2020-21 National Hockey League Pronunciations

2020-21 National Hockey League Pronunciations

2020-21 NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE PRONUNCIATIONS The pronunciations are listed in United Press International phonetic style: AY long A as in mate A short A as in cat AI nasal A as in air AH short A as in father AW broad A as in talk EE long E as in meat EH short E as in get UH hollow E as in the AY French long E with acute accent as in passé IH middle E as in pretty EW EW dipthong as in few IGH long I as in time EE French long I as in machine IH short I as in pity OH long O as in note AH short O as in hot AW broad O as in fought OI OI dipthong as in noise OO long double OO as in fool U short double O as in foot OW OW dipthong as in how EW long U as in mule OO long U as in rule U middle U as in put UH short U as in shut or hurt K hard C as in cat S soft C as in cease SH soft CH as in machine CH hard CH or TCH as in catch Z hard S as in bells S soft S as in sun G hard G as in gang J soft G as in general ZH soft J as in French version of Joliet KH gutteral CH as in Scottish version of Loch REFEREES Anderson Reid (AN-duhr-suhn, REED) Blandina Brandon (blan-DEE-nuh, BRAN-duhn) Brenk Jake (BREHNK, JAYK) Charron Francis (sha-RAHN, FRAN-sihs) Chmielewski Tom (shihm-ehl-ESS-kee, TAWM) Dunning Mitch (DUHN-ihng, MIHTCH) Dwyer Gord (DWIGH-uhr, GOHRD) Furlatt Eric (fur-LAHT, AIR-ihk) Halkidis Beaudry (hal-KEE-dihs, BOH-dree) Hanson Trevor (HAN-suhn, TREH-vuhr) Hebert Ghislain (AY-bair, ZHIHZ-lehn) Hebert Jean (AY-bair, ZHAWN) Joannette Marc (zhwawn-EHT, MAHRK) Kelly Dan (KEHL-ee, DAN) Kozari Steve (koh-ZAHR-ee, STEEV) Lambert Pierre (lam-BAIR, pee-AIR) L’Ecuyer Frederick (LAY-KWEE-ay, FREHD-uhr-ihk) Lee Chris (LEE, KRIHS) Luxmore T.J. (LUHX-mohr, TEE-JAY) MacDougall Peter (mac-DOO-guhl, PEE-tuhr) Markovic Michael (MARK-oh-vitch, MIGH-kuhl) McCauley Wes (muh-KAHL-ee, WEHS) McIsaac Jon (muhk-IGH-zihk, JAWN) Meier Brad (MIGH-uhr, BRAD) Morton Dean (MOHR-tuhn, DEEN) Nicholson Kendrick (NIH-kuhl-suhn, KEHN-drihk) O'Donnell Conor (oh-DAHN-uhl, KAW-nuhr) O’Rourke Dan (oh-ROHRK, DAN) Peel Tim (PEEL, TIHM) Pochmara Brian (pahk-MAHR-uh, BRIGH-uhn) Pollock Kevin (PAHL-uhk, KEH-vihn) Rank Garrett (RANK, GAIR-eht) Rehman Kyle (RAY-muhn, KIGHL) Rooney Chris (ROO-nee, KRIHS) Schlenker Chris (SHLEHNK-uhr, KRIHS) Schrader Brandon (SHRAY-duhr, BRAN-duhn) Skilliter Graham (SKIHL-ih-tuhr, GRAY-uhm) South Furman (SOWTH, FUHR-muhn) St. Laurent Francois (SAINT-loh-RAHNT, frahn-SWAH) St. Pierre Justin (SAINT-pee-AIR, JUHS-tihn) Sutherland Kelly (SUH-thuhr-luhnd, KEHL-ee) Syvret Corey (sih-VREHT, KOH-ree) Walsh Ian (WAWLSH, EE-an) LINESMEN Alphonso Shandor (al-FAHN-soh, SHAN-dohr) Amell Derek (a-MEHL, DAIR-ihk) Baker Tyson (BAY-kuhr, TIGH-suhn) Barton Steve (BAHR-tuhn, STEEV) Berg Devin (BUHRG, DEH-vihn) Brisebois David (BREEZ-bwah, DAY-vihd) Cherrey Scott (CHAIR-ee, SKAWT) Cormier Michel (KOHR-mee-ay, mih-SHEHL) Daisy Ryan (DAY-zee, RIGH-uhn) Devorski Greg (duh-VOHR-skee, GREHG) Flemington Kyle (FLEHM-ihng-tuhn, KIGHL) Fournier Julien (FOORN-yay, ZHOO-lee-ehn) Galloway Ryan (GAL-oh-way, RIGH-uhn) Gawryletz Brandon (GAHR-lehtz, BRAN-duhn) Gawryletz Travis (GAHR-lehtz, TRA-vihs) Gibbons Ryan (GIH-buhnz, RIGH-uhn) Knorr Trent (K'NOHR, TREHNT) Kovachik Brad (koh-VAH-chihk, BRAD) Mach Brian (MAHK, BRIGH-uhn) MacPherson Matt (mak-FUR-suhn, MAT) Marquis Jesse (mahr-KEE, JEHS-ee) Miller Steve (MIH-luhr, STEEV) Mills Bevan (MIHLZ, BEH-van) Murchison Kiel (MUHR-chih-suhn, KEEL) Murray Jonny (MUHR-ree, JAWN-ee) Nagy Kory (NA-ghee, KOH-ree) Nansen Derek (NAN-sehn, DAIR-ihk) Pancich Bryan (PAN-sihch, BRIGH-uhn) Racicot Pierre (RA-see-koh, pee-AIR) Rody Vaughan (ROH-dee, VAWN) Sericolo Anthony (sair-ih-KOH-loh, AN-thuh-nee) Shewchyk Mark (SHOO-chihk, MAHRK) Smith Andrew (SMIHTH, AN-droo) Suchanek Libor (soo-CHAN-ehk, LEE-bohr) Tobias James (toh-BIGH-uhs, JAYMZ) Toomey Travis (TOO-mee, TRA-vihs) HEAD COACHES Anaheim Ducks Eakins Dallas (AY-kihns, DAL-uhs) Arizona Coyotes Tocchet Rick (TAHK-iht, RIHK) Boston Bruins Cassidy Bruce (KA-sih-dee, BROOS) Buffalo Sabres Krueger Ralph (KROO-guhr, RALF) Calgary Flames Ward Geoff (WOHRD, JEHF) Carolina Hurricanes Brind'Amour Rod (BRIHND-uh-MOHR, RAWD) Chicago Blackhawks Colliton Jeremy (KAHL-ih-tuhn, JAIR-eh-mee) Colorado Avalanche Bednar Jared (BEHD-nuhr, JAIR-ehd) Columbus Blue Jackets Tortorella John (tohr-toh-REH-la, JAWN) Dallas Stars Bowness Rick (BOH-nehs, RIHK) Detroit Red Wings Blashill Jeff (BLASH-ihl, JEHF) Edmonton Oilers Tippett Dave (TIHP-eht, DAYV) Florida Panthers Quenneville Joel (KWEHN-vihl, JOHL) Los Angeles Kings McLellan Todd (muh-KLEHL-uhn, TAWD) Minnesota Wild Evason Dean (EH-vuh-suhn, DEEN) Montreal Canadiens Julien Claude (JOO-lee-ehn, KLOHD) Nashville Predators Hynes John (HIGHNZ, JAWN) New Jersey Devils Ruff Lindy (RUHF, LIHN-dee) New York Islanders Trotz Barry (TRAWTZ, BA-ree) New York Rangers Quinn David (KWIHN, DAY-vihd) Ottawa Senators Smith D.J. (SMIHTH, DEE JAY) Philadelphia Flyers Vigneault Alain (VIHN-yoh, al-EHN) Pittsburgh Penguins Sullivan Mike (SUHL-ih-vuhn, MIGHK) St. Louis Blues Berube Craig (beh-ROO-bee, KRAYG) San Jose Sharks Boughner Bob (BOOG-nuhr, BAWB) Tampa Bay Lightning Cooper Jon (KOO-puhr, JAWN) Toronto Maple Leafs Keefe Sheldon (KEEF, SHEHL-duhn) Vancouver Canucks Green Travis (GREEN, TRA-vihs) Vegas Golden Knights DeBoer Peter (d'BOHR, PEE-tuhr) Washington Capitals Laviolette Peter (la-vee-oh-LEHT, PEE-tuhr) Winnipeg Jets Maurice Paul (mohr-EECE, PAWL) PLAYERS Aaltonen Miro (AHL-toh-nuhn, MEE-roh) Abdelkader Justin (ABDEHL-kay-duhr, JUHS-tihn) Aberg Pontus (AW-buhrg, PAWN-tuhs) Abols Rodrigo (A-bohlz, rahd-REE-goh) Abramov Mikhail (AY-brah-mahv, mih-KIGH-ehl) Abramov Vitaly (ah-BRAHM-awf, vih-TAL-ee) Acciari Noel (a-CHAR-ee, NOHL) Addison Calen (AD-ih-suhn, KAY-lehn) Afanasyev Egor (a-fan-AH-see-ehv, EE-gohr) Agostino Kenny (a-goh-STEE-noh, KEHN-nee) Agozzino Andrew (a-guh-ZEEN-oh, AN-droo) Ahcan Jack (ah-SHAWN, JAK) Aho Sebastian (AH-hoh, seh-BAS-t’yehn) Alain Alexandre (a-LEHN, al-ehx-AHN-druh) Alexandrov Nikita (a-lehx-AN-drahv, nih-KEE-tuh) Alexeyev Alexander (a-LEHX-ay-ehv, al-ehx-AN-duhr) Allard Frederic (ah-LAHRD, FREHD-uh-rihk) Allen Jake (AL-luhn, JAYK) Allison Wade (AL-ih-suhn, WAYD) Almari Niclas (ahl-MAR-ee, NIHK-luhs) Almeida Justin (al-MAY-duh, JUHS-tin) Alsing Olle (AL-sihng, OH-lay) Alt Mark (AHLT, MAHRK) Altybarmakyan Andrei (ahl-tee-bahr-MAHK-ee-uhn, AHN-dray) Alzner Karl (ALZ-nuhr, KARL) Amadio Mike (uh-MA-dee-oh, MIGHK) Anas Sam (A-nihs, SAM) Andersen Frederik (AN-duhr-suhn, FREHD-uhr-ihk) Anderson Craig (AN-duhr-suhn, KRAYG) Anderson Joey (AN-duhr-suhn, JOH-ee) Anderson Josh (AN-duhr-suhn, JAWSH) Anderson Michael (AN-duhr-suhn, MIGH-kuhl) Anderson-Dolan Jaret (AN-duhr-suhn-DOH-luhn, JAIR-iht) Andersson Axel (AN-duhr-suhn, AX-uhl) Andersson Lias (AN-duhr-suhn, lee-AHS) Andersson Rasmus (AN-duhr-suhn, RAZ-muhs) Andreoff Andy (AN-dree-awf, AN-dee) Andrighetto Sven (an-drih-GEH-toh, SVEHN) Ang Jonathan (ANG, JAWN-ah-thuhn) Angello Anthony (AN-gehl-oh, AN-thuh-nee) Anisimov Artem (a-NEE-see-mawv, AR-tehm) Annunen Justus (AN-uh-nehn, YOOS-tuhs) Appleton Mason (A-puhl-tuhn, MAY-suhn) Archibald Darren (ahr-CHIH-bawld, DAIR-ehn) Archibald Josh (AHR-chih-bawld, JAWSH) Armia Joel (ahr-MEE-uh, JOHL) Arnesson Linus (AHR-nuh-suhn, LEE-nuhs) Arvidsson Viktor (AHR-vihd-suhn, VIHK-tuhr) Aspirot Jonathan (AS-pihr-oh, JAWN-ah-thuhn) Asplund Rasmus (as-PLUHND, RAZ-muhs) Aston-Reese Zach (A-stuhn REES, ZAK) Athanasiou Andreas (ath-ah-nah-SEE-yew, ahn-DRAY-uhs) Atkinson Cam (AT-kihn-suhn, KAM) Aube-Kubel Nicolas (oh-BAY-koo-BEHL, NIH-koh-las) Audette Daniel (AW-deht, DAN-yehl) Backes David (BA-kuhs, DAY-vihd) Backlund Mikael (BAHK-luhnd, mih-KIGH-ehl) Backstrom Nicklas (BAK-struhm, NIHK-luhs) Baddock Brandon (BA-dawk, BRAN-duhn) Badini Jack (ba-DEE-nee, JAK) Baertschi Sven (BEHR-chee, SVEHN) Bahl Kevin (BAHL, KEH-vihn) Bailey Josh (BAY-lee, JAWSH) Bailey Justin (BAY-lee, JUHS-tihn) Bajkov Patrick (BIGH-kahv, PA-trihk) Bakos Martin (BAK-ohsh, MAHR-tihn) Balcers Rudolfs (BAHL-suhrs, ROO-dawlfs) Balisy Chase (BAL-ih-see, CHAYS) Baptiste Nicholas (bap-TEEST, NIH-koh-luhs) Barabanov Alexander (bah-rah-BAN-ahv, al-ehx-AN-duhr) Barbashev Ivan (bahr-BUH-shawv, IGH-vuhn) Barber Riley (BAHR-buhr, RIGH-lee) Barberio Mark (bahr-BAIR-ee-oh, MAHRK) Bardreau Cole (BAHR-droh, KOHL) Baribeau Dereck (BAHR-ih-boh, DAIR-ihk) Barkov Aleksander (BAR-kawv, al-ehx-AN-duhr) Barratt Evan (BAIR-iht, EH-vuhn) Barre-Boulet Alex (bah-RAY boo-LAY, AL-ehx) Barrie Tyson (BAIR-ree, TIGH-suhn) Barron Morgan (BAIR-uhn, MOHR-guhn) Barron Travis (BAIR-uhn, TRA-vihs) Barteaux Dawson (bar-TOH, DAW-suhn) Bartkowski Matt (bahrt-KOW-skee, MATT) Barzal Mathew (bahr-ZAHL, MA-thew) Bastian Nathan (bash-T’YEHN, NAY-thuhn) Batherson Drake (BATH-uhr-suhn, DRAYK) Bau Mathias (BOW, ma-TEE-uhs) Bayreuther Gavin (BAY-roo-thuhr, GA-vihn) Beagle Jay (BEE-guhl, JAY) Bean Jake (BEEN, JAYK) Bear Ethan (BAIR, EE-thuhn) Beaudin J.C. (boh-DEHN, JAY-CEE) Beaudin Nicolas (boh-DEHN, NIH-koh-las) Beaulieu Nathan (BOI-loh, NAY-thun) Beauvillier Anthony (boh-VIHL-yay, AN-thuh-nee) Beck Colton (BEHK, KOHL-tuhn) Beckman Adam (BEHK-muhn, A-duhm) Bednard Ryan (behd-NAHRD, RIGH-uhn) Beleskey Matt (beh-LEH-skee, MAT) Bellemare Pierre-Edouard (BEHL-mahr, PEE-air-EHD-wawrd) Bellerive Jordan (BEHL-reev, JOHR-duhn) Bellows Kieffer (BEH-lohz, KEE-fuhr) Belpedio Louis (BEHL-pee-dee-oh, LOO-ee) Belzile Alex (behl-ZEEL, AL-ehx) Bemstrom Emil (BEHM-struhm, eh-MIHL) Bengtsson Lukas (BAYNGT-suhn, LOO-kuhs) Benn Jamie (BEHN, JAY-mee) Benn Jordie (BEHN, JOHR-dee) Bennett Beau (BEH-neht, BOH) Bennett Sam (BEH-neht, SAM) Benning Matt (BEHN-ihng, MAT) Benoit Simon (BEHN-wah,

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