FEll EGI NU3EI3IB 175 Washington, Friday, September 1, 1914 Regulations 9392, 8 F.R. 14783; WFO 79, 8 F.R. 12420, CON7 13283, 9 F.R. 4321, 4319) RPGULATIONE -D T. Issued this 29th day of August 1944. TITLE 7-AGRICULTURE n M~lsHL, AL=mr FPzopznr C=_::'' Directorof Distribution. Vesting orders: Chapter XI-War Food Administration Akezzon, Elizabeth. ..... 1721 (Distribution Orders) IF. R. Doe. 44-131O6; fled, Auguat 20, M-14; Bauer, George-- .... 10722 12:20 p. m.] Baur, Marie-_...... 10722 [WFO 79-14, Amdt. 2] Brutty, J. J. - - 10722 PAT 1401-DA RY PnODUCTS Doppanschmitt, Friedrich_-_ 10725 TITLE 19-CUSTOMS DUTIES Fabbrica Italiana Valvole Ra- LuIm m. AND.crL n mmor, oHIo, dio Elettriche and Fab- 5ALES AlRA Chapter I-Bureau of Customs brica Italiana Magnet! IT. D. 5il1s] M.areli -_ 10725 Pursuant to War Food Order No. 79 Fuchs, Franz, and L-opoldine (8 F.R. 12426, 9 F.R. 4321, 4319), dated PART 8-LABunY ron DuIES, E.,"y O? I2PORTED M=CHADISE Mueller___ .10725 September 7, 1943, as amended, and to Goodridge, Sophia _ 10723 effectuate the purposes 'thereof, War PART 18-TR;sPonTATxoi ni B arm tam Grozzman, Israel.-___ _ 10723 Food Order No. 79-14 (8 F.R. 13424,9 FR. M Incmxrsrn; TnA;sra Haneho, Ted-_ . 10723 4321, 4319), as amended, relative to the IMSCELLANEOUS A=MEhtD5UTMI Xompman, Hugo ...... 10724 conservation and distribution of fluid I-odd, Agnes Nutting__ 10721 milk, milk byproducts, and cream in the AuGusT 30, 1944. YLIne, FraLh "1_ __I0721: Akron, Ohio, milk sales area, is hereby Section 8.33 (c), Customs Regulations Molneau, Rene J. L, and further S3- amended by deleting therefrom of 1943 (19 CFR, Cum. Supp., 8.33 (o)), clete d-'Eploltation des the provisions in § 1401.49 (e) (3) and is hereby amended by deleting the period inserting, in lieu thereof, the following: Brevets Moineau___. 10726 and inserting the following Immediately Societa' Italiana Pirelli and (3) Multiply the aforesaid resulting before the parenthetical matter at the Compagnfe Internation- amount by the following applicable per- end: "or If It is entered by a transferee who has filed the bond provided for In ale Pireli-L- - 10721 centage: i) Milk: 104 percent; (ii) Cussoas Bunrmu: butterfat in cream: 78 percent; § 8.39. When merchandise Is withdrawn (Iii) for Libility for dutiez, entry of im- milk byproducts other than cottage, pot, transportation by a transferee, the collector at the port of withdrawal hall. ported merchandse, and or baker's cheese: '78 percent; and (iv) endorse the withdrawal to show whether transportation in bond and- cottage, pot, or baker's cheese, 78 percent d the transferee has filed the bond provided merchandise in transit; of sl m milk equivalent. (For the pur- for in § 8.39." mLicellaneous amendments. 1037 pose of this order, one pound of cottage, Section 8.39 (b), Customs Regulations F-== . Co mCTnors Co=- pot, or baker's cheese shall be considered of 1943 (19 CFR, Cum. Supp., 8.39 (b)), as the equivalent of 7 pounds of skim is hereby amended by deleting from the Queen City Broadcasting Co, first line "limit the right of withdrawal mnilk. Inc., hearing (Con-.) - 10721 to one person" and substituting therefor Mnrnrm Connsmxo:i: The provisions of this amendment "designate a particular transferee." Terminated war contracts, set- shall become effective at 12:01 a. m., Section 8.39, Customs Regulations of e. w. t., Sept. 1, 1944. With respect to 1943 (19 CFR, Cum. Supp., 8.39), is fur- tlement of clims arisn violations of said War Food Order No. ther amended by deleting the parenthet- under; loans . ... 10719 79-1A, as amended, rights accrued, or ical matter at the end of paragraph (d) IIAxiolmL WAn L1non Eo.mm: liabilities incurred thereunder, prior to and by adding the following new para- Alas_?, wage adjustments of the effective time of this amendment, graph: employers ........... 1029 said War Food Order No. 79-14, as (e) A transferee may further transfer OFFICE OF EcoN.ourc SrnAiuzo:N: -ambnded, shall continue in full force the right to withdraw the merchandise, International Assn. of Machin- and effect for the purpose of sustaining subject to the provisions of this cction ist. A. F. of I,, Ledge 63, any suit, action, or other proceeding relating to original transfers. (Sec. 557, San Francisco; restrictions with respect to any such violation, right, 46 Stat. 744, sees. 2, 22, 23, 52 Stat., 1072, by Office of Price Admins- or liability. 1087,1083, sec. 624,46 Stat. 759; 19 U.S.C. tration of supplemental gas- (E.O. 9280, 7 F. 10179; E.O. 9322, 8 1557, 1924) oline ratfonq ___ 10722 F.R. 3807; E.O. 9334, 8 F.R. 5423; E.O. (Continued on next pzge) (Continu:d on nest pze) 10627 10668 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 1, 1944 CONTENTS-Continued CONTENTS-Continued OFFICE OF PRICE AmsmasTRAToN- WAR MANPOWER COiMISSION: FEDEAm IIEISTER Continued. Employment stabilization pro- Crude petroleum-Continued. Page gram, Connecticut: Page Oklahoma (MPR 436, Order Hartford ----------------- 10738 16) ------------------ 10730 Meriden ------------------ 10740 Defense-rental areas: Middletown --------------- Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Hotels and rooming houzes 10741 and days following legal holidays, by the (Am. 29) -------------- 10718 Thompsonville ------------- 10744 Division of the Federal Register, The ational Miami (Am. 6) ---------- 10718 WAR PRODUCTION "3OARD: Archives, pursuant to the authority contained 11)-. Automotive maintenance equip- In the Federal Register Act, approved New York City (Am. 10718 ment (L-270) July 26, - - ------------ 10088 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as tmended; 44 U.S.C., Housing (Am. 32) .......- 1-0718 Vehicles, parts and equipment r-h. 8B), under rcgulation prescribed by Atlantic County (Am. 2)-- 10718 1 the (L-1-e, Dir. 1)-------- 10700 ' e Committee, approved by the Miami (Am.- 8) ----------- 10718 Copper (W-9-c) ------------- 10669 -'kribution is made only by the New York City (Am. 10)___-10718 Documents, Government 'Fish, cured and smoked (MPR Cutlery (L-140-a) ------------ 10082 Elevators and escalators (L-89)- 10678 Omncc, Wahington, D.-C. 550) - 10714 .hae regulatory material appearing herein is Fruits, berries Farm machinery (L-257; L-257, .,=ycd to the Codo of Federal Regulations, and.vegetables, Sch. B) (2 documents).... 10694, which is published, under S0 titles, pursuant packed (FPR 1, Stipp. 7, 10690 to section 11 of the Fcderal Register Act, as Am. 6, 7) (2 documents)__ 10709, Food processing machinery (I- amended June 19, 1937. 10714 292) -------------------- 1079 The F RAL REGlsmn will be furnished by Lamb and mutton (RMPR 239, mail to subscribers, free Industrial equipment (L-123)-- 10601 of postage, for $1.50 Am. 14) ---------------- 10714 Istle (M-138) ---------------- 10681 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad- .Oil, lubricating, greases, etc. -- vance. The charge for individual copies Outboard motors and parts (L- (minimum (MPR 510, Am. 3) -------- 10707 80) -------------------- 150) varies in proportion. to the Ration Book 3 (Gen. RO 12, 10685 size of the Issue. Remit check- or money Oxy-acetylene apparatus (L-. order, fmade payable to the Superintendent. Am. 5) ----------------- 10706 268, Rev.) ------------ - 10679 of Documents; -directly to the Government Regional and district office -. - Refrigerating and air condi- Printing Office, Washington, D. C. orders: tioning machinery There are no restrictions, an d on the republica- Fruits and vegetables, fresh: equipment, -industrial and tion of material appearing in the Frma&L Jacksonville, Fla., district. 10731 REGSTE. commercial (L-38) ------- 10675 Richmond, Va,, district-.... 10731 Replacement storage batteries, Grapes, Spokane, Wash., dis- materials for production of trict ------------------ 10735 (L-180) ----------------- 10686 NOTICE Milk haulers, Brown Coun- Staples and staplers (L-329, ty, Wis-- ------------- 10734 Rev.)------------------1085 The Cumulative Supplement to Prunes, Spokane, Wash., dis- the Code of Federal Regulations, Sun glasses (L-238) ---------- 10091 trict ----------------- 10735 Suspension orders, etc.: covering the period from June 2, Solid fuels: Demamb~o Radio Supply Co. 1069 New Bern, N. C 1938, through- June 1, 1943, xnay be ----------- 10731 Moore, Sam, Chairs, Inc --- 10746 obtained Wilson, N. C -------------- 10733 Utilities (U-i: U-i-a; U-i-c: from the Superintendent Sugars: of U-1-d; U-1-e, Rev,, U-i-f: Documents, Government Printing Direct consumption (RPS 60, Office, at $3.00 per unit. The follow. U-1-g; U-1-; U-I-J; Rev.) Am. 12) ------------- 10707 (10 documents) ing are now available: Raw cane (RPS 16, Am. 7)__-- 10706 ---------- 1 10700, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE: 10703,10704,10705, 10700 Book 1: Titles 1-3 (Presidential doc- WAR SHIPPING ADMINISTRnATION: Interstate quarantine, use or uments) with tables and index. Contracts with vessel owners shipment of garbage ---- 10718 and rates of Book 2: Titles 4-9, with index. Personnel, compensation; special consultants 10718 redetermination and read- Book 3: Titles 10-17, with index. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMIS- Justment of time charter Book 4: Titles 18-25, with index. SION: hire-------------------- 10710 Book 5, Part 1: Title 26, Parts 2-178. Hearings, etc.: Ship war r ant Cities regulations; Book 5, Part 2: Title 26, completed; Service Power & Light rates ------------------- 10719 Co., et al-------------- 10737 Title 27; with index. Federal Water andGas Corp., Book 6: Titles 28-32, with index. and Alabama Water o Section 18.16 (a), Customs Regulations Service -Co----, - ------- 10736 of 1943 (19 CFR, Cum. Supp., 18.16 (a)), Indiana Gas Utilities Co., and is hereby amended by changing the CONTENTS-Continued Associated Electric Co--- 10736 period at the end of the second sentence Mississippi Power & Light Co., to a semicolon and adding the following: OFFICE or PRICE ADMINISTRATION: and Electric Power & Adjustments: Page "and the collector shall endorse the with- Light Corp ------------ 10735 drawal to show whether the transferee A & J Mfg Co -------------- 10728 Northern Indiana Public Serv- has filed the bond provided for in Aasen & McCue, et al-------- 10729 ice Co ---------------- 10736 § 8.39." Avery Coal Co., et al------- 10727 TREASURY DEPARTMENT: " (Sec.
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