PROBE VOL. VI No.4 PUBLISHED BY THE ALLENTOWN HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES April 1979 Hospital Salutes Techs, Volunteers During the week of April 8 through 14, The Allentown Hospital saluted its Medical Technologists and this week, April 22 through 29, it will pay tribute to its Volunteers. The Technologists, often forgotten links in the hospital medical care chain, operate in the Hospital's many labs. The Volunteers carry out a vari- ety of vital functions throughout the Hospital. The Hospital maintains a staff of 44 \ Techonologists/Technicians working in such diverse areas as Histology, Blood Bank, Hematology, Urinalysis, and Chemistry. The Hospital also HAPPY TECHS - Hospital Technologists from the Laboratory celebrated National maintains a School of Medical Tech- Techn.ologis.ts Week, April 8 through 14, with a cake provided by Dr. Alexander nology in which eight students are Nedwich, Dlre.ctor of.the Laboratory. Included in the festive occasion are, standing, presently enrolled. fro.m left. to right, Cindy McCr?ne, Supervisor, Microbiology Lab; Kathy Carty, Unnal~sls/Serology; Dr. Ned wich: Amy Aronoff, Chemistry; and Irene Reinert, A group of two hundred and fifty Supervisor, Blood Bank. Seated, from left to right are: Barbara Kresge, Supervisor, Volunteers donate their time and last Cytology ~ab; Beverly .Weber, Histology; and Sharon Kuchar, Hematology. The March contributed 3,145 hours Technolo~lsts also received a bouquet of carnations from Mrs. Boyer, President. throughout the Hospital at a cost sa vings of many thousands of dollars. The Volunteers will be honored at an Auxiliary's 10-Year Record: Impressive April 24th dinner. The Candy Stripers will be similarly honored this summer. In the ten year period from 1966 to How does this group of dedicated 1976 the Allentown Hospita Auxiliary women raise all the funds for hospital donated a half million dollars to the projects? Nursing School Hospital. Considering that the total According to Mrs. Elmer Bausch, membership of the group is about 350, current President, the group has a Sets Graduation the amount donated is impressive. variety of functions which raise Sixty-eight members of the class of What is equally impressive is that in money. Many of the funds come from '79, Allentown Hospital School of the past year, the Auxiliary has the Gift Shop and the Snack Bar, both Nursing, will graduate in commence- donated an additional $70,000 for operated by the Auxiliary. Parking ment exercises to be held at 7:30 p.m. equipment and new services. These revenues collected during Fair week Friday, May 18 at the Lehigh Consis- most recent gifts include the Two also add to the treasury as does the tory Cathedral, 1533 Hamilton St., Dimension Reel-Time Ultra Sound annual "Thanksgiving Letter," sent to Allentown. unit in the Heart Station, $10,000 for all Auxiliary members seeking contri- The exercises mark the 78th time the telemetry equipment in the Emergency butions. School has held commencement and Room, and $9,000 for equipment and One of the biggest fund raising the 3rd time the event has been held at alterations in the new Birthing Room events of years gone by is no longer the Consistory. To date 2,976 nursing in the Labor and Delivery Suite. held. According to Mrs. Bausch and students, excluding the class of '79, Gifts from the Auxiliary in the past Mrs. Sally Schaeffer, wife of Dr. "CD" have graduated from the school. decade include two redecorations of Schaeffer and President-Elect of the Of the 68 members of this year's the cafeteria at a total cost of $90,000. Auxiliary, the Auxiliary maintained a gradua ting class, 65 are female and The group purchased cobalt equip- stand at the Fair where they sold a three are male. The three join a list of ment for $80,000. Air conditioning in variety of homemade food items. Fair 15 other male graduates who have be- the classrooms in the Nurses' Resi- customers stood in line to buy the come Registered Nurses after com- dence and the Hospital auditorium Auxiliary's food and the members pleting the three-year program. came to $37,000. Remodeling of the were up at 4 a.m. every morning The principal speaker for the com- Nursing School library cost the Auxil- during Fair week to stock the stand. mencement this year will be chosen at iary membership $10,000 and car- Like the Food Stand, the Auxiliary's a la ter da te. peting and new furniture in the Nur- sewing group used to produce many of Assisting int he commencement ex- ses' Residence came to almost $8,000. the items used in the Operating Rooms ercises will be Mrs. Valeria Boyer, The largest contribution made by the Auxiliary was a $250,000 pledge to (Cont'd on page 2) (Cont'd on page 2) 1\ LIt::" 1\ n ~__-r nl"7l") Auxiliary Graduation UPDATE ... (Cont'd from page 1) (Cont'd from page 1) and the Hospital: dressings, sheets, President and Chief Executive Officer pillow cases, etc. Use of disposable of the Hospital, who will present di- Oldtimers Dine May 8 items and a central laundry made the plomas to the graduates. Kalman J. sewing group obsolete and it last Fortoloczki, Vice President for Ad- The Oldtimers' Dinner is scheduled gathered in 1970. ministration, will preside at the cere- this year for Tuesday, May 8 at the mony and Dr. Morton 1. Silverman, Lehigh Valley Club. The festivites The Auxiliary is actively seeking Vice President of the Board of Direc- begin at 6:30 p.m. with cocktails. new members, particularly men and tors, assisted by Miss. Joyce McGoni- Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. husband and wife teams. The Auxili- gle, Director of Nursing, will present The dinner marks the 15th time the ary added 50 new members this year awards and honors. The Reverend Hospital's "Oldtimers" have and hopes to continue adding mem- Francis Cerullo, of St. Augustine's assembled to wine and dine and bers. Membership dues are $2. Church, Lawrence, Mass., brother of receive longevity pins. The first Miss Kathleen Cerullo, last year's dinner, fifteen years ago, feted about Mrs. Bausch will leave her post in Outstanding Student Nurse, will be 80 employees with 10 or more years of May. It is the third time she has acted the officiating clergyman. service. This year about 250 em- as President of the Hospital Auxiliary. Graduation will be preceded by the ployees are invited to attend. Pen- She served two other terms in the 60's Senior Breakfast, held the same sioners are also invited. There were 47 and early 70's. A graduate of the morning in the Hospital's cafeteria, pensioners in attendance last year. Allentown Hospital School of and the Rotary Luncheon, held at the The employee with the longest Nursing, she worked several years as Americus Hotel at noon, May 18. Dr. service to the hospital is Agnes a nurse at the Hospital and was Night Alan Schragger, past president of the Edmondson, Nursing School, who Supervisor in the old OB unit on the Hospital's medical staff will be the began working at the hospital in 1938. third floor, East Wing. luncheon speaker. She attended the Nursing School, starting in 1935. Mrs. Edmondson is The outgoing and incoming Presi- an instructor in OB. She plans to retire dents may have first met in the Nur- New Officers Elected at the end of the year. sery where Mrs. Bausch worked after The annual meeting of the Student she graduated from nursing school. Association was held Monday, April While she was in the Nursery, Mrs. 23 at 11:00 A.M. in the Auditorium of Schaeffer was born at The Allentown the Nurses Residence. The officers for Changing Times Hospital. Mrs. Schaeffer began 1979-1980 were installed at that time. The "Premie Nursery", S-4, hence- working at the Hospital in 1943. The new officers are: forth will be known as "Newborn In- President - Kathy McCoy tensive Care," while the "Semi-Private Mrs. Schaeffer says one of her goals Vice President - Michele Diaz Nursery," S-5, will now be referred to as new president is to increase the Secretary - Janet Cook as the "Normal Newborn Nursery." membership and to draw more men Treasurer - Lynn Brady According to Miss Marilyn Sowden, and husband and wife teams. She has A reception followed the meeting. Supervisor, OB/GYN, the designa- been a member of the Auxiliary since tions were changed to educate and in- 1946. form the public and medical commun- ity that The Allentown Hospital has a Protect's motto is "Turn Tears Into newborn intensive care unit. "Protect" Opens Office Laughter." "Protect of the Lehigh Valley," an For additional information about organization formed to prevent child the group, contact Judy Braun, Peds. abuse, has opened an office in room 2425, East Private. According to Judy Braun, Coordin- DINNER DANCE ator, Nursing of Children, and a char- LETTERS • • • ter member of the group, "Protect" ini- .The formal dinner dance sponsored by the School of Nursing Student tially will be staffed by volunteers Dear Dr. Dean Dimick, who will take calls and make referrals Association, was held at the Holiday On Wednesday morning, March Inn East, April 20. The theme was to appropriate organizations. The 21st, our daughter, Jodi, was rushed to group will both protect abused chil- "Just You and 1." The musical group your hospital because of an accidental "Presence" from Reading was on hand. dren and aid parents who are abusers drug overdose. The intent of this letter or potential abusers. Chairpersons for this event were is to praise the professionalism of Dr.
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