K -\t * / . TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1968 AvBiagB Dally N#t Pren Ron The Weather hA(«£ TWENTY JEmwljfBtpr iwafii For The Week Ended Fair, oool again tonight Low la, IBM . iiattrhpHtpr lEuptitng Bpralh kS to 60. Tomorrow partly sun­ Tha Bunaat Qub will have a A HoUday Worhahop for aH lOH Gete Ready ny. High near M. interasted women of South R«9ister Tomorrow NIgM 14 ,8 9 5 apadal msattaB Wadnaaday at Manche»ter—~A City of ViUago Charm About Town 1 p.m. at Ihs Banlor Cltltana MathofM Church will bo hold For ISdi Year tonight at 7:M in tha Recaption t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f CONNECTICUT OonMiMd OktboUc Moth- Oantar, Myrtla and Undan 8ta. lOH (Ihitruetora of tta Handl- AdwrUatog on Pago BT) PRICE TEN CENTS .. «A l inataU oCfioart Hall of tha ohurd). (FORTY PAGES—TWO SECTnONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY,-SEPTEMBER 18, 1968 Bus trai»V*t***“‘ '** napped) will soon begin its llth Conthrataf B d o c a ^ VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 297 t lU fln i n M tin f o t Um Mason provlduda m Jehovah’s Wltneasaa will hava year of operation, teaching AnnounoM First RagiBtrBtkm bi ManchastBr rateosdi^ at ■ p.m. at Bt group dlaousatons of a BlUa aid l■aItll0loms1r'a Cburch. The Tha Army and Navy Ohib Aux* mentally and physlcaUy handl- Wednudey, SBpt«rab«r 18— 7 lOO PJW. tomorrow at 7:10 p.m. at U oappod ohUdron to aWlm. Olaaa- IsvM t is apan to mambtra and lUary has baan Invltad to attand Chambers Bt, 7S6 N. Main Bt, [patawHal naw mambata. tha Installation of offloara os era hald Sunday afternoons RbbI EitBtB PrindpBlB «nd British Track Probe of tha Amorlean Legion and Ita M l Woodbrldga Bt, 144 arifOa at tha Manohaatar High School Rd. In Bouth Wtndaor, and New Herald Series Offers 11w axaoutlTa board of <he AuxOiary FHday at 7:10 p.m. pool. ^ Room 148 F bbi $60 [ llMMdiaatar AuxlUary of CSdld {SttoLaglon Homo. Franoh Rd., Bolton. Announoomanta will ba mada HKwhBBtsr High School Help in Choosing College U.S. Attorney General aad IbuaUy Barvloa of Ooraiaot* aoon over tha publlo addraae ■ ayatama at tha Manohaatar High Spacecraft Return tout, artU maat Wadnaaday at 10 gt. Fmnela Xavier Molllara Every oOUegs-bound high school student needs heipl Oirole wUl meat Wadnaaday at School and Beat OathoUo High a ja . at tha acanoy'a oMoa, llO 12th Q re n H Hrip, that la, in choosing the coUegea or univeraitlea ac­ lohool, toning students bow and EYE-GLASSES b y Main Bt tha homa of Mrs. thomaa 8h^ ceptable to him; and more Importantly, that wUl accept him. plM of 100 High Bt after w Court Cases where to apply for mambariWp. Denied by Soviets OM Boout ntoop M wlU hava Omblnad CathoHo Mothara ( » IntormaUon may ba raoalvad al­ DeBella and Reale Opticians How is the high school Junior or senior, affUctod with “ col­ tta flrat maatliiff of tha aMaon ols masting i t I p.m. i | t ^ » so by oontaottag Mlaa Oonnls lege fever” and being pushed and pulled by well-meaning BaUlora at U PorUr I t MOflOeW (A P ) — A Soviet that JodreU Bank’s btg radio relattves and friends, to select a coUage from the more than Urges Stiff Gun Control Wateaaday from I to 4:10 p.m. Baitholomtar’s d m r^ . ■ABT BABTFOBD BBBBION Biatruetoro in tha program govenmiant qidnsm an today telescope picked up algnala 1,200 four-year Instltutlona of higher learning in this country? at IMnlty Oovanant Church. soaas are Mrs. Chartas Wwon from Zond 5 In 40-mlnute bursts and Mrs. Jamaa MOVaffh. A 31-yaar-oId Oovantry man must bt hun oobool atudanta Compht0 denied a Britiah report that a What happens to the student in a school where the coUege WASHINGTON (AP) — with althar Rad Oroee or ioout Sovlat space probe has passed throughout the night and the guidance officers are inadequate, understaffed, or nonexistentT Bt. JaiMa' Mothara Olrcla phargad with flva oounta of ob­ rocket passed within about 1,000 A proBidential panel opened The Five Point aub of Toin- Ufaiavlng oartifloataa. Ey0 Gla$$ near the moon and la baUeved These students—and their harrassed parents—need the help « f ll maat Wadnaaday at tha taining monay undar falM pra- mUea of the moon at 6;H a.m., h em n gs in its sweeping pla OhapUr, OBB, wUl moat Tboaa who hava apoliad pravl- S0rvtc0 on Ms way back to the earth. offered by The I960 Guide to CoUege Selection. homa of Mrs. Bdward Blatau of tanoaA ana count of forgary, and ' The opokeaman said the re­ or 13:00 a.m. IDDT. probe of American violence Wadnaaday at eualy and art on tta walUng 1R«gitiiiing today on Page IS, The Herald wUl print a 15-part » B. Hatrthoma Bt afUr tha port from Sir Bernard LoveU, LoveU said the spacecraft did with testimony today from homa of ona count of laroany, appaarad Uat are asked to rtapply. If they series on the CoUege Selection Guide. It can also be purchased BMaUnf of tha OomMnad Oatho- Outh Rd. Mrs. Albert For^ atlU art tntaraatad In baeomlBf dlieotor of Britain's JodreU not go around the moon, but Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark Uo M ^ r s Orols at I p.m. at In tha Hast Hartford aaMlon of Contact passed on one aide of it, and In book form. See the order coupon at the end of today’s col­ Mra. Olaranea Pataraon » » d XOH inatruotora. Bank Observatory, was " a ca­ urging stiff gun controls Bt BaifholomaWa Church. Orouit Court 19 Friday, plaad- Lbmbs then the signal strength in­ umn. Kr. John TrotUr art In ohargo nard—the enUre: report does not and police restraint in han­ i M l i i i i i Mni. John ^ n it ad guUty to tha obtaining qharg- correspond to reaUty. creased meuiy times oa It turned of rafroahmsnta. dling unruly demonstra­ and Mrs. Udward Booha. aa, had tha forgary oharga noU- TTm spokesman said he had no toward earth. He^predlcted that ad, and will maka a plan to tha lOim S. WHUAMS Infonnatlan on the flight of the the Rusalana would try to recov­ tions. lOdwatt strvlosa wlU h* The oommlaalon oa CButallan laroany oharga on Oot. 4. On er It on Friday, which would be "O f all violence, police vio­ •oolal Oonoom of Bouth Metho­ Zm d S unmanned spacecraft, tomorrow at 7;M p.m. ^ ^ tha lama data ha wUI raoatva TiMBhsr of which a Soviet announcement another epace first for the Rua- lence In excess of authority is dist Ohureh wUl meat tomorrow Otauroh of Ohrtat lydaU and diapoaltlon on tha obtaining PiMM), Organ I I Aaytum Bt. Sunday said had been launched aiana and an Important step to­ The Political Scene the most dangerous,” Clark Vtmon BU. Thara wlU ba claaa- at 7it0 p.m. at tha ohuroh. okiuvw. Room 104 ward landing a man on the said. Into space from a parking orbit By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ry and said his graoe roots r Oarald Karvln of Proapaot Bt •nd Afioordtai moon. The attorney general made no ao for ehlldran aad aduMa. Tal. S99-07B7 around the earth. I h e apkee- movement U etrong in Texas A prayer oorvtoo and a mid- was ohargad along with a Wllli- •ML 588-8868 Hartford Hhutoo F. Raal4 “Once they have achieved Republican ceindldate Richard specific mention of the bloody Hu m DoBtUa oraft'a mission was not speci­ and cities Including Long Beach <IIM VTW Auxiliary will honor WMk BIbio study wiU ba oon- mantte man hut month In oon- this,” said the Briton, "w e can M. Nixon has indicated he clariies between police and anti­ duotad tomorrow at 7tM i^m. fied than, and there has been no might be willing to debate Dem­ and Milwaukee. Mb CMd Btar Motharo M a ^ naoUoa with tta thaft of a boat further announcement about It. anticipate that they wlU put a w ar demonstrators last month at Tm u^ Oovonant CSiureh. ocratic presidential opponent Nixon’s comment on a nation­ Bar Tuaaday, B jd J B . a t ^ and motor from prtvata prop­ “We are not bacMng down <»i maul in one, send It near the In Chicago at the Democratic Hubert H. Humphrey—but not If ally televised debate and an al­ BAB. at tha FoM Homo. erty on Oovantry Laka. TMa In- anything,” said a apokeaman at moon, then bring it beck with­ National Convention, one of the The CMta of Hanvan Mottian the confrontation had to Include leged collusion came at a news wBl ba a ahert bualnaaa maattet otdant la what oonatMutei tha ) JodreU Bank. "W e only said we out landing on the moon.” areas of violence to be studied. 8 third party candidate George C. cMiference in Anaheim, Calif. attar dinnar. fUatryattona onaa O n la wttl maat at tlM taena of laroany oharga. bellevad the probe had passed This may be tried within Clark was the laadoff witness Wallace. Bapt M and may ba mada by Mrs. Otrman Avary of 10 Naw- WhUa In oourt on arraignment months, LoveU said, although Such a debate between the as the National CommAsslon on ^ QmiiaJtwjtL near the moon and was now Nixon called on Humphrey at o S a o lh it Mra. John Vhioa of man Bt Wadnaaday adtar tta for tha (ttarga In Auguit, Karvln headed back.
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