6. Traffic Assessment Section 91 (ga) of the Act requires that an MDP addresses 6.1 Trip Generation and Distribution the likely effect the proposed development will have on The number and timing of vehicles accessing the traffic flows. DFO development (referred to as trip generation) was Section 6 of the Master Plan 2014 outlines the vision for benchmarked with other DFO type developments within ground transport at Perth Airport. Australia. The industry modelling standard is based on calculating the typical vehicle movements per hour The Airport West Precinct is currently serviced by Brearley related to every 100 square metres of Gross Floor Area Avenue, Fauntleroy Avenue and the newly opened Dunreath (GFA). Therefore, the anticipated trip generation for a DFO Interchange from Tonkin Highway, completed as part of development in the morning peak period is expected to be the Gateway WA project as shown in Figure 18. The State 0.9 vehicles per hour for every 100 square metres of GFA. Government has announced that Brearley Avenue will While in the afternoon this number rises to 1.7 vehicles per close in December 2016 to allow for the commencement hour for every 100 squares metres of GFA. of works for the Forrestfield-Airport Link project and associated Belmont train station. At this time, the Dunreath AM Peak PM Peak Hour Rate Hour Rate Interchange will replace Brearley Avenue as the key vehicle Land Use Unit (vehicles (vehicles and freight route into the precinct with Fauntleroy Avenue per hour) per hour) forming the secondary access. The construction of the DFO 0.9 1.7 Per 100sqm (GFA) Dunreath Interchange has allowed the downgrading of the remaining section of Dunreath Drive to an airport service Table 6 Trip generation for the DFO road as is referenced in the Master Plan 2014 (referred Based on the proposed DFO development of 37,000 GFA to as Old Dunreath Drive). To improve local access into the average movements per hour in the AM and PM peak Redcliffe and the Airport, the State Government is currently periods is detailed in Table 7. upgrading the intersection of Fauntleroy Avenue and Great AM Peak PM Peak Eastern Highway to provide a dedicated right turning lane. Peak Hour Land Use Hour Hour (Traditional) The ground transport plan for the Airport West Precinct, In Out In Out is premised on the current importance of the precinct to DFO 86 58 136 136 10AM-2PM support the domestic commercial air services currently using T3 and T4, in addition to the functions of the office Table 7 Average Trip Generation for a DFO at an airport – Vehicles per hour park. As outlined in the Master Plan 2014, Perth Airport It is anticipated that the DFO development will generate 86 anticipates the final stage of consolidation of all commercial inward vehicle trips per hour and 58 outwards trips per hour passenger services to the Airport Central Precinct will occur in the morning peak period. In the afternoon peak period in the early 2020’s, when new facilities are constructed for this is higher with 136 inward trips and 136 outward trips. the Qantas Airways Group operations. The PM peak will generate significantly more trips than the The domestic operations of the Qantas Group currently AM peak due to the profile of the DFO customers and the generate the majority of the traffic entering the precinct typical length of stay for customers of a DFO. The impact on and traffic modelling for the precinct has been progressed level of service is provided in Section 6.2. on the worst case assumption that the Qantas Group will Based on other DFO stores in Australia, it is anticipated not relocate from the precinct until 2024. that on an average day the majority of people will travel to It is anticipated that once the Qantas Group relocates, and from the DFO development between 10am and 2pm. the traffic volumes to and from the Airport West Precinct Weekend flows, when terminal vehicle traffic volumes are will substantially decline. The proposed road design has lower, are up to 20 per cent higher than the corresponding been developed with the aim that traffic in Airport West times on weekdays. However the highest overall figures for accessing the terminals are the priority vehicle flow. the precinct occurs on weekdays. The proposed development has been assessed to determine the impact on the existing road network with respect to trip generation and distribution, as well as in relation to ‘level of service’ of the road network both now and into the future. 30 GREAT EASTERN HIGHWAY BYPASS KALAMUNDA ROAD GREAT EASTERN HIGHWAYBUNGANA AVENUE FAUNTLEROY AVENUE 21 24 BREARLEY AVENUE CROSSWIND RUNWAY 06/24 (2163m X 45m) ABERNETHY ROAD 06 D U NR EA TH DR IV E D R Y T D A O L N D FRICKER RD R K I B I N R A H G U I S G AFFLECK RD H W MAIN RUNWAY 03L/21R (2163m X 45m) A Y GROGAN RD AIRPORT DR HORRIE MILLER DR KINGSFORD SMITH AVE ABERNETHY ROAD PALTRIDGE RD 03 ROE HIGHWAY Terminal 1 DUBS CLOSE Terminal 2 TONKIN HIGHWAY Terminal 3 Terminal 4 Airside Fence ABERNETHY ROAD Primary Regional Roads Other Regional Roads LEACH HIGHWAY Rail KEWDALE ROAD MDP Boundary Figure 18 Perth Airport external and internal road network Source: Perth Airport Master Plan 2014 31 6.2 Traffic Capacity Analysis peak is therefore slightly higher than the terminal peak When completing a traffic assessment a number of scenarios experienced in the morning, however it is still under are modelled and tested. For the assessment of the DFO the theoretical capacity of the road, which has been development the following scenarios were considered: conservatively assessed to be 2,800 vehicles per hour. The • 2012 baseline (peak operating environment prior to Virgin capacity of the road is not the point at which traffic does Australia relocating to Terminal 1 and without the DFO) not have ‘free flow’ and congestion begins to occur. • Day prior to Qantas consolidation to Airport Central (for the Another factor to consider is the level of service of the road purpose of modelling assumed to be 2024). This is with the network and intersections. Level of service is an industry DFO operational and when it is expected that aviation accepted measure of the performance of a road network. traffic in the precinct is at its peak. In assessing the impact of the proposed development, a It is anticipated that between opening of the DFO and volume to capacity ratio is used to provide guidance on Qantas consolidation to Airport Central (the two scenarios network operation in the form of ‘average vehicle delay’. above) the overall vehicle traffic levels will be less than the Level of Average Vehicle Description 2024 scenario. Accordingly the 2024 scenario is the worst Service Delay1 case scenario and is therefore used to predict the impact of A to C Less than or equal Posted speed is the DFO development on the road network. to 20 seconds per maintained and at vehicle or near free flow The typical traffic peaks for aviation users of the precinct conditions and those of the DFO development do not align, with peak C to E Between 20 seconds Approaching flow and 50 seconds per breakdown. Speeds terminal traffic occurring between 4am and 7am and peak vehicle decreased, freedom DFO traffic occurring between 10am and 2pm. The cumulative to manoeuvre is impacts of the terminal traffic (projected out to 2024) and limited. the DFO traffic is shown in Figure 19. Figure 19 shows that E Between 50 seconds Unstable flow and 70 seconds per operating at capacity. weekdays experience more terminal traffic than on weekends vehicle Changing lanes will and that the peak number of vehicles per hour accessing the disrupt traffic. terminal is experienced between 5am and 6am on a weekday Greater than F Greater than 70 Breakdown of traffic estimated to be approximately 2560 vehicles in 2024. seconds per vehicle flows and travel times cannot be predicted. Using figures for existing comparable DFO developments 1 – Roundabout control interstate, the modelling for vehicles accessing a DFO Table 8 Description of Traffic Operation levels of service shows that by 2024, the weekday peak vehicle numbers Source: SIDRA will be experienced between noon and 1pm with around Table 8 provides further detail of level of service 630 vehicles per hour arriving or departing the DFO classifications in terms of Average Vehicle Delay and development. When this is added to the number of vehicles associated descriptions, and demonstrates the industry accessing the terminal in the same period, this amounts to standard. Level of Service A provides a less than or equal to approximately 2700 vehicles in the hour. The cumulative a delay of 20 seconds per vehicle and is when the posted Weekday terminal trac Weekend terminal trac DFO trac Hourly rate limit 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Vehicles per hour 500 0 0000-01000100-0200 0200-0300 0300-0400 0400-0500 0500-0600 0600-0700 0700-0800 0800-0900 0900-1000 1000-1100 1100-1200 1200-1300 1300-1400 1400-1500 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1800 1800-1900 1900-2000 2000-2100 2100-2200 2200-2300 2300-2400 Time of Day Figure 19 Dunreath Drive Profile – DFO & T3 / T4 in 2024 with Qantas remaining in the precinct 32 speed is maintained and the road network is functioning at Traffic modelling of the 2024 scenario indicates that the a near free flow condition. Perth Airport considers that new intersection is forecast to continue to operate at a level of road infrastructure is required when roads and intersections service A.
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