.. \ On The Inside The Weath.r Excrma Stop IntetlancU .. , Fair aa4 wanner ....,.. '" Paq.2 parU,. cloud,. aJUI mUd What an H·Bomb Plant Coats ... Frida,.. B"h tocta,.. 45; Paqe 3 low, !S. BI,h WedDelda,.. Henry TlO's Satterfield owan 3'7; low. 1. Pa~4 Est. 1868 - AP. Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday. January 31, 19S2-Vol. 86, No. 84 Taft to Test Ike's P.opularitv 'House Backs Truman; Plan In N.H. Election WASHINGTON (IP) - Sen. Robert A. Tart Wednesday agreed to a "popularity" test with Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in the na- I For' Ta~ Bureau Cleanup tion's first presidential primary election, on March 11, in New Hampshire. Taft indicated he is entering the U.S. Makes Progress Resolution race with some misgivings. He Said the "poli Ucal machine" there is Cor Eisenhower, but neverthe­ In European Defense less declared he is going ahead lro ~ill lIill "win, lose or draw." Truman" NaJIle Also Entered Acheson Decla res On the Democratic side, Presi~ Is Defeated WASHINGTON (JP) - Secretary dent Truman's name was also en­ of State Dean Acheson, respond­ tered in the New Hampshire pri­ ing to a new toreign policy chal­ W ASHlNGTON (JP) - The mary during the day-thus con. lenge from Herbert Hoover, de­ house gave a thumping endorse­ fronting him with a 10-day dead­ ment Wednesday to President clared Wednesday the United Truman's plan to remove political line for accepting or rejecting a States has made tremendous prog­ bid for reelection. The WbJte patronage (rom the internal reve­ ress in strengthening the defens­ nue bureau and convert it Into House. declined comment on the es of Western Europe. He said it move, which was made without what he termed a "blue ribbon" should stick unfalteringly to the Gj-vil service organization. After a Battle, Friendly Words any known word from the Presi­ task until it Is finished. dent. A resolution to n!ject the reor­ Former President Hoover had ganization plan-the first reform JOHN L. LEWIS (left) and Sen. Robert A. Taft were engaced in friendly conversation after a senate New Hampshire law gives a said in a speech in New York Sun­ nbeommiUee hearing- Wednesday but things weren't this quiet durIng the S'esslon. The namecalliu candidate 10 days to withdraw af­ proposed by Truman In the wake day the U.S. should serve notice of the tax scandals-was defeated II'f\IIIItnl was over the Tan-Hartley blll. ter his name 'has been entered by that Europe must "rapidly" re­ supporters. by a voice vote. lieve this co un try of the burden This completes house action on Kefauver Also Enters ot keeping ground troops in Eu­ the plan. If the senate does not re­ Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.), rope except where needed to pro­ ject it by March 14, It will go into Lewis, Taft Battle Violently the only avowed DemOCTatic can­ tect air bases outside the territory effect automatically under pro­ didate, quickly announced that he of America's Atlantic treaty allies. visions of the government reor­ also would enter the New Ramp­ Hoover Opposes Plans ganization act. shire primary. His name was filed A year ago, Hoover had opposed Would Abolllh Reclo.. 1 Colleeton at Concord late in the day. the dispatch of American ,forces In addition to centralizing op­ At Senate Committee Hearing "We decided some days ago to to Europe. He contended this erations of the nation's tax col­ g() into New Hampshire," K ~­ country should concentrate on de­ lecting service, the plan provides WASHINGTON (iP) - John L. quit shaIts over managcment's ob­ lmion leaders made fhe TaIt­ fauver told newsmen on CapitOl jcctions. Hartley la w a main issue. fending the western hemisphere, for abolition 01 the 64 regional col­ Lewis and Sen. Robert TaCt (R­ Hill. the Atlantic and Pacific oceans lectors of Internal revenue. These Ohio) roared at each other face The scnator sct off rencwal of Between rounds of thc Taft­ AI' Wlr.pb.l. the long J:eud with answering Lewis exchange, Richard Maize, Meanwhile, a new straw in the and important islands in those lobs hnve been political plums tor to face before a sen~ committee testimony that Lewis' complaint Pennsylvania secretary of mines, wind as to the President's inten­ oceans. Stretching Things a Little Far many years. Wednesday in a long clash over was a "red herring," irrelevant severely criticized the proposal to tions came from former Gov. El­ Acheson told a news conference The collectors would be re­ the Taft-Hartley act's bearing on to the subject before the commit­ give federal mine inspectors ' the lis Arnall of G~orgia who told in response to questions, that he ASSISTANT DISTRICT A'ITORNEY James P. MeOrattoD showed placed by 25 district commission­ mine safety. tee, and "untrue" besides. power to close diggings held to be newsmen after a Whitc House viS­ did not want to comment directly an all male Jury In New York Wednesday how tbe rtrdle alief' WI. ers and all employes would be At times the exchange turned Before it was over the two had unsaCe. That is the main feature it that Truman sounded very on Hoover's speech which he said lISed to steal the PersllUl lamb coat at richt. McGratton !lulled Ute placed under civil service except inlo a verbal slugging match with discussed such questions as: of the bill before the committee, much like a candidate COr reelec­ restated views the ex-president two-way stretch affair over his trousers aDd demonstral.ed hoW lhe the top commissioner, who would the contenders rcd-faced in their Whether, in Lewis' words, TaIt offered by Sen. Matthew Neely tion. had held Cor some time and which coat could be stuffed intQ It and carried away. The Jury W88 con­ be appointed by the President outshouting efforts. But when it had "challenged my veracity." (D-W.VA.) and backed by Lewis. Arnall Questions Tnunal1 he was entitled to make known. vinced and convicted two women of .-rand larceny. with the consent ot the senate. was over they grinned lind shook And how would Taft answer if In direct reference to Lewis' Arnall said he asked Truman But so far as American policy The house <lcbated the plan bands. he ever became president "and Joe statement that the miners can point-blank w'hether he would run is concerned, Acheson went on, briskly for several hours belore , It all stemmed from Lewis' Stalin should ask you about the only "recommend" <:losure for again. He said he could not quote it would be well to look back at Indicating Its endorsement. testimony Tuesday to the special Taft-Hartley slave act." saCety reasons and management the President directly, but gqt "the the past year and see how things The plan already had been ap­ senate group studying proposals Taft snapped his answer to that can then do as it likes, Taft said very definite Impression' that have developed. Light Flood Damage Seen proved by the house expenditures to tighten safety laws. The core one. Lewis "absolutely misstates' the Truman Ialkc4 like II canp.!$..te. Military Reports ProlTe811 c.ommittee. at the unIon leader's statement "I managed to answer the work­ contract." He said the UMW's Arnall's comment gained pos­ On the military side, he said, A.II Action Acal ...~ Grunewald was \.hat "Bob Taft's slave stat­ ers of Ohio and 1 gucss I can pact with the owners is wholly sible significance from the fact both the North Atlantic Treaty Belore tbe reorganization de· ute" prevents miners Crom forcing handle Joe Stalin." plain In stating that it is "binding" that he "called the turn" on Presi­ organbation commander In Eu­ As Ohio River Moves South bate began, the house way. and closure of unsafe diggings. Lewis Taft obviously was talking about on management to take the men 'dent Franklin D. Roosevelt's bid rope, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, means committee voted to .,k the said the statute opens the way for his overwhelming senatorial vic­ out of a mine on recommedatioh for reelection in 1944 after a and his chief of staft, Gen. Alfred PORTSMOUTH, O. (IP) - The house to cite Henry W. (the suits by mine workers If the men tory in 1950 at a time when labor of a union safety committee. White House visit early that yea!:. M. Gruenther, have recently re­ crest of a weekend Ohio river Dutchman) Grunewald for con­ That was a time when Roosevelt ported very substantial progress in flood crept towards this south­ tempt of congress. ~like Truman today-wouldn't the formation of a NATO detense central Ohio city Wednesday night New Egypt Premier Grunewald, a "mystery witness" Fire Demolishes say whether he was a candidate. force. Moreover, Acheson said but le!t. most of the damage in the tax invest~ation being con­ Dr. C. D. May Named There ' WllS no guarantee, even that plans prepared by a speCial strewn along the lirst half 01 the ducted by a ways and means sub­ if Truman tacitly allowed 'his committee of the NATO council rivcr's 981-mile length. Seeks Way to E,nd committee hellded by Rep. Cecil Iowa City Home !{jng CD-Calif.), has persistently name to go on the New Hamp­ will lead to further substantial Comparatively light damage was Fire late Wednesday nJght com­ shire ballot, that it would mean progress in 1952 and 1953. He did refused to talk a bout his friend­ SUI ', Pediatrics Chief foreseen in the remaining 625 Conflict with Britain ship with federal tax.
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