) "', ... '., .,., ', .. " ,'~'.I ",. ""'T ~.~ .... --".", '>," ,-, "'''~.'' "'-<'''''' '",- ",., , , 4/ \ . " .,' ", " ,," : .. l'$!~ " , , Page . Th)1rsday, J:une 4, 1953 THE JEWISH. POST . , seven Thursday, June .~ 1953 , THE .JEWISH. POST • .. Micay; pledge redemption chaitman, gap in their. H~brew education on cepted' hy the university as a regu~' ization ofWCanada. gence." - The campaigns-conducted under Communities which will conduct Mrs. J. I. Dolgin and co~chairman, higher learning. a college level without lIhe strain lar sequence in the requirements' The growth of the department has West Drive a Success the banner of National Conference .their 1953 campaigns this fall are: Mrs. I. Zipursky; wardrobe mistress, of competing with previously trained for graduataion. Whatever the stu­ for Israel and Jewish Rehabilitation Edmonton, Medicine Hat and Letl>.· 'CHART GROWTH OF ,been slow but uninterrupted, from Edmonton (Spe~ial)-Highly &UC- ~ave been held in 'Saskatchewan Mrs. N. Ray md co-chairm!'n, Mrs., , stt<dents. At the same time, those' dent's previous background, he wlll -evoked "tremendous enthusia'sm \Or:l9g=-_________ its inception, to a first year class th;5 cessfulcampaigns for central Jew-and Albe~ta communities this spring, We Migie. students who have had' a previous find a class available in 'which to ish caus'es - with increases rmging reports Hy Fogelman, Westet:n ex~ and response in every centre where past y'ear 'Of 17 students. This com­ ROSH PlNA !Decorations chairmm, Mrs. J. JI,JDAIC DEPARTMENT Hebrew background will lie able pursue Hebrew studies. The course from 10 to 35 per cent over last year ecutive secretary of Zionist Organ- appeals wer,e held," Mr. Fogelman Department of Judaic Studies at,the ing year the first class will be di­ announced. (Cont, from page 4) Shapera; ways and means chairman, 'By-RABBI JUDAH L. STAMPFER to.forge ahead more rapidly in tDeir in Jewish history 15 also one 'Of the The NtCIJR effort this year was . Dii:"ctor, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun­ University. This year H,e depart- vided into two classes, one for thos'e ;1 man, Mrs. D. Stall and co-chai~man, Mrs.. C. O. S:~artz and co-ch!,irman, " ' ' studies. accredited courses .. in . the· history sponsored jointly by Cmadian Jew­ , dation and Chairman, Judaic ment' has come to full growth with who come .to university.with abso­ Mrs. M. Merkel; archivist, Mrs. A. Mrs. ft. Avel'bacb. t' ,! Incoming freshmen are invited to department,and can be taken by any' ~ Congress and the ZOC, on be­ 'Dept., University of Manitoba. the third and final year of Hebrew. lutely no Hebrew background and WHERl'lifo take, on l;talf of the United Israel Appeal and , . consider seriously the desir<!bility uppel:classman who takes one other a new meaning ••• , , l " A .pro.ud moment has. come for Appropriately enough, the first gra- one for those who have had previ­ the Congress-UJRA. ./ " , of enrolling in the Ju,daic Depart- adva';'ced history course, THIS ..YEAR "IA notable impression" was made , Jewish education in Winnipeg this duate, Toby Helman, is going .to ous Hebrew training. This will en­ ment. The Hebrew courses are ac- See JUDAIC DEPT., page 11 your budget ..• througihout the West by Gedalia FOR SALE year with the COJ1ling of age of the New York, where .she will pursue able 'students who are deficient ill Z.akiff, Israeli leader who was prin­ their backgrounds to make up the WHERE there are 'round.,h in i;-======="""==~,;,===,;",==:::"::=====,,,;,,===~==n' MAKE YOUR clock oetivit!e, ..• CIpal speaker at the various cam- Ladies' Wear store Lethbridge, Alberta. Good IN EDMONTON ,You Will Enjoy Dining at the NO RASH ELECTION paign rallies. location in newest business district of dty.Moderate 4Y, ~ours from SeQ"" , E>Opressing the "deep appreciation rental. \ Modern front and fixtures. Seliing due to pres­ PROMISES In one 5padollli, magnlf1cent of the Western communities to the sure of other business interests. Good lease can be lelling (tojoy _golf, " Zionist'Organization arid the Jewish :12ed12()§e but f3ardens hOTub~ck riding •• , IBn,nI1 ... hgency for sending a mm with the arranged for responsible party. $12,000 will handle. Delight yourseU with our Delicious Chinese and Arueric.l!1l Foods. SOLID PAST RECORDS booting.,. cycling ••• abilitymd calibre of Mr, Zakiff," . Pleasant, friendly serVice in relaxing atmosphere ITOp shOaling .•. fl~hing, •• Mr. Fogelman noted that all the Apply Box 322 - The JeWish Post, ,!t '" SHOW THIS MAN hiking. ',.1001"", ond ~ornm~nities\! the Israeli representa": Take Out Orders - Phone 4-4006 0111010'" swimming pool, ••• tive addressed "were enthused by Winnipeg I'" WILL BE AN 213 Selkirk Ave. r , ': : ond do"cing in Ollr his brilliant oratory md. enlightened 97.11 JASPER AVE. EDMONTON EFFECTIVE, VOICE axotlt, Coppar Room I by his cleaF-cut logic and intelli- 'I'. WINNIPEG CENTRE Rotn from $5,00 , Chlld,en I"peT7"illon. I. MAKE 12 Noon t" 8:00 P. M. J & F BODY & . \ IN NORTH WINNIPEG ALDERMAN CANADA'S F~OUS All YEAR RESORT • /AASON Nl,IRICK. Mongger FENDER REPAIRS In Saskatoon IO,S'MER Houses of C9mfort· THE KING' GEORGE We GUll.rantee our Wark , , Elect LEN· AYLEN "BLUE LABEL Salami" ·HARRISON I, BUY IT TODAY! HOT sPRING~, RESORT HOTEL. , ',' Jack St. Jo Cou;1:eous aIj.d Prompt Service • BRITISH COLt:JMBIA. C.~NADA . ' "I He .. Elect M. A. GRAY LIBERAL CANDIDATE -- . At all leading food stores Call Us Anytime YOUR No. 1 CHOICE I WE CATER TO / He-Elect J. M. HAWRYLUK 2 and 3 for Murphy and GI'aham THE FINEST TRIBUTE Phone 52-4143 VOTE 1, 2, 3, IN ORDER OF YOUR CHOICE Insterted' !by Jack St. J cJhn Apply 254 Salter St., Winnipeg MERCIAl TRADE Philip Sweiden, C.A. Election Committee VOTE C. C. F., CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT .' SAMPLE ROOMS TOM MAXWELL, Mgr. Phone 92-4705 REO. 5941"0 . ROOM WITH BATH, 305 Time Bldg. Winnipeg Weare pleased to announce that ELECTORS OF WINNIPEG . CENTRE the firm name 'of In Melville In Yorkton In Humboldt In Humboldt WORK FOR, SUPPORT The The and The The A GOOD PLACE TO EAT KING GEORGE BLACKSTONE WINDSOR. ARLINGTON ELECT AND MEET godlreg .sandell & Co. FLAMINGO···· will henceforth be known as RESTAURANT P. W. BROWN Nips _ Chips - Corned Beef . , RON CARTER.·; ~ RALPH NIES PAUL BRITZ LEE JOA Smdwiches, etc. Mgr. Your Social Credit $anJeU, Peltz & Co. An Enduring Stone of Beautifully polished Marble 01' Granite Mgr. Mgr. Mgr. Candidate Open 7 a.m. till after' midnight Chartered Accountants for 1320 MAIN ST. WINNIPEG Wilson Memorials ~~:~eM:;~2!~ , GEORGE ZYLICH. General Manager 30~ KENSINGTON BLDG. , "Security With Freedom" .' )) YOUR SUPPORT JANSEN BROS. Winnipeg Telephone 92-4812 "Homes AWAY FROM H. orne! • EARNESTLY SOLICITED , Wholesale Vegetables Fresh Dalb Mark Your Ballot Thus: . Growers of Potatoes and Farm Productl Phone Your Orders - We Deliver City Phone - 2-3815 CHOP SUEY 29B ROSS AVE. WINNIPEG •.. MAN" The unveiling of a headstone dedicl;tted to House .......... .' J BROWN, PH W. 1 the memory of the late CHAMPION OF FIRST CHOICE FOR Vote 2 for Emil A. Johnson For Expert Cleaning . --- NORTH WINNIPEG . COMMITTEE ROOMS - 571 ELLICE AVE. Phone 3-7186 ' I at a Saving , ALDERMAN HUMAN,' RIGHTS and [SOCIAL JUSTICE i CALL ~btom HOURS: 4 p.m. to 4 8.m. 1.ou15 DAVIS CLEANERS will take place STAN CARRICK FOR PROGRESS with LEADERSHIP 10 "'lIe' Best In Suits, $1. , SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1953, 11.30 a.m. Dresses _._ .. --_._. Cbinese roods /' .... ', • Was a good School Don't gamble with , . CalTY & Save Ph. 2.5 5'38 at the Trustee Phone 3-3003 your franchise ~ SOCIAL CREDIT'~ SHAAREY ZEDEK CEM,ETERY e Is a good Alderman . ~., . ~ 79 Sherbrook S(. Winnipeg When you vote for • Will he a good M.L.A. YOUR SOCIAL CREDIT CANDIDATES STUBBS, you know' , what you are' get- . Winnipeg North .•• ELECT for Winnipeg Centre 'EJiW • Nicholas Halas" ,Wnbriling ~-·I mtnbetling 1- ting: Winnipeg Centre • • • JOSEPH STEPNUK ABILITY' PATRICK J. EXPERIENCE STANDS" FOR The family request all their. PERCIVAL W. \1 • 8 years AJderman, City of Wllg The children of the' late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel relatives and friends to attend' COURAGE • ~ha~rman. Zoninl!' Boarq 2 years: 8 Increased Grants by Manitoba Government to City Schoo1s. the' lUlVeiling of a memorial, • Chairman of Safety Committee 'Cohen request their relatives and fl:ends to attend _.dedicated to the memory oC EXPERIENCE' . BROWN MULLGREW • Member. ,Finance Comm. 2 years: o $2,500.00 Subsidy Per Classroom • Me~ber of Public Utilities Com­ for New Schools. the unveiling .9f a memorial dedicated to the the late mittee 6 yearS. , INDgPENDENCE • $1.000.00 Per Mile Per Year for memory of their drar and beloved parents, , .' . Winnipeg South • . SERVlCE Maintaining Trunk Highways Passing through the City. INTEGRITY Presiden~ of Greater Winnipeg As­ . DOREEN MRS. JEMIMA F. socmted Clubs. • Referendum for Mixed Beer Par~ " Nathan .Diner g lors. CE'CELIA MILDRED COHEN RELIABILITY, Pre.~.. 'Vin-.,nipc 'l'axpayers Assn. , Independent Candidate C.halrman Grievance Comm., F.O.E. o Sweepstakes for Hospital Funds. Sunday, June 7th Winnipeg Centre . 'i., WEBSTER and : i: VOTE CONSERVATIVE VOTE FOR WINNIPEG ,1'. at I< / ::'," REDUCE TAXES SAMUEL COHEN By Numbers 1 _ 2 - 3 in the I 11.15 a.m. VOTE Order of Your Choice STUBBS / I Vote at the \ , Sunday, June 7th, at 11 a.m. JUNE 8th Published by Stubbs Election .'1'; . VOTE .SOCI'AL CREDIT STEPNUK, Joseph Shaarey Zedek Co~ittee ,1' 1 H SHAAREY ZEDEK CEMETERY Cemetery , Authorized thy the Manitoba Social Credit League I JOSEPH STEPNUK VOTE ALDERMAN H. B. SCOT!' 'No. 2 \ .,' :1 -- / • • -- --,.- - -" .- .. -'.'-.
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