City Council Meeting July 2, 2019 111 W. Lyndale, Robinson, TX, 76706-5619 Phone (254) 662-1415 │ Fax (254) 662-1035 PUBLIC NOTICE THE ROBINSON CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET ON TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2019 AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL ROOM AT ROBINSON CITY HALL, 111 WEST LYNDALE, ROBINSON, TEXAS TO CONSIDER AND ACT ON THE ITEMS ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA. 1. Call to order. 2. Invocation provided by Shane Alexander, Pastor of Robinson Church of Christ 3. Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Roll Call. 5. Citizen Comments. 6. Introduce Officer Leslie Ryon Perry and Officer Blake Blakeney with the Robinson Police Department. CONSENT AGENDA 7. Approve Minutes: June 4, 2019 and June 19, 2019. 8. Consider and possible action approving Resolution 2019-007-R declaring certain City owned property as surplus. 9. Consider and possible action approving Resolution 2019-008-R authorizing the Mayor to adopt and implement the McLennan County Hazard Mitigation Action Plan as it relates to the City of Robinson. City Council Meeting Agenda July 2, 2019 Page 1 of 3 10. Consider and possible action approving the Public Health Emergency Cooperative Agreement with Waco-McLennan County Public Health District. 11. Consider and possible action regarding the ratification of the removal of Justin Jimenez as a Member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment due to moving out of the City, and Trey Scherwitz as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission for excessive absences. REGULAR AGENDA 12. Conduct a pre-appointment interview, and consider and possible action on an appointment to fill the unexpired vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission for the term ending November of 2019. 13. Conduct a pre-appointment interview, and consider and possible action on an appointment to fill the unexpired vacancy on the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the term ending November of 2019. 14. PUBLIC HEARING: Conduct a public hearing, consider and possible action on Ordinance 2019-014 regarding the application of Butch and Robin Mogavero requesting a zoning change from R/O Retail/Office to SF-1 Single Family Residential on the 0.65-acre Tract 4A in the M. Martinez Survey, addressed at 1305 South Robinson Drive, and an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan within the Community Visions 2034 Comprehensive Plan 15. PUBLIC HEARING: Conduct a public hearing, consider and possible action on Ordinance No. 2019-015 providing for amendments to the FY 2018-2019 budget to reflect appropriation transfers as outlined in Exhibit A of the ordinance. 16. Consider and possible action on Ordinance 2019-016 amending Ordinance 2018-009 increasing the rates for solid waste and recycling services. 17. Consider possible action on all matters necessary and proper to carry out the transfer of assets and operations of WMARSS including approval of the Interlocal Agreement and Wholesale Wastewater Contract, and authorize the City manager to execute all instruments to carry out the Council’s intent that may arise as part of the transaction. 18. Consider and possible action casting votes for Place 5 Director (Precinct 1 Region) of the McLennan County Rural Transit District Board of Directors. 19. Receive public and council comments and input on the City of Robinson Stormwater Management Plan to be submitted in compliance with the Texas General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Phase II (Small) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). City Council Meeting Agenda July 2, 2019 Page 2 of 3 20. Councilmember requests for items to be placed on future agendas. 21. Adjourn. *The Governing Body reserves the right to go into Executive Session on any of the above items as provided by Government Code Chapter 551. *Public Hearings will be held in accordance with procedures set forth in Resolution R-95-011, adopted by the City Council on June 13, 1995. Note: Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who need auxiliary aids or services should contact the City Secretary at 254-662-1415 at least twenty-four (24) hours before this meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. City Council Meeting Agenda July 2, 2019 Page 3 of 3 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM MEMORANDUM Regular Agenda Item Date Submitted: 06/27/2019 Meeting Date: 07/02/2019 Item #1-4 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION: Pastor Shane Alexander with Robinson Church of Christ. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT ROGERS _________ ________ MASTERGEORGE _________ ________ LANE _________ ________ ECHTERLING _________ ________ STIVENER _________ ________ JANICS _________ ________ EUBANK _________ ________ COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM MEMORANDUM Regular Agenda Item Date Submitted: 06/27/2019 Meeting Date: 07/02/2019 Item #5 DEPT./DIVISION SUBMISSION & REVIEW: Bert Echterling, Mayor ITEM DESCRIPTION: Citizen Comments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ITEM SUMMARY: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the City Council on matters which are not scheduled for consideration. In order to address the Council, please complete a Speaker’s Request Form and submit to the City Secretary prior to the start of the Council meeting. All comments must be directed to the Presiding Officer, rather than an individual Council Member or city staff. Comments are limited to three minutes and must pertain to the subject matter listed on the Speaker’s Request Form. Council may not comment publicly on issues raised, but may direct the City Manager to resolve or request the matter to be placed on a future agenda. Such public comments shall not include any “deliberation” as defined by Chapter 551 of the Government Code, as now or hereafter amended. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM MEMORANDUM Date Submitted: 06/27/2019 Meeting Date: 07/02/2019 Agenda Item #6 DEPT./DIVISION SUBMISSION & REVIEW: Chief of Police Phillip Mark Prasifka ITEM DESCRIPTION: Introduce Officer Leslie Ryon Perry and Officer Blake Blakeney with the Robinson Police Department. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Introduction only, no action to be taken ITEM SUMMARY: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM MEMORANDUM Consent Agenda Item Date Submitted: 06/27/2019 Meeting Date: 07/02/2019 Item #7 DEPT./DIVISION SUBMISSION & REVIEW: Jana Lewellen, City Secretary ITEM DESCRIPTION: Approve Minutes: June 4, 2019 and June 19, 2019. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes as presented in item description. ITEM SUMMARY: Minutes have been provided for review. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: June 4, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes June 19, 2019 Special Called Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 4, 2019 1. Call to order. Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Bert Echterling. 2. Invocation. Councilmember Brenton Lane provided the Invocation. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. Council, Staff, and Citizens joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Roll Call. Councilmembers present: Jim Mastergeorge, Brenton Lane, Bert Echterling, Jeremy Stivener, Steve Janics, and Jimmy Eubank. Councilmember Jimmy Rogers was absent. 5. Citizen Comments. Linda Vaughn, 2913 N 43rd Street, Waco, Texas 76710 announced the Robinson Area Lions Club domino and 42 tournaments on June 22, 2019, the First Responder Appreciation Dinner on September 10, 2019, the Chamber Semi-Annual Membership Meeting on September, 24, 2019, and the Robinson Christmas Parade on December 5, 2019. Ceji Wesolick, 223 Valley View Street, Robinson, Texas 76706, spoke regarding the importance of animal control and awareness, as well as commending City of Robinson Animal Control Officer Karl Wamsley and the Robinson Police Department for their efforts in assisting Lost Pets of Robinson. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Approve Minutes: May 7, 2019 and May 30, 2019. 7. Consider and possible action on Ordinance 2019-011 regarding an amendment to the sign ordinance to define off-premises sign and clarify off-premises sign regulations. 8. Consider and possible action on Ordinance 2019-012 changing the name of George Brooks Drive to Brooks Lane and directing actions necessary with regard thereto. 9. Consider and possible action on Resolution 2019-006-R authorizing the appointment of Mayor Bert Echterling as the voting representative for the City of Robinson to the Waco Metropolitan Planning Organization. 10. Consider and possible action on Resolution 2019-007-R amending, reviewing and approving the written investment policy. 11. Consider and possible action regarding the ratification of the removal of Matthew Robinson as alternate on the Zoning Board of Adjustment due to excessive absence. Councilmember Brenton Lane motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 6-11 as presented. Councilmember Jim Mastergeorge seconded this motion. Voting in favor: City Council Meeting Minutes June 4, 2019 Page 1 of 3 Mastergeorge, Lane, Stivener, Janics, Eubank and Echterling. There were no opposing votes and motion carried unanimously. REGULAR AGENDA 12. PUBLIC HEARING: Conduct a public hearing, consider and possible action on Ordinance 2019-013 regarding the application of Brad Price on behalf of K4 Custom Homes LLC requesting a zoning change from C-2 Commercial to MF-1 Multi-family Residential on a 1.642-acre tract out of the M. Martinez Survey, being proposed Lot 1, Block 1 of the Helpert Addition addressed at 100 Kettler Drive, and an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan within the Community Visions 2034 Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Bert Echterling opened the Public Hearing at 6:09 PM. Director of Planning and Development Justin French presented this item, and stated the applicant requests this rezoning in order to initially develop eight multi-family dwelling units on the proposed Lot 1, Block 1 of the Helpert Addition. The applicant’s concept plan indicates later construction of another eight multi-family dwelling units at the subject site. Mr. French stated staff has not received any returned notices on the requested MF-1 zoning from the surrounding property owners located within 200 feet of, and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 3-1 at their May 21st meeting.
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