![Colby Queens Premier Saturday](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Colby Queens Premier Saturday With due 'deliberation, Colby's wisely the Colby Echo takes pri'de Interfraterniby Council has chosen in giving its readers a preview of "A Salute to the Queens" Ifor the the candidates and a bit of back- theme of Homecoming 1968. Carry- ground on each one. Beyond this, ing through with this theme ea'ch the electorate mrust make an effort fraternity will construct <a float, for to meet .he candidates and per- competition, In the form of a caric- sonally judge their qualif-cattions. ature of its queen 'candidate. A team Playing .the 'averages, this writer of judges .will vieW the floats during predicts that the winner will to< _ the football game Homecoming 5'4M7" tall and will not hail (from Weekend. Maine. We might also note that On Saturday, October 19, the ten approximately 70% of the potential! fraternity queen candidates, escort- queens are tolue-eyed blonds. ed by a member of the fraternity From left to right in the 'accom- they represent, will parade onto- the panying picture the contest en- football field at halftime to be for- trants are: mally introduced to th e Colby Com- Amy Sylvester — Alpha Tau Ome- munity. The election for the Home- ga's candidate, from Granville, coming Queen will be held the fol- Ohio. Amy plans to major in So- lowing Tuesday, October 22. Verting ciology with an eye to child guid- stations will ibe set up outside each ance in the future. Extracurricular dining room at supper. interests include swimming and div- In an effort to help you vote ing. 5'3" ; dark brown hair; brown, eyes. Nancy Brunnckow — A competi- Parents Weekend tive figure skater, Nancy placed Communist Honorarium Denied; tenth in the National Sen ior Ladies Program Full Competittion in 1968. One of Nan- cy's other interests is painting, This weekend visiting parents Birth Control Methods Checked From East Providence, Rhode Is- will be having a full schedule, To- land, she represents Delta Kappa The Student Government meeting ly in the Spa from 8 to 10. cided that meetings will continue day, at 3, Colby .plays University <rf EpsLlon. 5'4", blond, blue eyes. Maine in freshman soccer. An open of October 14 centere'd primarily The Academic Life Chairman to be held there. There will toe a Mary Jo Alburger — Mary Jo 'house in Dunn Lounge sponsored around 'the reports olf Executive asked that he be allocated $50 to greater effort to alert residents of wants to major in Sociology and by tlie Parents' Association will be Committee memlbers. Tihe most-.im- present as an ".honorarium" to Mark scheduled meetings in .their halls. work for VISTA. She comes to Col- held at 7, .followed .by a lecture Iby portant report of ithe evening was Zagarell, Communist Party 'candi- Bill Antonueci was asked to look by to represent Zeta Psi and con- Robert A. ESstahrook, entitled "Re- Peter Constantineau's rundown on date for Vice-President of the into the purchase of a mimeograph tinue swimming, skiing and sing- flections From a Glass House" in Academic Life Committee plans to United States. It was .pointed out machine. The council will use the ing. 5'5", brown hair with iblond the iBunnals .Union gym. At 10, Pow- •try to place students on various that Zagarell was planning to speak machine for (better co_nmuni.ation strea'ks, blue eyes. der and Wig presents Harold Pin- ifaiculty and administrative commit- at Colby gratis, tout the motion was with .the student body. Secretary Tina Murphy — A History and ter's The Caretaker in the Little tees. The 'committees Ibeing consid- defeated only Iby a thin margin of Rosemary Constable asked that Government major from, Dracut, Th eater. ered are the Administrative, Admis- 13-11 , with 2 abstentions. someone volunteer to go to Thayer sions, ROTC, Architectural, Book- In other action, the 'council dis- Hospital to see ihow the local birth Mass,, Tina is the nom)inee from Saturday morning at 9:30 Dr. store, Financial Aid, Foreign Stu- cussed the .feasibility of meeting in control clinic operates. She said, Lambda Chi Alpha. Future plans .give Strider will a '^Report irom dents, Library, and Athletic <com- the dorm living units again this ".try not to give a Colby address include working for the Diplomatic the President" at Lorimer Chapel. <mittees. Students already ibelong to year. After discussion, It was de- when you go," Corps. 5'5", blon d, Iblue eyes. The President's Coffee Reception the Educational Policy Committee. Cathy Joslyn — Cathy icewnes to will be held in Runnals Union gym Memlbers of these committees will Colby ifrom, the Wilds of Shawneo at 10:15, followed .by a luncheon in come from tooth Stu-G, and the Mission, Kansas. At present, Cathy the Fieldhouse .from 11:30-1:00, At student (body. The council supported hopes to major in Art arid teach (will 12:30 Colby play Boston Uni- iConstantineau's program. (Continued on page six) versity in varsity soccer, and Colby will .play Trinity in varsity (football Constantineau also brought up the at 1:30. University of Maine will idea that Stu-G sponsor an informal New Rul es challenge Colby in cross-country at tutorial program designed .primar- half-time. ily for Colby's foreign students. He asked that students interested in On Pink Slips Saturday eve at 8:30 Colby stu- To prevent mid-semester hour helping with this program contact dents will present "An Eve of Mu- oxami nations from occurring him. sic and Dance" in Runnals Union 'crowded together, as thoy liruvo had gym. Again, Saturday nite ait 9 Tlio John McLaln, Social ODi'f e Chair- a tendency to do in tho past, tho Caretaker will be presented In the man, announced that tickets foi ifaiculty voted last spring to change Little Theater. Homecoming aro now on sale night- the mid-semester warning system. In recognition of the fact that the po»licy of mid-semester warnings did in fact result in many examina- tions being scheduled just before Estabrook Speaks Friday the middle of tho semester, the fac- JM_r. Robert JUstabrook will 'deliver ltlng parents on "Reflections From ulty voted that tlie following change a lecture for students and their vis- A Glass House" tonight at 8 in ho made in the warning system : Runnals Union. Currently Efstalbroolc "At any time during tlio semester Is the UN correspondent (fox* the that n. faculty member fools a stu- Washington Post. dent's work fe» unsatisfactory lio will submit to tho Registrar's Of- Slrico receiving his B.A. (from fice a form ho Indicating, A report Northwestern .University In 1939, will bo forwarded to tho student, to Mr. Estabrooik has hold numerous his faculty advisor, and to tho Dean posts on various newspapers Tonight at 10 and tomorrow night a l 9 will be your last chance of Students." throughout the country, Ho joined ¦It is hoped that this rolling to see Dr, Suss psychologically mutilated by Rothschild, Tickets for " " tho Washington Post In 1946 .or warning system will bo moro effec- which 'ho lias filled many 'oalpolcltles, the Little Theater produ ction of The Gauktaker arc in the Spa. (A tive than the old rigid mid-semester including Chief Correspondent to review of this play ivill be found on page thre e of the Echo.) system, Tho stutiont does not lnwo havo accounto (fo London, which 'd r to wait until the middle «f tho hie having visited over ninety coun- semester to learn that his work tries and territories. is seriously below par. A moteh-inism In addition, -he 'frequontlly lectures, is provided whereby tho student can writes artloloa for several magazines Tickets for Powder and Wig's first produc- bo notified imme-dlatejy When ho la ancl Is a member of the National The Caretaker,, are now In danger of faili ng," Tlio notifica- Cojiiforonoo o_ 'Editorial Writers, tion, sold out. P & W tion will not Indicate simply "ma- Overseas Writers, and tho White gratefully acknowledges all those who helped to jor" or "minor" wYtVning; it wlU House Correspondent Association, also provide the student's advisor 1 Mr, EJatnlbroo-: received Sigm a Delta make this production a success. with the reasons for the Issuance olf Chi's award for the (best editorial tho warning, The student wvny thon nOBEHT ESTABROOK of 1054. too moro oli'o'ctlveJy counselled. Hum phre y; Innovator and Liberal by DAN WOLOSHEN oif the organization. But if the "com- science and a man who during his Editorials Humbert HunDphrey, "the politician, pany is to expand, (more than an Senate days manifested a firm, in- is no less shreWd, oscillating and organizer is needed. The lifeiblood tellectual grasp of almost all issues, opportunistic than Richard Nixon. dl the organization requires an especially those bearing on the so- To avoid alienating any segment o!f energizer, a man who can mofoilize cial upheavals oif our time, Hum- the society, while maximizing the many forces unfler him. to develop phrey is a man who is capable not vote of ifche diverse interest groups, a loyal, eonsitru'etive, 'creative force only of making decisions and seeing Open the Door no better tool lhas been found in which will raise the company to them through (Nixon could do our one hundred and seventy-five new heights. that), but also of making judgments an academic institution. As such Colby College is, by definition, year history than the intellectually •Were the American voting public and effecting innovations that only which permits there should 'be an atmosphere of fr ee intercourse, debilitating art of campaign rke- even peripherally to 'consider these a Well-read creative politician With oncept of closed open discussion on all topics, thus precluding the c to-i-.
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