104 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 15, 1957 "3. A service pension assessed as in Clause 2 may be "11. In the case of previous service in respect of which granted to:— the Naval rating or Royal Marine received a Service gratuity it shall be a condition of allowing such service as "(a) A R.N. rating or Royal Marine discharged other- reckonable service under Clauses 8 and 9 that the Naval wise than for misconduct or for inefficiency due to causes rating or Royal Marine shall make a payment to Naval within his own control, if he has completed at least 22 Funds either in a lump sum or otherwise. In default ot years' redeemable service. such payment the previous service will not be reckonable "(b) A Royal Marine who having re-engaged before 1st service. May, 1947, to complete 21 years' service, and who is "12. The following periods of service shall not be released on or after the termination of his re-engagement, reckonable service:— if he has completed at least 21 years' service. "(a) periods of imprisonment or detention, whether "(c) A R.N. rating or Royal Marine who is invalided awarded summarily or by sentence of court martial; or after having undertaken a re-engagement to complete 21 confinement in cells; or 22 years' service (whether or not he has entered into his re-engagement p, ior to his discharge) or having re- "(b) time forfeited through conviction by the Civil Power, entered for a period which would complete 22 years' or consequent upon an order under the Probation of service, provided he has completed at least 12 years' Offenders Act; redeemable service. "(c) time spent in desertion and, unless the service is restored by the Admiralty, any service preceding desertion; "(d) A Maltese R.N. rating who while serving on a "(d) service rendered by any person who shall have non-continuous service engagement is invalided and who re-entered after having been dismissed from the service has completed at least 12 years' reckonable service. t with disgrace or with ignominy. "4. A R.N. rating or Royal Marine who is discharged for inefficiency within his own control and who has com- "SECTION II. pleted at least 22 years' reckonable service, may be granted "TERMINAL GRANTS IN ADDITION TO SERVICE PENSION. such portion of the service pension assessed under Clause "13. Ratings and Royal Marines discharged to pension 2 as the Admiralty may determine, having regard to the after 31st December, 1955 (cease pay date), will be circumstances of the case. awarded on discharge a terminal grant at the following rates:— "5. A R.N. rating or Royal Marine who is discharged for misconduct, or with ignominy, and who has completed "(a) Basic Grant (after 22 years' reckonable service): — at least 22 years' reckonable service, may be granted such £ pension as the Admiralty may determine, having regard Able Rating \ or f 125 to the circumstances of the case, but not in any event Leading Rating { equivalent I 175 exceeding 90 per cent, of the award which would have Petty Officer ... ( Royal Marine | 225 been admissable had he been discharged on other grounds. Chief Petty Officer ... ) Rank I 275 Quartermaster Sergeant, Royal Marines; \ ,-- "6. In assessing rank element of pension all paid rank JUU will be taken into account. Recruiting Officer / Regimental Sergeant Major, Royal Marines, \ "7. The provisions of Order in Council of 9th October, or \ 330 1956, and previous Pensions Increase Orders in Council, Commissioned Officer, R.N. or R.M. ... J will not apply to pensions awarded under the foregoing "(b) For each year of reckonable service beyond 22 provisions of this Section. years the basic rate will be increased in accordance with "Reckonable Service. the following scale: — "8. Reckonable service for the purpose of determining Able Rating i or C 12 entitlement to pension and the rates of pension will be Leading Rating I equivalent I 15 as follows:— Petty Officer ... f Royal Marine 1 20 "(a) Unforfeited full pay service given, otherwise than Chief Petty Officer ... J Rank I 24 as a commissioned officer, after attaining the age of 18 Quartermaster Sergeant, Royal Marines; \ .,, years, in the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the Army, Recruiting Officer / the Royal Air Force, or the former Armed Forces of Regimental Sergeant Major, Royarall Marines, ~| India or Burma, or the Armed Forces of the British or \ 32 Commonwealth or Colonies. Commissioned Officer, R.N. or R.I.Ml . ... J "(b) Service as a commissioned officer which would "14. Twenty-two years' reckonable service will normally reckon as qualifying service under Clause 27 of Schedule be necessa-y for the basic rate. Men going to Service pension with less than 22 years' service will be awarded "(c) Periods on full pay for the purpose of training, one twenty-second of the basic grant for each year of while a member of the Auxiliary and Reserve Forces, reckonable service, subject to a minimum grant of £125. except broken periods individually of less than six months' Where, however, a Royal Marine has at least 21 years' duration. reckonable service and is pensioned under Clause 3 (A) "(d) While a regular R.N. rating or Royal Marine, of this Schedule, a terminal grant at the rate of 22 years' periods in appointments not remunerated from Navy Funds reckonable service may be given. in respect of which the conditions of Clause 10 are satisfied. "15. The terminal grant to a R.N. rating or Royal Marine who is discharged for inefficiency within his own "9. Normally service preceding a five years interval in control, or for misconduct, or with ignominy, and is service will not be reckonable unless specially so allowed awarded a pension under Clauses 4 and 5 of this Schedule by the Admiralty and eligibility to reckon such service will shall be of such amount as the Admiralty may dele-mine be determined at the time of resumption of service. When, havine regard to the circumstances of the case; but where however, during a break in service, the man the discharge is for misconduct or with ignominy, the "(a) has been a member of a Rese-ve Force undertaking amount shall not in any event exceed 90 per cent, of the or liable for periodical training, the period of such member- award which would have been admissable had the man ship will not be considered an interval of service for this been discharged on other grounds. purpose; "16. Save in exceptional circumstances at the discretion "(b) although not a member of a recognised reserve, of the Admiralty additions for further service beyond 22 remained liable to recall, the period during which he years will not be given in respect of service on any engage- remained so liable will not be regarded as an interval of ment, re-engaeement, or period of continuance, which is service, provided that his period of service included a prematurely terminated at the R.N. rating's or Royal period of War Service; 'war service' for this purpose being Marine's request. defined as full pay service between 3rd September, 1939, "17. Rank for assessing the grant will be the highest and 15th August, 1946. paid -ank held for a period of two years or more during "10. The appointments not remunerated from Navy the five years preceding discharge. Funds, referred to in Clause 8 (d) which may be allowed "18. The grant will be free of income tax. as reckonable service, are those which the Admiralty may decide can reasonably be regarded as part of the Naval "SECTION in. rating's or Royal Marine's career as such. They will be "R.N. RATINGS AND ROYAL MARINES— appointments to which the Naval raring or Royal Marine brings his Naval or Royal Marine knowledge, and from SERVICE GRATUITIES. which he acquires additional experience, and which have "19. The provisions of this Section relate (except where been offered to him as part of his Naval or Royal Marine otherwise stated) to R.N. ratings and Royal Marines who service. are transferred to the Reserve, or discharged without entitle-.
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