No Surprises Here

No Surprises Here

REPORT 2009 BUSINESS AIRCRAFT FLEET US were having a fire sale trying to NO SURPRISES HERE quickly get rid of their business air- craft in order to avoid government and public scrutiny, countries like Brazil were turning to Business Aviation as a business solution. The result – well, we think the numbers speak for them- selves. So yes, 2009 was a slow year for Business Aviation – as expected. The World Fleet continued to grow, although at a much slower rate than past years (the world fleet grew by seven percent last year, in comparison to this year’s 4.8 percent). And yes, Europe may have been a surprise as it navigated the crisis fairly well, but only saw a 9.7 percent increase in its fleet, which although strong is almost half the size of last year’s world-lead- ing 18 percent. But the slowdowns in Europe and the US are made up for by the 15.3, 27.1 and 13.3 percent growth rates in Africa, Asia/Middle East and South America respectively. FLEET TOTALS Ok, so we changed our minds about (As of End 2009) 2009. Business Aviation is not slowing World Fleet 29,992 down. Business Aviation is simply European Fleet 3,959 changing, shifting and going where Jet Aircraft Worldwide 17,118 business goes – building new Turboprops Worldwide 12,499 economies and ensuring that business gets done. By Nick Klenske ust take a brief glance at the Overview J numbers and it should be blatant- Let us start from the end – or as close No surprise here. 2009 was a ly clear: the center of Business to the end as the numbers allow: slow year forBusiness Aviation is shifting. For starters, world GAMA’s 2009 Third Quarter Report on Aviation. After declaring leader USA saw its fleet decrease by Shipments. This report traditionally 2008 as “One of the Best”, 185 aircraft. On the other hand, Africa, gives us a better idea of what might be this year we here at BART are Asia, the Middle East and South expected in 2010. And as we are all for- hesitant to declare 2009 as America are all growing at exceptional ward-looking business people, we “One of the Worse”. But rates. In terms of specific countries, don’t dwell in the past but simply use the Top Ten list is nearly split between it to better navigate the future. before we tossed in the traditional western nations and such According to the GAMA report, in towel and all but wrote the emerging markets as Brazil, Mexico the first three quarters of 2009, total past year off, we took a and Venezuela. general aviation airplane shipment fell closer look at the statistics. But again, this really should not by 46.8 percent, from 2,982 units in And there, buried within the come as a surprise. Not only has the 2008 to 1,587 units at the time of the numbers we found good market been shifting away from the report’s release. Total industry billings news – and even a hint at US for the past several years – compa- were down 23.5 percent, to $13.8 bil- what may be the future of nies have been claiming that their lion. Business Aviation. Although sales are now 50 percent US and 50 “These shipment and billing figures SHIFTING the traditional power players percent “international” – but these are a result of this difficult business The marketplaces have taken a hit – with the numbers also reflect the economic cri- cycle and reflects the impact of the are turning sis. Whereas the US was hit hard – as weak economy,” said GAMA President United States actually towards Europe was the United Kingdom and, to a and CEO Pete Bunce. “However, and the emerging posting a negative rate of lesser extent, Europe – the emerging another contributing factor that has markets of Asia, growth – the so-called markets tended to fare better (with led to the disappointing year-to-date South America emerging markets are Dubai being a major exception). In numbers is the unwarranted negative and Africa. surging like never before. other words, while companies in the attacks on Business Aviation.” 28 - BART: FEBRUARY - APRIL - 2010 JET SUMMARY BY MODEL AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2009 MFG/MODEL TOTAL EUR MFG/MODEL TOTAL EUR MFG/MODEL TOTAL EUR AIRBUS A30010 CITATION CJ3 329 77 GULFSTREAM G-10022 2 AIRBUS A31021 12 CITATION ENCORE 165 13 GULFSTREAM G-15078 10 AIRBUS A318 ELITE74 CITATION ENCORE+55 6 GULFSTREAM G-200221 28 AIRBUS A319CJ 44 22 CITATION EXCEL 369 65 GULFSTREAM G-30013 0 AIRBUS A32051 CITATION I24 9 GULFSTREAM G-35011 0 AIRBUS A34010 0 CITATION I/SP29633 GULFSTREAM G-40023 0 ASTRA 1125 32 0 CITATION II 586 65 GULFSTREAM G-45016014 ASTRA 1125SP 36 1 CITATION II/SP73 19 GULFSTREAM G-50090 ASTRA 1125SPX58 3 CITATION III 195 14 GULFSTREAM G-550 239 60 BAC 1-11 18 1 CITATION MUSTANG25665 GULFSTREAM G-II 164 1 BAE 146-100 41CITATION S/II15310 GULFSTREAM G-IIB 40 2 BAE 146-200 64CITATION SOVEREIGN 279 47 GULFSTREAM G-III 183 2 BAE 146-300 10CITATION ULTRA 274 15 GULFSTREAM G-IV 212 11 BAE Avro RJ70 11CITATION V25819 GULFSTREAM G-IVSP 286 11 BEECHJET 40060 1 CITATION VI 365GULFSTREAM G-V 191 19 BEECHJET 400A 346 25 CITATION VII 118 13 HAWKER 1000A 444 BOEING 707-120B 40CITATION X29821 HAWKER 1000B 7 3 BOEING 707-320 33 5 CITATION XLS 328 108 HAWKER 125-1A 19 4 BOEING 707-C 70CITATION XLS+35 10 HAWKER 125-1AS90 BOEING 707-E 50DIAMOND I 41HAWKER 125-1B 11 9 BOEING 720B 3 1 DIAMOND IA71 3 HAWKER 125-3A 31 BOEING 727-100 51 3 DORNIER 328JET ENVOY53 23 HAWKER 125-3A/RA 7 0 BOEING 727-200 25 2 ECLIPSE EA500 256 22 HAWKER 125-3A/RAS30 BOEING 737 10EMBRAER LEGACY 600 164 61 HAWKER 125-3AS20 BOEING 737-100 10EMBRAER LEGACY SHUTTLE11 0 HAWKER 125-3B 91 BOEING 737-200 36 1 EMBRAER LINEAGE 1000 20HAWKER 125-3B/RAS 10 BOEING 737-300 91EMBRAER PHENOM 100 68 6 HAWKER 125-3BS10 BOEING 737-400 30FALCON 10 152 14 HAWKER 125-400A 16 0 BOEING 737-500 41FALCON 100 33 11 HAWKER 125-400AS52 3 BOEING 737-700 70FALCON 200 33 4 HAWKER 125-400B 14 1 BOEING 747-300 10FALCON 2000 231 49 HAWKER 125-400BS30 BOEING 747-400 10 0 FALCON 2000DX 41HAWKER 125-600A 20 1 BOEING 747SP 12 1 FALCON 2000EX 26 8 HAWKER 125-600AS12 1 BOEING 757 40FALCON 2000EX EASy 143 55 HAWKER 125-600B 20 BOEING 757-200 15 2 FALCON 2000LX 43HAWKER 125-600BS10 BOEING 767-200 70FALCON 20C 93 25 HAWKER 125-700A 173 9 BOEING 767-300 42FALCON 20C-521 5 HAWKER 125-700B 32 21 BOEING 777-200 10FALCON 20D 29 7 HAWKER 4000 25 0 BOEING BBJ 99 14 FALCON 20D-540 HAWKER 400XP 234 43 BOEING BBJ2 14 4 FALCON 20E 37 14 HAWKER 750 35 14 CANADAIR RJ 24 2 FALCON 20E-515 9 HAWKER 800A 226 5 CHALLENGER 30026048 FALCON 20F 87 10 HAWKER 800B 61 14 CHALLENGER 60078 5 FALCON 20F-579 6 HAWKER 800XP 423 52 CHALLENGER 601-1A 63 9 FALCON 20G 5 5 HAWKER 800XPI 51 25 CHALLENGER 601-3A 132 14 FALCON 50 241 40 HAWKER 850XP 100 19 CHALLENGER 601-3R 59 4 FALCON 50-40 60HAWKER 900XP 111 19 CHALLENGER 60436380 FALCON 50EX 101 15 JET COMMANDER 1121110 CHALLENGER 60582 33 FALCON 7X 49 25 JET COMMANDER 1121B 8 1 CHALLENGER 80031 FALCON 900 39 12 JETSTAR 6 20 CHALLENGER 85043 26 FALCON 900B 138 35 JETSTAR 731 163 CHALLENGER 87021 FALCON 900C 25 8 JETSTAR 8 70 CHALLENGER 89020 FALCON 900DX 21 9 JETSTAR II24 1 CITATION 500 271 37 FALCON 900EX 118 35 LEARJET 2315 1 CITATION 525 352 86 FALCON 900EX EASy 100 39 LEARJET 2437 1 CITATION BRAVO 335 81 FOKKER F10043 LEARJET 24A 4 0 CITATION CJ1 195 53 FOKKER F28 31LEARJET 24B 250 CITATION CJ1+97 33 GLOBAL 5000 77 18 LEARJET 24D 66 1 CITATION CJ2 239 73 GLOBAL EXPRESS 149 36 LEARJET 24E 15 0 CITATION CJ2+15358 GLOBAL EXPRESS XRS 8430 LEARJET 24F 9 0 30 - BART: FEBRUARY - APRIL - 2010 TURBOPROPS JET FLEET 2.697 MFG/MODEL TOTAL EUR MFG/MODEL TOTAL EUR 17.118 LEARJET 2530 0 AVANTI II 87 33 LEARJET 25B 68 1 AVANTI P18098 42 LEARJET 25C 14 1 CARAVAN 20839029 World Europe LEARJET 25D 138 2 CARAVAN 208B 1.311 81 LEARJET 25G 4 0 CHEYENNE 400 40 7 TURBOPROPS FLEET LEARJET 2850 CHEYENNE I17115 LEARJET 2940 CHEYENNE IA 174 1.215 LEARJET 3135 4 CHEYENNE II 372 48 12.499 LEARJET 31A 207 13 CHEYENNE III 80 9 LEARJET 35500CHEYENNE IIIA 5416 LEARJET 35A 479 40 CHEYENNE IIXL 75 6 World Europe LEARJET 3615 0 CONQUEST I20916 LEARJET 36A 38 4 CONQUEST II 318 9 WORLD TURBINE FLEET LEARJET 4045 16 GULFSTREAM G-I 703 LEARJET 40XR 74 13 JETSTREAM 31 45 9 3.912 LEARJET 4523942 JETSTREAM 32 31 5 29.617 LEARJET 45XR 155 15 JETSTREAM 41 92 LEARJET 55116 14 KING AIR 100 64 1 LEARJET 55B 8 1 KING AIR 200 713 65 World Europe LEARJET 55C 14 2 KING AIR 200C 32 3 LEARJET 6031254 KINGAIR 200T 20 2 LEARJET 60XR 54 19 KING AIR 300 212 2 LOCKHEED L1011 30KING AIR 300LW 21 10 MFG/MODEL TOTAL EUR MDD DC8 20KING AIR 350 623 48 MERLIN IV-C 214 MDD DC9 12 0 KING AIR 350C 27 4 MITSUBISHI MARQUISE 983 MDD MD8014 2 KING AIR 90 30 1 MITSUBISHI MU-2B 3 0 PREMIER I 126 23 KING AIR A/B90 13 0 MITSUBISHI MU-2C 16 0 PREMIER IA 136 36 KING AIR A100112 4 MITSUBISHI MU-2D 1 0 SABRELINER 40 24 2 KING AIR A2002361MITSUBISHI MU-2F 39 0 SABRELINER 40A 28 1 KING AIR A90 77 5 MITSUBISHI MU-2G 6 0 SABRELINER 40EL 7 0 KING AIR A90-1 121 2 MITSUBISHI MU-2J 47 1 SABRELINER 40EX 2 0 KING AIR B100 122 1 MITSUBISHI MU-2K 43 7 SABRELINER 40R40 KING AIR B200 1.091 134 MITSUBISHI MU-2L 22 0 SABRELINER 40SE 10KING AIR B200C 100 6 MITSUBISHI MU-2M 19 3 SABRELINER 50 10KING AIR B200CT 90MITSUBISHI MU-2N 26 0 SABRELINER 60 43 0 KING AIR B200GT 86 16 MITSUBISHI MU-2P 32 2 SABRELINER 60A30 KING AIR B200SE 51MITSUBISHI MU-2S 17 0 SABRELINER 60AELXM 1 0 KING AIR B200T 23 1 MITSUBISHI SOLITAIRE42 1 SABRELINER 60EL 3 1 KING AIR B90 113 6 PILATUS PC-12 776 92 SABRELINER 60ELXM 330KING AIR C90 445 43 PILATUS PC-12 NG 151 24 SABRELINER 60EX 4 0 KINGAIR C90-1 42 0 PIPER MERIDIAN 382 61 SABRELINER 60SC 2 0 KING AIR C90A226 20 SOCATA TBM-700A 105 30 SABRELINER 60SCELXM 2 0 KING AIR C90B42634 SOCATA TBM-700B

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