germanna.org Honoring Our Historic Heritage germanna.org summer 2016 newsletter We Couldn’t Have Said it Better Ourselves: May 20, 2016, Editorial in the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star Thousands of people pass the place every Pictured are members of week, yet far too few know of its international sig- the Germanna Founda- tion staff on the site of nificance. Some remarkable moments in Amer- the new lab. (From left: ican history happened at the Germanna historic Barbara Bounds, Office site, on State Route 3 in Orange County. Manager; Steve Hein, Some of those stories are told, briefly, by exhib- COO; Eric Larsen, Ph.D., Staff Archaeologist) its in the Germanna Foundation’s Brawdus Mar- tin Visitor Center where the Germanna Highway crosses the Rapidan River. More mysterious ones Germanna Foundation are still embedded in the ground preserved by the By Amber Galaviz, foundation at this horseshoe bend in the river, yet Orange County Review to be revealed by artifacts and archaeological anal- gets $250,000 Boost ysis of them. Now, chances are better that those artifacts and A $250,000 donation to the Germanna Foundation will go toward a new Germanna’s complex archaeological sites will re- archaeology research laboratory and artifact storage building near the ceive more of the attention they deserve. ThankDr. Michael Frost for that. The Kan- Brawdus Martin Germanna Visitor Center in Locust Grove, Virginia. sas City, Mo., businessman is giving seed money to the foundation for an archaeological laboratory Michael D. Frost, Ph.D., of Frost for his thoughtful generosity, and we are to be built near the visitor center, which adjoins Kansas City, gave the large delighted that he is committed to the German- Germanna Community College’s original Locust monetary gift to continue na Foundation’s long-term archaeology research Grove campus. his support of the Founda- program,” said Marc Wheat, president of the Ger- The nonprofit foundation, created in 1956 to tion’s growing archaeology manna Foundation. “This gift will be used for the preserve the heritage of Colonial Virginia’s earli- research program, follow- construction of a modern archaeology lab facility est German settlements, later gave land for the ing the Foundation’s 2013 to support research and learning opportunities for college. Clearly, our region has much for which to acquisition of the 62-acre many years to come.” thank the foundation. Its 179 acres include some site of Fort Germanna and The Foundation expects the new laboratory of the early western frontier land settled by Ger- the remains of colonial Lt. building to be completed by the fall of 2016. In man families between 1714 and 1717 at the behest Gov. Alexander Spotswood’s Enchanted Castle the meantime, the Germanna Community Col- of Virginia’s royal governor, Alexander Spots- built in the early 18th century. lege’s Locust Grove, Virginia, campus is donating wood—a charismatic, striving character on a par Dr. Frost has underwritten the Foundation’s laboratory space to the Germanna Foundation with the Alexander Hamilton of current Broad- staff archaeologist position since 2014. A descen- for use during the 2016 archaeology field season. way fame. dant of Spotswood, Dr. Frost also serves on the The Germanna Foundation donated 100 acres to With public relations flair, Spotswood named Germanna Foundation’s Board of Trustees. the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1969 to launch the town created here Germanna for the German “We are extremely grateful to Dr. Michael Germanna Community College. T settlers and his patron, Queen Anne of England. He named the river the Rapid Anne, also to hon- or the British monarch. The town became the seat Road Trip to Germanna and Beyond! of Spotsylvania County, named after the colony’s Terry and Wilma Handley recently stopped by the Ger- leader. Spotswood also built a magnificent residence manna Foundation’s Brawdus Martin Visitor Center to do of his own design. The brick, stone and timber some family research in our genealogy library 34 days into structure was so handsome and lavishly furnished their road trip from their home in Oklahoma, via Key West. that one visitor, wealthy James River planter Wil- After visiting us, Terry and Wilma participated in the Wash- liam Byrd II, waggishly called it the “Enchanted ington, DC, area “Rolling Thunder” ride on Memorial Day! C a s t l e .” Continued on Page 7 1 germanna foundation president’s message J. Marc Wheat hanks to you, the Germanna Foundation’s Heritage Museum in Washington. isfying about walking the river-side trails and the T60th year is turning out to be one for the his- What strikes these gentlemen and other Euro- sites of Fort Germanna and the Enchanted Castle. tory books (and we know it when we see it—we peans we have met is that we even exist at all. It is Come and see why Germanna is at the heart of are the ones who write history books!). astonishing to them that Germanna is a rare ex- rival theories of historiography (Atlantic History For the first time in a generation, an archaeol- ample of a continuing community, sort of a “dias- vs. The Frontier Thesis) and add your perspective. ogy team is being assembled by Dr. Eric Larsen pora network” connected to one another through We’ll need to educate each other to make the case to undertake the discovery of Fort Germanna. We a 300-year-old memory, but annually refreshing why Germanna deserves to be designated as a Na- are excited about the forthcoming exploration, those ties through good fellowship and commit- tional Historic Landmark. and are very proud that our members are launch- ments to help one another on new projects for the Whether you are a first generation German- ing the careers of a new generation of archaeolo- coming year. na family (like Trustee Bruce Davis) or the ninth gists. Our board of trustees has members who live (like Trustee Dr. Michael Frost), bring your rela- At his presentation to the Atlantic Council, I in Germany and Austria, and our membership tives and invest in our ongoing Germanna com- recently met Britain’s ambassador to the U.S., Sir extends to those countries, all 50 states, Cana- munity at the 59th Annual Germanna Confer- Kim Darroch, and invited him to attend one of da, Australia, and even China! Thanks to our ence and Reunion. T the Foundation’s events during the reunion so multi-generational commitment to trace our fam- that he can meet hundreds of descendants of “the ilies’ migrations, your work in the Foundation is westernmost settlement of the British Empire.” helping us extend our network to people living on Dr. Stefan Buchwald, Director of the German the other side of the Pacific Ocean. [email protected] Information Center at the German Embassy in If you have been putting off coming to our Washington, has met with Foundation members conferences and reunions, I encourage you to un- on several occasions, including his attendance at a dertake what Robert Nisbet might call the “quest GERMANNA FOUNDATION Germanna presentation at the German-American for community”—there is something deeply sat- BOARD OF TRUSTEES J. Marc Wheat, President Dr. Katharine L. Brown, First Vice President Ellis Hitt, Second Vice President Keith Hoffman, Treasurer Cathi Clore Frost, Secretary chief’s report Ann Green Baise JÖrg Becker Steven L. Hein Stephen D. Chanko Bruce L. Davis Dr. Michael D. Frost he big news this summer is the generous do- year’s annual reunion and conference 14-17 July Jason Holsclaw Tnation from Michael D. Frost, Ph.D., for the (there’s still time to register and come!). J. Craig Kemper, Jr. construction of our own archaeology laboratory While attending the Orange County Virginia Kristie Kendall building, and the start of new excavations at the Chamber of Commerce annual picnic, I was offi- Raymond “Skip” Poole Barbara Gregory Price Fort Germanna and Enchanted Castle site, both cially invited to sit on the County’s Tourism Advi- Eric Utsch of which you can read more about in this edition sory Council, and at the end of May, I presented of our newsletter. an update on Germanna Foundation activities to TRUSTEES EMERITUS John N. Pearce At Salubria, we have planned the next step the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The Su- Horst Schneider in our ongoing preservation and restoration ef- pervisors are impressed with everything we have Dr. Frank Turnage forts-installing gutters and enhancing rainwater been able to accomplish over the past year, and are drainage around the house. We have been search- excited about the Foundation’s future. HONORARY TRUSTEE Russell A. Hitt ing for Lady Spotswood’s burial site, believed to be It is your support as a member, donor, friend, on the property, using ground penetrating radar, researcher, and champion of our mission that has COUNCIL OF ADVISORS which we also used to gather data to delineate bet- made all this possible, and I thank each and ev- Paul S. Atkins ter the extent of the family cemetery on the site. ery one of you for your continued support. Please Dr. William M. Kelso Kathleen Kilpatrick We also have joined forces with other histor- reach out to your extended family members and Frank Price ic preservation and conservation organizations to others who may be interested in Germanna, and support the effort to create a new Brandy Station/ encourage them to join the Foundation as mem- Cedar Mountain Virginia State Park in Culpeper bers, come to the reunion, and support our excit- The Germanna Foundation newsletter is prepared County. ing efforts. T by the Education and Publications Committee: And of course, it’s the 300th anniversary of Katharine L.
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