■ir'.’l.r t h e w e a t h e r NET PRE55S RUN « Forceuft O. *. Weaflier nureaut Neiv B aveu AVERAGE l>AirV CIRCLI.ATIOX ror ;Ue luolUh of Febi-iiary, 1928 Partly cloudy and sUi^tly colder , State Library 5,108 1 Conn tonight and Friday., aiembcr of the AailM Bureau of Circnlntlona (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1928. VOL. XLIL, NO. 147. Classided Advertising on Page 12. COOUDGE OUT HECTIC DAYS, THESE She Offers Herself SENATE NOT TO CALL ON STOCK EXCHANGE FOR GOOD, IS For Sale— $13,000 OPINION NOW OIL Seems as if Everybody's AVIATOR SEEKS For Third Time P r e s i d e n t ! J2 Year Old WidoW Walsh Says Former Secre­ Speculating; Brokers and ^ Says He F d l Refuse i0 | Marries Her Butler, 43 tary Knows Nothing About Clerks Work Day and •Accept the G. 0 . P. Nomi-1 --------- the Continental Trading Night to Record Sales. MAINEFORESTS NevV York, March 22.— Relatives^ “ Please remember that I am nation. i of Mrs. J. Pierrepont Edwards, master here, and I am to be called Co. or Its Liberty Bonds; wealthy 72-year-old widow of Bed­ Mr. Burden.” ford Hills, N. Y., were amazed to­ News of the marriage, which oc­ York, March 22.— Wall j curred two weeks ago last Monday, Harding Estate Cleared. Canadian Flyer Gets Per­ Washington, March 22.— The day upon learning that she had street, in the throes of a series of i ^ .. i,- 1 i eloped with her Scotch butler. did not leak out until today be­ record-breaking “ 3,000,000-share j “ draft-Coohdge” movement, which butler, John Burden, is 43. cause the servants and the wit­ markets," is experiencing hectic mission From U. S. to Go has been growing weaker and weak­ Mrs. Edwards, a leading member of nesses to the ceremony were sworn Washington, March 22— Alberi j to secrecy. The wedding occurred days and incandescent nights, and er lately, had very little left to society, is a great-grandmother. B. Fall’s professed willingness to j She is worth more than a million in New York City. nourish it today. tell his story about th oil scandals, Ihe floor of the New York Stock Over White Top Mountain dollars. Burden had been the butler for Exchange has become the cockpit For the third time in eight The relatives of the aged widow the Edwards' family for 25 years. on the basis of his telegram from, in which the speculative enthusiasm In His Search. months President Coolidge has tak­ were amazed and angry, and her This is his first marriage. El Paso, failed to impress members of thousands of American people ts en himself out of consideration for' servant^ were even angrier. More­ The Edwards mansion is one of the show places of Bedford Hills, of the Senate investigating commit­ unloosed. ,, , the Republican nomination, and over, several of them were out of “ Everybody’s in llif tp.iirkel, nas a job. Burden instantly discharged an aristocratic residential section. tee today, and the project of send­ become a by-word in '^^'all street. Brownsville Junction, Maine,' even the hardest-boiled skeptics those who failed to be properly Relatives of Mrs. Edwards have ing a sub-committee to his bedside Even France and England have March 22.— Its peak hidden in a were about convinced today that he impressed by his rise in the world. called a family conference to dis­ was abandoned. caught the fever and the cables are veil of clouds. White Top mountain meant It. Accusing his former associates of cuss the situation, it was learned. Even C. Bascom Slemp, his for­ The relatives include Larry and ‘•■Mr. Fall says i:: his telegram loaded with instructions trom today sought to hide the secret of undue familiarity with the master abroad to buy American stocks. mer secretary, w’ho has insisted all of the house (himself), the ex-hut- Monte Waterbury, well-known polo that he knows nothing about the Brokerage firms in cities from the whereabouts of Captain Walter along that Mr. Coolidge would be ler said: players. Continental Tradin,g Company, nor coast-to-coast are shooting a ua-'-- Hinchcliffe and Hon. Elsie Mackay drafted and that he would accept a the Liberty Bond profits that ac­ rage of orders into New York to from airplane observers and snow- renomination if it were forced up­ JOHN’S AS TALKATIVE crued therefrom,” said Senator on him, conceded today that the buy and sell stocks. These insti uc shoed woodsmen. AS FAMOUS FATHER Walsh, Democrat of Montana, the tiohs come from small businesi Republican choice will have to fall committee prosecutor. “ The pur-^ Flying Officer Charles Bath of SPRING OPENING men, farmers, school teachers, pio- elsewhere. He announced himself pose of the present inquiry is to find tessional men— almost everybody, the Canadian Royal Air Force was for Herbert Hoover, which means New York, March 22.— John the pilot of a Canadian airplane fv what became of those bonds. It t seems that has a little nest egg. that Virginia’s seventeen delegates Coolidge, who came down from appears, therefore, that he has They want to “ get in while the get- that scanned the lower Moose- will support the Cabinet candidate DESPITE STORM Amherst for the college glee club head lake district for any trace of nothing to tell the committee. As .ng is good." at Kansas City. concert, today exhibited some for the oil leases themselves, con­ 'Change a Bedlaiu the Stinson-Detroiter plane. En­ ' Third Refusal family characteristics. Before deavour, in which Captain Hinch­ Mr. Coolidge’s third refusal of leaving for Washington he was cerning which he appears willih.g The floor of the Stock Exchange to testify, I do not believe he could with its wildly gesticulating brokers cliffe and Miss Mackay took off the crown was couched in some­ Stores Bloom in Spring Ar­ interviewed by reporters. waving orders in each other s faces from England in an attempted what different fashion than his pre­ Was Florence Trumbull at the I shed any light on them. That phase and closiiTg dea.'» in the flash of an flight to the United States, over a vious renunciations. In the Black concert?” he was asked. I is pretty well known.” eye, was a bedlam today when the week ago. | Hilles he said last August that he ray as Snow and Rain “ It was the best concert we’ve | writer viewed it from the gallery. No trace of the plane or its hu-; didn’t “ choose to run.” To the Re­ had in years," John replied, and FALL READY TO TELL ALL. The floor was strewn with paper. man cargo has been observed since | publican national committee here refused to be drawn into cona- Wa.shington, Marcii 22.— .\lbert Telephones buzzed incessantly. Mes­ their start, though a search of two; last December he said “ look else­ Fall Outside. ment on the recurrent reports of B. Fall, central figure in the naval senger boys rushed here and there. continents and a vast ocean space | where.” To the Wyoming Republi­ his engagement to the daughter | oil scandals, “ is ready to tell all" A boy at a big blackboard clicked between has been made in the can committee, which petitioned of the Governor of Connecticut. | about his connection with the oil up numbers one after another meantime. < him to “ accept four more years,” Main street store windows bloom­ He will spend the Easter hoi- j leases, but he would rather o Saw Tractor summons to brokers that they were he said, through his secretary. “ I ed into springlike aspect today as idays at the White House with | it in court than before a body of Bath, after his first flight, re-, must decline to grant the request Senatorial quizzers. wanted by their offices. Each brok­ though in determination to coun­ his family. ' er is a number on the board. The ported that he had seen a tractor j of the committee.” <•>- ----------------------------------------- «> This was. the gist of a te'egram rise and fall of stock prices was in the woods. Woodsmen here say Some Leaders Worried teract the effect of a dull cloudy Fall sent to Senator Gerald P. Nye. liashed up^on th'e walTby means o that the machine had been left Leaders in important states who day which dawned on the occasion Republican of North Dakota, late there at the approach of winter. Alice I'ariiahy of Pittsburgh, shown here with her 4-year-old son, WAY OF WALKER lypewriter-llkc electrical sending «nnvr,pr>h . have kept their organization in of the annual Spring Opening of last night, in response to a tele­ machines. The Canadian flying officer will is willing to marry a man for $15,000, the money to be use<l In pay­ hand by the “ draft;^-Coolidge” plea graphic inquiry as to weather the The magnitude of the market make several other flights in the ing off a mortgage on her mother’ s home and to assure her son an were put in a quandry today by the Manchester merchants. IS TRULY HARD ex-cabinet officer would testify If a since March 3. when the present search and is expected to climb education. the President’s latest move. These Store window dressing had re­ . TT-j. TT- rj ! sub-committee of Senators were movement got under way, has high above the sides of the moun­ leaders, among them Charles D. ceived an added impetus through If Auto Doesn t Hit Him He | sent to his bedside at El Paso.
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