Hunter's Hill Council Ordinary Meeting No. 4364 11 August 2014 at 7.30pm ORDER OF BUSINESS Prayer Attendance, Apologies, Declarations of Interests A Confirmation of Minutes Civic Ceremonies Reports from Staff D Development & Regulatory Control H General Manager J Committees K Correspondence M General Business HUNTER'S HILL COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 4364 - 11 August 2014 INDEX A - CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 1. Confirmation of Minutes of Ordinary Meeting No.4363 held 28 July 2014 1 D - DEVELOPMENT & REGULATORY CONTROL 1. 38a Mary Street, Hunters Hill 1 2. Consolidated DCP 2013, Part Four - Gladesville Village Centre (proposed 24 Amendment To Key Site Setback Clauses) 3. Non Smoking Signs 27 4. Delegated Authority 30 H - GENERAL MANAGER 1. Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy 1 2. Request for Leave of Absence 5 3. Report on Outstanding Matters 7 J - COMMITTEES 1. Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Projects & Advisory Group held 1 18 June 2014 2. Minutes of Le Vesinet Friendship Committee held 4 June 2014 5 3. Minutes of Le Vesinet Friendship Committee held 22 July 2014 9 4. Minutes of the Seniors Advisory Group Meeting held 4 August 2014 13 5. Report on Councillor Workshops & Briefings held 28 July 2014 17 6. Report of the General Purpose on Site Inspections held 28 July 2014 19 K - CORRESPONDENCE 1. Correspondence 1 1. Letter from Kerrie Mather, Chief Executive Officer, Sydney Airport Corporation Limited, dated 22 July 2014 advising commencement of T1 road improvement works. M - GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Meetings - Various Committees of Council 1 A Confirmation of Minutes A - Confirmation of Minutes 4364 - 11 August 2014 Index 1. Confirmation of Minutes of Ordinary Meeting No.4363 held 28 July 2014 1 Councillor Richard Quinn Barry Smith MAYOR GENERAL MANAGER MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING NO.4363 held 28 July 2014 A1 COMMENCEMENT The meeting opened with prayer at 7.30pm. IN ATTENDANCE The Mayor Councillor Richard Quinn, Councillors Peter Astridge, Mark Bennett, Gary Bird, and Justine McLaughlin. ALSO PRESENT The General Manager Barry Smith, the Group Manager Development and Regulatory Control Steve Kourepis, the Group Manager Works and Services David Innes, APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Clr Miles and Clr Sheil. 233/14 RESOLVED on the motion of Clr Astridge, seconded Clr Bennett that the apologies be accepted and leave of absence granted. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Mayor called for Declarations of Interest without response. CIVIC CEREMONIES The Mayor, Councillor Richard Quinn, conferred citizenship on the following five candidates and on behalf of Council and the Australian people, offered his sincere congratulations and welcomed them as Citizens of Australia: Candidate Previous Nationality Ms Ka Ching MA Hong Kong Mr Dhanjeet Kumar SAH Nepal Ms Lifang XI China Dr Heather Lynn ZIMMERMAN USA Ms Dichhaya UPADHAYA Nepal CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 234/14 RESOLVED on the motion of Clr Bennett, seconded Clr Astridge that the Minutes of Ordinary Meeting No.4362 held 14 July, 2014 be confirmed. MAYORAL MINUTES & REPORTS (Pages B1 – B5) 1. NELSON PARADE REMEDIATION 235/14 RESOLVED on the motion of Clr Bennett, seconded Clr McLaughlin that: 1. The Mayor seek a meeting with the Hon. Dominic Perrotet, MP, Minister for Finance and Services to discuss for need for a resolution of the disposal of contaminated waste from the Nelson Parade sites as soon as possible. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting No.4363 held on 28 July 2014. This is page MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING NO.4363 held 28 July 2014 A2 2. Council write to The Hon Ian Macfarlane, MP, Minister for Industry, seeking advice as to the likely timing of a decision on the location and establishment of the proposed National Radioactive Waste Management Facility. 3. Copies of correspondence be forwarded to the State Member for Lane Cove, the Hon. Anthony Roberts MP and the Federal Member for North Sydney the Hon. Joe Hockey MP. 2. PERFORMANCE REVIEWS PROCEEDINGS IN BRIEF Mr Fred Grotte addressed Council in respect of this matter. Mr Grotte attempted to introduce matters not relevant to this item. The Mayor requested Mr Grotte address the matters raised in the report. Mr Grotte ignored this request and continued to speak on unrelated matters. A motion was moved Clr Bennett, seconded Clr Bird that the speaker be asked to desist and resume his seat. 236/14 The motion on being put to the meeting was CARRIED. 237/14 RESOLVED on the motion of Clr Bennett, seconded Clr McLaughlin that: 1. Council establishes a Remuneration and Review Committee to oversee the contract of employment of the General Manager and, if required, other senior staff. 2. The Remuneration and Review Committee comprises of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and one other councillor, and one external member, whose appointment will be made as agreed with the General Manager. 3. The proposed charter of the Remuneration and Review Committee be adopted. REPORTS FROM STAFF DEVELOPMENT & REGULATORY CONTROL (Pages D1 – D26) 1. DA2012-1007-2 - 1/167-171 VICTORIA ROAD, GLADESVILLE PROCEEDINGS IN BRIEF Ms Cathy Kovatch (Objector – Secretary of Strata Plan 70815) addressed Council in respect of this matter. Mr Craig Schulman (Applicant) addressed Council in respect of this matter. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting No.4363 held on 28 July 2014. This is page MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING NO.4363 held 28 July 2014 A3 238/14 RESOLVED on the motion of Clr McLaughlin, seconded Clr Bird that: A. The S.96 application No.2012-1007-2 to modify Development Application No.2012-1007 consent dated 14 May 2012 for fit out of a gym at No.1/169- 171 Victoria Road, Gladesville, be approved, subject to the deletion of condition No.10 (a) and the insertion of new conditions Nos. 24, 25 and 26 to read as follows: 24. Compliance with the recommendations as set out in the Summary and Conclusion of the ‘Noise Compliance Testing 11’ as prepared by Koikas Acoustics Pty Ltd dated 8 April 2014 as received by Council on 10 April 2014. 25. Compliance with the Plan of Management prepared by Fitness Plus dated April 2014 as received by Council on 10 April 2014. 26. No pedestrian and vehicular access to the rear car parking area is permitted for the use of gym patrons between the hours of 11.00pm and 5.00am. B. Council consider providing a disabled space in Junction Street adjacent to the premises. RECORD OF VOTING Yes Against / Absent Clr Peter Astridge Clr Zac Miles (Absent) Clr Gary Bird Clr Meredith Sheil (Absent) Clr Justine McLaughlin Clr Mark Bennett Clr Richard Quinn 2. CONSIDERATION OF POTENTIAL HERITAGE LISTINGS (INCLUDING 10 COWELL STREET, GLADESVILLE) PROCEEDINGS IN BRIEF Mr Justin Parry-Okeden addressed Council in respect of this matter and tabled a copy of his presentation. A motion was moved Clr Bird, seconded Clr McLaughlin that Councillors propose the following immediate amendment to Hunters Hill LEP 2012: 1. 10 Cowell Street, Gladesville be added to the list of Items of Local Heritage Significance under Schedule 5, Hunters Hill Local Environment Plan 2012 and that the proposed Amendment to Hunters Hill LEP 2012 be placed on public exhibition as a matter of priority. 2. Council commence the process of listing the other 16 potential heritage items (as shown below) that were deferred from assessment during the making of LEP 2012, commencing with the community consultation process with all the property owners (as shown below): i. 80 Alexandra Street Hunters Hill ii. 2 Alfred Street Hunters Hill iii. 4 Alfred Street Hunters Hill Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting No.4363 held on 28 July 2014. This is page MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING NO.4363 held 28 July 2014 A4 iv. 16 Barons Crescent Hunters Hill v. 24 Bonnefin Road Hunters Hill vi. 26 Bonnefin Road Hunters Hill vii. 1 Ellesmere Avenue Hunters Hill viii. 1 Mount Street Hunters Hill ix. 5 Prince Edward Parade Hunters Hill x. 7 Reiby Road Hunters Hill xi. 11 Toocooya Road Hunters Hill xii. 25 Huntleys Point Road Huntleys Point xiii. 53 Huntleys Point Road Huntleys Point xiv. 55 Huntleys Point Road Huntleys Point xv. 71 Huntleys Point Road Huntleys Point xvi. 53 The Point Road Woolwich Councillor Astridge foreshadowed a motion: That Council note the content of this report and resolve to revisit the matter of listing 10 Cowell Street and the other 16 pending potential items, that were deferred from assessment during the making of LEP 2012, after the agreed public education/ consultation program canvasing all the cost/benefit options for the cottage have been undertaken. 239/14 The original motion on being put to the meeting was carried. RECORD OF VOTING Yes Against / Absent Clr Peter Astridge Clr Zac Miles (Absent) Clr Mark Bennett Clr Meredith Sheil (Absent) Clr Gary Bird Clr Justine McLaughlin Clr Richard Quinn Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting No.4363 held on 28 July 2014. This is page MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING NO.4363 held 28 July 2014 A5 3. GLADESVILLE COMMERCIAL PRECINCT – POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS TO DCP SETBACK CLAUSES A motion was moved Clr Bird, seconded Clr McLaughlin that: 240/14 The following minor wording amendments are made to Hunters Hill DCP 2013: 1. Consolidated DCP 2013 at p119: Part 6 Objectives – add an additional objective: (e) ensure adequate landscaping, deep soil planting, pedestrian amenity and buffering between Key Site and surrounding residential areas. 2. Consolidated DCP 2013 at p120: Figure 4.5 – minor wording amendment as follows: Figure 4.5 – Diagram entitled “Precinct 4 East-West Section – requires following wording change: (a) 4 metre setback from the Flagstaff Street boundary alignment. RECORD OF VOTING Yes Against / Absent Clr Peter Astridge Clr Zac Miles (Absent) Clr Gary Bird Clr Meredith Sheil (Absent) Clr Justine McLaughlin Clr Mark Bennett Clr Richard Quinn 4.
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