Vol. 41, No. 8 June 19, 2015 Catholic Charities awards Caritas, St. Peter Claver honors at brunch LAKE CHARLES – Two Catholic Charities with her for sale. The money will pay very special individuals, Deb- humble, kind and cheerful one year’s tuition for five stu- bie Warshaw and Annie Hach- manner and brought others dents attending a school in tel, were honored as individu- along to join her. Others were Begin, Haiti, sponsored by her als who gave of themselves drawn into the mission of uncle Phillip Conner. He got for the betterment of those in Christ because of her enthusi- involved with the school, St. need at the annual Catholic asm, good nature and Christ- Matthew’s, several years ago Charities of Southwest Loui- like magnetism. She died last along with a number of others. siana Jazz Brunch, held at the December on the Feast of Our They traveled there perhaps Lake Charles Country Club, Lady of Guadalupe after a val- a year ago to see the facility, The Caritas Award, which is iant battle against cancer. meet with the staff, and de- given to someone who exem- The award is given to one velop a plan to go forward. A plifies a life of selfless giving, who leaves us a legacy of love. fundraiser was held last No- was awarded posthumously to The word “caritas” is a Latin vember and that is when An- Debbie Warshaw, a member word meaning “love” – a love nie got involved. of Our Lady Queen of Heaven beyond self, beyond family, Sr. Mary Vianney Walsh, Catholic Church whose gen- beyond friends, beyond coun- R.S.M., the director of Catho- erosity of spirit, time, talent try. It is a compassion for all lic Charities, gave her an- and treasure exemplified humanity, a commitment to nual report to the overflowing what stewardship as a disci- the well-being of others. crowd of supporters and in- ple of Christ is meant to look Nine-year old Hatchel, troduced the award winners. Debbie Warshaw was the posthument recipent of the Caritas Award, represented by like. She went about assisting who was honored with the During the year 2014, Cath- a large framed image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Annie Hachtel was honored with St. Peter Claver Award which olic Charities provided rent- the St. Peter Claver Award at this year’s Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana is given to an individual who al and mortgage assistance Jazz Brunch. Presenting the awards was Sr. Mary Vianney Walsh, R.S.M, director of demonstrates particular con- through the homeless pre- Catholic Charities. Pictured above are members of the Warshaw family as well as cern for the poor, took it upon vention program of $132,667; Annie and her parents along with Sr. Mary Vianney. From left, they are Jennifer Dees, herself to collect blankets for utility assistance of $38,237; Allyson Barbry, Jamie Warshaw, Joseph, Dees, Christopher Warshaw, and Michael the poor and homeless of the $15,842 through the Beat the Warshaw. At right of the Our Lady of Guadalupe image are Annie (holding her award community last winter. Her Heat air conditioning pro- plaque), Sr. Mary Vianney, and parents Candace and Rudy Hachtel. gram; distributed 3,461 boxes initiative caught on among of food; gave $12,170 for funer- neighbors and friends. She als; provided prescription as- surprised Sr. Mary Vianney sistance of $6,864 and helped Ordination of two to priesthood, June 27 Walsh, RSM, Director of Cath- with employment and identi- olic Charities, with a huge LAKE CHARLES – Dea- ever closer. What a journey it has been! fication expenses with $9,230. cons Ruben Villarreal and Deacon Villarreal said, “When first thinking about box filled with warm blankets The “Beat the Heat” pro- Jay Alexius, M.D. will be or- “When I applied to be a sem- going to seminary, I thought right at a time they were most gram is done in conjunction dained to the priesthood of inarian for the Diocese of that I would be leaving so needed. with the Vernon W. Joseph the Catholic Church for the Lake Charles, I never could many opportunities behind, Always looking for another Assembly #22 Fourth Degree Diocese of Lake Charles by have imagined the journey but everything I thought I way to serve, Annie raised Knights of Peter Claver and Bishop Glen John Provost on that lay ahead of me: two would have to forgo has been $708 at her Haiti table the Stine Lumber. Saturday, June 27, during a years at St. Joseph Abbey returned to me one hundred day of brunch by offering her 10 a.m. Mass in the Cathedral and Seminary College in fold and then some,” he con- paintings, vases, and artwork See Charities, Page 6 Debbie Warshaw of the Immaculate Concep- Covington, Louisiana, three tinued. “These past nine tion. years at Catholic University years have truly been an ad- Deacon Alexius complet- of America in Washington, venture and a joy. To be sure, ed his theological studies at D.C., and then another four there were challenging mo- Mount St. Mary’s Seminary years at the Pontifical North in Emmitsburg, Md. while American College in Rome. See ordination, Page 6 Deacon Villarreal earned his theological degree from the Pontifical North American College in Rome. At the conclusion of the liturgy, assignments for the newly ordained will be made known and a reception fol- lows in St. Louis Catholic High School. Villarreal is a native of Hathaway and a parishio- ner of St. Lawrence Catholic Church in Raymond while Alexius, a native of Houma, is a parishioner of Immacu- late Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Lake Charles. The long journey to priest- hood and the continuation of Daltin Babineaux and Maris Nixon received the St. Louis Awards at the May 12 their vocation journey draws Deacon Jay Alexius, M.D. Deacon Ruben Villarreal commencement ceremony of the Class of 2015 held May 12 in Burton Coliseum. The award, made possible each year by the Lake Charles Serra Club, goes to the graduating male and female senior voted the outstanding Christian student by their peers and approved by members of the faculty. Pictured above are Very Rev. Marcus Johnson, rector of St. Louis; Daltin Babineaux; Bishop Glen John Provost; Maris Nixon; and Rev. Jeffrey Starkovich, chaplain of St. Louis. See story on page 2. Catholic Calendar changes coming in July LAKE CHARLES – The cember 4; and December 18. single page was purchased in format of the Catholic Calen- In January 2016, a single the Lake Charles American dar will once again change Catholic Calendar will be Press and printed 18 times on July 17, going back to two published on Jan. 22. The re- yearly until 2005. Following facing pages published, gen- mainder of the year’s publi- Hurricane Rita that year, erally, on the first and third cation dates are February 5; Msgr. Harry Greig, Adminis- Friday of each month in the February 19; March 4; trator of the Diocese in the main sections of the Ameri- March 25 (Good Friday); absence of a bishop, saw the April 8 (Second Friday); April can Press, though there will Catholic Calendar as a way to only be one publication this 22 (Fourth Friday); May 6; provide news of renewal and July. May 20; June 3; June 17; July aid to all those devastated by Since Nov. 11, 2013, the 1; July 15; August 5; August Catholic Calendar has been 19; September 2; September the storm in the Diocese. a six-page insert in the news- 16; October 7; October 21; No- The printing schedule paper, printed on bright vember 4; November 18; De- was changed from twice a white paper to offer an easily cember 2; and December 16 month to every two weeks identifiable section, different The original Catholic Cal- in four regional newspapers from the advertising inserts, endar was published in the – the American Press, Lake on the third Friday of each early years of the 20th Cen- Charles; Cameron Pilot, Cam- month. tury by Father Cornelius van eron; Jennings Daily News, The Catholic Calendar has de Ven, pastor of Immacu- Jennings, and Beauregard been a staple of the Office of late Conception Catholic Daily News, DeRidder. Bish- Communications of the Dio- Church in Lake Charles and op Provost, appointed our cese of Lake Charles in pro- later Bishop of the Diocese third Bishop in 2007, made viding Catholic news to the of Natchitoches before it was the decision to continue us- people of Southwest Loui- renamed the Diocese of Alex- ing this method of providing siana; outreach in matters andria. Catholic news to the people of of the Faith to the Catholic After the 1980 establish- the Diocese of Lake Charles. faithful as well as to men and ment of the Diocese of Lake This timing continued un- women of other faith tradi- Charles, Bishop Jude Spey- til July 3, 2009 when the Cath- tions. rer decided to use the print The new schedule for media to bring Catholic news olic Calendar became two the Catholic Calendar in to a general audience with facing pages in the American the American Press for the the publication of a “new” Press on the first and third remainder of the year are Catholic Calendar on Sept. 18, Fridays while remaining a July 17; August 7; August 21; 1982. The name was chosen single page in the four news- September 4; September 18; by Bishop Speyrer to suggest papers, with the addition of October 2; October 16; No- continuity with Father Van the Southwest Daily News in vember 6; November 20; De- de Ven’s Catholic Calendar.
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