Rtad the Herald For Local News IHURSOAr, MAY f, tffl Acres Tax Set Up Needs Ofwioofc Drive City Plans Hew School DisWd tariQe, Berkeley Heights ToW ForttCOto Opens Satnrdijr For FranWir^rayton SecHow BerleJwr Heights Township Attorney Edward A Plza psUblishmeDt of a new school diatrlct with m future Summit, ikMed the fuse of the Free Acres bomb last night Ovattook Ho»att*l lauawhw a school to be built upon the R. Cade Wilaon estate on Sprin|- hen, in a lO^agt report, he concluded that the acreage IMMM fund-raisins: campaign fleld avenue, aad re-aligiiinent of other achool diatricia thod of ajseiuiient now in a*e in the single-tax c .Saturday among the ptoplt in the cofitfltonJtiei H has been serving. waa aanounced thia week by the Board of Education. ^ mid be KHtJp*! in favor of s**ewinent on individual Th« propoaed new district would be bounded by Spriag- Individual Tie drive will inaugurate a are j program to be known as to all ether properties is Giving, under which indi- Plape boulevard on the aorta, Township. Additional Funds viduals, builnmtt anal corpora- Morris avenue on the east, and Puii. who hal beta ttooi wflt bt afkad t« underwrite Permits the New Providence line oa the Mayor fn f, ffotktf to study f eftare of luppoet for mi hespl- west -•••••• • entire Free Acres problem, told Asked for New tai - Soar with Office, Included ia the new district Towrftbip CoownltUe that al- bt lutes* moeths tfet drivt will would he New England avenue, tae ntfthod «f assessing Upeh m to «v#ry community, Betkman read, OaUay and Fair- [property taxes on aa acreage CHy Parking Lot thirty in all, from which Apartment Plans view avenues, part 'of Pasaaic su it legal be iieUevci Out each uetpts patinstf, For the avenue, West Bed aveaue, Dunn- ey swner should be assessed Common Council Tuesday night' New buiMing permits issued took steps to appropriate aa eeY prweot, bwever, it wiH bs United during April jumped to a 1W5 der driv# and part of Colonial lot, er individual, b«ii_ Fur- toSummit, Hew Provident*, Chat road, jierropre, be reported that per- tionaJ $45,000 for the linear ri_ high with a total of $*04,677 which parking lot to be constructed at ham. Chatham Township and was t49e,ST7 greater than the Molt ot tim bomei In the pro- p«t?erty, which ia not now Springfield, with a Summit goal tied iiufrw Acres, should be Woodland and De Forest aveaaa* comparable time last year. Al- posed new district are presently and tor tte wideaing of a IB. l# of $M,6O0, all of w&fch wtH b*. teration permits also increased to in the Franklin district wit* the r>ed :«|«|wt individual., and ased for capital Improvements. bat a Ux plot (tan should be portioft Mtt» Jitterthoroufhfare. a high of I121.W0. or $116,300 more exception of the extreme easter- $1W>,WB ' It has been cmpliaiU*) toat a)- than April ef'54. ly Up of the new district, which _ *, • •- - Earlier this year was ap- though the hospital anticipate* a Free Aeits atJeasment hu been proprlstsd. — -. -r^-:-:-~ Accotutinjr. for *2$3,»77 of the is now in Brayton district deficit of $li5,0« thii y«ar, none i favoritt subject of local politic- 1604,87? is the new apartment to ' A mv seven-room school build- The appropriation will be-aisdji ef the money raised in the Sum- tor-tome years. It figured through a $*M» issuance of Uod be built bf Troy Court Inc. at VI- in* would be built at a later date omJneatly last year in the Job purchase bonds, the remaining nit area will te used for operat- n Hew* Engtaad avenue. Sending on the 15-aere property known ormince probe of Tax Asses- $2,250 was included in the current ing expenses, because Overtook is the alteration statistics to the high as "Palkdth," the residence of or Theodore C. Plumb. Retiring budget The appropriation was in- receiving money toward this from figure is tha Jersey Central .Pow- Mrs. R. Cade Wilson and the late fayor Anton C. Swenson called the 1834 United Campaign here. er k Light addition at «0 Chatham Mr. Wilton. troduced in an amendment to an Bretkdcw. ofN»edj a "ChrUtma pnaent to Tree ordinance. Public hearing will be wad. The plans tor ttie new district cm residents" lahli swan song TM $26,000 drive figure w«t modern dance group Nancy Taraoot and Beth Troebes. In the rear row, Two new office and business as well at Use shifting of boundar- fist Dec|»ber, and it was Sweo- arrived at after hospital authori- HIGH SCHOOL t Cornell recently purchased laad in the coal" ia re- Jeft to right, are Barbara Paul, Nancy Nordahl, constructions at at and 115 Sum- ies of otter districts, with tas ex- is blast at that meeting that ties and campaign leaders deter- of Summit High for the parkinf area including 11 dance ballad, one of a Mini Greteer and Wane Lundry. Selections by themit avenue account for $31,000 ception of ijtoosevelt and Jtffsr- launched the investigation by mined that, in addition to. tte de- hearsing the Ca«ey presented tomorrow eve- school orchestra, chorus, string quartet and band and $30,000 respectively. They are son dlitjlcta, are the result of a Pun, lots from the Nelson e.Ute, T-lft ficit, Jin.ooo would he needed group of four da Woodland avenue, and another it ning at the sebool'i 'ng conceit U& to wiU also be featured. (Wolin photo) being constructed by Adam k comprehensive study of tb« local for capital improvements. Includ- Irlekaen and Tamira Realty Co, school bousing situatioa recently M JlOBSea m at Anes 3244 De Forest avenue for a total ed are $50,000 for an additional right, front row, are brand, Cindy WiSey. of $174,000. - Condemnation pro- Other new building permits in- made by Khe Board, the study Free Acres oeenpk* about SO elevator, $40,000 for repairs to the points up the need of certain fa- ceedings have been started cluded: Rasmus J. Savig, 110 Ox i of land la BiriceWf Heights, nurses' home, $22,009 lor an em- cilities in tte exisUngscbools to against three other property own* Bow lane, $»,«»; Ernest Vetus- 12 $> Watehung Borough. It ergency generator and $3,000 fur make them complete units and en who own surrounding land. Two re Agencies Ask State Reopens chi, S3 High street, $12,700; Hil- bounded ea one tide by Enser acoustical ceilings, ton If. CoakUnj, US Blackburn the a*ad for addiUooal Mating and on the otter by the Last fall No. S Woodland avenue Solicitations will be mafe both capacity that is anticipated In was purchased for $23,000. road, $18,800; Harold E. Harrison, Catchunk tttmidatl line. In the in person and nail by a large vol- To Join Untied Campaign Job Office for 23 Garden road, $0,000. toe near futou-e. area winia the Township boun- The parking lot will abutt unteer corps headed by Ptndeania 8oan« Dbtrlcts Chaaged that of the First National Bank, W. Reed of Summit, general chair- Also, B. Ic J. Hage, 21 Dorches- daries' tier* are Hi homes, with Two social welfare agencies mottaly voted an amendment to The widening of the street in that man of annual giving, lira. C. Summit Area ter road, 122,000; K. O. Anderson, The propose new a^i^ dis- U in Wafdnwc. About $0 per cent have requested 4»<Wi(«.in the the designation clause which has 30 Ridgedale avenue, $10,500; area is expected to alleviate the Hartley Berry and airs. E Wal- trict presenUy has a school popu- i« lived in on a year-round basis, 19S5-19M United Campaign and been under study for more than The New Jersey State Employ- Frank P. Valenaigno, 179 Moun- traffic congestions on Springfield lace Wilkinson, both of Summit, ulatJoti lutQtMt to support a with th# remainder aied enly are. under consideration, it was two ;years. ment Serice announces the open- tain avenue, $1MHO; Peter Aceor- during the, aunmer months. The avenue. are chairman and vice-chairman, a seven-room achool. Pupils in the p ondayy night at a |-eet- ThThe, , amendment pprovides that ing of an itinerant office at 21 ti, llff Division avenue, $23,000; new district now attends both association paya about 18,000 in Hore than a down residents of respectively, for the city. / llapte street, on Monday, May t. ing of the Central of a contributor may rijMl« withouh t and John R. Hotfart, 270 Kent Brayton, and FrsoUto Schools, taxes Ug Berkley Heights each South street petitioned Council to Theron J* Htflh ol Countsyiidi the fnited The office will be opes three Place boulevard: and Ttll*tasen with most of them enwtttd in as* about $3,»0 to Wateh- make the street a ttght-traiftc U chairman ol At»u»l Givlni fop days a week, Monday, Tuesday, 1 11 fto«: art Summit must ft TaUaksen, ft, », and 41 Swtet- Frinkiin. ,: •.;.•• • •• j&r " whichr would elimin- con»m««1«es. ovtiWe SumWtt, and Wednes«V«iimK.| aw at to 4 g*? j for _„ _ ddDar S(s«Uflt » }*, briar <Wre,*«t $25,000, $25,000 lie the cdtotyf' was founded In 1910 ate any heavy trucking. The nat-while Charles B.Nrietllnjj is c&»fr. erontological Endeafor (SAOE). paid each agency on a space >ro- p. m. to service applicants for and $24,«» A«b . fcy Bolton Han, Hew York author, man far Chatham, Charles F.
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