___ w w w , m ^ illey.com n* i ' i i ries> 1 3 eb S u n d ai>y;muarjJ,S, y 20044 ; ■ _ : . T w i n F a l l s , I d aaho/99th h y,car..No..2: 2 5 ^GCX?P MORNWING ;^W EA :m El<-_ u :s h i Q g S l Cold uit ! V . TodayJay; 'ourt Ihea lootii th brisk , ion that, ihere are no factsIS to If U.S. Distnct Ju d g e M ikel'n.- . wind! ' ~ ^ I • tion "wXt ;eromele County asks T I . W ho'lo’s who . sui),upport the lawsuit.' . .Williams - who is n o t related lo ’■-'niis should never have hihap'- theWilliamsfamilylily-determines ; w hile . piainiiff#: Timim Williams'esimo. ' ■ y ■ ers.Tcw t. a feden icned-lhe way it happeneiled,” • the case has enou]lo u g h rneril, lie ;ral judge to | •rswere repteseniedinin tnot. lawsuit through llV’’! ; more !hris Sterling; Williams’ sisiister will allow it to procT oceed lo a jiiiy fn p tin g his personal >eptescr\lolive.jep Chris ^ , nd pcrsDnal representativee in trial. Or, partiesn C(could reach a j showers. High of 25, lo crve a . stcrilng. Wtltiamams' sister, and its ’'“pageM th ro w Cout the case he lawsuit, said Thursd.iday settlonionl out off ccco u rl. •]* primary beneficificiary, Patricia' ' ■ ‘"h , (Weaver) orchestrated st>ilome Cases against SheriffSh Weaver : By Rebeccaca Meany a for llie- . wiiiianis. his rnolhor.rnc j ^ i lugc d ru g raid, and thoy foujund and UndershurifLTiff Jocelyne TItnes-Newsws writer______________ I m * i: JeromeJl County, nnd L'ss ilian .‘i grams of marijualiana Roberts as individu.’id u a ls were dis- i M a g i c V A i . L t ; Shcfilf James3 WWeaver and ii,n (Tim’s)f pocket. I don't c;care missed ih Decembim b e r 2002. 'Hie rIE - Tlii; blast of gun- | ■ JEROM E ' ’ ‘ ■ Understieriff Jocelyne'Joe Roberts in iboiil th e money. 1 w ant a judiidgo lawsuit against the county wis firc th a t cme n ip ted in a little house JeroTOclurty m, a n d their omdnl caprapacities. 0 |osay ‘Jerome, you screwedd up allowed to proceed.:ed., in E d en stilstill is causing reverber- ^ Sheriff Jim Weaver J c r c ------------------------------i fyr'iur doing that the way you1 idid- llie judge orderd e re d thnl both ree y ears later, ■ 0 . r ations thrcc unty IXiesduy in fedoralft court in it.’"t.’’’ parties resubmitt brbriefs, keeping M em bersers of thc Jerome -Cou ,30, a n d Boise. Je ro mc e (Counly has asked NanceNi Strickland, a spokikes- them to GO pages;s o r fewer, lloili C ounty ShSheriff’s Department . dde e p u tie s Jam es M oulson, died in for a summaryry judgment, which wonvoman for Jerome Coinunty sides had submitinitted millions len resident George Phillip Anderson, 23, all d: an d E den means the jud,u d g e could di.smiss siicjDieriff Jim Weavt-r, declined;d 10 that were at leastU d o uble that. TimothyWilW illiams w ere locked in , the-shootout.tn led for the case based:d <on his determina- comommeiit on thc case I'riday Please) seisee SUIT. Page A5 a violentt cencounter on Jan: 3, A-hearing is schedule i S a i j i ^ Cheney- y : ' ■ Team spirit: Youngsterters par- N^ ulife’s h£landiw o)rkhelips horsses’ eye! tidpate in halftime shi List ^ ^ P a g e B l By M eganI HIHinds bbe eing o u l in th e sun,” Akagi We mu! Tlmes^owarta writer “She’d“S squint all the time, ----------------------------------- hhe e r ey es \vould drip.” •I------------------ ^— ,’nviN.FA;FALLS-Tcri.Reid-does.---------__ ^T h e proccss of a d ding pigliy n e n t ‘be willU in g _ _ -------- G b W I ^ N N W I'*'t n’t usuaUyly Ihave to p ut her cus- tow horses’ eye areas beganI ii thc 1980s, Reid said. The Amc Heirloom clothing: Hei3ere’s your tomers undeid e r g eneral anestliesia. 19 : custom ers don’t ten d to PaintIy Horse Association app chance to show off inh to use forcef( “ « S kick - or weigh 1,000 ofof tlie procedure, but horsesc own- dresses, suits, hats and^ d t h e ■ • erscn m ust send documentatii to like. ' Reid isi a registered nurse who, thethi organization to rccord th c if necesi!ssary’ •Page E6 specializescs in “perm anent cos- - dcli ia n g e in tlie horse’s appeararance. A kagi said tlie i»rm an en t e;cyelin- motics” -- eyeliner,Cl eyebrows and Al r o s s ___ ____ occasionallyilly lipstick - for people erer c a n actually increase a hihorse’s value. E , allergic to regular makeup or va " ' f w zerland - Tree F a N 'Ii l y L i i - e Reid agreed to do the johob, an d who don’t’t want to apply makeup The Associated Pros;^ together, must the results were successful,^l,Akagi every /. • • th( n g force if tiiplo- said. R eid noinow len d s h e r tatto o sai V, DAVOS, Sw itzeri;er terrorism imd . “It really makes the horsese more cxpcricncece to another species - ‘.J nations, workingid tiof the wirld’s cocom fortable,” shc said. “I iiiliken i ' ■ • I. not shy from using i h o r ^ . ? weapons, Vice to sunglasses for her, orr 'w hen T h e equit[uinc jobs aren't for cos- to macy cannoi deter< Cheneyi lold football players put blackc iunder mctic rcas<asons, however. U nlike fo' check the spreadrday. c th eir ey es to d eflect th c glai ho rses with t h m onotone dark coats. th' m ost dangerousIts \v reijuire deci- . D em an d for R eid^ horsirse tat* I the dapplet:lied dark a n d light color- ^ President Dickh en( ey said in a tooing . services has g ingofAineinerican p ain t horses can ta ’ E urope on SaturdayW orld Economic ’ i tiutiugh' wwd of mouth. SSha\vn result in1 lilittle pigmentation in th "Direct threatsu rg ed F.uroiK-an ' f .. W'estrand of, Melba leami paiijli^^H - thc skin suisurrounding the eyes. W'l sive action," Chenth all the urgency , ^Vhcn th(the horse is exposed to Reid’sR‘ services and brouglitlitBitsy, !' sp e e d i to the rWo demands." to sunlight, ththe resulting ^are can hishi wife Mary’s paint hor Forum, and he violenceuri must be , Valley View Veterinary ( le a d to ssquinting, sunburns, ^ allies to "act wilhlieir ii source by imi- • • uyiUincr, - - cataract: um d canccr,,said.J^olly.,. Biday.t^i.xeccive black eyi that tills dangerracy de througjri the V. A different test: eonei ■ Akogi, Rei•leld^ former- cmtdnier ' oiyonecye.':or '----------- Ideologies of idvio beyond, lie told ' >• W estran d an d his 4-ye assessment tests, longing me who nowf sserves as Reid’s assis- confronted at thK) e iipolitical, corjjo- son, Dylaih, \vatched as vete province of multiplese<hoice tant. so , moting tremocraolion leaders who ian Robert Monroe exar answers and deductiv<t i v e r e a - A k ag i caicame to Reid in August ja ' M iddle East a nDAvos, d V a snowy T^itsy a n d injected a n anesti more than 1,500 t ’ soning, are about to5 dchange. with a requiquest: Would Reid apply to discu.ss global m ent black eyeliner to “You liave to knock theIC horse rote and opinion P a g e a y - - com pletely out beforc yoi,rou i e’s eyes? ''1 gathered in 0 ■ of President ; “My horsorsc had a terrible time Please see HORSE. P.Page * snfidants, snid tho , im ing safer, imt ' S p o R ' r s iternntional part- In th e hunt: Tlie CSI51 rm en and rem ain stnmg in women fight to keep>p iin th e ' because "We aro .security can’l l>t- hunt for Aeir respectective gh dialogue, he Scenic West Athletic : '| j f pa-pared to I Conference titles. isibilities and be Page C l irec if necessary," foreign trip sinco C heney ackiuiwl-______ :----- Bridge battle: iW inR1 Falls h osts- k thut European PMM »i CMI HY»I/Tk< ritM. J^ m e in boys baskeiketball. lono in irafi nnd P ag e C l Tattoolst Terl Rel Iner to a 4-year-old paint horse, md in eniicing Bltsy, at the veteeterlnary offico ol Robert Monroonroe Friday. BItsy, receiving ane Alpine resort, :isionto to rid itsolf II issues, P I a tube In her mouth, has Ilght-<;ht-colored pigment around her e; w eapons of mass H H thetic threugh a m ' Cheney, u n c ' O p i n i o n lenter, preparo BItsy for the tattatteo and got the tattoittoo to help protect hor (romn ththe harmful etfocts of the sun- Reid, right,It, andi assistant Holly AkagI, cent H Bush’s closest confiDe CHENEY. PnEcA2 . , The real Issue: The2 pushp to ^hilD veterlJerinary assistant Laura UckleyI cti<checks the animat’s heartbeat.at.- light; sunburn,, InInfection and cancer. ■ world is becomii 4>nvatize'IWin Fallss County’sC I alliances and inter hospital is aboui pubublic own- 0 ^ 5 , H nerships muse iv n T.F.econ( ■ fighting terror stainsbee ership, today’s editoti I^ C Kientists feear bird flu panedemic 1 ■ not safe yel.” If -se( I reached through The Assocli)clatod Press____________ pandemic?"’p says Dr GiGregory ■ said, "W’e must In Poland, chicf of vaccine rercsearcli HU' I n d e x positive t I face our responsil)i ’03 W ithludluck, th e world will escape aai t th c Mayo Clinic.
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