Assembly Polls in J-K After Delimitation of Constituencies, PM Modi Tells All

Assembly Polls in J-K After Delimitation of Constituencies, PM Modi Tells All

!#! " !$ !! !! ! !$ # !$ $ JAMMU, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.174 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 Assembly polls in J-K after delimitation of constituencies, PM Modi tells all-party meeting , " !*$ Delimitation exercise in J-K PM said he wants to remove $?6:2!6;6@A2?".?2;1?.!<16<; 'dil ki doori and Dilli ki doori': Omar ([email protected]<91.4?<B=<392.12?@3?<: has to happen quickly so that .::B.;1.@5:6?A5.A.@@2:/9F polls take place, says PM after meet on J-K 2920A6<;@A52?2D699/25291.3A2?A52 0<:=92A6<;<3A52<;4<6;41296:6A. , " !*$ A6<; 2E2?06@2 $2<=92@ <;32?2;02 , " !*$ 92.12?!BG.33.?B@@.6;[email protected] $?6:2!6;6@A2?".?2;1?.!<160<;C2F21A<.4?<B=<3 A2?.0?B06.9:22A6;4A<05.98<BAA52 $?6:2!6;6@A2?".?2;1?.!<16<;([email protected]@.61A52 92.12?@3?<:.::B.;1.@5:6?A5.A52D.;A21A<?2 3BAB?20<B?@2<3.0A6<;6;A52B;6<; <;4<6;41296:6A.A6<;2E2?06@26;.::B.;1.@5:6? :<C2169861<<?6.;16996861<<?616@A.;02/2AD22; A2??6A<?F B?6;4 A52 A5?22.;1. 5.@A<5.==2;>B6089F@<A5.A=<99@0.;/25291A<6;@A.99 52.?A@ .;1 A52 16@A.;02 D6A5 2956 ".A6<;.9 5.935<B?9<;4 :22A6;4 .9:<@A .99 .;2920A214<C2?;:2;AA5.A46C2@@A?2;4A5A<6A@12C29<= <;32?2;0292.12?#:.?/[email protected]?.:22A6;4 A52 92.12?@ 3?<: .::B .;1 :2;AA?.720A<?F;.@2?62@<[email protected]?.A5?22.;1. 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