248 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 20 NUMBER 3 MARCH 2002 www.chromatographyonline.com New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2002 Pittsburgh ColumnColumn Conference, Part I Watch he 53rd Pittsburgh Conference on about bioapplications where appropriate. Analytical Chemistry and Applied Manufacturers plan to introduce many T Spectroscopy — Pittcon 2002 — products for biochromatography, drug dis- returns to the Morial Convention Center in covery, and combinatorial chemistry this New Orleans, Louisiana, on 18–22 March year; I will discuss these products in the 2002. With more than 1100 exhibiting sections that best fit the manufacturers’ companies and 1450 oral presentations, intended applications. This month’s “Column Pittcon remains the most important annual In this month’s column, I describe new Watch” is the first of a international analytical exhibition at which introductions in the areas of high perfor- two-part series in which companies introduce their latest instru- mance liquid, reversed-phase, normal- and ments, instrument accessories, columns, bonded-phase, ion-exchange and ion, size- Ron Majors examines the sample preparation products, and other exclusion, large- and preparative-scale, and trends in column consumable products. The purpose of this specialty chromatography columns. Next introductions at Pittcon report is to provide information about month, I will look at gas chromatography 2002. In part I, he many of the new separation consumables (GC) and supercritical fluid chromatogra- and accessory products that will be dis- phy (SFC) columns, sample preparation describes high played at Pittcon 2002. In some cases, products, and small hardware and acces- performance liquid products that were introduced during 2001 sories for chromatography and sample chromatography (HPLC) but after Pittcon 2001 have been included preparation. for reasons of completeness. The informa- columns and packings for tion is based upon manufacturers’ responses Trends and Highlights reversed-, normal-, and to a questionnaire mailed in December General: This year, the largest number of bonded-phase; ion- 2001. Because of space limitations and the product introductions at Pittcon will be for fact that some manufacturers did not biomolecule separations and for liquid exchange; ion; size- respond to the questionnaire, this report chromatography–mass spectrometry exclusion; and large- and cannot be considered an exhaustive listing (LC–MS), which currently are the hottest preparative-scale of all new products introduced in New areas in chromatographic research and chromatography. He also Orleans this year. However, over the years, applications. Specialty HPLC columns for these Pittcon introduction summaries have chiral, biomolecules, combinatorial chem- looks at specialty HPLC been a good source of information that istry, carbohydrate analysis, and LC–MS columns. would be difficult to gather during the four will represent the biggest category of days of the exhibition. In addition, the entries. Also well represented will be capil- products introduced have shown definite lary and nano-LC columns for limited correlations to current research, develop- sample mass situations, which require ment, and application activity in the sepa- greater sensitivity, and for LC–MS and ration sciences. LC–MS–MS applications. More accessories As in previous years, columns and other for nano-LC, including valves, mixers, con- products recommended by their manufac- necting tubing, and similar products, will turers primarily for biomolecule separations be introduced. In sample preparation, more are denoted in the tables with the designa- 96-well solid-phase extraction (SPE) and tion BIO. Some of these products can be filtration plates, selective SPE phases, and used for general-purpose high performance polymeric phases will be exhibited. liquid chromatography (HPLC) separations HPLC columns: Reversed-phase HPLC as well, but their main applications are in maintains its dominance, and a significant Ronald E. Majors bioseparations. I cite specific information number of reversed-phase columns with Column Watch Editor 252 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 20 NUMBER 3 MARCH 2002 www.chromatographyonline.com various types of embedded polar functional Companies Listed Companies Listed groups and phases for highly aqueous in This Column mobile-phase environments will be dis- played. Monolithic columns will appear in Advanced Chromatography Technologies, both silica and polymeric chemistries; a val- Aberdeen, United Kingdom Agilent Technologies Inc., Wilmington, idation kit also will debut. These columns Delaware potentially could lower the cost of a typical Alltech Associates, Inc., Deerfield, Illinois column. As far as I was able to determine, Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, New no irregularly shaped silica-gel-packed Jersey columns in analytical sizes will be intro- Analytical Sales and Services, Inc., duced this year, so unless I state otherwise, Pompton Plains, New Jersey assume that all the packings are spherical in Ansys Technologies, Inc., Lake Forest, nature. I have noted several series of prepar- California ative columns and bulk media for biomole- BIA Separations d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia cule separations. BioChrom Labs, Inc., Terre Haute, Indiana Gas chromatography: Fewer GC col- Bischoff Chromatography, Leonberg, umns will make debuts this year than in Germany the past. Several of these columns will be Chiral Technologies Inc., Exton, extensions of existing product lines. The Pennsylvania newest type of column is the sol gel col- Cluzeau-Info-Labo, Sainte-Foy-La-Grande, umn, which is prepared by a different syn- France thetic method than regular coated or cross- Daicel Chemical Industries Ltd., Osaka, linked stationary phases. Japan Sample preparation: Dionex Corp., Sunnyvale, California Selective SPE EKA Chemicals, Bohus, Sweden phases are the name of the game this year Eprogen, Darien, Illinois with the most selective phases being the ES Industries, West Berlin, New Jersey molecularly imprinted polymers. Phases ESA, Inc., Chelmsford, Massachusetts that are selective for catecholamines, mixed GL Sciences, Tokyo, Japan phases for basic and acidic drugs, and a Grace Vydac, Hesperia, California unique on-line protein digestion phase will Interchim, Montluçon, France be the highlights. The number of poly- Jones Chromatography, Hengoed, United meric SPE phases almost equals that of Kingdom silica-based ones this year. Jordi Associates Inc., Bellingham, Accessories: HPLC accessories will dom- Massachusetts inate the new accessory offerings this year, Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG, Düren, especially novel connecting tubing, fittings, Germany connectors, a unique column nut for tight Merck KGaA/EM Science, Darmstadt, places, and nano-LC kits with products to Germany convert liquid chromatographs or to better Mitsubishi Chemical America, Inc., White work with LC–MS systems. New fused- Plains, New York silica tubing and inert fused-silica inlet MODcol Corp., Sunnyvale, California liners and some neat tools for working New Objective, Inc., Woburn, Massachusetts with GC inlets will debut. Molded poly- OraChrom, Woburn, Massachusetts tetrafluoroethylene centrifuge tubes should Phenomenex, Torrance, California provide an inert surface for biochemists to Polymer Laboratories, Amherst, obtain better recovery of small amounts of Massachusetts analytes. Regis Technologies, Inc., Morton Grove, Illinois HPLC Columns and Packing Series Showa Denko KK, Kanagawa, Japan Each year manufacturers introduce entire Supelco, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania new families of HPLC columns at Pittcon. Thermo Hypersil-Keystone, Bellefonte, For the sake of brevity, I have elected to Pennsylvania cover those series here instead of listing Tosoh Biosep, Montgomeryville, each column under individual headings in Pennsylvania the tables. Table I lists the new series of Upchurch Scientific, Oak Harbor, HPLC columns that will be displayed at Washington Pittcon 2002. In some cases, the series are Waters Corp., Milford, Massachusetts major extensions of existing products in the YMC/Waters, Milford, Massachusetts companies’ offerings that cover an entire ZirChrom Separations, Inc., Anoka, mode or group of phases; in other cases, Minnesota the series are new to the market. 254 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 20 NUMBER 3 MARCH 2002 www.chromatographyonline.com www.chromatographyonline.com MARCH 2002 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 20 NUMBER 3 255 Micro- and nano-HPLC columns are manufacturers classify their reversed-phase multiple-reactant endcapping, Type B silica silanols on the silica gel, because it is virtu- silanols and many basic compounds are phases or high aqueous phases. This rela- among the most popular entries this year, silica-based columns as base-deactivated, (high purity, low trace-metal content, low ally impossible with monomeric bonding partially ionized. tively new type of column is recommended which is true for the individual modes as which means that the column has been acidity), and surfaces covered or encapsu- to remove or cover all of the silanols due to The largest single type of reversed-phase for use in low organic solvent, highly aque- well as for the new series. These columns treated so that it has minimal interaction lated with polymeric phases. In reversed- steric reasons. This interaction is most column this year is one recommended for ous environments, even up to 100% water. usually are fused-silica capillaries or fused- and tailing with strongly basic compounds. phase chromatography, basic compounds problematic
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