VOL X V III, NO. 61 the independent student new spaper serving noire dame and saint man 's THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1983 Parietals violations punishment being studied by Judicial Council By JOSEPH MURPHY but he should not expect miracles. cil. “I think the fact that we’re N e w s S ta ff “We’re only going to examine the handling the parietal issue is a boost present policy, not necessarily at­ to the council’s cred ib ility. Last year Parietal regulations should be ex­ tempt to change it,” Gleason added. we would not have been able to amined by the Judicial Council “Brian Callaghan doesn’t tell us what handle such an issue because we rather than the Student Senate to do. If this committee decides lacked the organization. ” according to Bob Gleason, Judicial there’s a better alternative, then Gleason also cited the Judicial Council Coordinator. we’ll pursue it. 1 agree, though, with Council’s Workshop early in Following Student Body President Brian that parietal regulations have November and the increase in atten- Briar Callaghan’s statement at a Stu­ to be looked at." dence at council meetings as dent Senate m eeting that the univer­ Gleason said the com m ittee w ill evidence o f the cou ncil’s new lease sity’s present policy of expulsion for proceed with caution because “we on life. The workshop was attended parietal violations is too strict, might be opening a can of worms. by about 100 people. Gleason created a committee to This w hole thing m ight backfire. We study the matter. might end up getting more students Dave McAvoy, student senator At last night’s council meeting, kicked out of school. ” from the th ird district, attended last Gleason explained the council’s Some rectors, Gleason indicated, night’s m eeting and gave the council decision to assume jurisdiction and don’t report all parietal violations. his support. “I’m interested in address the "h o t ” issue o f parietals. He said last year only a small num ber making the judicial council the third Gleason said, “ Brian’s position is that of these violations resulted in expul­ branch of student government with the present punishment is too dras­ sion. “ If we raise the issue, the rec­ enual power, ” he said. tic. Callaghan suggested the stu­ tors m ight be less w illin g to use their Gleason also said, “ Some people dents involved be moved o ff campus ow n discretio n," Gleason said. believe in confrontation, hut 1 don’t. instead of expelled. I told him that if The creation o f the Special Com­ We’ll examine the present punish­ anyone is going to look into parietals mittee on Parietals is viewed by ment for parietals and reccommend I think it’s the Judicial Council. I said Gleason as the latest step in restor­ possible aternatives to the ad­ w e’ll handle it. We’ll study the issue, ing credibility to the Judicial Coun­ ministration." Heineken rescued from kidnappers Associated Press they had no word from the kidnap­ freed in a perfectly executed opera­ pers for two days after the ransom tio n last night." AMSTERDAM, Netherlands — was delivered. The 5 a m. rescue raid on the Police rescued kidnapped mil­ At a news conference, police said warehouse climaxed three weeks of A T r u u t u lionaire brewer Alfred Heineken and the two victims had been im­ negotiations with the abductors, Modem dance? his chauffeur in a pre dawn raid on prisoned in separate cells hidden be­ that began with a written ransom an isolated warehouse Wednesday, hind a false w all in the warehouse. demand dropped on the steps of The A police officer struggles to subdue an unidentified woman in and arrested 24 suspects in three Police said the rescued men were Hague central police station the Warrington, England, who was one o f 4,500 printers picketing a cities. given clean clothes and immediately night of the kidnapping. non union newspaper plant. Many British newspapers have been A ransom reported to be as high as taken to Heineken’s heavily guarded Authorities ultimately paid the shutdown since last week by the nationwide strike. $11.6 million was paid Monday, but villa in the seaside tow n of ransom via complicated instructions police said at least part of it was Noordwijk, about 20 miles from given by telephone, and cassette recovered from the homes ofAmsterdam, for a reunion with their recording and notes dropped at sites WSND acquires new suspects. families. scattered around the Netherlands. The 60-year-old chairman of the Doderer, long-time personal Police refused to say how much Heineken Brewery and his chauffeur chauffeur to Heineken, has worked ransom was involved, but Dutch recording equipmentAb Doderer, 57, were found alone, for the family brew ery for 40 years. newspapers have widely reported it manacled to a wall and clad only in He was grabbed by three gunmen amounted to the equivalent of $10 By JOHN NEBLO from Audio Specialists, an audio pajamas in an unheated b u ild in g in when he tried to help Heineken million to $11.6 million. N ew s S ta ff equipment outlet in South Bend. an industrial park near the harbor. during the Nov. 9 abduction outside Simultaneous police raids in the WSND is currently looking for a They were cold but unharmed, of­ the brewery headquarters. suburban village of Zwanenburg, the WSND radio, Notre Dame’s stu­ grant with which to purchase the ficers said. A statement issued by the port city of Den Helder and else­ dent run radio station, has aquired $2000 device. Police, who had kept watch on the brew ery and families o f the tw o men where in Amsterdam netted police new sophisticated recording equip­ Paul Matwiy, an unofficial WSND park after receiving an anonvmp"s said. “ There is enormous joy that 24 kidnap suspects — all related to ment in an attempt to upgrade its recording producer, said the digital tip tw o weeks ago, raided it when Heineken and Doderer have been each other. programming quality. The device, a recorder will allow the station to digital recording processor, allows “make recordings of a quality un­ the station to make near perfect surpassed anywhere in the country recordings of live musical perfor­ using state-of-the-art recording mances. technology.” WSND has already The digital recorder, used the recorder to record the Glee manufactured by the Nakamichi see RECORDER page 6 Corp. o f Japan, is on loan to WSND Computer purchase set for the near future By STEPHEN REIDY mainframe computer for the N ew s S ta ff Computing Center and the new touch-tone dormitory telephones. The University w ill acquire a large Both are to be installed during number of personal computers from Christmas break. the Apple Computer Company in The touch-tone phones will the near future, according to Assis­ enable individuals with personal tant Provost for Computing Richard computers to plug into the Spencer. mainframe system through the use While the details of the settlement o f a modem remain under a nondisclosure “The equipment here is not large clause in the University’s contract enough to handle the load at with the firm, the agreement present," explained Director of the represents a culmination of several Computing Center James Wruck in years of planning and negotiations an interview with the The Observer for a campus wide computer earlier this semester. The system is five years old, and we are faced with networking system, explained Spen­ The Observer Pele Laches cer. the problem that m any con­ He continued that the personal stituencies on campus w ill want per­ Advanced computer technology is combined with 100 Digital Master Processor. The unit is now being computers are only part of a plan sonal computers in the future,” he everyday stereophonies in this newMalcamichi DMP used to improve recording at WSND. involving a new IBM 3033 added. The Observer Thursday, December 1,1983 — page 2 In Brief Golden Dome no more than Herbert T. Juliano,research assistant in Notre shine of orange-colored light Dame’s Sports Information Office, has been selected by the ex­ ecutive board of the United States Olympic Committee iq serve on the public relations public information committee. The selection Let’s begin with a prayer: was announced by William E. Simon, committee president. Juliano H ail Liberty Bowl, capacity filled, Paul McGinn also serves as vice chairman of the Olympic committee’s education Notre Dame football is with you, Executive Editor council with specific responsibility to plan, initiate and develop a Blessed are you among bow l games, National Olympic Information and Research Center, complete with - a . - ? and blessed is our portion, your proceeds. 1A a museum and hall o f fame at Colorado Springs, CO. Earlier this year, Inside Thursday * Holy Liberty Bowl, contributor par excellence, Juliano attended the International Olympic Academy in Greece pay us our advance now where he discussed violence in sports before representatives of 36 and the remainder at kickoff. With high held Catholic guilt, fans are cast into the nations. He was invited to join the International Committee for Fair ultimate dilemma — if they do not support Notre Dame Play w ith headquarters in Paris. He has also introduced a resolution The acceptance of the Liberty Bowl bid last week is football when it falls flat on its face, they consider them ­ to the O lym pic com m itttec to prom ote PeaceThrough O lym pism ,a an all-time low in the history of college sports.
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