THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. LI, NO. 44 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1967 15¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES ~~~~~~~~~~~1'.11:.l!'m~~~~!m~~ § Palestinian Leaders § Israelis Guard Worshippers ~ Force Out Shukairy g CAIRO - Ahmed Shukairy, the In Bethlehem For Christmas orator who nourished Arab BETHLEHEM - On the day there being fewer pilgrims than dreams of de stroying Israel. re­ before Chri s tmas chere were expected, although Israel an­ signed rhi s week as chairman of nounced at the last minute that the Palestine Liberation Organi­ fewer vi sitors than expected In thi s city, sacred to Christi ans. passes would not be necessary zation. and that the west-bank curfews The resignation of the former Neither Jews nor Moslems we re June War Dominates 1967, allowed here, In order to limit would be suspended. The Amman diplomat had been called for by radio had urged Christians to other Palestinian leaders who the crowds. About 14 ,000 vi sitors from boycott services and leaflets said he ha d been In discreet and abroad arrived in Israel during urging this were distributed in Affects Community Plans ineffectual as the head of the or­ the past week, including 32 Jerusalem. The year which is just ending ganiza rion, which claims ro rep­ Many aspects of the Christian before and since the Six-Day War re sent more th an a million Arab planeloads of European and is distinguished from all others was related to the situation in the American pilgrims who landed at fe stivities reflected the changes by the return of Jerusalem to Is­ Middle East. refugee s from the territory thar Lydda Airport on Dec. 24. brought about by the June war. rael. The third war In 19 years Is now Israel or occupied by Is­ Many climbed the hill into thi s The Israeli police band Joined Here in Rhode Island, the rae l. was "!OD handily by little Israel, Jewish Community Center began Hi s repeated call s for the ob­ town ro vi sit the grotto which is Berhlemen' s Arab band for the which now must wrestle with the a two-m!llion-dollar drive for a literation of Israel had apparently the traditional birthplace of traditional procession of the Most problems of a population turned much-needed new building and lost him crucial support from the Jesus , and to attend midnight Rev . Alberro Gori, the Roman upside-down and three times as had raised a good part of the sum United Arab Republic Govern- · ma ss In adjacent Sr. Catherine's Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem , much land as it started with In needed before the Israel-Arab ment. which appears to want to Rom an Catholic Church. to Bethlehem. June. war ended all fund raising for any achieve a peaceful se ttlement of The route from Jerusalem The monsignor traveled from Events in Rhode Island, over­ purpose but the Israel Em ergency the Middle East Impasse. wa s guarded by hun dreds of Is­ the Old City of Jerusalem through shadowed by the Israeli victory, Fund. (The Center has reac­ The Egyptian Government rael! policemen who enforced the the former Israelt sector of the were to some extent and for some tivated its drive this month.) news agency reported that the regul arion permitting entry only city . avoiding a lengthy detour persons shaped by it. To every The General J ewlsh Com - Palestine Liberation Organiza­ to Christians. that had been used by the Jorda­ Israel! living anywhere else in mlttee began its campaign right tion's e xecutive committee had A cold wind, occasional show­ nlan s during the 19 years of di­ the world, It brought closer and alter the war, as did other United named one of its members , Yeh1a ers and unsettled conditions in vided rule, to the outskirts of made plain that there must be an Jewish Appeal groups throughout Hammouda, a relatively unknown the occupied west-bank region of Bethlehem. inevitable moment of choice. the United States. The sum raised figure, as acting chairman. Jordan m~ have accounted for There he wa s greeted by Arab Many young men and women, by July 7, $2,506,000, came not no tables. Together they pro­ who went a~ volunteers to help In only from committed Jews and ceeded into Bethlehem to begin the harvest and at other tasks from some gentiles, but also, for the stately religious procession · while the nation was m,,blllzed, To accompanied by officials of the the first time since the establish­ Arabs Object Menorah . also face that choice: wl)ether to ment of the state of Israel, from Israeli military government and ~ ,, be a citizen of Eretz Israel or to many who had never before con­ Standing On Moslem Site the Larin clergy Into the Greek remain a citizen of a dearer, tributed a cent to any Jewish Orthodox Church of the Nativity. I J ERUSALEM - The Chanukah by Intense security precautions more familiar land. cause. (In 1966, the GJC raised Se ver a I thousand people, I , The community was forced to $800,253.) holiday , which began all over the against Arab sabotage. mostly residents of Bethlehem, turn outward, toward the greater Other h!ghl!ghts of the year in world with the lighting of the first A third major hollday , the watched In Manger Square as they candle of the menorah, brought Moslem fea st of Id al-Flrr, will event, and much of its activity (Continued on page 15) passe d between rows of choirs complaints from the Arabs of be limited ro religious observ- toward the church. Bethlehem has East Jerusalem. They objected to ances this year on the order of a population of more than 10,000 the location of a giant eight- Arab leaders , who have canceled people, most of whom are Chris­ )~ . branched candelabrum on a Mos- festivities as a protest again st tian Arabs. lem site near the Western Wall. the Israeli military occupation. A band struggled through "O The wall, a remnant of the Chanukah began in Israel with Come All Ye Faithful" and other ,, Temple of Solomon, also forms the lighting of the first candle of Christmas hymns. Above the pro­ part of the Haram esh-Sherlf, the the menorah and the kindling of cession a large screen stood in enclosur e that contains the torches at Modetn, the burial readiness to provide the midnight Mosque of Omar and the Aksa place of the Maccabees. Thirty- service over closed-circuit tele­ 1),losque. two torches were lit at Modeln, to vision. The menorah was pl aced .out- be carried to 32 Jewish commu- The procession entered the slde the Moslem compound on the nltles around the world. Greek Orthodox ·church as roof of a structure Identified by The Maccabees began a revol r through a funnel, moving In single some Arabs as a mosque and by In 166 b.c. that won the temple file and leaning over for a tiny others as a meeting hall . Part of back from the Syrians under An- door built small enough to bar the building was taken over by the tiochus. The story of the ancient horsemen from entering the Israeli religious authorities after Israelite warriors and the legend church. the war. Jr was also said ro have of the oil found In the temple that l Said to be one of the oldest in "'1 - - --- served as security headquarters. should have lasted for a day bur ~t C nilraculously burned for eight are Christendom, the Church of the ~~~ / ~~· Ch The Chanukah festival follows retold each year during the festi- Nativity was built, in !ts original \] , -■-iil•••llllil rlstmas celebrations marked val. state, by St. Helena, mother of R»tz4ZiltziOOtZP•titW•Wnrmr..f.itititiOOtiti®!Zi~i:mm.:i!'mtzi!'m~~~~~!'.l~~~~1'El~~~~~!'.l!'.l~~~!'.l~~~!'.l~~!'.l~~~~1'El~~~1'El~~~!m!J!'.i! Emperor Constantine, while she was on pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the fourth century. Jewish Archivist Relates Discovery Of Oldest Frontier Synagogue Record It was constructed over the NEW YORK - A generation world, knew that the Hebrew trinkets for the Indian trade and Va 11 e y . Jewish businessmen Grotto of the Nativity, believed to ago a scholar discovered the Union College library· possessed guns for the hunters. His gun­ flocked to early Lancaster be­ have been one of the many rock­ minutes of the oldest Jewish a valuable minute book of Span­ making firm, Simon and Henry, cause of her many opportunities. hewn caves of the Holy Land. The community in the New World, the ish-Portuguese London Jewry. was famous for its rifles, which grotto Is now an ornate but still Rock of Israel Congregation at Wanting It, they searched through were traded as far west as the As the "West" grew in the tiny chamber with a 14-polnted ◄ Recife, Brazil, established In the their own extensive archival frontier post of Detroit. From late 1700' s, 'the town was by• silver star marking the tradition­ 1640's or earlier. Less than ten holdings for something to trade. Detroit they were carried west to passed for greener and lusher al site of the Nativity and an In­ years ago, Dr. Jacob R. Marcus, They were Iuclc}(, for they found the Rockies. fields like Baltimore. in the long scription that reads: director of the American Jewish the small plnkas, or record book, Lancaster owed her impor­ run, In! and Lancaster could nor "Hie de Vlrglne Maria, Jesus compete with the rising port on Archives on the Cincinnati of the treasury of the Holy Con­ tance to the -fact that' settlers, Chrlstus natur est" ('Here the campus of the Hebrew Union Col­ gregation of Lal)caster, Pa.
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