ST A FF O F A DVISO R S A N D CO N T R IBU T O R S . R . Mrs Noble E Baskett , Chapter Re gent , D . A . , Missouri J . in r udge George F Beatty , Referee Bank uptcy , Kansas . Mrs John T . Brown , Missouri . w D . O . Robert A Bro ne , M . , Surgeon and Physician , hio M w iss Dola M . Cald ell , Banker , Missouri . Col Robert G . Clark , Supt . State Trainin g School for Boys , Missouri . — Mrs . A mos G . Draper , Genealogical Editor Daughters American W' Revolution , ashington , D . C . I i . t . Miss da B Falls , Rem niscen , Mississippi . A . Hon Charles H . Hance , City Treasurer , Los ngeles , California h P D . Professor A rchibald Henderson , . , University of N C Charles E . Henderson , Esq . , Family Historian , Maryland . Mr . Clara A . Henderson , A rchitect , Kansas . Hon . Charles H . Henderson , Governor of the State of Alabama . r - Mr . Claude W . Henderson , Ch onicler , Kentucky Florida . D . Frank L . Henderson , M . , Lucrative Practitioner , Missouri E . s . Joseph Ed Henderson , q , Merchant , Missouri Lut r ell e D O . Henderson , M . , Surgeon and Physician , hio John Ste ele Henderson , retired B anker , Missouri . f n D . Robert T . Henderso , M . , e ficient Practitioner , Missouri Mr . Samuel S . Henderson wholesale umberman Pennsylvania . , L , Walter Henderson , Esq . , Druggist , Historian , Missouri . - Mme a O . Louise Homer , Contralto Metropolit n pera , New York l r D M c D . C u e . Rev . James A . , , Clergy , Author , Virginia J J Ph r S . M et e . c e s ohn , Esq , Farmer , public pirited Citizen , Missouri D an d . Joseph L . Miller , M . , Practitioner , Writer , West Virginia —R e ister Mrs . Jennie C . Morton , Editor g , State Historical Society , Kentucky . J a . McComb s Mrs ane Henderson Liggett , Antiqu rian and senior ff 99 . member of the Sta ( A ge years) , Colorado Mr s . John S Potts , California . i . co nno s eu r . Mrs A Perry Pollard , , Missouri G a . i Miss Frances M Sm th ( Eleanor Lexington ) , ene lo g ist , N Y D . Supt . James N . Tate , LL . , State School for the Deaf , Minnesota I . Mrs . Sarah Henderson Wiggins , Compiler , ndiana 3 R E FE R E N CE S n u Va — A nals of Aug sta County , . , Waddell . — ll ’ Muns e s s m . A merican A ncestry, Son . A erican Genealogist An — cestry and Descendants of Lieut . John Henderson , Dr . Miller . —E n r a t . Biographical Congressional Directory, g B i iography of Pioneer Famil es of Kentucky . B ’ urke s L anded Gentry . ’ Burke s Baronetage . — -P ofienb ar er Battle of Point Pleasant , Simpson g . Chal ke y Manuscripts , Encyclopedia Britannica . Va First Church of Staunton , . , Hoge . l : Fi es of St . Louis Republic , Fulton Gazette , Staunton Daily O r . Leader , Christian bse ver ’ Va — Foote s Sketches of . , Henry Foote . E ho — Great p cs in A merican History Halsey . — , G - uide to Heraldry , Fox D avis . — a . History of August County , Virginia , Peyton V — Co . a . History of A lbemarle , , Wood A r — d in St . History of u a Co . Mo . , . Pub Co , — St . Co . History of Callaway . Mo , Pub Co — , History of Kentucky, Collins . — History of Missouri Switzer . ,— History of Missouri , Carr . — - History of North East Mis—souri , Williams . i . S t . H story of Pike Co Mo , Louis Pub . Co . History of Virginia , V i n Co a . H story of Washi gton , . , , K History of Centre Colle ge , y. , — - History of Westminster College , Fulton , Mo . , Fisher Rice . I nternational ncyclopedia The . E — , Dir ctor w Kentucky e y Kavanaugh . — Kentucky Ancestry Lewis Family . Magazines from the State Historical Society of Kentucky . Magazines from the State Historical Society of Missouri . Magazines from the State Historical Society of Virginia . l i Magazines from the Historical Society of North Caro na . Magazines from the State Historical Society of West Virginia . n Magazi es from the Missis sippi Valley Historical Society . MoCu es O l d —Mc u C e . of the Dominion , ’ s Meade s Virginia Familie . Men Au xVass e b — n of the Pres yterian Church , Cowa . O ffi 1 889 -1 91 5 — Missouri, The cial Manual of, , Secretary of State . ’ ’ O H ar e s Pedigrees . M — Pioneer Families of issouri , Rose . Recollections of one who Passed Ten Years in the Mississippi Val — ley , Flint . S ufier ed — Recollections of one who in a Lost Cause , Hance . Roster of the Mo . University . h of t e . Roster r University of Va Roster of Washington Lee University . Roster of William Mary University . - Roster of Hampden Sidney College . I Roster of Stonewall Jackson nstitute , Va . mi Roster of West nster College , Mo . n . Roster of Sy odical College , Mo -McCu e The Tate Family in America , , (unpublished) . William and Mary Quarterly . ’ 1 900 - 1 91 2 Who s Who in America , . IN T R O DU CT IO N — ’ The surname Henderson is derived from Henry Henry s son , w H enr is on hich in time became , Hendrickson , Henderson . The name is old in Scotland , the family , having lived there since the T h . e d fifteenth century chief seat being at For ell , County Fife ; " ” and Henderson of Fordell , is a term of distinction , and well known throughout the United Kingdom . Many authentic and tradi tional stories are current portraying the valor and dexterity of the earlier generations , in peace and at And war . their fame extends across the continent . m t he : J A on g the prominent members of family , were ames ' J t s d v Henderson of Fordell, who was Lord us ice and King A ocate , — and received a charter under the G reat Seal in the time o f J ames I G V ; eorge Henderson of the next generation , was granted lands M in the Shires of Fife and Edinburgh by Queen ary of Scotland , w s and his wife a one of her Maids of Honor . He gave his life for J J a d h W his country . His son , ames , married e n , aug ter of illiam ' ‘ l l li a r in e u b d . d Murray , Baron of Robert Henderson figure exten i J a [ IIf S s v ely during the reign of mes o cotl and . J I A nother J ames Henderson , was a man of parts , and ames V conferred a singular favor up on him in excusing him from attend ~ " I ing the wars all the days of his life , n consideration of the good , l t rue and thankfu services , not only done by himself , but also by and ou r e o f his predecessors , to us pred cessors , worthy memory , in w f n at an m all times p ast , ithout de ectio y time fro the royal obedi f a t t ence that becomes good and faith ul subjects . D ed a our palace u a 2 7 and - firs t of Holyroodho se , Febru ry , the twenty year of our reign . Signed by the King . w as a A celebrated name in Scotland , that of Alex nder Hender d son , who next to John Knox . is consi ered by many as the most famous Scottish Protestant Theologian . He was Chaplain to King I d w Charles , and later mediate bet een the King and Parliament at M o f G a O xford . Was three times oderator the ener l A ssembly at ‘ a o f Edinburgh , when he presented a dr ught the famous Solemn ’ w a d League and Covenant , hich with sli ght modifications , p sse both d Houses and became law for the two kingdoms . Hen erson died in 1 64 6 a nd d Edinburgh in , his eath was the occasion of a national mourning in Scotl and . Ebenezer Henderson ( 1 784 - 1 85 8 ) w a s a Scottish missionary o f 6 w fi of b o I great linguistic attainments hose eld la or c vered , ndia, I Denmark , Sweden , Lapland , celand , Germany and Russia . Thomas Henderson ( 1 798 - 1 844 ) was a Scotch astronomer of considerable distinction . He was Secretary to the E arl of Lauder and efir e 1 831 d al e to Lord J y. In he was made royal astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope , and two years later was appointed astronomer royal for Scotland , professor of practical astronomy at and O Edinburgh , director of the Calton Hill bservatory . A romance of the family , as told by Miss Frances M . Smith , is u n f rnished by a certain Sir John Henderson , who fighti g the na " tiv es in darkest A frica , was rescued by a lady, so the record says . She was a royal , or a noble p ersonage , which adds a touch n of i terest and a thrill to the narrative , and she was probably wearing her crown ( or string of beads ) at the very moment of res of cue , for descendants the hero of this story , still preserve , under ' " ictu r e of glass , A p this lady , with a coronet on her head , and a ‘ ’ — landskip a representation prob ably of the very scene of the rescue . O : . ther Hendersons of note are Frank H Henderson , Vice An 1 902 A dmiral , glesey , Gosport ; Sir Alexander Henderson ( ) l mond P r shir B n t . G e a e e . First Baronet , , ; Robert Henderson , C The Hermitage , Beckenham ; Capt . Harold Greenwood Henderson , i F rin on Li K t emor e a d .
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