LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC lNVOLVEMENT IN HEALTH ACT 2007 The Mid Suffolk (Parish Boundaries) Order 2009 Made 28th January 2009 Coming into force in accordance with articles I (2) and 1(3) Mid Suffolk District Council ("the council"), in accordance with section 82 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007(a) ("the 2007 Act"), has undertaken a community governance review and made recommendations dated 8th January 2009: The council has decided to give effect to those recommendations and, in accordance with section 93 of the 2007 Act, has consulted with the local government electors and other interested persons and has had regard to the need to secure that community governance reflects the identities and interests of the community and is effective and convenient: The council, in accordance with section 100 of the 2007 Act, has had regard to guidance issued under that section: The council makes the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 86 and 240( I0) of the 2007 Act. Citation and commencement 1.---(1) This Order may be cited as the Mid Suffolk (parish Boundaries) Order 2009. (2) This Order, with the exception of article 5, comes into force on 1st April 2009. (3) Article 5 of this Order comes into force on 1st April 2011. Interpretation 2. In this Order­ "d istrict" means the district of Mid Suffolk District Council; "existing" means existing on the date this Order is made; "map" means the map marked "Map referred to in the Mid Suffolk (Parish Boundaries) Order 2009" and deposited in accordance with section 96(4) of the 2007 Act: and any reference to a numbered sheet is a reference to the sheet of the map which bears that number; "registration officer" means an officer appointed for the purpose of, and in accordance with, section 8 of the Representation of the People Act 1983. (a) 2007 c.28 Effect of Order 3. This Order has effect subject to any agreEment under section 99 (agreements about incidenta: matters) of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 relevant to any provision of this Order. Alteration of parish areas 4. Each area coloured and designated by a letter on the map and spp-cified in column (1) of Schedule 1 sr.ai I cease to be part of ti1~ pari~h specified ill relation to that area in coillmns (2) and (3) of Schedule 1 and shall become part of the parish ~pecifiect in relation to that area in columns (4) and (5) of Schedule l. Alteration of parish areas and the areas or parish wards 5. Each area coloured and designated by a letter on the. map and specified ill column (I) of Schedule 2 shall cease to be part of the parish and parish ward sp~cifjed in relation to that area in columns (2) and (3) of Scl-edule 2 and 3hall become part uf the parish and parish ward specified in relatIon to that area in columns (4) and (5) of Schedule 2. Electora I regis ter 6. The registration officer for the district shall make such rearrangement of, Or adaptation of, the register of local government electors as may be necessary for the purposes of, and in consequence of, this Order. Order date 7. 1st April 2009 is the order date for the purposes of the Lec:'!1 Government (Parishes anJ Parish Councils) (England) Regulations 2008. Sealed wilh the seal of the council on th~ 28th day of Jall:..lary 2009 Member of the Councii District Monitoring Officer ··f 28th January 2009 2 SCHEDULE 1 article 4 ALTERATION OF AREAS OF PARISHES AND PARlSH WARDS Column (1) Column (2) Column (3) Column (4) Column (5) Area Parish from Parish ward Parish fo which Parish ward to I which omitted from which added which added I omitted "A" Hoxne Not applicable Denham Not applicable "B'" Westhorpe Not applicable Bacton Not applicable "e" Great Ashfield Not applicable Badwell Ash Not applicable "0" Badwell Ash Not applicable Great Ashfield Not app"licable "E" Drinkstone Not applicable Woolpit Not applicable "Fn Wool pit Not applicable Wetherden Not applicable "0" Wool pit Not applicable Shelland Not applicable '''~Hn Bumall Not applicable Great Finborough Not applicable "]" Bmmalt Not applicable Great Finborough Not applicable "M" Combs Not applicable Battisford Not applicable "N" Combs Not applicable Battisford Not applicable "0" Combs Not applicable Battisford Not applicable "pm . Ringshall Not applicable Battisford Not applicable "Q" RingshaU Not applicable Battisford Not applicable "Rn Battisford -­ Not applicable Ringshall Not applicable "S"" Barking Not applicable Needham Market Not applicable "T" Great Bricett Not applicable Ringshall Not applicable '(U" Great Bricett Not applicable Ringshall, Not applicable "V" Great Bricett Not applicable Ringshall Not applicable "WI' Baylham Not applicable Great Blakenham Not applicable "X'" Barham Not applicable Claydon Not applicable Hy" Whitton Not applicable Claydon Not applicable "Z" Claydon Not applicable Akenham Not applicable SCHEDULE 2 artIcle 5 ALTERATION OF AREAS OF PARISHES AND PARlSH WARDS .. I Column (J) Column (2) Column (3) i Colwnn (4) Column (5) Area Parish from Parish ward IParish to which Parish ward to which omitted from which 1 added which added ._,,-- omilfed I "K~' Haughley Haughley South I Stowmarket Stowmarket North "L" Combs Combs North I Stowmarket Stowmarket South 3 }-:XPLANATORY NOTE (J'hfs not.::. is not part oJ lhl! Order) This Order gives effect to recommendations made by M:d Suffolk District Council for the ;dtcration of th~ area of the parishes of Akenham, Baeton, Badwell Ash, Barham, Barking, Battjsford, Baylham, Buxhalt, Claydon. Combs, Denham, Drinkstcme. Great Ashfield, Great Brieett, Great Fillborough, Haughley, floxnc, Needham Market, R;r gshalt, Sheiland, Stowmarket, Westhorpe, Wetherden, Whitton and Woolpit. Article 6 obliges the Electoral Reg;.st~atjcn Officer 10 rn1ke any nece~sary amerldments to the elector?] register to reflect the new elecwral arrangement~. The maps defined in articles I and 2 s.fJ.c w the new aedS of the raTi~hcs of Akcnham, Bacton, Badwell Ash. Barham, Barking. Battisfmo, Baylha:n. BwJ1aIl, C!ajdor., Combs, Denham. Drinkstonf, Great Ashfield, Great BricE'H, Great Finborough, Haughle~', Home, Np-edh·im Market, RingshalJ, Sh~lIand, Stowmarket, Wejthol'P'::, Wetherden. Whittor! ami Woolpil. It i'3 available, 3t a!l reasonable times, at the office; of Mid Suffolk Dis:tic~ Cour.cil, 131 High Street, Needkm Market, Ipswich, IP6 8DL. 4 .
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