University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 3-15-1983 Sandspur, Vol 89, No 12, March 15, 1983 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 89, No 12, March 15, 1983" (1983). The Rollins Sandspur. 1608. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1608 march 15, 1983 vol. 89 no. 12 rollins college sandspur, march 15, 1982, page 2 JOIN THE LITE BEER TUG-OF-WAR. Last year we conducted our commercial. After carefully Lite Tug-of-War contest on tabulating the results of last college campuses across the year's contests, welound nation in an effort to resolve that the majority of campuses the eternal argument about actually felt strongly both Lite Beer. .."less filling" or ways. So sign up today to join lfll "tastes great"? This question the Lite Beer Tug-of-War, and as you may recall was never let us know how your campus fully answered in our memo­ feels about Lite Beer from rable "Battle of the Big Guys" Miller. OLD LITE DRAFT AT NOON COMPETITION BEGINS AT 2 PM Friday, March 18 Sponsored by: McKean Lakefront IFC, Panhel, and Phi Delta Theta ^fe«6ey-H. J'le/tat* .Jte i: j^j Educational Center There IS e difference alA Course Class Starting MCAT , wQyswe LSAT - GRE # MF| LSAT MAR 16 GRE PSYCH/ J"",1 GRE BIO / ™K SAT MAR 24 Student Discounts• X OAT-VAT/ NMB GRE APR 14 GMAT / KFMG PCAT / FLEX • VQE South Park Avenue / Winter Park,, FFL 327832789 /628-865/628-8659* | OCAT /NDB.NPB MAT /RNBDS 2238 Winter Woods Blvd. SSAT / CPA Winter Park, Florida 32792 PSAT /SPEED San Jose Exec Ctr We reserve the right to cancel any class lor MT /READING which there is Insufficient enrollment Days. Evenings, or Weekends V. RAND SALTSGAVER, TEST PRCPWUTION • I SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 I 678-8400 ATTORNEY Centers In More Than 80 Motor US Cities Puerto Rico. Toronto, Canada & Lugano. Switzerland PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH DEFECTIVE PRODUCT H " H J<= *e =»e =iF =*= LITIGATION SHERRY UNDERWOOD CRIMINAL LAW PROPRIETRESS Initial Consultatidii Available Without ('harge Ih West Pine (•«>.S) 841-0342 102 PARK AVE N. WINTER PARK Extra 15 min^ 644-I025 with this ad Jt rollins college sandspur, march 15, 1982, page 3 21st march 15, 1983 ENT U R Y EDITORIAL CONSULTANT THEATRE-LOUNGE diana chrissis EDITOR judy jones Massive Movie Screen MANAGING EDITOR bill wood Unbelievable Sound System NEWS CONSULTANT steve reich NEWS EDrroR Your Patronage is Appreciated jina mullet FEATURES EDITOR By Your Classmates k. c. lam ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Kare Dewey, Sharon McElwee, Dianne Heyde, Ed Lutz, iav werba Brad Norford and Todd Payne SPORTS EDITOR david greenberg ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Only $2.00 Admission erica staffeld PHOTO EDITOR SHOWTIMES david reed COPY EDITOR 7:00 AND 9:15 PM lizz jacobson 740 BENNETT ROAD WORDS carol-ann boler John naretta CALL FOR CURRENT MOVIE goff briggs brad norford 896-9332 todd barton scott nelson steve bell shawn pender frank chase mary russo cynthia darrach COUPON dale seigal Colonial (Rt. 50) mark diamond dale speigal mike donoian Fashion Square Mall steve donaldson erica staffeld THEATRE peter erickson kathleen sullivan- melanie tammen FREE MUG OF BEER chris kabool bill viall OR mike korens jenny lowe GLASS OF WINE Carolina mejia -Navy Base jina mullett WITH THIS SAVINGS COUPON letitia myrick Limit 1 Per Customer CARTOONIST kevin schilbrack With Admission BUSINESS MANAGER karen simmons AD MANAGER Holt c.j. Jennings AD SALES amy f iedling georgiana overall GRAPHIC ARTIST camille marchese PICTURES david greenberg scott roth Enjoy The Rollins Sandspur, Florida's oldest college newspaper, was The Festival established in 1894 with the following editorial: With "Unassuming yet mighty, sharp and pointed, well rounded yet many sided, assiduously tena­ cious, yet as gritty and tenacious Haagen-Dazs as its name implies, victorious in to W <P single combat and therefore with­ The ice cream dedicated to perfection! out peer, wonderfully attractive and extensive in circulation, all these will be focused upon investi­ gation to be among the extraordinary qualities of the Sandspur." The Rollins Sandspur is a publication produced DOUBLE SCOOP by the students of Rollins College. Sandspur offices are located in the Student Center, CONE FOR THE Rollins College. The Rollins Sandspur is produced at The Type People, 1524 Formosa PRICE OF A Ave., Winter Park, FL. and CO printed at the Oviedo Outlook, 00 Oviedo, FL SINGLE. In an effort to establish a Show this ad. continuing dialogue within the <M Rollins community, the Rollins Sandspur promotes discussion o •v. indigenous to the scholastic CO 116 E. New England A venue environment. Therefore this s 112 Block Off Park A venue paper encourages students to c voice their opinions or concerns o on pertinent issues in the form c Across from Barnett Bank of letters to the editor. o Letters will be printed on a CO 644-1161 space-available basis. All letters o Valid During The Art Festival Only must be signed and must be 3 received by the Tuesday before a •*•* the paper appears. All letters X should be addressed: Editor, CD Rollins Sandspur, Box 2742, C Rollins College. rollins college sandspur, march 15, 1982, page 4 Editorial Column Communication From The Start! In Black And White Last year at this time we were welcoming Paul and his "Mr. Nice Guy" approach. Little did we know that he would capture the hearts of the The following column has been reprinted to college community with his immortal E.T. express or editorial policy. welcoming address. When asked by Ober Tyus (Director of Public Relations) what mark his unanimous decision by the board. Those membe The purpose of this column this week and in the who disagree have the option to respond in a fori administration had left on the college, Paul replied future will be to enlighten some members of our "stability." or column. leadership on the compositon and working As stated in an editorial in the Chicago Tribune The past year has been stable because our structure of a newsprint media. on September 28,1930: student government representatives retained their We appreciate the level of interest that has positions, attended meetings, planned events and been shown this year to our editorials written by the generally got things done. Nothing much was . in the arrival at commendation and Sandspur Editorial Board. The Sandspur has taKen expression in matters which the newspaper changed but we didn't slide backward in any on the traditional journalism role in our editorials respect. Student center activities have been may consider important, there is seldom one bv includina comment, criticism and esDeciallv unmodified opinion. That part of the owner, greatly improved under tne airection OT Anne r\eney analysis. Ideally, the function of an editorial is to and her B.O.D. members. publisher, or editor may be paramount but it inform and lead public opinion. It interprets current generally is influenced by the opinion ot So now we welcome John Wright, Bob Boyd and news to the reader ana points OUT ussigninuanoc. Dana Ballinger to their respective positions. We subordinates. What results is the expression The editorial writer relies on the common sense of of the paper as an institution serving the in­ hope that they will take a critical look at past SGA the reader to respond to a reasoned argument administrations and come up with new ideas of terests of a community, directed particularly based upon a clear presentation of facts and to that part of the community which has their own. issues. Althouqh a reader may not agree with the The Sandspur asks that John Wright, our newly shown its interest in that newspaper by buy­ conclusions, he/she should not be in doubt as to ing (reading) it. : . elected SGA President, "the communicator," to seri­ how the writer (regardless of who he/she/they may ously consider how to best relate the needs and be) reached them. Public discussion is full of personal, individual concerns of the students to the faculty and Editorial expression today does not represent administration. statements. They probably make up the bulkofit the whim of one editor; rather, it is anonymous and Many of them are irrelevant to any material We ask Bob Boyd, in his position as Vice institutional. It is the product of several people's President of Administration, to work with finance responsibility. The pleasure or displeasure of the thoughts and it represents the opinion of an hearers may be inconsequential to the speaker c officers of the college in making the budgeting entitity. process of SGA organizations a less frightening writer. In the course of time newspaper opinion is task. We also ask that Boyd critically evaluate the This type of expression does not evade held accountable by the body which makes if lack of communication between the student- responsibility, but instead recognizes the existence possible, its readers. They take it or lea faculty committees and the student body. At this complexity of the authorship. it. They make it or destroy it. There is no time these committees are the only means by The Sandspur's Editorial Board is comprised of irresponsibility in the unsigned editorial, eitherin members who volunteered and were then chosen which students may actively participate in making outside the law.
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