Mawpmita’jik Qalipu’k June 2015 Mawpmit’jik Qalipu’k Pronunciation Ma be ta jik—ha le boo gee (The caribou are travelling together) St.George’s Corner Brook Peterview Event Hosted by St. George’s Indian Band in part- Event hosted by Qalipu Cultural Foun- Event hosted by the Exploits nership Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation June 21 dation in partnership with Qalipu Native Women’s Association Mi’kmaq First Nation and Corner June 21 6:00 am Sunrise Ceremony at Rec Brook Aboriginal Women’s Association June 21 6:00 am Sunrise Plex Ballfield (Community breakfast Ceremony at Wig- to follow at Rec Plex) All activities at Margaret Bowater Park (except wam Point, prayers, 10:00 am Spirit walk up Steel Photo by Qalipu member Megan Webb breakfast) songs, and drum- Mountain (meet at Legion parking ming lot at 9:45) 6:00 am Sunrise Ceremony Followed by a small 10 to 5 Free tours of K’taqmkuk 7-8 am Light breakfast at brunch/feast Mi’kmaq Museum Royal Canadian Legion INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1:00 Crafts at K’taqmkuk Mi’kmaq 9:00-2 RCMP Mounted Port au Port Museum Unit on site (Degrau) 2:00 Cake will be served 9, 11 and 1:00 Medicine Report on Quarterly Meeting of Hosted by Benoit 1st Nation Council………..…………..………...2-4 Walk (45 minute session) St.George’s Held on June 19 in the Reaching Young Hearts…………..5 9, 11 and 1:00 Storytell- French Centre Qalipu Success Stories…………6-7 Event Hosted by Bay St. George Cultural Circle with ing (45 minute session) 10:00 am Flag rais- support from Canadian Heritage June 21 Ginu and QNR updates…………..8 10-11:30 Demo—drum ing, drumming, sing- 5:00 am Sunrise Ceremony at Black Cultural Sharing in Exploits…….9 making ing, storytelling and Bank 10 and 12:30 Demo— games Your Community……………..10-11 7:00 am Breakfast at Cultural Cen- Mi’kmaq Language (1 hour 10-2 Culture display Contact us……………………………12 tre 329 Main St. St. George’s(main session) of crafts and artifacts location) 11:30-1:30 BBQ lunch at Centre 9:00 am singing and drumming available for sale. Proceeds 12:00 Old fashioned 10:30 am Traditional Sweat Lodge lunch Ceremony to Janeway fundraiser 12:30 Cake and gift 2:30 pm Crafts and games 11:30 and 1:30 drum- give-away 6:00 pm Traditional Feast and Give ming and singing Elders will receive a Away Ceremony 12:00 Cake cutting and tobacco tie from the 8:00 pm Sunset Ceremony at Cul- welcoming remarks youth. Draw for 6 tural Centre *To volunteer with this event please live lobster contact Mitch Blanchard at 634-8046 1 Quarterly Meeting of Council Qalipu Chief and Council met on a n d i t s m e m b e r s h i p . Qalipu Chief Brendan Sheppard May 30 at the Mount Peyton Following the presentation by thanked Mr. Layden for his Hotel in Grand Falls for their Mr. Layden, Council voted to presentation and invited quarterly meeting, the last before accept the Audited Financial Councilor Mitchell to present the the Annual General Assembly on Statements. Members are Finance Committee’s Report. June 13. encouraged to review the report The Finance Committee oversees and will have an opportunity to and monitors Qalipu financial Before the meeting began, an In ask questions at the Annual activity and regularly reports to Camera session was called as per General Assembly this Saturday, Council on their findings. the Financial By-law. In Camera June 13 in Stephenville. Mitchell noted that the is a legal term which means in Committee had met on May 26 private, without staff. Brendan Mitchell, Chair of the and reviewed the financial Finance Committee, asked about The meeting began with a statements in advance of their the auditor’s opinion of Qalipu’s complete financial review of the presentation to Council at the financial health and whether 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 q u a r t e r l y fiscal year. meeting. The Council was C o m m i t t e e joined by Mr. found the Paul Layden, statements to Auditor with be in good Bonnell Cole order. Arising Jane’s, who f r o m t h i s had analyzed C o m m i t t e e Qalipu’s an- Chief, Council and Executive meeting were nual financial discuss Financial Statements two sugges- statements tions for im- there were areas of consideration and was on hand to present his provement. First it was sug- for future improvement. Mr. Audited Financial Report as well gested that the Committee meet Layden noted that Qalipu was in as answer any questions from with the auditor prior to the excellent financial health and is Council. meeting of Council and sec- currently making money that can ondly, it was pointed out that The Audited Financial Report, be funneled into future programs small edits to the Authority which is now available online, and business initiatives. He also Matrix were needed in order contains 28 financial statements noted that some improvement to improve clarity. that is representative of income could be made in the area of as- and expenditures in Qalipu pro- set management. That is to Council agreed with the grams, services and enterprises. say, tracking the amortization recommendations of the According to the report, Qalipu and disposal of assets. Committee and the suggestions has a surplus (money earned will be brought forward for CEO Annie Randell noted that over and above expenses) higher implementation. Qalipu does have an inventory than that from the previous fiscal tracking system that can be The next item on the agenda was year. This improvement indi- reinstated to work toward better an update on the Annual Operat- cates that Qalipu is moving in the asset management and improve ing Plans. Several Councilors right direction toward a goal of overall accountability of the sit on Standing Committees in generating its own revenue to Band. order to act as a liaison between help support the organization the Council and the day to day 2 Quarterly Meeting of Council operations of Qalipu. At each Francis Skeard, Gander Bay is ongoing investigation of quarterly meeting, they report Ward Councilor Calvin Francis, possible commercial opportuni- on the progress toward the ob- member at large Jesse Martin ties including wind energy, camps, and Corner Brook jectives outlined in the Annual and Service Qalipu Director Stream Development. Operating Plans. Ralph Eldridge. Skeard Efforts continue toward reported: Report on Operations Department. The members Qalipu Natural Resource of this committee include Division has the Aboriginal Corner Brook Councilor Bren- Fisheries Guardians back on for dan Mitchell, members at large the season, have received Joe Bouzanne and Dion funding to run several Hiscock, Finance Manger Jodi programs including removal of Wells, Exploits Councilor An- habitat obstructions, Species at drew Barker and Operations Risk studies, and research on Director Rob Dicks. Councilor invasive species. It was also Mitchell reported that during noted that two new fishing Exploits Councilor Andy this quarter the coordination of licenses have been issued Barker the Financial Audit had been bringing the total to seven. securing funding for cultural completed, the transition from initiatives under Culture and Administration of the Non a one week to a two week pay Heritage. In this division, Insured Health Benefits will Medicine workshops were held period is being organized, and change from Service Qalipu to across the island and a Tourism three staff people have been the Operations Department in and Artisans and Crafters trained to ensure that all the near future, a competition proposal submitted for consult- for a Health Services Manager Qalipu office locations are ing sector specialist closed on Friday, May 29, serviced by a clerk for SCIS Qalipu executive are set to meet Report on Work Force card applications and renewals. with Health Canada on June 22 Qalipu. Members include St. The department has also to present Qalipu’s health plan George’s Ward Councilor Karen contracted out for the vision over the next few years. White, Stephenville Ward Councilor Gerald White, mem- redevelopment of our website, It was also noted that delays with payment of NIHB travel ber at large Robert Park, and Qalipu.ca, and issued a Request benefit are often due to missing Director of Work Force Qalipu for Quotations to complete an information from members Keith Goulding. Councilor IT audit. submitting their claims. Qalipu White reported: 9 students cannot pay out any claim unless have been selected for the Report on Service Qalipu. the file is complete as audits RCMP/Qalipu Youth Summer Members of this committee are done on our files and the Employment Program, and 23 include Glenwood Councilor rules must be followed. more students will receive em- ployment through Qalipu In Community Economic Youth Summer Employment Development a proposal has program. Through the ASSETS been put forward for a youth Program Work Force Qalipu innovation project, a will sponsor 3 students for the Promotional Campaign Healers of Tomorrow Gather- Marketer has been hired to ing and under this program promote the Qalipu Busi- Qalipu has finalized funding for ness Network, the Business Gander Bay Ward Councilor Calvin the remaining students on the Wings Project is underuti- deferred list of students who Francis lized by members and there were awaiting funding. Counci- 3 Quarterly Meeting of Council lor White also highlighted the Electoral Officer to manage the the last known Beothuk of New- Skills Parachute Program, a election and it was determined foundland, Shanadithit, by skills development program that the election would be held naming the Shanadithit Centen- which is designed to provide on October 23, 2015.
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