THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUNl AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OP THE EVENING HERALD Fair,' subtly colder tonight* for the month of November! 1926| Thnr£4ay fair. 4,940 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Classified Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1926. VOL. X U ., NO. 75. PUTS POISON RUM SEEKING GIRL IN Boss of All the Hello Girls aiD TH M A YB E ENATE FACES GAS FRANCHISE FRENCH SPY PLOT LEONARD m , t Than in AN EARLY ROW British Ex-Army Officer Is ABOUT $20,000, AUOWED SEA'' Days Says New York SESSION LOOMS Held Charged With Selling- Hospital Doctor. Information. FORBW^AN New York, Dec. 29— Deaths ON N m e U A INLEGUTURE Paris, Dec. 29.— Once more SAYSUWYER from Christmas booze today the slogan of the French had mounted to twenty-seven. secret service Is, “ Cherchez la Many other liquor victims are Femme” , as they seek to un­ Curtis Has a Scheme to Let in hospitals and some are in Demand For Withdrawal of Conn. L. 4 P. Seeks Right to ravel an alleged espionage plot. Cobb’s Attorney Says He’s such condition it Is feared Vivia i Sanders, who claims 5<hAy will die. Some may Forces to Be Sprang as he Is a retired British army Proof “ Dutch” Was Paid Illinois Man In, Refer His rge blind or crippled. Enter Business; Pipe line captain, is today held by the Dr. Alexander O. Gettler, French police on charges of Case and Beat It For ief toxicologist at Bellevue Soon as Body Meets; Lati* espionage on behalf of Ger­ For Letters; Ty to Decide ospital, is quoted as saying ♦ Routes Submitted By New many. that poisoned liquor took a toll The police now seek a mys­ Home. of approximately 400 lives in mer Criticized. terious French girl, Ginnette, As to Suit Today. New York cityXthis year. Haven Concern. whom Sanders introduced as Dr. Gettler said the present his wife. By ROBERT CHOATE casualties exceed those of “ sa­ Washington, Dec. 29.— Presi­ Special Correspondent Boston Her­ loon day’s.” He said that at Sanders declares that he re­ Detroit, Mich., Dec. 29— Ty dent Coolidfee’s announcement thal Hartford, Dec. 29.— Indications vealed only technical informa­ Cobb, involved by Hubert “ Dutch” ald and Manchester Herald least 1,200 persons have been of a "gas franchise” session of the tion regarding French progress Leonard in baseball’s latest scan­ made ill this year from boot­ American naval forces will be kept Washington, Dec. 29— That tem­ leg liquor. state Legislature this winter were in aviation to the German dal, will arrive here this afternoon in Nicaragua “ to protect American authorities and that he dis­ from Cleveland to make plans to peramental body, the Senate, has It is estimated that 137 per­ lives and property,” coupled with apparent today in two petitions for sons are now in New York city closed no military secrets. He begin his fight for ^indication. i apparently changed its mind again. the denial that these forces ara franchises which were filed with charges that his arrest is the hospitals suffering from the ef­ Immediately upon arrival Cobb If reports circulated today prove taking sides in the civil war there, the secretary of state's office. result of reprisals by members will go into conference with J. O. fects of bad booze. The Connecticut Light and Pow­ of his family. Murfin, former circuit court judge, correct, it may allow Col. Frank L. did not serve today to allay Senate er Co., largest distributor of power his attorney. Smith of Illinois, senator-designate opposition to the administration’* in the state, plans to go into the il­ Murfin said it was still undeter­ to take his seat after all. N. E. PLANS nGHT policy. luminating gas supply business, ac­ mined whether Tris Speaker w'll The fly in the ointment, howev­ An investigation by the Senate cording to a petition to the General ORIGINAL OWNERS join Cobb in joint legal action or Assembly filed with the secretary whether he will start separate ac­ er, is that Senator Ashurst, sartor­ still is threatened, and on top ol of state’s office here today. Author­ tion through his attorney, William ial marvel from Arizona, still has TO KEEP n s MILLS this Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Democrat of Montana, announced ity to make and supply gas is re­ lying on the table of the Senate his GET OAKLAND MILL Boyd, of Cleveland. today that he would introduce a quested by the company which is Boyd and Speaker, who original­ resolution depriving Mr. Smith of resolution as soon as the Senate re- headed by J. Henr>' Roraback, ly planned to come to Detroit with chairman of the Republican State the right to take the oath of of­ convenes demanding the recall oi Cobb, decided at the last minute to Wage Cats, Tax Redactions the American forces from Nicara­ Central Committee. remain in Cleveland, Murfin said. fice. Housatonic Dams A. W. P. Reorganization Com­ Resolution in Way gua soil. Action Undetermined “ It is apparent,” said Wheeler, Expansion plans of the com­ “ Just what action will be taken, The Senate, said Senator Ash­ Figare in Program to pany’s power business are also pro­ “ that the American commander in whether it shall be a suit for sland­ urst, in his dignified way, must vided for in a clause in the petition mittee Buys Properties at Nicaragua is under the impression er against the American League chew on that resolution a little be­ which requests authority to build fore Mr. Smith can raise his right Meet Sonthem Bids. we are at war with those people. such dams across the Housatonic and K. M. Landis or whether it “ His action In establishing _a Sale; To Sell Local Branch shall be a bill in equity will be de­ hand before Vice-President Dawes river and its tributaries as will best and scratch a signature in the censorship there is outrageous. utilize the waters and water power. termined at this meeting,” Murfin Miss Cecilia Seymour. 25, Is on her way from Omaha to New York to Has Four Warships. register of the Senate. Boston, Dec. 29— Cotton goods The American commander in The petition is signed by Ed­ said. become advisory bdss of nearly all the telephone girls in the United Ashurst stoutly avers that no “ However until this meeting no Nicaragua is Rear Admiral Julian ward 'W. Day, the company’s attor­ The Oakland branch of the States. She will teach instructors how to instruct chief operators in senator will care to risk the onus manufacturers, mill operatives and K. Latimer; He has four warships ney. American Writing Paper Company one knows even whether there will all the companies of the Bell system. She won the job because of her of allowing Col. Smith this privi­ local and state governments have be a suit or not. All this must be and a substantial force of marines Authority for construction of two mills "n-as sold yesterday afternoon success in the same sort of work at Omaha. lege. If there has been any change joined hands in a great co-opera­ huge pipe lines for gas which thrashed out at our conference this and bluejackets at his disposal. of sentiment in the Senate, due to tive movement to keep mills in the would connect New Haven with at a special auction to Charles S. afternoon. Senator Borah, Republican of the kindly spirit generated by the north, according to a survey made Idaho, chairman of the Senate for, Hartford and Bridgeport Is asked Flanagan and Robert W. Smith, Regarding Leonard’s statement holidays. Senator Ashurst has fail­ by the Interests which recently pur­ bidders representing the reorgani­ today that he had not received a FRIENDSHIP OR W AR public today by several mill associ­ eign relations committee, is simi­ PAY HALF MILLION ed to find it. larly dissatisfied with the adminis­ chased the New Haven Gaslight zation committee of the original cent for the letters in which he Senator Curtis of Kansas, Re­ ations. Co., in another petition to the leg­ tration’s policy. He has had sever­ company. The sale was conducted started the Cobb-Speaker expose, publican leader, has prepared a Comjietition offered by the South islature filed today with the secre­ in Holyoke, Mass., by President al conferences with Secretary of Murfin said: INTO PENSION FUND DECLARES BRIAND little strategy whereby the Senate was indicated by the disclosure State Kellogg concerning the mat- tary of state. Sidney L. Willson, as special mas­ PTOof of Lying might speedily rid itself of the that sixty cities and towns in the Authority to change the name of ter of the New York court. “ I have definite proof that Leon ter. - . the company which will operate the Smith case, proceed to the passage states of "Virginia, North Carolina, “ There is absolutely no justifica­ The move is one planned for ard is lying about this. of .appropriation bills, and depart South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, tion for Americamnarines or blue­ pipe lines from the Hartford Coke the re-vamping of the original Co., to the Connecticut Coke Co., “ I know he got $20,000 from France Must Chose Amity March 4 on a nine months’ vaca­ Tennessee, Kentucky and Arkan­ jackets getting mixed up in any American Writing Paper Company Amei’ican League officials for those Teachers Deposit $540,841, tion. Aided and abetted by the sas made offers to the Otis com­ contest between the opposing Nice. also is requested. The Hartford which suspended operations when Coke Co., was incorporated by the letters.
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