PROVINCETOWN REP - 1998 Season Subscription Name Address City State zip- - I was a subscriber in '97 - Iwish to order subsrcription(s)/ Flex Passes at $45 each = $ THEMINEOLA TWINS - July 18 - August 2 1st choice date 2nd choice date THERAMERICAN: ASKING AND TELLING - August 13 - 30 1st choice date 2nd choice date HUGHIE - September 1o - 27 1st choice date 2nd choice date (It is not necessary to pick your dates with a Flex Pass) - Ialso wish tojoin Provincetown Rep's Circle of Friends by making a $25 tax deductible contribution. $ $2.00 charge for postage/handling $ TOTAL DUE $ METHOD OF PAYMENT - Enclosed is my check made payable to Provincetown Repertory Theatre Please charge my: - Visa - Mastercard - American Express Number Expiration date Signature Your tickets will be mailed to you. If you need to change a date after receivingyour order, just call us. We'll gladly exchange your tickets for another evening. Program and schedule subject to change; sorry we cannot offer refunds. Subscription orders must be received by July 15,1998. For more informationcall: 508-487-0600 Our box office (opens July 1) 508-487-5600 MAY 21,1998 PROVINCETOWN BANNER SUMMER PREVIEW1998 Luc break-a-legs Theater companies thrive despite creative risks plishments of bringing lamed direc- to the town’s theatrical roots - a ByHamilton Kahn tor Jose Quintero and playwright production of Eugene O’Neill’s BANNERSTAFF Edward Albee to town were tough two-characterdrama ”Hughie,”di- acts to follow, but artistic director rected by Laura Josephsen, about a Lucky for residents and visitors, Ken Hoyt keeps coming up with small-time gambler’sconfessions to summer theater is a thrivingcultural toppers,including this month’s gala a hotel night clerk. A distinguishing staple, as it has been here for more benefit at Boston’s ShubertTheater, characteristicof this productionwill than 80 years.And lucky forthe the- starring Julie Harris, Hume Cronyn, be a filmed rendition of the lead aters, audience interest and support Kim Hunter and Lee Grant. The character’s thoughts, which were remain strong. centerpieceof its upcoming season precluded from inclusion in early Lucky,because theater has and al- are a play and appearance by Paula versionsof this work.The play runs ways will be among the riskiest of Vogel, winner of the 1998 Pulitzer from September 10-27. For ticket all creative endeavors. Expensive Prize for playwriting for her play, continuedon next page and time-consumingto produce, a “How I Learned to Drive,” Vogel’s play comes to full fruition only comedy,“The Minneola Twins, ” ,ji- when the lights go up on opening rected by Ronn Smith, opens PRT’s night. By then, it’s too late to do season at the Provincetown Muse- anything but minortinkering, which um (adjacent to the Pilgrim Monu- is why there is no such thing as a ment on High Pole Hill) and runs sure-fire hit (just ask Paul Simon from July 18-August2. In addition, and countless others before him). Vogel, a long-time visitor to Yet despite these risks and the un- Provinetown, is expected to con- predictabilityof the econo- duct a playwriting seminar (details my, local theater groups keep taking to be announced later). Next up is the plunge again and again- and the world premiere of a one-man with a remarkable high degree of play by PRT company member success. Marc Wolf entitled “Another Amer- Speaking of high, the Province- ican: Asking and Telling,” directed town Repertory Theater, heading by Tom Demenkoff, running from into its fourth season as the Cape August 13-30. It’s described as a tip’s resident professional is “poignantand startlinglook the troupe, into Marjorie Conn is back at the almost dizzy from riding waves of and personal issues” debate sur- ProvincetownInn, peforming success good fortune toward its and rounding be issue of gay men and Gegory Henderson returns to town this season with his “LorenaHickok” and Wallace goal of building a new theater in lesbians in the military. The season one-man show “Whirlwind,“ Shawn’s “ Provincetown. Its previous accom- wraps up in September with a return renamed “TheFever. at the UniversalistMeeting House. MAY 21,1998 PROVINCETOWNBANNER SUMMER PREVIEW continuedfrom lastpage sonators Joanna James and Jona shows in a season running from Williams, the reigning Miss Gay June 29 to Labor Day, including the Jonathan Reynold‘s comedy Massachusetts. It runs Monday one-woman show,”LorenaHickok kson’s House,” di- nights, June 8-Sept 7, with curtain and Eleanor Roosevelt: A Love Marc Wolf will Walker. The im- time at 7 p.m In another first, PTC Story,” starring Conn and back for perform plausible plot concerns an African- will present a production for “chit- its fifth season in Provincetown af- “Another American tour guide who offers dren of all ages” entitled ‘Ihe Forest ter a successful cross-country tour. American: himself as a slave to an Ohio couple of John the Fox,” by Wellfleet resi- Conn will also be performing Wal- visiting the Confederate general’s dent Fran DeVasto, whose Periwin- lace Shawn’s one-personplay, ‘The ns Wednesdays through kle Players have been entertaining Fever,” three times a week, while July 22-August 15. youngsters in Wellfleet for the past RF. Griffith and Ellen Mulroney Samuel Beckett’sexistential master- several summers. It will be per- will star in ”The Diary of Adam piece, ‘Waiting for Godot,” directed formed at 7 p.m. Wednesdays from and Eve” on Sundays and Mondays by JeffZinn (seeaccompanying sto- July 8-August 26 at the Provincetown at 7 p.m. Daniel Haben Clark will ry). runs Wednesdays through sun- town Inn, One Commercial St. The direct his own play, ‘Tiny and the days, 13, and company’s artistic director, Roger Size QUeen,’’ about a hustler the cast includes Dan Joy, Casey Cacchiotti, will direct “Message to “somewhat unqualifiedfor his pro- Clark, Julie Perkins and Ed Swiddy. Michael,” by Tim Pinckney,an ur- fession,” from July 2-Sept. 5. Also Further UP rhe Cape. the Acade- gional High School in Eastham at Wrapping things up in the fall will ban, gay, bitterswet romantic com- in the works are new plays by Fran my ofPerforming Arts, 120Main 10 a.m. Fridays from July 10-Au- be “Nixon’s Nixon,” a comedy by edy runningThursday through Sun- Arenson,aka Roxanne, and Ruth St, Orleans, Will benefit from two gust 21. For ticket information and Russell Lees, starring Stephen RUS- days, July 9-26 at 8 P.m. at the Greenblatt(details to be announced performances this FridaY and Satur- reservations call 255- 1963. sell in the title role and, perhaps, Provincetown Inn. Steve Martin’s later). For tickets and further infor- day*May 22 and 23, by famed =- WHAT’S artistic co-director Gip successful comedy ‘‘Picasso at the mation call 487-2666. tress and Cape resident Julie Harris, Hoppeas Henry Kissinger(depen- Lapin Agile,” directed by Gary Fans of Gregory Henderson’s Who will be reading a new one- TheCapeRePTheatte,Route ing on the availability of Hoppe, Palmer, runs August 6-23 at 8 p.m. 1995 hit “Big Wind on Campus” Woman play, “Staying on Alone: 6A, Brewster, has a chock-a-block whose plays “Jackie” and “Future at the Inn, and it concerns a fictional will be pleased to hear about the TheAutobiography of Alice B. Tok- summer schedule consisting of Hollow” are in the process of beiig 1904 encounter between the artist show’s return to the Universalist las,” assembled by literary scholar Arthur Miller’s “A View From the produced in England, Germany and and Albert Einstein in Paris. The fi- Meeting House, 236 Commercial Bruce Kellner. (Tickes are $35.) Bridge” (Thurs.-Sun.thtough June Los Angela). For tickets and other nal offering of the season is ‘‘Give It St., under its new name, ‘whirl- Next UP is John Steinbeck’s ‘‘Of 141, the musical “Once Upon A information call 349-6835. Up,” written and performed by Eng- wind.” In the years since its Mice and Men,” directed by Adona Martress” (July 2-25], Neil Simon’s Now in its 35th season, the lish actress Maggie Barrett and di- Provincetownpremiere three years Butler, which runs from May 29- “The Sunshine Boys” (August 4- ProvinctownTheatre Company rected by Charles Manyan. Recently ago, the one-man, multiple-charac- June 6 with Friday and Saturday 22) and Ariel Dorfman’s “Death is offeringsomething for everyone showcased at the Neighborhood ter comedy, directed by Joseph performances at 8 P.m. and a20’- and the Maiden” (Sept.- 1-26). In in its ambitious and varied season. Playhouse in New York City, the Massa, has revisedits script, added clock matinee On Sunday-May 3l. addition, Cape Rep’s Outdoor the- First out of the gate is “The Tranny play is described as being about a character, and earned accoladesin The rest of sUmmer schedule in- ater will present “Rapunzeland the chase.” by Les Simpson, directed “survival, choices and the art of NewYork City, chicago, Washing- cludes “Gilbert & Sullivan’s Witch” on Tuesdays and Fridays at by Michael Soldier, an award-win- finding a place to belong in the ton, D.C.,, Miami and other U.S. “H.M.S. Pinafoe’’ (June 18-JulY 411 10 a.m., June 30.SePt. 4, and on ning black comedy about drag world.” It runs August 27-31, with cities, and from here it’s headed the musical “Grease” (July 9-Au- Mondays July 13.20, and August queens and the straight men who performances at 8 P.m. at the Inn. For back to New York for a production guSt 11, “Broadway ‘98’’(August 6- 17 and 24 at 8 p.m., as well as “The chase after them.
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