EGISTER 1934 VOLUME 23 \ NUMBER 27 C ^NiTtO ^ Washington, Friday, February 7, 1958 DONE at the City of Washington this CONTENTS TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT third day of February in the year of our. PROCLAMATION 3221 Lord nineteen hundred and THE PRESIDENT [ s e a l ] fifty-eight, and of the Inde­ L a w D a y , 1958 pendence of the United States Proclamation Pa&e Law Day, 1958----------------------- - 821 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of America the one hundred and eighty- OF AMERICA second.. • EXECUTIVE AGENCIES D w ig h t D. E is e n h o w e r A PROCLAMATION By the President; ' Agricultural Marketing Service WHEREAS it is fitting that the people Proposed rule making; of this Nation should remember with J o h n F oster D u l l e s , Milk in New Yor^-New Jersey pride and vigilantly guard the great Secretary of State. milk marketing area----------- 830 heritage of liberty, justice, and equality [F. R. Doc. 58-1014; Filed, Feb. 5, 1958; Rules and regulations: under law which our forefathers be­ 4:29 p. m.] Almonds grown in California; queathed to us; and order establishing revised sal­ WHEREAS it is our moral and civic able and surplus percentages- 823 obligation, as frèe men and as Americans, TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE Dates, Zahidi, domestic, pro­ to preserve. and strengthen that great duced or packed in Los An­ heritage ; and PERSONNEL geles and Riverside Counties WHEREAS the principle of guaran­ Chapter I——Civil Service Commission of California; percentages for teed fundamental rights of individuals 1957-58 crop year--------------- 823 under the law is the heart and sinew of P art 6— E x c e p t io n s F r o m t h e Agricultural Research Service our Nation, and distinguishes our gov­ C o m p e t it iv e S ervice Proposed rule making: ernmental system from the type of gov­ DEPARTMENT OF STATE Anti-hog-cholera serum and ernment that rules by might alone; and hog-cholera virus------------- - 832 WHEREAS o u r Government has Effective upon publication in the F ed­ Rules and regulations: served as an inspiration and a beacon eral R eg ister , subparagraph (4 ) of para­ Brucellosis in domestic animals; light for oppressed peoples of the world graph <q) of § 6.302 is revoked, and miscellaneous amendments.- 824 seeking freedom, justice, and equality for subparagraphs (3) and (5) of paragraph the individual under laws; and (q) are amended as set out below. Agriculture Department WHEREAS universal application of See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ § 6.302 Department of State. * * * the principle of the rule of law in the ice ; Agricultural Research Serv­ (q) Office of the Deputy Under Secre­ settlement of international disputes ice. tary for Administration. * * * would greatly enhance the cause of a just (3) One Assistant Chief, Special Liai­Civil Aeronautics Board and enduring peace; and Notices: WHEREAS a day of national dedica­ son Staff. * * * * * Hearings, etc.: tion to the principle' of government Brown, James H., and Robert under laws would afford us an opportu­ (5) Two Special Liaison Assistants, J. Sullivan________________ 835 nity better to understand and appreciate Special Liaison Staff. Pan American World Airways, the manifold virtues of such a govern­ (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, as amended; Inc_____________ 835 ment and to focus the attention of the 5 U. S. C. 631,633) world upon them; Civil Service Commission U n it e d S tates C iv il S er v­ NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. Rules and regulations: ic e C o m m is s io n , Additional compensation in for­ EISENHOWER, President of. the United [ s e a l ] W m . C. H u l l , eign area s; miscellaneous States of America, do hereby designate Executive Assistant. amendments--------1------------ 822 Thursday, May 1, 1958, as Law Day. Exceptions fro m competitive I urge the people of the United States [F. R. Doc. 58-972; Filed, Feb. 6, 1958; 8:49 a. m.] service: „ to observe the designated day with ap­ Interior Department--------- 822 propriate ceremonies and activities ; and Justice Department----------- 821 I especially urge the legal profession, the State Department-- ------------- 821 press, and the radio, television, and P art 6— E x c e p t io n s F r o m t h e Federal Communications Com­ motion-picture industries to promote C o m p e t it iv e S e r v ic e mission and to participate in the observance of DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Notices : that day. Hearings, etc.: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- Effective upon publication in the F ed ­ Albany Broadcasting Corp. nf+uS6^ hand and caused the Seal er al R e g ister , paragraph (g) (8 ) is and W. Gordon Allen-------- 836 q*5 e ^ tte d States of America to be added to § 6.308 as set out below. Baw Beese Broadcasters, Inc. • affixed. (Continued on next page) (W BSE)...........................— 836 821 822 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued § 6.308 Department of Justice. * * * ( g ) Tax Division. * * * FEDERAL^REGISTER Health, Education, and Welfare Pa@e (8) Chief, Claims Section. Department (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, as amended* ‘ ) See Pood and Drug Administra­ 5 Ü. S. C. 631, 633) tion. Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, U n it e d S tates C iv il S erv­ and days following official Federal holidays, Interior Department ic e C o m m is s io n , by the Federal Register Division, National [ s e a l ] W m . C. H u l l , Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ See Land Management Bureau; Executive Assistant. ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ National Park Service. thority contained in the Federal Register Act, [F. R. Doc. 58-970; Filed, Feb. 6, 1958; approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Land Management Bureau 8:49-a. m.] amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Rules and regulations : tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ South Dakota; public land mittee of the Federal Register, approved by ord er™ __________ __________ 830 the President. Distribution is made only by P art 6— E x c e p t io n s F rom the the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ National Park Service C o m p e t it iv e S ervice ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Rules and regulations: The Federal Register will be furnished by d e p a r t m e n t o r t h e inter io r mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Petersburg National Park; speed per month or $15.00 per year, payable in amendment._________ I_______ 829 Effective upon publication in the F ed­ advance. The charge for individual copies eral R egister, paragraph (a) (18) is (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Securities and Exchange Com­ added to § 6.310 as set out below.- the size of the issue. Remit check or money mission § 6.310 Department of the Interior— order, made payable to the Superintendent Notices : (a) Office of the Secretary. * * * of Documents, directly to the Government Hearings, etc.: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Foote Mineral Co___________ 835 (18) One Secretarial Attendant to the The regulatory material appearing herein Secretary. Is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Rhine-Ruhr Water Service which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Union------------------- 835 (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, as amended; to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as 5 U. S. C. 631, 633) amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Small Business Administration U n it e d S tates C tvil S erv­ eral R egulations is “sold by the Superin­ Notices : ic e C o m m is s io n , tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Georgia; declaration of disaster pocket supplements, vary. [ s e a l ] W m . C. H u l l , There are no restrictions on the re­ area------------------ 834 Executive Assistant. publication of material appearing in the [F. R. Doc. 58-971; Filed, Feb. 6, 1958; F ederal R egister, or the Code of Federal CODIFICATION GUIDE 8:49 a. m .] R egulations. A numerical list of the parts of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in this issue. Proposed rules, as CFR SUPPLEMENTS opposed to final actions, are identified as Chapter III— Foreign and Territorial (As of January T, 1958) such. Compensation Title 3 Page [Dept. Reg. 108.3561 The following Supplement is now available: Chapter I (Proclamations) ; P art 325— A dditional Compensation in 3221 ----------------------- 821 F oreign A reas Title 18 ($0.50) Title 5 designation o r differential posts Chapter I: Order from Superintendent of Documents, Section 325.11 Designation of differ­ Government Printing Office, Washington Part 6 (3 documents) ________ 821. 822 ential posts, is amended as follows, effec­ 25, D. C. Chapter H I: tive on the dates indicated: Part 325-------------------------------- 822 1. Effective as of the beginning of the Title 7 first pay period following January 11, CONTENTS— Continued Chapter IX : 1958, paragraph (a) is amended by the Part 909_™ ----------- 823 deletion of the following: Federal Communications Com- Pase Part 927 (proposed)___________ 830 Vieux Fort, St. Lucia, B. W. I. mission— Continued Part 1003—___________ 823 2. Effective as of the beginning of the Notices-MUontinued Title 9 first pay period following February 8, Hearings, etc.— Continued 1958, paragraph (b) is amended by the Binder-Carter-Durham, Inc. Chapter I: deletion of the following: (WAMM), et al___________ 836 Part 78________________________ 824 Bosque Radio________________ 835 Part 131 (proposed)______ _____ 832 Philippines, all posts except Angeles, Dixie Broadcasters and Radio Baguio City, Cavite (including Sangley Blakely____________________ 836 Title 21 Point), Manila and Subic Bay (including Imes, Bimey, Jr.
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