i TWELVE FBroAT, DECEMBER SB, W et Average Daily Net Press Run . The Weather ' iror tbe Week Ended SkreeMt of U. 8. Wenther Bon Deoetnber 22, 1963 The conflrmati(»i clau of Trin­ 8oow beginning dnrl^ ttw i ity Covenant Church will have 1'^ A bout Town m Christmas party at 10:30 ajn. Main S t, Manchester 13,872 teniooa, ebanglng to rain er fen tomorrow at the church. The tog min Inland by evening. Si group-will have lunch together Member e t the Audit The Rev. C. E. Winslow, pastor < '. Phone MI 3-4121 Bnieam n t Olreabitlon ' i; day moaUy clondy, nmeb eoldar. of the Church of the - Nazarene, and be- dismissed at 1 p-ni. M otuheUer^A City of ViUage Charm will be In charge of radio broad- eaeta sponsored^by the Manches­ P A R K FREE ter Ministerial Association over \ Program Marks • - ('TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) ;’/■ '(OtaMtfied Adverttetog eii Bage 8) station WINF Sunday at 7:35 rear of our si(«e . VOL. L X X X n , NO. 76 ' MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1962 PRICE FIVE CKMtS .p.TO., and daily next week at 7:30 •a.m. and 0:30 p.m. - F e a s t o f L ig h ts Members of Hling Junior High “HanukWah o* the Mac­ School fa<;ulty and staff will meet cabees,” a special program to Few Shifts Cuban Volunteers tonight at 7 at the John, F. "ner- celebrated the Festival of Hanuk- ney FunotaJ Home, '210 W Center kah or Feast of Lights, will be St., to pay respects to the late presented tonight at Temple To Be Made John F. Roland, whose wife, Mrs. Beth Sholom during a Sabbath of Capital, Marjorie Boland, is a m em ^ Of eve service- the Staff; The Temple choir, directed by Frederic E. Werner, organist, will In^ Budget Manchester Boy Scouts of TrtJpp participate In the program. The MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—Sur-<.^and speeches' by^Mlaml’s :^ y o r M at Center Congregational Temple SisteihOod and Mr. and Robert King. High and Mailuel A r By V b ANK ^ R M I E R vivors of a Cubari volunteer ■ Church, under Scoutmastw- Harry Mrs. Club will sponsor a Sabbath. time, who "was political leader of Maidment, yesterday morning vis­ Tea; All college students in the PALM BEiiCH, Fla. (AP) biigade which stormy Fidel the invasion group. - ' ited the Circuit Court 12 session. congregaCfon are invited. J -W green stamps tonight and \- — ^President Kennedy has Castro’s stronghedd in 1961 ■ -• , C-« I 0 ■ ABQ planned to televise the Judge Douglass B. Wright welcom­ The Festival o"f Hanukkah he-, sent his new budget director will face Ih:esident Kennedy ceremonies live and' NBC sched­ ed the group .and explained briefly gan last Friday Md will con­ ule a telecast at noon. the workings of the courts of law clude tomorrow e’veriing. Ita ob- back to Washington to put in the Orange BoWl today. It was Kennedy vdio assumed Thousands of Americans also in this country. service- commemorates a reli­ all Day SATURDAY with all cash purchases... the finishing touches on the were expected In the' stadium, gious victory of the Judeans over administration’s 1963^4 fi- responsibility for insufficient U.S. air support for the Bay of Pigs which e i l seat more than 70,000 Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ the Greeks’ in the second century ' \ nancial plans after three days persons. ters, will meet tomorrow at 8 B.C. Antiochus IV, G re ^ ruler assault. And It was the Kennedy U B L E of talks. administration, which worked with The Kenhedys were Invited to Tshombe Flees Palace, p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall and ob­ of Judea at that time, ' sought meet the liberated veterans by serve its 40th anniveisary. Mem­ to Hellonize the .country, and Kermlt Gordon, ’ sworn -in Friday the troopers' families to free 1,113 as chief overseer of the federal Artlme ud-^other brigade leaders, bers are. reminded td bring grab prohibited its inhabitants from invasion veterans from Cuban purse strings, flew back to Wash­ who called \ on the President ' ^ gifts for <t Christmas party. observing their faith ad ances- ; prison. and airlift them to Miami Mopping Up Under Way ington after dusk following a 90 for pre-Christmas reunions; - ’^Thursday at \toe holiday- ^ I t e tral traditions. I House In Palnr; Beach. • / litJtae Theater of Manches­ minute conference with Kennedy. Today ■ jCenhedy planned to re­ Antiochus ordered that a stat- j Before departure, Gordon said Artlme said' itonned^ told his ter postponed its meeting ue of the Greek God Zeus be view the men of Brigade 2506 and some changes might yet be made ’Visitors that ^some\day he ho^es ELISABETH’VILLE, Congo (AP)—U.N. forces supported schedul^ for Wednesday, Jan. 2, placed in the Holy of Holies of ! receive the gift of their battle- until a future date to be announc­ In the budget for the 1964 fiscal stained colors as gfuest of the still- to visit a free CUlto. by aerial bombardment seized almost complete'xonlat)! of the Temple in Jerusalem to stop i year that begins next. July I.- ed. the worship of God. The people of | steadfast \ anti-Castro military The callers''told hetramen they this secessionist capital today and apparently started « mop­ It was apparent, however, that unit. ' met with Kennedy “ tb ekpress our Judea rebelled agSinst the ty­ i. 7.99 EARLY A M ER IC A N ' most of the key question marks ping up operation. President Moise Tshombe fled his palace The Retv. Pttid C. Kaiser, pastor rants. Led by Mathathius and his I FAMOUS BRAND NAME BRAS The President and Mrs. Ken-, appreciation for his pertonal ef- and his whereabouts were' unknown. of Concordia ^theran Church^ were disposed of in meetings this nedy, -vacadonlng at Palin Beach, fqrtatohich led to our UveX being five sons, called -the Maccabees. ‘ week on tax Cut plans, military will be ch^pdain of the week at were scheduled to arrive by heli­ rea^cted and which everitpally A U.N., spokesman said Katangan resistance was craddng they drove the conquerors out of ; ilRLOOM TYPE BEDSPRE^ REG. 1.50 and 2.00 NOTICE! spending, and legislative propos­ Manchestter M em ori^H ospital and the land, purified the Temple.,^! , ■ A- . ■ copter at Miami’s police statiem fed to the salvation and fr e ^ o m ’ " and that’ Tshdmbe’s heavily-armed police were fltoing into conduct serWces in the .hospital als involving aid to education and of tha brigade.” ; ' and rededicated it to God and} Reversible, fringed, pre-sbrunk. N O W ........... • 0 > medical care for aged through So­ at 10:15 a.m. EST and go by cto the bush, leaving behind weapons, equipment and an n or^ chapel Sunday at 6:40 A-m- ■•their faith. | In oiitlMr to gly« bur employes o leng week­ a few blocks to the foottaaU'^ eta- Eneido Oliva, another of . the Tull and twin bed sizes. Pure white cial Security. cars. comlfiemoration ’- o f this Broken size range. Regular and contour styles. diufn. Kennedy speaks bytefly and group that went -to Palm Beach, U.N. forces took th6 offensive after two days,of Katangan ^ b ie n t struggle^ for relig:ious free- or antique white. Three patterns. end House & Hale WILL BE CLOSED MON^ \ The Kennedy-Gordon session his wlfr was expected to speak .Said the flag chosen for a gift ‘dom'the Jewish people observe the | \Friday night was focused on the —in Spanish—to methbers of the to Kennedy was their most prized police attacks on position^ in Elisabethville. •:* ! Festival of HanuMcah, (dedlca-i REGULAR 12.99 DAY, DECEMBER 31st., os well os Tuesdo^' administration’s 1963 legislative brigade and the>r' families which possession. He said it always was U.N. planes bombed strategic points in Elisabethville jm d tion), for eight days. A candle is. HOUSE & HALE'S program and its effect on the included more than 900 persons waving;.over the command post at the mining town of Kolwezi about 150 miles northwest of the-' MARLOW'S ighted each night oj the holiday to | forthcoming budget. Sitting in on permitted py Castro to follow the Playa "Giron, the In-vaslon batUe New Year's Day. the t ^ s were Elmer Staata, dep­ capital. # OPEN emphasize the truth that “Not by I LACIES’ ropUN ALL WEATHER COAtS prisoners to Florida by ship. site, and was smuggled into a CHAftMHOUSE TOWEL ENSEMBLES uty b u ^ e t tUrector, and Lawrence A U.N, spokesman said the city’s water supply, cut o ff in MONDAY thru SATURDAY Might Nor by Power but by the j Th^^^r Force Band- was. sched­ foreign embassy In Havana for 9:30 A.M. to 5:80 PJW. Spirits of God” must men live in Popular color Assortment. Olive, . F. O’Bribn, a key presidential ad safekeeping by a brigade mem­ the outbreak of hostilities ThursdayNaight,, had been re­ Beautiful heavy luxurious quality in 10 fashion colors -vlser on i^mgresslonaiV relations. u le-to g^reet the PrMldent, play- THURSDAY TELL 0 P.M. order co establish peace and free­ black, tan. Sizes 8 to 20. tog the Star Spangled Banner and ber who escaped capture. stored. He said the U.N. hoped to have electric power re- ^ dom in am world. / REGULAR 1.19 With thlk meeting, Kennedy Reg. Reg. 69c Reg. 39c 2nd Floor Coat Dept. cleared the dMks of all annouMeu the Cuban national smthem after As the liberated prisoners and stored within two days.
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