Bradford Directory. Jowett John, fitter-up of jacquard machines, 386 High Keigbley John, btchr. 73 Kirkgt. mkt; b Tumblinghillst street, Great Horton Keighley John & Co. engineers & power loom manfrs. Jowett John, wholesale grocer (Brumfitt, Firth. & Co.); Birksland works, Birks hall lane, & 10 Brook street and grocer, 1 Berwick street Keighley l\Ir .Toseph, 6 Heaton road Jowett .John,:plumber (.Midgley & J.); h Heap lane Keighley William, boot & shoe dlr. 70 High st. Gt. Hrtn Jowett John,•shopkeeper, 29 Stott bill Keighley News Office, Lower Cheapside; W. Byles and Jowett John Marshall, printer & proprietor of Bradford Son, proprietors Advt!rtiser, 31 Darley street; h 191 Barkerend roa.cl Keighley William, victualler, Brown Cow, 8 Kirkgate J owett J oseph, mfr. 28 Charles st. La.iRterdyke mills, Kell John, commrcl. traveller, 13 Miall st. Stansfield st & 1 Bath st. Leeds rd; h Myrtle cottage, Thumbury Kell Robt. & Co. stuff merts. 46 Vicar ln. & Huddersfield Jowett Joseph, woulstapler and commission agent, Kell Robert, Esq., J.P.; h He~ ton mount, Manningham 4 & 6 Union passage; h Thorp house, Idle Kellerby Alfred, boot & shoemaker, 84 Girlington road Jowett Kershaw, shopkeeper, 200 Old road, Horton Kellet Joseph, shopkeeper, 545 Wakefield road Jowett Kershaw, vict. Crown, 151 Horton Bank top Kellett Edwin, butcher, 35 Horton road Jowett Mrs .Martha, milliner, 8 Maw street Kellett John, over looker, 14 Primrose street Jowett Mrs Mary, dressmaker, 109 High st. Gt. Horton Kellett John, shopkeeper, 10 Upper green, High street Jowett Nathan, grocer, 65 Horton lane Kellott Mark, shopkeeper, 60 Bedford street Jowett Nathan Atkinson, stone merchant (Tioper & Co. Kellett l\Irs Sarab, libarian to Church of England & W. Hill & Co.) ; h Clock house, North parade Literary Institute, 8 & 9 Albion court Jowett Sml. Greenwood, supt. Town Msns. 9 St Judo's sq Kellett William & Co. stuff manufacturers, North Holme J owett Miss Sarah, day school, 191 Barkerend road mill, Leeming street ; h Low moor Jowett Wm. bhs. Wheat Sheaf; & shopr. 291 Southfd.ln Kelley John, woolstapler, 3 Mildred et; h 86 Bridge st J owett \Villiam, painter and paperhanger, 25 John st Kelly Patrick, waste dealer, E4 Southgatc ; b Brick row Jowett \Villiam, woolsortcr, 32 Peel square, Lumb lano Kelly Thomas, victualler, Prospect inn, 497 Bolton road Jowett Charles, commission agent, 120 Salt street Kelly Thomas Kirkb'y, woolstaplcr (Ferrand & K.) ; and Joy Mrs Betsy, shroud maker, 13 Queen street farmer, East Brierley Joy Jabez, greengrocer and fruiterer, Lumb lane Kelsall William, printer (H. Glover, Son & Co.); h Joy Robert, boot and shoe maker, 185 Church st. ~lgm Hillsiue villas, Coleridge place Joy Thomas, photogrpllr. 24 Rebecc:J. st; h 13 Queen st Kemp Alfred Blyth, comsn. agent, Hall Ings; h Otley Joy William, horsekeeper, 5 Snow hill, North parade Kemp Henry, commrcl. tvllr. 3 Rhodes ter. Townbill st Judson Joseph, manager, Singleton street, Valley road Kempster John, hairdresser, 7 Stott hill Judson \Villiam, stationmr. Bolton lane, 1\lanningham Krnuall J ames, cabinet make;r, 45 North gate Julian Miss :Mary Ann, 5 Grove terrace, Horton road Kendall John, butcher, Birk street J·unior Club, Tyrrel street; Fdc. Jno. Gardiner, mngr Kendall \Villiam, servants' register office, 42 Simes st Justices' (West Riding) Office, 21 Manor row; George Kendrew Edward, eating house, 5 & 7 Ivegate Robert Mossman, clerk Kenion ~Irs J\fary Ann, Spring Bank place Karle Freuerick, pork butcher, 41 Silsbridge lane Kcnnedy J ames Nelson, clerk, 219 Otley road Kaufmann Moritz, stuff & woollen merchant, 10 Bentley Kennedy Miss 1Iartha Ann, mlnr. &c. 126 Listerhills rd street (J. Hartop, manager); anu Manchester Kcnnedy Robert John, commercial tvllr. 141 North par Kay Elias, beerhouse, Elm Tree, 7a Prince street Kenningham Henry, timekeepr. Singleton st. Valley rd Kay (Robt. Hy), Jackson & Buckley, stuff manufrs. Kennish Hobert, brehd & biscuit baker, 83a Caledonia la Bentley street; & 38 Faulkner street, 1l!ancllester street ; h 38 Elizabeth street Ray Jas. butcher, 33 Kirkgate mkt; h 2 Holme Top ln Kent George, excise offlcer, 7 Fountain street Kay J ames, tailor, 23 An drew street, Carlisle road Kent James, grocer, 157 Westgate; h 7 Fountain street Kay Jas. & Co. waste carders & dlrs. Fawcett row, & St. Kemey James, greengrocer, 73 Bower street Stcphcn's shed, Manchr. rd; h Oaksfold, 35 Birch ln Kerney James, shopkeeper, 85 Abbey street Kay John (James & Co); h 115 Bowling Old lane Kerr Alexander (K. & Padgett) ; h 35 College road Kay John, mercht. (Scarf, K. & Co.); h 47 Southfield sq Kerr & Padgett, Illillwrights, engineers & ironfounders, Kay John, stuff dresser, 17 Westgrove street Providence foundry, Laisterdy ke Kay Sampson, foreman finisher, 90 Trafalgar street Kerry Mrs Sarah, 38 Trafalgar street Kay Mr Samuel, 103 Bowling Old lane Kershaw Abraham, shopkeeper, 21 Bowling Back lane Kay \Villiam, woolstapler, 76 Vicar lane Kershaw Eli, shopkeeper, 52 Preston street Kay Wm. coal mert. G. N. Rlwy. stn; h 148 Wshngtn. st Kcrsbaw Mr George, Oaks fold, 40 Birch lane Kaye Alfred, joiner & bldr. Hortn. ln; h 22 Farside gn Kershaw Hy. spnr. &c. (S. & H.); h Green vla. Leedsrd Kaye Mrs Hannah, 2 William street Kersbaw Jno.fnshr.(Holmes, Haigh & K.); h 18 Tennant st Kaye l\lr \Villiarn, 11 William street, Horton lane Kersbaw John, joiner & builuer, 144 Washington street Kean Robt. picture frame mkr. & gilder, 34 Thornton rd Kershaw John Webster, tailor, 56 Hudson street Keddy Mr Thomas, 17 Marlborough road Kersha w J ph. drpr. & milnr. 12 Manchr. rd ; h 25 Hrtn.rd Kendrew Edward, eatinghouse, 5 & 7 Ivegate Kershaw Jph. picture framer & insur. agt. 284 Leeds rd Keenan John, commission agent, 67 Brook street; h Kershaw Luke, shopkeeper, 2 V ere street Bramley, near Leeds Kershaw Joseph, meter inspector, 61 White Abbey road Keens Henry Lewis, watchmaker, 12 Buck street Kershaw Joseph, stonemason, 37 Primrose street Keigbley Charles, boot & shoernkr. 64 High st. Gt. Hrtn Kershaw Joseph, stuff Illerchant, 5 East parade Keighley Chs. waste dlr. 10 Quebec ter.; h 7 Spring st Kershaw Mrs Margarct, fent dealer, 124 George street Keighley David, draper, 1 Lilly street, & 6 Heaton road Kershaw Mrs Iviary, ~outhfield house Keighley Edw. drysalter, Albion et; h Apperley bridge Kershaw Miss Priscilla, slwpkeeper, 342 Gt. Horton rd Kcighlcy Gcorge Edward, working jeweller, 42 Northgt Kershaw Miss Rebecca, 81 Victoria road Keighley Gilbert, spinner & mfr. 55 Brook st. & lllorton Kersbaw S. & H. worsted spinners & woolcombers, 28 Keighley Isaac, fishmonger, 6G Otley road Charles street, & Laisterdyke mills Keighley Isaac, shopkeeper, 153 Church street Kershaw Samuel (S. & H.) ; h Green bill bs. 601 Leeds rd Keighley James, plumber, glazier & gasfitter, Chapel Kersbaw Saml. cabt. mkr. & furniture dlr. 171 Westgt court, Kirkgate ; h 1 Bellevue Kershaw William, clogger, 126 High st. Great Horton Keighley John (John & Co.), & knitting machine mkr. Kessler & Co. stuff, yarn, &c. merchants, 64 Vicar ln. i Raglan's ml. Gibson st. & 36 Darley st; h 145 Nth. par and M anche15te1· .
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