LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 10-NUMBER 263 LONG BRANCH, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 9 1911. 8 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS NEW "BIG THREE" TO EDUCATION BOARD FLOWER SHOW H THE FRONT IN JERSEY UNDERTAKES PROBE AWARDS COME HERE Increase of .94 In Products Many Prizes For Long Branch and 49 In Number POLITICS THIS WINTER INTO ITS AFFAIRS People at Horticultural Employes In 5 Years. Society's Exhibit. Lewis, Baird And Dalrymple To Control Republican Blodgett Resolution Calling For An Examination of Washington, D. C, Nov. 9—A pre- Long Hranch figured conspicuously liminary statement of the general re- In the distribution of awards at the third annual chrysanthemum show sults of the Thirteenth United States Majority In Next Legislature-Next President Books, Bills And Vouchers For Five Years Back Census of Manufactures of the city of given' by the Elberon Horticultural lxiiig Branch, N. J., has just been Is* Maximum of 20 Years For Society hold attheAsbury Park Casino. aued by Census Director DuVand. It of Senate And Speaker of Assembly Both By Joint Committee Is Passed-Dr. The exhibition, which opened Tuesday contain* a summary comparing the Gang Leader Under 14- afternoon, clowed last night. It wat* a big success, both socially and finan- figures for 1904 and 1909, by city totals Slated To Come From Passaic Reed Resigns prepared under the direction of Wil- Year Sentence In Burling- cially. liam M. Steuart, chief statistician for Sol R. GuRBenheim, the owner of ton and 11-Year One In Lakeside Farms, this city; Mrs. Wash- manufactures. Bureau of the Census. Trenton, Nov. 9.—That Vivian M. MEM0RIALTO_DR. KIMBAU At a meeting of the Hoard of Educa- The figures are subject to such revi- Lewis, of Passaic; David Balrd, of MRS. EMMONS DIES HERE tion held yesterday afternoon the res- ington Wilson, the T. T. KInney estate Camden, and Anred N. Dalrymple, of Ocean County. ignation of Dr. Walter S. Reed waa and Mrs. B. J. Greenhut. figured In the sion as may be necessary after further $40,000 Hospital Will Be Erected at Mother of Former Elberon Station awards, examination of the original reportB. Essex, are greatly strengthened in Lakewood in Honor of Sea Bright Agent Was Taken III on a Visit . presented and accepted. The meet- their position as State Republican Judge Foster at Freehold this morn- lng was a nuecial called by the prosi- The principal awards were: Te summary shows percentages of Physician. ing sentenced Joseph Thomas a max- L?.Kt June lnerea.se as follows: 192 per cent in the leaders is the general view of the elec- To perpetuate the memory of Dr. 'deni to consider a number of Import- For group chrysanthemums, ar- imum of twenty years and a minimum Mrs, William Bramons, of Farming- ranged for effect, edged with foliugo tx>Rt of materials used; 94 per cent in tion Tuesday as taken by the State Paul T. Kimlmll. who or nearly twen- dale-, died yesterday at the home of ant matters, chief among which was. of nine on the charge of stealing hors- on har n g plants, Mme. Lillian Nordlca^ Young, the value of products, 66 per cent in House politicians. Byrholding their ty years prior to his death, a. year hor~w&ln t'he'Fay'coUag^in'Yjncoin « f *f . IrreRwlarlUea In the pur- counties in line for the Republican es and burning buildings. Thomas of Deal, and Henry Goldman of Elber- the'number of salaried officials and ago, was physician to many of the pleaded guilty to four indiictmcnls, evenue, aged seventy-nine years. Mrs. chasing of fuel. Seven members were clerks; 53 per cent in the salaries and party the three are now in position to aiOBt prominent residents of Luke- present, the absentees being C. Asa on; double variety of bush, plants, S. i wo charging helm with stealing •! Kmmons was taken sick last June It. Guggenheim, of Elberon, and Hen- wages; 44 per cent in the value added control the party majority in the Leg wooit, and for years ;i summer resi- while on a visit to her son. She .suf- Francis ami Daniel W. Warded. is lature of 1912, and with Democratic horse and burning a barn belonging to ry Goldman; bu&b plant anemone, by manufacture; 41 per cent in the tent of Sea Briuht, a forty thousand James Murphy in Upper Freehold fered from a cancer of the stomach and In presenting his resignation Dr. average number of wage earners; 31 Governor Wilson as their opponent lollar hospital will be built there. Reed said that he was ready to de- Fritz Acheles, of Rumson, and Henry township and stealing a horse anil for several weeks pael had been In i Goldman; busih plants, single variety, per cent in the number of establish- and a Presidential campaign at stake Of the sum required more than $32,- critical condition. , fend himself and the board against next year, tate is no small political binning a barn in the fame township S. R. Guggenheim and Henry Goldman; ments; and 16 per cent In the capital >0t> has already been subscribed, Geo. belonging to Klisha Jones. Besides her husband. Mrs, EmmtHia any attacks made, and declared that invested- honor. ', Gould and Miss Emily H. Bourne his only reason for severing Ma con- standard chrysanthemums. Henry It was the first sentence of the kind is Mirvivied by two sous and a daugh- Goldman and S. R. G-ugsenehim; There was a decrease of 8 per cent The three leadens referred to will leading the list with $5,000 each. ter. The •children are'Jack Emmons, Qpctienwai flue to bis appointment as control twenty of the thirty-seven Re ever pronounced in Freehold court. medi<«Ll Inspector, which made him In- groups of <>rnameii.lal foliage and flow- in the miscellaneous expenses. Seventeen person* have givene $1,- R waa slated that Thomas bad re- a member of the upliolt lery and under- g plants, 8, it. Guggenheim and There were 34 establishments in publican vfrtes in the Assembly ant' 00 or more and the amallent contri- taking firm of I'urdy and F.nnnonu. at eligible to serve. so witf b.e able to dictate to the cau cently been sentenced to a fourteen Dr. Heed's resignation reads aa fol- Mrs. Washington Wilson; three speci- 19UD, as compared with. 26 in 1904; an ution up to date is twenty-live cents. year term in Jiurlington county and Mnnaaquan: Ambrose Kminons. of men palms, M. C. D. Borden, of Ocean- increase of 8, or 31 per cent. eus the organteati n ct this brand Long Branch, and Miaa Emninns, of lov\ of the Legislature. as eleven year one in Ocean county. ic; one «peel men palm, S. B. Guggen- The value of products in 1909 was Faiiuingdale. I Long Branch, Nov. 7, 1911. The organization of (he Legislator* I( was shown that Thomas was a To the Honorable Long Branch Hoard heim and Mrs. WftshlnRton Wilson, cxml $1,117.000, and $f>77,000 In 1904; an in- leader in a gang of horse thieves who Rev. T. Harr> Pialer, <>r Oakburst, foliage plant other than palm, 3. R. crease of $540,(100, or 94 per cent. is already engaging 'he attention o will toudut t I he funeral service*! ai the of Kducatlon, the Republican leaders. It is practi FLORIOfl JUBILEE made a practice of stealing valuable Guggenehim and Mrs. Washington Wll- The value of products represents Kniiuoiis limne tomorrow afternoon at Gentlemen: cally certain that Senator John D animals, and •"swapping" them until n. their Kef I ing value or price at the Having been so pleasantly connect- Prince,of Passalc, will be cnoser tli'ey owned an old nag, and thai they half-pasl Diic o'clock. Interment will plants as actually turned out by the ed with you during tho past, five or Throe distinct varieties of ferns, 8. President of the Senate. He was Re burned several harms to cover up LL* made at Manaaquan. factory during the census year, and six years, it 1H with regret that I ten- R. Guggenheim mid Mrs. Washington pu.'Vran floor leader last session ari' their depredations. does not necessarily have any rela- der you iny resignation. I desire to Wilson; *ix distinct varieties* of rex it has alwayf been Senate prepeden' John Drcnnan, who last week plead- tion to the amount of saTes for that Inform you, however, that under no onius, Mm. Washington Wilson; cut to elevate the leader to the Presidency ed guilty of deserting his wife at Lit- • year. The values under this head also circumstance!) or eo ml It ions do l n* bloom chrysanthemums, fix varieties, the following year. Senator Leavitt )ld-Fastooned Plantation Mel- tle Silver, was hentencod to six months include the amount received for worlt KIKH because nf the unscrupulous, un- hlrly six blooms, E. D. Adem.s, of Rum- of Mercer, is being talked of as th< in the county jail. Mrs. Drennan testi- done on materials furnished by ethers: warr&stsd and dishonest rumors that f-on, and M. C. D. Borden, of Oceanic; Republican leader In the Senate. odies By Celebrated Artists fied that her husband had given her Further details can be drawn from hnve been in circulation against the ix varieties, eighteen blodtns, S. R. Assemblyman Thomas McCran only $2f> during the past year. the tabular summary which follows: Hoard of Mriuctnltoii. 1 stand ready to GuggenhVim nnd Mme. Young; twenly of Passaic, is the logical candidate fo] at St. Luke's M.E.
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