;/ Cj no change. Co A; no ch.unse. Casualties: 1 v.^Dunded in action. 18 NOV. Company C reassigned as follov's: 2nd and 3rd platoons attached to TF Lagrev? (CC"B") 1st platoon attached to TF V.'all (CC"3") TF LagreiY moved to Liorhange, and TF Viall moved to vicinity of Baronville, Com.panies ^ and ^ inactive during t his period. Casualties: None. (Action A.-ainst Enemyj -ieports After) (Cont'd) 19 nOV, 3n Headquarters moved to Vatimont. Companj^ C supported attack of CC"B" K^E of I'orhange. In vicinity of Gros-Tenquin the 2nd and 3rd platoons destroyed 3 11^ V tanks, 3 concrete pillboxes, 1 ammunition truck, 1 half-track . v,'ith 2C)mm gun, 1 Sanm AT gun, and cai:Jtured 9 prisoners. Casualties: 2 Hi v.'oionded in action. 20 NOV. Company C and 2nd'platoon of Co A continued to support attack of CC"B" in the capture of Hellimer and Freybouse. Casualties: 1 officer seriously v--ounded; 2 S.' seriously vrounded. • 21 NOV. Com.pany C and 2nd platoon of Co A co.mbined in support of CC"B" iii vicinity of Hellimer. Co A moved from Brulange to Siiisse, and later in the day, to Guessling-Hemering. Co B v/as inactive. Casuflties: 1 Hi seriously v.-ounded. 22 NOV. Company C and 2nd platoon of Co A continued to support attack of CC"B" in the capture of Diffem.back, Lei'viller, Altrippe, Fremestroff, and St. Jean-Hohrback. Remainder of Co A vfas attached to CC"A". 3rd platoon of Compan;/ A desti'oyed 1 AT gun. Co B v/as inactive during this period. Casualties: None. 23 I'OV* Comprny C continued engagement in vicinity of St. Jean-Rohrback and to the East. Compan;^ A supported CC"A" in holding ground NE of Fremestroff. Cor.pan;/ B assigned to CC"B" and attached to 737th Tan-c Bn.
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