UNION RADIO (IN PRINT) SOON For something Uke a year our committee It is likely that licence applications will has been worldng towards obtaining a radio be called for within two months. Anyone broadcasting licence, to provide students wishing to help, put new ideas forward or with an altemative to the teeny bopper 4IP become involved in any way, should con­ nonsense, and the 4KQ easy listening format. tact me through Union Office or attend a With the victory of the F.M. decision in meeting of the committee on Wednesday, favour of V.H.F. (in which our group exten­ May 29th, at 1.10 p.m. in the office of sively lobbied politicians and made sub miss Semper Floreat (top floor, Union Bldg.) ions to relevant authorities) and Labor's victory on Saturday, it is now quite likely Jim Beatson, Ihat when we make our submission for a Chairman, UNIVERSITY NEWS licence, we will be siiccessful. Union Media Committee. MAJESTIC MALENY " RIM OF THE WORLD " (i ,500 ft. above sunshine coast, 60 miles north of Brisbane.) IMPOSING one year old architecturally designed home set in % acres of Parkland gardens amidst tall shade trees. Soaring roof line, exposed beams, lovely sitting room, feature brick wall, fireplace, separate dining room, very efficient kitchen, dishwasher, pantry etc., breakfast area. Master bedroom' has feature brick wall, ensuite walk-in robes, and own bathroom, loft • study, other two bedrooms alt built-ins. Tited bath­ room. Garden courtyards, full length verandah, commanding sweeping views of Glasshouse Mountainsand ocean from all rooms. Double garage, separate workshop. A truly magnificent house for $58,000.(X) Harvey Carter Real Estate, Hione: Craig Tebble (071) 94-2293 Maple Street, A/H (071) 94-4433 Maleny. 4552. Tom Fommerel, who took the performer's course for the degree of Bachelor of Music in the Queensland University, will shortly leave Australia for Europe, where he GOD IS AN IRISHMAN intends to undertake further study and to extend his performing experience. He will play in Wigmore Hall, London, on June 21st, and subsequently will give recitals at London University and in Holland. A programme of Samuel Beckett. Winner of the ABC Commonwealth Concerto Finals in 1968, Tom Pommerel has . including the two brief plays Cascando and Krapp's Last Tape. played Concertos with the mqjor orchestras of this country, under Conductors Willem Two days only. Tuesday, 28th May and Thursday, 30th May, at 1.00 pm van Otterloo, Ezra Rachlln, Sir Bernard Heinze, Wilfred Lehmann, Elyakum Shapirra and Stanford Robinson. His performances in Master Classes of Serge Dorensky - Cement Box Theatre - (behind and below the Schonell). (Moscow Conservatoires), Professor Roloff (BerUnHochschuIe), and Karl Ulrich Free • cheap at half the price. Schnabel earned hiin high praise from these eminent teachers during their respective visits to Queensland. SEMPER FLOREAT 1974 mNs/rmopaye a ihe union VOLUME 44/6 queensland university, st. lucia 4067 PAGE 2 THE RHINOCEROS LISTENING IN CATHOLIC PRIEST RUNS RIOT IN alternative form of marriage service regimented disciplines of compulsory mUit­ ments to this University". The Com­ ary service, Korea's standing army of 600, mittee has been involved directly STIRRING AXE BRANDISHING whichshould appeal to all couples who 000 also learns the tactical defense of and indirectly with important mat­ 2Kyil!i?F ^^A^NST ATHEISTIC -^,^„fi; ^^^^ %^^^, freedom at home and abroad. ters arising from many submissions HUMANISM or a registry office wedding. Our newly And where were these 'gutsy' fighting made since then. lA appointed celebrant, who as well as men,-thousands of whom now openly The Secretary of the Committee being a woman, is also our Secretary, confessmg faith in Jesus Christ as their is Miss R. T. Retrot (Ext 6835), will be happy to supply further details conqueror, last defending freedom abroad? and the members are Dr J. C. Aarons on request. Why, Indochina; where a fearless UN con­ (6254), Mr Bill Abrahams (394), We have prepared an excitingly tingent of Korean soldiers ch'dled the Dr h Atherton (6754), Mr Hans different form of marriage dialogue blood of Viet Cong troops, winning the Belting (6477), Mr J. Elliott (6301), which is a complete change from the praise of American forces in the war just Professor J. Francis (565), Dr I. A. traditional "for better, for worse, till past. Whether driven by love for freedom, Harley (6325), DrK. Hirschfeld death us to part" vows that are usually or disdain for Communism, no one really (21-1449), Professor D. Lamberton required. We feel that it is both mean­ knows. (6520), Mr D. Lovett C396), Mr S. ingful and beautiful, while also being Powell (6310), Miss Heather Ross a happier and less solemn type of agree­ What explanation exists for this present 'spiritual explosion' within the (394), Dr R. Seckold (273), Mr ment. This will be the chief factor among G. Semple (24-0616), and Mr J. others, that will make our form of mar­ mihtary framework? The spark, of course, has been and is the working of Varghese (394). •ift.«%y riage a genuine alternative. As we are not a religious organisation, God's Spirit. But there is also an intriguing Anyone having suggestions or chemistry of circumstances, which forms submissions to make, would be Prt-election humour frequently surfaces we are not restricted to using any fixed rituals in the celebration of marriages. the tinder in a perpetual process. Govem­ welcome to contact any member in suburban pulpits - as every church-goer ment officials and military leaders - who of the Committee or its Secretary. knows; and one still finds an ecclesiastical Couples have considerable freedom of choice as to the style of their ceremony. favour 'reforms' which lessen disciplinary rearguard in the thick of the Somme on problems and increase efficiency, honesty Editor's note: Talking about 'improvements Anzac Day. In Mitchelton Parish on We can also perform marriages in a wide variety of suitable locations at and subor4ination - encourage Christian­ in the University', how about the Administr- Mother's Day (May 12th), Father George atkm giving students full infonnation about Nugent,'not wishing to make any points generally convenient times. This ity as a religion. means we are able to marry couples At the same time compulsory military buildings and structures to be built on campus for any party' rejected the Australia Party in the neai future? (See article pages 3 and 4 "because of its humanist philosophy". in private homes, gardens, parkland or service temporarily places thousands of any other altemative setting that may young men in an environment separated this issue.) It's too much to expect, of course, Appropriate comments about the Awtralia that students might be consulted about their Party's publication (which is it not) be desired. from strong family ties and traditional Any couple planning on marriage, religions. Under these circumstances, own environment After all, they're only on "Nation Review" noted that it contains campus most of the year, and have to eat, "the sort of thing you'd expect to find who feel they could be interested what opportunistic spiritually-prostituted should try to let us know soon as we evangelical organisation wouldn't hesit­ study, meet, think, rest, play, etc. Who are in The University paper". they to expect any voice in (his area? Perhaps he was speaking of "University expect a big demand once our new ate to spread the word of the "Prince of News" - that sensationalist, scandal- type of service becomes more widely Peace"? mongering pornographic news-sheet pub­ known. Our secretary has performed Past performance indicates there'll be lished by the Administration's information a number of weddings since being no flinching at the Enemy's (Satan - not office. One of those responsible for this appointed a celebrant, and we have the Viet Cong) firing line. For these men, muck-raking journal is none other than has several enquiries on the matter. battles are for winning and now they Bob Wensley, that well-atthed fearless All other interested persons are serve an undefeated Commander- our God, e«^ reporter of University intrigue and corrupt­ invited to contact us, as we would who today marches across Korea garbed in ion who was the AustraUa Party's Senate like to know the extent of public sanforized green. candidate on May 18th. reaction to this. For further inform­ Just perhaps Father Nugent was refen- ation on this please write to the Sec­ DRF ing to "Semper Floreat", which has a retary, Box 3041, G.P.O., Brisbane quite colourful history. Much of it un­ 4001 or phone 901624 after hours. deserved. But then his comments aren't the sort of things you'd expect to find any­ where; just as one more notation in a SENATE IMPROVEMENTS "University Publications Critics" column. COMMITTEE WOULD LIKE More next issue in the continuing saga JESUS IS ONCE AGAIN THE TO HEAR FROM YOU of clerical banner-waving. COMMANDING OFFICER DRF Many members of the University may not know that there is a special committee of the Senate whose job it is to help individuals and groups IK>.^-«5Ni":^tics t to contribute to improvements in CORRECTION the University. For the present, at least, readers of This Committee, the Senate either of these pubUcations may receive forty paces of the jomt effort for but forty Contrary to previous unauthorised Improvements Committee, is al­ ways ready to receive submissions cents. How long tWs will last, who knows? information we wish to advise that One of the losers in the emergence of Rank Industries Australia have always or suggestions from any organisarion, group or individual in the University a joint publication has been the "swotrags" had transformers and Cadnica Packs section of the University coverage.
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