VOLUME 45 No 22. South Amboy, N. J., Friday, September 4,1925. Price Four Cents. FORMAL OPENING OF NEW HOSPITAL EXPLAINS ABOUT BOY ESCAPES 'JACK THE PEEPER" ANNOYS TAA^AKMPTION SERIOUS INJURY TO TAKE PLACE NEXT SATURDAY Councilman Downs Telli Why Coun- Little Sylvester Shultz of Mechan- RESIDENTS OF FOURTH STREET cil uenies iixemptiotis. icsville Has Narrow Escape. Ceremonies As Now Planned Will Commence At Two Considerable comment has been go- Little Sylvester Shultz, five year Has Been Source Of Annoyance To Residents Of That ing tne rounds ol tne city during liio old son of Mr. and Mrs. John ShulU, O'clock—Band To Be Provided And Interesting Ad- past muiiUi or two rugarumg tne ,uf 285 Raritan street, hud a nar- Section For Past Month—Appearance Tuesday Night action oi the City Council in notrow escape from serious injury on dresses To Be Made—Public Inspection Urged. unuwing a fcuUll tux exemption to ac-Saturday, when a heavy truck, own- Scares Residents Again—Effort To Catch Him No\y. l.ve aim exempt nremen, wnile ex- ed by the Wickberg Contracting service men are permitted to maKe Company of Perth Amboy, struck the The new City Hsopitul will be de-i tnut deduction, and the Citizen in anlittle fellow while pausing the cor- Residents of the Fourth street sec- dicated to the use of the.people of endeavor to nave tne city ut large ner of Ridgeway avenue and Rari- tion of the city, particularly for the the City of South Amboy and vicin- TWO FALSE ALARMS know tne situation nab sought the in-tun street. The driver of the truck "SILVER MASK TENOR" past four weeks, have been terrorized ity with appropriate ceremony on brought the machine to a quick stop, uy a man entering yards, and peep- lurmuiiun possessed Dy Luuitcjiinmn ing into the windows of people resid- Saturday alternoon, September 12, ui large JUowns wno is Cnairman ol! and carried the little tot to his home, A SOUTH AMBOYAN at two o'clock, according to plans THE PAST WEEK and hastily summoned two doctros to ing above Potter street. The strange tne tax committee. Radio Entertainer's Name Witheld . actions of the "peeper" have put a now being completed by tne hospital Reward Offered for Information of Air. Downs has informed us that cure for him. An investigation at authorities. Following the ceremon- Guilty Partiei. tile time failed to show any broken By Reques.t ' scare into the residents of that street eany this year n« was instructed uy bones, but a number of bud scars, and on Tuesday night, when the peo- ies the new structure will be thrown The local fire department was call- tne City solicitor mat a supreme South Amboyans who are radio open for the inspection of the public ple were about forgetting the inci- open lor the inspection oi ine i>j» ed out on two OCCasions during the Court uccisiou nail nuhilied uie pro- .,i a bady blackened eye, resulted. fans "will be interested to know that dents of the past weeks, a shout from said public being urgently invited to week b , , h« visiuns ol tlie aaw providing that ex- From un account givenuy somu of tne "Silver Mask Tenor" who sings the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Gadon- go through it and see for themselves |,een turne(1 / 0 of the alarm* soiuiers anu active and exempt Iire- the playmates of the little fellow, with the Goodrich Silvertown Cord tne way ttheih r dldollarl s havnave beeoeeun ovitz, of 300 Fourth street, brought wassounde d lrom Kox 42u tH iiien s.iouiu ue pernutied to make an Sylvester attempted to cross the Orchestra, is a former South Am- neighbors to the street, and a hunt stretched to do the work of two and and Kosewell strcet Th th * road, when the big truck bore down boyan. Last Monday night the "Sil- even three throughout the structure. assessment reduction ol $uuu anu for the man was started, but which ru jn fl &m Box3 3u th( c of uuu uiereiore tne city autnonties on him. He tried to get out of itsver Mask Tenor", was one of theended without finding the "peeper." After the inspection the new buildbuild- stevens avenue and Augusta street. were wiuiout power to allow an ex-path, and partially succeeded, but radio entertainer at the big banquet He, however, was seen by people ing will be occupied ffoor hospitap l ppur- Roundsman McCormack and loo late to avoid being struck. Only of the Police Benevolent Association I i bt d ow for Of- emptions, me council thereupon let passing the house to leave the yard poses. It is about ready now forficer Quaiii mudc an arest for one of it ue Known tnut no exemptions ol by some trick of lute, was the little oi' i\cw Jersey at the Auditorium in in a hurry. such occupation but it is being held the false alarms, the accused being a any Kind would tie permiueu and im-fellow saved from rolling beneath Perth Amboy, and the announcement open for tne inspection of the general tnu wheels of the vehicle. He in uble local man. When brought before mediately tne municipui aumorines was made that he felt right at home it seems that on Tuesday night, public so that everyone can know Police Justice Forgotson a severe to be about now, although he .shows in Perth Amboy, as he was a former one of the daughters of the Gauon- and perhaps come to appreciate the uecame me center ol an angry storm plainly the murks from his exper- oviu family, wno works on shifts in sentence was meted out as a warning. i_,UKe A. i^oveiy lJost oi me Amen- resident of South Amboy. fine facilities and equipment provid- Chief of Police Gleason has mudc ience. the'DuPont plant at Parlin,' returned ed for their care and well being in cun Legion toon tne matter up wiin The "SiJver Mask" man is the pos-shortly after eleven o'clock, and was arrangements to reward the person me county organization and ootam- sesor of a wonderful tenor voice. He the unfortunate event of their ever or persons furnishing information with a silver mask over hisj in tne house but a short time, when dil ttention eu a lunng iiom liio bounty board nui^.T »TTiV-II « DIIVCI maan uvui ilia ! . e hai ;ne( , . toward one of —>- = expert medical attention tha(h . leadldg t0 thfhi arre8t t d dconvjc i. JAMESBURG HOME eyes and forehead. At the time he ?£ PP' l t° ol laxation to the eliect that ex- he WI ndows he klU;nen under the most lavorable conditions .Uo n of punics rcaponsjfoc for tn(. nrst started siting at WEAF for'i , '" ,i - The soidiers were entitled to a ifDUU tax fac The ceremonies in connection witn tuulilturnin,gs ;„ of fa]se alarms. It is exeinptiun uy reuson of tne regiita- SIFT. 10 SPEAK the Goodrich people it was gener- e «i a.man, half conceaaied.by the the laying of the cornerstone are to alllly believeblidd thatht t ththe "Silve"Sil r MaskMk" " P JLl?rtlyrtl * P"'PuMe^d curtain curtai,n wawas Visibles Visibl,e hoped that this invitation for the co-tiuns issued by tnu State iiouru of To Local Rotaraina Next Tueiday at rn he y ou lad be as nice as can be without a lavish shrouded the identity of John Me- , . f / screamed, and ran to UC no IIIVV »« •"•• — — . , ,i operation of the general public will luxation and that all or any «x-ser- t Luncheon. Mormack, the great Irish tenor. How- *he street- whe/.e . sne k"ew neigh- expenditure of money, it being the result in the practice of turning in vice man nuu to do wouid ue to pres- bors ere on thelr false alarms being broken up. ever, this WHS not so, and the "Sil- JY , Porches, having desire of the committee to continue ent ins discharge papery lrom ser- ! - •"">•' them a short time before. At- tne economical program which has vicu. The Uyuuiy Hoard ciearly ex- of ^e Ifan^burf l^i "'f^'tyt is! var Mask Tenor" is Irish alright, but J^^S™? T* T"' ^ been in effect all through the new pressed its intention to mane tnu de-t!o be the sneaker at the Rotary ciub not the inimitable McCormack. He ly^actin h oWg whatheit r attent, on she quick- building activities. A band will bo (luction in any case where the munic- luncheon at the Bide-a-Weu Inn next lived in South Amboy many years, assin. flr had happened, and a provided and it is expected there will ipal authorities denied relief. Under Tuesday. Dr. Roselle is an abile and and his name is withheld at the re- P S c was hailed and the neigh- quest of WEAF officials. bors drove in the direction the man be several interesting speakers. May- IN FORD CONTEST tne circumstances there was nothing interesting talker, und his message is was supposed to have taken. A hunt or Harold G. Hoffman and the presi- Mrs. Frances Bloodgood Catches All for the local council to do but to jbound to be a splendid one for Ro- about the hills around Fifth street dent of the Hospital Association, Mr. Prizes at New Brunswick. grant all ex-service men tne exemp- tarians. He has promised to bring and the Mechanicsville road, brought John A. Coan, will render addresses tion sought because otherwise the with him one of the boys to help MAXFIELDNABS nothing to light.
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