Ten Ten es Images This This AVeek. THE LOWELL LEDGER. Week. INDEPENDENT NOT NEUTRAL. ?0L. XIII, NO. 13 OFFICIAL PAPER liOWEIiL, MICH MIAN. TIIURHDAV, SEPTKMHKK 14, 1905 AVKHAdE CIRCUIiATION IN 1904 1359 MARKS AT HOIE AGAIN In the Handsomest Stores in All of HEARD ABOUT RespMsAlllfj Nichiqan. Pay With Checks Marks got ids goods Into Ids hand- mmw some new store yesterday and the FARMERS day before—load after load as big as Last week of Smith's shoe sale. a ton of hay; and it took a smaH S^ee Godfrey's adv. on iiack page. A checking- account is a gfrcat army of people to unpack them and convenience to every one. get them into the store. As for get- Mrs. 1. Mitchell was In Grand Rap- ids Tuesday. Treat Your Seed Wheat with Formalin We will be gflad to assist you ting them into order for exhibition, Mrs. A M. Barnes is visiting her in starting one. that Is a matter that will keep many cister at Ovid. Come in and ask us about it. hands busy day and night until next Bargain prices on Foster grocery Thursday evening when the exhibl. stock at VanDyke's. See adv. tion starts. Thursday evening and Work Is progreflsltig on Mrs. A. J. Formalin is a sure preventative Friday are reception days and there Lewis' new house on Monroe street. will be souvenirs for the first 500 Mrs. Olive Caldwell returned Sun- of smut 'and is recommenned Ivy The City Bank, day from a visit with friends at Ada. visitors. the best authorities for this pur- Hill, Waft* A Co. It will pay you to Investigate bar- gain prices on Foster stock at Van- pose. We have it especially pre- Orion Hill, Prcaldent. W A. Watts, Cashier Dyke's. George Houer spent Sunday at the pared for this purpose and will home of Miss Neva Fox In Grand flaplds. g-ive you full directions for its use. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lampman spent Saturday and Sunday at Can- nonsburg. Mary Thompson burned her hand quite severely Monday with hot LET US SERVE YOU. chocolate. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dow and baby of Ionia are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gibson. 7S. p. Hicks has been attending the meeting of the Board of Auditors In Grand Rapids this week. LOOK'S Carl, the eight months old baby of Nicholas Bozung of Keene died Sept. You Know Where. Drug and Book Store 9 and was buried Sept. 12. This is a picture of Marks taken a Mrs. A. W. Owen returned Friday mimiter of years ago. He is bet- to Albion, where she will spend the ter looking now and grow- Winter with her daughter. ing handsomer every- Messrs. CUIey and English of Bos- day. Ml ton township are exhibiting their After the fire, when everybody was fine stock at the State Fair. feeling idue, Marks refused to be Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Knee have re- downcast and repeatedly said that he turned from Harbor Springs, {where they have been nearly a year. was going to do business in Lowell. Music Hath Charms All Kinds of Meats Miss Marguerite Finch entertained a He has kept his promise, though to company of young friends Monday That Is, all GOOD kinds—fresh do It he had to combine with other evening In honor of her birthday. salted, pickled, smoked, cooked, of our enterprising townsmen, In the Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Butts moved to to sooth the savage breast all right, but with all In the highest perfection of the buudlng of one of the finest blocks In Lapeer this week, the former having civilized people there's ail the difference in the meat carver's and meat server's art the state. bought a grocery and bakery there. world In quality. The As to his own stores, Marks Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson Fresh Fish on Fridays and children spent Sunday In Keene, promised something nice. When the guests of her sister, Mrs. Sarah Chloken for Sunday Dinner asked for particulars, he would re- Shores. Pianos and Organs ply; "Walt and see." Well, we wait Mrs. John Kopf left last night for Houston, Tex., after spending four "y/jfot/ jmi ft mi Qifapr/tA's /t it ed and we have seen; and we think 1 sell have that superb quality of tone^that dls- months with friends In Lowell and neat and smtmt, " the estimate is right that declares it tlngulshes the good workman from the botch, vicinity. the finest in all' Michigan. Marks the true from the false and the best from the Mrs. J. W. Lyon (nee Donna Wls- ; A L. Weyrick PHONE 101 lelis the story of his new store In his mediocre. As for prices we undersell the city ner) returned yesterday from Nor- stores, if the best Is not too good for you ^ LEE'B OLD STAND. page adv. in this issue. Don't miss walk, O., for a visit with relatives buy of a word of It; but It doesn't do the and friends. subject Justice; and this writer won't Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, who has attempt to do better. "Seeing Is be- been visiting at the home of L. H. Hunt, has returned to her home at R. D. STOCKING. lieving" go see for yourself. Kalamazoo. The whole Negonce block Is "a Mrs. J no. 8. Potter and daughter thing of beauty and aj oy forever;" Florence of BHdlng are spending a and tlie builders, owners, and ten- few days with the former's parents. "A maiden born when Antiimu's leaves ants are to be congratulated, all the Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hunt. Are niHtllng In September's breeze, people of Lowell joining In the cere- Highway Commissioner McPher- A Sapphire on her brow should bind; son has been doing a good job In re- 'Twill cure diseases of the mind." mony, building the Hudson street sidewalk approaching the Grand Trunk The Line of Birthstones we curry is Fully Complete depot. MRS. ORISTWOOD DEAD. Miss Reva A. Owen started Tues- Pumpkin Pies day for her home at Chandler, Okla., after spending three months with Happily Released from Her Suffering friends and relatives In Lowell and other places. This is the season for Home Grown Pumpkin Pies. Sunday Afternoon. Watches Jewelry Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wolf (nee We are cooking «ur own pumpkins and making the most Mrs. S. W. 0 list wood died Sunday Mvrtle Gibsonj have moved here Our Hue Is ever changing Our line comprises the from Jackson and rented the H. P. delicious pumpkin pies you ever tasted. Be sure and so you are sure of the most newest and most modern at K p. m., at her home west of this Watters house He will be employed g-et one Saturday. Up-to-date designs In COHOH things on the market—we village. Funeral services were held In the cutter factory. and as for the works we can cannot attempt to describe at the house yesterday afternoon. can supply any of the re- The Grand Rapids base ball team the thousand and one beau- Murial at Oak wood. finished the season In second place In liable makes such as—Elfein. tiful things—come and see SMITH'S NEW BAKERY. Waltham, etc., and give you Mrs. Grlstwood had been In falling the central league. Billy Barber of for yourself. Lowell was the team's star catcher a guarantee with each and health for over a year; but she did every one. and a warm favorite with the fans. not regard her condition as serious Ten young ladles gave Miss Allle until her visit to New York state Donaker a surprise party Tuesday about three months ago. She was evening, the occasion being her six- Silverware, fancy China.ltul Glass, Etc. brought home eight weeks ago. teenth birthday. Refreshments were served and a jolly good time enjoyed knowing that the end was by all. Inevitable. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ward of In her death Tub Leuuru loses a Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Claud loyal friend and valued corres- Crow and .las. Bristol of Ada, Mr. pondent and the community a most and Mrs. Will Clark of Alto spent A. D. OLIVER. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac excellent christian woman. The loss Mitchell. to her bereaved companion and D. H. Watters and family have family Is Irreparable; and they have moved into Ed. Lee's house on the the sympathy of all who know them west side, Mrs. Chas. Merrlman of Grand Rapids having decided to move here and occupy her house, THE LECTURE COURSE which they had rented. Phone 127 1 For r •• • Mr. and Mrs. Will Cogswell of Marine City, Mr. and Mrs. Fred KU- UfBce In For Season of 1905-6 Under Auspices of us and family and Mr. and Mrs. Burners 1'. B. Willi,HIIH' John-RIttengor and family of-Elm- Wood Jewelry store. Hover Leaf Club. dale, .Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Hatch of By request of the Epworth League Lowell spent Sunday with Mr. and and committee we have accepted the Mrs. L. W. Cogswell, Sr., In East Lowell. FOR HARD COAL Call on.. management of the Lecture Course for the coming season of 1005 and Rev. Chas. Nease has been returned to the Plalnfleld avenue Methodist IJIOIJ. church which Is prospering under The best assortmeut of Base Burners ever shown 11 will lie our aim to conduct the ills ministration and the Elder Earl Hunter. same high class course of entertain- "stands in" well with the people and in Lowell is now ready tor inspection.
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