FOR 3.6 MTPA CAPTIVE LIMESTONE MINES Mining Lease area: 283.585 ha villages –Kachavaram & Inuparajupalli Mandal - Karempudi, District-Guntur, Andhra Pradesh PROPOSED BY M/s SHREE CEMENT LIMITED APRIL 2014 3.6 Million TPA Captive Limestone Mining (283.585 ha) Near village Kachavaram & Inuparajupalli, Form-1/ Mandal-Karempudi, District- Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) Appendix I APPENDIX I (See paragraph – 6) FORM 1 (I) Basic Information 1. Name of the Project/s : 3.6 Million TPA Captive Limestone Mining (283.585 ha) near village Kachavaram & Inuparajupalli, Mandal-Karempudi, District- Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) 2. S. No. in the schedule : Category ‘A’ Project or Activity 1(a), 3 (b). 3. Proposed capacity Captive lime stone mine from 3.6 Million TPA /area/length/tonnage to be (283.585 ha). handled/command area/lease area/number of wells to be drilled 4. New/Expansion/Modernizatio : New n 5. Existing Capacity/Area etc, : Nil 6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or : As per new EIA Notification dated ‘B’ 14.09.2006, this project falls in Category ‘A’ 7. Does it attract the general : No, it does not attract the general condition. condition? If yes, please specify 8. Does it attract the specific : No it does not attract the specific condition. condition? If yes, please specify. 9. Location Plot/ Survey / Khasra No. : 677-682, 699-721, 724-731, 734-735, 741-752, 755-756, Inuparajupalli 759-762, 764, 861, 863-867, 871-895, 896-898, 905-907, 977-994, Kachavaram 996-1006, 1008, 1010-1025, 1038-1041, 1047 and 1048 Village : Kachavaram & Inuparajupalli Tehsil : Karempudi District : Guntur State : Andhra Pradesh 10 Nearest railway station/airport Nearest railway station: Nadikudi 4.5 Km in along with distance in KMs North direction. Shree Cement Limited 1 3.6 Million TPA Captive Limestone Mining (283.585 ha) Near village Kachavaram & Inuparajupalli, Form-1/ Mandal-Karempudi, District- Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) Appendix I Nearest Airport: Vijayawada 114 Km. 11. Nearest Town, City, District Nearest Town/ City: Nadikudi 4.5 Km Headquarters along with Distt. Headquarter: Guntur: 90 km distance in Kms. 12. Village Panchayats, Zila Village Panchayat: Kachavaram & Parishad, Municipal Inuparajupalli Corporation, Local body Zila Parishad: Guntur (complete postal addresses Phone No.(O): 91 863 2258310 with telephone nos. to be given) 13. Name of the applicant M/s. Shree Cement Limited 14. Registered Address : Shree Cement Ltd. Post Box No. 33, Bangur Nagar, Andheri Deori, Beawar, Distt. Ajmer (Raj.) 15. Address for correspondence: Shree Cement Limited Name : Rakesh Bhargava Designation : Vice President - Environment (Owner/Partner/CEO) Address : M/s Shree Cement Ltd. Post Box No. 33, Bangur Nagar, Andheri Deori, Beawar, Distt. Ajmer (Raj.) Pin Code : 305 901 E-mail : [email protected] Telephone No. : 01462-228101-6 Fax No. : 01462-228117/ 228119 16. Details of Alternative Sites : Govt of Andhra Pradesh issued LOI dated examined, if any. Location of 19-5-2010 for Limestone mines. Hence no these sites should be shown alternative site has been considered. on a topo sheet 17. Interlinked Projects : Proposed mine is captive limestone mine of proposed Integrated Cement Project, Clinker 2.4 Million TPA, Cement 4.0 Million TPA, Captive Power Plant 25MW and Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation 15 MW by M/s Shree Cement limited located adjacent to the lease. Limestone is used as raw material for clinker manufacturing in cement plant. 18. Whether separate : Yes Shree Cement Limited 2 3.6 Million TPA Captive Limestone Mining (283.585 ha) Near village Kachavaram & Inuparajupalli, Form-1/ Mandal-Karempudi, District- Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) Appendix I application of interlinked project has been submitted 19. If yes, date of submission : 15-4-2014 20. If no, reason : Not Applicable 21. Whether the proposal : involves approval/clearance under : If yes, details of the same and the status to be given (a)The Forest (Conservation) No Act, 1980 (b) The Wildlife (Protection) No Act, 1972 (c) The C.R.Z Notification, No 1991 22. Whether there is any : Govt of Andhra Pradesh issued LOI dated 19- Government Order/Policy 5-2010 for Limestone mines. relevant/relating to the site 23. Forest land involved : (hectares) 24. Whether there is any litigation : No pending against the project and / or land in which the project is proposed to be set up (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders/directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. (II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) S. Information/ Checklist Yes Details thereof (with approximate No. confirmation /No quantities / rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary Yes There will be permanent changes in Shree Cement Limited 3 3.6 Million TPA Captive Limestone Mining (283.585 ha) Near village Kachavaram & Inuparajupalli, Form-1/ Mandal-Karempudi, District- Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) Appendix I change in land use, land the land use of the mining lease area cover or topography including increase in intensity of land use (with respect to local land use plan) 1.2 Clearance of existing land, No Few bushes and thorny shrubs exists on vegetation and buildings? the ML area. This will be cleared. No building exists on the ML area 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes New land use will be created. 1.4 Pre-construction Yes Soil testing and exploratory work by investigations e.g. bore drilling boreholes will be carried out houses, soil testing? 1.5 Construction works? No It is proposed to construct mine workshop and office etc. 1.6 Demolition works? No N.A 1.7 Temporary sites used for Yes Temporary sites will be developed for construction works or housing construction workers. Proper sanitary of construction workers? facility will be provided in order to avoid contamination to the soil, surface and ground water in the nearby area 1.8 Above ground buildings, Yes It is proposed to construct mine structures or earthworks workshop and office etc. including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations 1.9 Underground works including No Open cast mining shall be done mining or tunneling? 1.10 Reclamation works? Yes At the end of life of mine backfilling will be done in the mined out area and plantation will be done on it. 1.11 Dredging? No Not applicable 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not applicable 1.13 Production and Yes Mechanized open cast mining manufacturing processes? method with maximum bench height of 10 m and minimum bench width of 20 m. Controlled blasting and wet drilling mining technique. Working bench width will be kept 20 m wide for safe movement of Shree Cement Limited 4 3.6 Million TPA Captive Limestone Mining (283.585 ha) Near village Kachavaram & Inuparajupalli, Form-1/ Mandal-Karempudi, District- Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) Appendix I HEMM. Ultimate pit angle slope is proposed to be kept at 45°. Haul road is planned at 1 in 16 gradient with 15 m width. Working will be maintained in such a way that all quality limestone will be available for blending with low grade limestone. 1200 TPH crusher shall be installed. Crushed limestone shall be transported using covered conveyor belts. 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods Yes Magazine for ANFO storage shall be or materials? established 1.15 Facilities for treatment or No Top soil and Inter burden of mines disposal of solid waste or will be stacked at earmark place for liquid effluents? back filling. Discharge from office toilets and canteen will be disposed in Soak Pit via Septic Tank and waste water from mine workshop will be used in dust suppression in crusher after removing of oil and grease content. 1.16 Facilities for long term housing Yes Residential colony will be established in of operational workers? 42.7 ha land which will be common for plant and mines. 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic No The existing road from Nadikudi to during construction or mine and plant site shall be upgraded operation? 1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne Yes New village road shall be made. This or other transport will divide the mining block into two infrastructure including new parts or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? 1.19 Closure or diversion of existing Yes New village road shall be made. transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? Shree Cement Limited 5 3.6 Million TPA Captive Limestone Mining (283.585 ha) Near village Kachavaram & Inuparajupalli, Form-1/ Mandal-Karempudi, District- Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) Appendix I 1.20 New or diverted transmission No lines or pipelines? 1.21 Impoundment, damming, Yes There is a canal passing through the ML culverting, realignment or area. At present the canal is other changes to the fragmented. Suitable realignment will hydrology of watercourses or be done aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? No - 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of Yes The water requirement will be 150 KLD water from ground or surface for mines and water will be sourced waters? from ground/nearby river. Peak Demand Unit (m3/day) Dust suppression 125 Drinking & Utility 15 work shop 10 Total 150 1.24 Changes in water bodies or Yes Surface runoff from the ML area will the land surface affecting decrease drainage or run-off? Induced infiltration will increase 1.25 Transport of personnel or Yes Staff vehicles will be provided for materials for construction, workers. operation or decommissioning? 1.26 Long-term dismantling or Yes -Post mining the pits will be reclaimed decommissioning or using OB. restoration works? 1.27 Ongoing activity during No decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? 1.28 Influx of people to an area in Yes The influx of people will be either temporarily or permanently for job opportunity.
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