Annual Commencement JUNE 5, 1966 TUFTS UNIVERSITY MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS Order of Events INVOCATION Eugene Samuel Ashton, University Chaplain /JNTJJEM The Star Spangled Banner ADDRESS WILLTAM WARREN SCRANTON CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE College of Liberal Arts Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Jackson College Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy College of Engineering School of Medicine College of Special Studies School of Dental Medicine Crane Theological School ANTHEM Dear Alma Mater BENEDICTION Recipients of Honorary Degrees \ LAWRENCE GRAHAM BROOKS (L.H.D.) Presiding justice. First District Court of Eastern Middlesex: pre.iding justice, Appellate Division, District Court for the Northern District of Massachusetts. Director, United Community Services of Greater lloston and World Affairs Council of Massachusetts. Director and officer of numerous civir and financial institutions; former board chairman, American Unitarian Association; former vice-moderator and trustee of Unitarian-Universalist Association. 1965 recipient of Rogerson Award from United Community Services. WTLLTAM VENERANDO CONSOLAZIO (Sc.D.) Senior staff associate, Office of Program Development and Analysis. National Science Foundation. Former head of the Chemistry Department of the Naval Medical Research Institute and of the Biochemis try Branch or the Office of Naval Resea1·ch. Researcher in biochemistry, molecular biology, environmental physiology. Director of a major study or Federal support for all basic research in Government agencies; actively involved in the formulation of a national policy for research and education in science and engineering. Tufts graduate, 1H33. FREDERICK JOHNSON ( Sc.D.) A rcheolo,:,ist; curator, Robert S. Peabody Foundation fol' Archeology at. Phillips Academy, Andover. Over the years he has conducted wide-ran,l.!ing archco\og-ical resC'arches in North America. the Arctic, and Central America. Pioneer in developing the multi-disciplinary app1·oach to a1·cheolog-y, as well as the radiocarbon methorl of dat.ing. Past president, Society for American Archeology: former executive secretary. American Anthropological Association: member or fellow of numerous national scientific societies. Tufts graduate, rn29. MARY PILLSBURY LORD (L.H.D.) Internationalist. U . S. representative to the United Nations in various capacities since 1947. incluclin,I.! UNICEF and eight successive sessions of the General Assembly. Member of the U. S. Delegation to the Atlantic Congress in 1959. During World War I[ chairman or director of agencies concerned with women'H participation and civilian defense. Director of numerous organizations involving international affairs and the education a.nd employment of women. Member of the Uoard of Vis itors to the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Tufts Universit.y. ROBERT JOSEPH MANNlNG (LrTT.D. ) E<lilor, the All<tntic Monthly. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs . I 962-6,1. Chief. London Bureau, Time, Life, and Fortune magazines, 1958-61; writer and senior editor, Time, 1949-58; founder, United Press United Nations Bureau and chief U.N. correspondent.. 1946-49; State Department and White House correspondent, United Press, 1944-46. Nieman Fellow, Harvard University, 1945-4H. Director, International Development Fou ndat ion and World Affairs Council of llos ton. Member, lloard of Visitors to the Edward R. Mun·ow Center in the Fletcher School of Tufts University. WILLIAM WARREN SCRANTON (LL.D.) Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania since 1962. Candidate for the Republican nomination for president of the U. S., 1963. Membe r of the 87th Congress. 1960-62. Former special assistant to Secreta1·y of State Christ.ian A. Herter: represented U.S. at conferences in Latin America, NATO. and U.N. Ilanker, lawyer, and corporation director hefore entering politics; trustee o r director of numero us c ivic, charitable, educational, and religious organizations. A leader in the much publicized effort of Scranton, Pennsylvania, and its surrounding area to revitalize itself s ince the depletion of anthracite coal. KENN ETH F. LEACH ( ll.S. extra ordi11em) .En"ince,·. Manag-er, Dost.on Regional Oflice, George A. Fuller Company; he was closely involved in the construction of the Nils Yngve Wessell Library at Tufts. l ,icutenant. Corps or l~ngineers, during- World War 11. Member of Tufts Class of 19.J.I. Candidates for D egrees (Authority for the bestowal of degrees is given for the Trustees of Tufts College by Robert William Meserve, Chairman of the Board. Candidates for honorary degrees are presented to President Nils Yng1·e WP.vse/1 by Professor Seymour Oliver Simches, Presenter.) IIONORARY Mary Pillsbury Lord June 4, I 966 Doctor of Humane Letters Lawrence Graham Brooks Robert Joseph Manning Doctor of H11ma11e Letters Doctor of Letters William Venerando Consolazio William Warren Scranton Ductor of Science Doctor of Laws Frederick Johnson Nils Yngve Wessell Doctor of Science Doctor of Laws DEGREE, extra ordinem Kenneth F. Leach. Bachelor of Science NILS YNGVE WESSELL (LL.D.) President, Tufts University, 1953-66. Servant of Tufts in l O administrative capacities, beginning as dean o[ liberal arts in 1939 at the age of 25. Trustee, director, and officer of a multitude- of educational, philanthropic, civic, and corporate organizations. Member of numerous honorary societies ; vice president of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Knight of the Order of the North Star, awarded by King Gustav VI of Sweden. Articulate and courageous spokesman for the cause of higher education. ( Recommendations of the Faculties for the bestowal of degrees are conveyed to the Board of Trustees and the President by Provost Leonard Chapin Mead. Diplomas are handed to the candidates hy their Dean and the Provost.) COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS (Candidates are presented by Dean Charles Edward Stearns) October 28, 1965 Edward Stuart Milenky (summa cum laude in scientia BACHELOR OF ARTS rerum publicamm) William Gerard Nowlin, Jr. Ronald Mathew D'Addario (magna cum /aude in scientia Bernard Otto Holmberg remm publicamm) Eric Christopher Lehto John Jacob Leonard Matson Michael Wallace McConnell BACHELOR OF ARTS Peter Alan Stern John Kenneth Zwerling Robert Emil Aker, Jr. Douglas Paul Amidon Douglas Clayton Anderson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Mark Joseph Anderson William Robert Balkan Frederick Calvert Bacon, III Fernando Elias Cajale Perez Richard Barker Russell Leavitt McBride Michael Jay Baron Kurt Frederick Ostheimer Charles Lee Bergevin Robert Frederick Rozene Wilfred Velezweni Bhule Alan Birmingham Alvin Robert Blank April 21, 1966 Benjamin Carl Blatt (cum /aude, French) BACHELOR OF ARTS Robert Sanford Bloom Arthur Leonard Austin (magna cum /aude, Economics) Arthur Charles Bennett George Richmond Bridge, Jr. Raymond Andrew Budreika Michael Kenneth Brown James Morton Filz Forrest Rand Carbary Jack Leon Hardy Salvator Steven Caruso Raymond George Lussier Gordon Kuan Yuen Chan Edmund Joseph McDevitt, Jr. Thomas Endicott Cimeno, Jr. William Joseph McGrath, Jr. David Lowell Clark William Dodd Phillips Lee Norman Cohen Roger Joseph Simmons David Edward Creasey Howard Dixon Slingerland (cum /aude, English) (magna cum laude, Spanish) William Charles D'Avanzo Jeremy Hugh Wilder (magna cum laude, Economics; Robert Joseph Zipp (magna cum laude, Mathematics) Stephen Ralph Delinsky Louis James Dewolfe, Jr. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE James Joseph Dillon, Jr. Kenneth Ivan Brodlieb (magna cum /aude, Classics; Francis Ernest Bruno cum laude, History) Ring Richard Tomlinson Carde David Karl Doerr Raymond Jerome Coughlan, Jr. Joseph Francis Dombrowski, Jr. Gilbert Wan Hoi Hung Michael Edward Don Richard Edward Morel Raymond Gregory Dougan Elston Seal, Jr. Peter Eklof Edward Gerald Skolnik Edwin Augustus Elbert, Jr. Andrew H. Erdreich Daniel Arthur Symonds Eugene Paul Falco ( cum /Qiu/e, Classics) Stephen Alan Falk (magna cum /aude, Chemistry­ June 4, 1966 Biology) BACHELOR OF ARTS John Michael Farrington (magna cum /aude, English; HONORS PROGRAM cum /aude, History) Thomas Mann Bovaird Owen John Ferrini (cum laude in studiis philosophiae) Robert Kenneth Flug David Lloyd Ficksman Brian Stephen Flynn (cum laude in scientia remm Richard Allen Freedman publicarum) (cum /aude , French) 4 Richard Allen Freeman David Reine David Rodgers Glass Eric Kane Rice Thomas Jeffrey Gram Donald Ephraim Rivard Jeffrey Thomas Griffin William Henry Roberge, Jr. Harry Mark Grossman Charles Raymond Roberts Charlton Albert Gunter, Jr. Warren Kenneth Rosen Douglas Lee Hardy James Francis Ruane Richard Leighton Harris Joseph Leonard Santoro Gary Lee Heiselberg Kenneth Raymond Scheublin Robert Parker Heist Joel Augustine Shaughnessy William John Hermistone (c11111 /aude, German) Roger Lewis Hillman Peter Dennis Shea William Allan Hinkley Steven Gary Shutter Philip Douglas Horner Paul Dunleigh Simpson William Hall Ingraham Jan Moses Smulovitz Jerry Meade Ireland Robert Edward Snyder Kenneth Roger Irwin Charles Jay Stanley David Allen Jackson Jonathan Stearns Alan Thomas Kaplan Denis Francis Sullivan, Jr. Alan Katz (111ag11a C/1111 /aude, Classics; ( c11111 /aude, Education) cum laude, History) Stuart Stephen Katz Joseph Gerard Sullivan Norman Lawrence Kellett, Jr. Alan Nils Swartz Peter Joseph Kenney David Anthony Swift David Louis Kerstein Donald George Symmes Arthur James King (rnm /(//ale, Economics) James Michael Kinney Joseph Michael Uris Edward Stanley Kleven James Henry Utter Douglas Adams Knowlton James Hollander Vineburgh Donald Raymond Lange David
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