Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 4-20-1978 The Guardian, April 20, 1978 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1978). The Guardian, April 20, 1978. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ©he latin (tariiian April 20, 1978 Volume XIV Issue 92 Wright State University Dayton, Ohio m\HEW studies WSU hiring By DAVID DENNEY agencies. HEW is one of the 19 agencies. Guardian Staff Writer THE COMPLAINT alleges that WSU pub- lished in 1972. and purports to operate, an Investigators from the Office of Civil Rights Affirmative Action Program in accordance with from the Department of Health. Education, and Executive order 11246. but in actuality the plan Welfare (HEW) arc on campus this week is not followed, especially to the statement to investigating alleged claims that certain Univ- the effect that promotion of women is to be ersity employment practices and policies dis- encouraged. criminate against women. The complaint alleges the University has The policy in question was initiated in May been and continues to follow a practice of 1975 bv the WSU English department, and discrimination against women in such areas as endorsed by the administration and the Board promotion, granting of tenure, assignments, of Trustees. According to the complaint, the schedules, and employment. English department policy automatically term- According to Executive order 11246. federal inates the employment of English instructors at contractors are prohibited from discriminating the end of three years without regard to merit. on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and Complainants Carol Barberini, Marion Pol- national origin in all respects of their employ- rella. Paula Randall. Catherine Rosenbaum and ment activities. Nina Suru were English instructors at WSU Another complainant, Robert Tcrrobonne. until June. 1975, at which time they allege their alleges he was an assistant professor in the employment was terminated in accordance with WSU English department until June of 1975. the English policy. Terrebonne alleges he was terminated with the THE COMPLAINT, filed in October 1975. endorsement of the administration and the alleges this policy to be discriminatory, as it Board of Trustees. applied retroactively, and that the policy fell with "disparate effect" on women <77 percent) TERREBONNE CLAIMS the termination w as in the department, retaliation for a complaint filed by his wife, Thev also claim the policy is discriminatory Nancy Terrebonne, with the Equal Employment Until Wright Suie get* an Astrodome, rain will force the Raider because it denies women the "opportunity for Opportunity Commission (EEOC). basehsil nam inside (or practice sessions, as It did yesterday after promotion." and denies the encouragement Nancy Terrebonne's original complaint was their game was cancelled. Guardian photo/Carl l uhrman for promotion of women, as mandated in the filed in 1972 and subsequent complaint* were affirmative action plan of the University and filed by both Tcrrebonnes in January 1975. under executive order 11246. Nancy Terrebonne is also a complainant in Due process to begin Executive order 11246, as amended by the case. She alleges she had been a part time employee of WSU and in 1972 she applied for By DAVID A. VOTER tees on Friday. Executive order 11375. prohibits discrimination full time employment as an English instructor. Guardian Wire Editor IN OTHER business, the com- in employment on the oasis of race, color, mittee voted to support Senate religion, national origin and sex by most She was denied employment because of an "anti-nepotism" policy of the University, which Due proccss proceedings have Bill 19. which provides for the Federal government contractors. is in alleged violation of Title VII. Nancy begun against Executive Vice- inclusion of students and faculty The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Terrebonne filed a complaint with the EEOC President Andrew Spiegel, an- on University Boards of Trustees. Programs (OFCCP) has issued guidelines and received a favorable determination. nounced Dr. Malcolm Ritchie. Also after a lengthy discussion known as Revised Order no. 4, that require Nancy and Robert Terrebonne later filed Chairman ot' the American Ass- on the way this year's com- contractors to establish ssd maintain affirm- other charges in November. 1974, ar.d in ociation of University Professors mencement speaker was chosen, the committee voted to support ative action programs to eliminate and prevent January. 1975, on the grounds of retaliation by (AAUP). the choosing of future speakers, discrimination. the University against her husband. These Speaking at yesterday's meet- OFCCP has delegated responsibility for ing of the AAUP Ritchie said he with campus community rep- implementing program goals to 19 federal (See 'CHARGES,' page two) has entered into discussion, the resentation participating. first of two phases in the pro- ceedings. The sccond phase con- sists of open hearings. School of Nursing's problems await solutions FAVORING OPEN hearings. By RON WUKESON tion exist among nursi-g stu- -ihich Lynch said is against LYNCH NOTED "standard Ritchie said he has had discus- Guardian Stall Wrlter dents." the flyer cited conmon University policy, procedure" in grading tests by sions with the administration and grievances and urged students TORRES FAVORS having a computer is to have the computer believes he will hear something Complaints about the Wright with problems to tile complaints student sign faculty evictions indicate questions which should he considered unfair, and thrown soon on the action. State nursing program brought with the Ombudsman's office. as a mean; of teaching the "I've been pressing for open Nursing Dean Gertrude Torres Passing out flyers on Family student to be responsible for out. Normally, such questions hearings and it appears this and Ombudsman Jayne Lynch Night was "probably not the their opinions are eliminated from future tests, matter is getting serious atten- together Tuesday to discuss most tactful" approach, said Evaluations Siid Lyrch. but ir, nursing classes they arc tion with the Board of Trustees nursing problems. Lynch, but she feels it was a should be anonymous so students eliminated trom th.- test which and the administration." The Ombudsman's office hts necessary move to get the issues can feel free to express thei." has bei/i graded by the compu- "I've heard that Kegerreis has had a "zero percent success out in the open where they would optvnons without fear of con- ter. This causes students who decided not to have the hear- rate" in solving nursing griev receive attention. sequence. had answered the question cor- ings," said Dr. Marc Low. assoc- ances, Viid Lynch. Normally the THE MEETING with Lynch Another problem is a com- rectly to lose points, and in some iate professor of Mathematics. success rate is 87 percent, suc- and Torres, in which Executive plaint ihat deals with test-grad- (See 'NURSING,- page 2) "Supposably this is on issue he cess meaning that the student Vice-President Andrew P. Spieg ing practices. , would pcrsue privately." and 'faculty member reach a el, Vice-President Johii Murray, , thursday . RITCHIE, CITING the lack of suitable agreement, or establish and Associate Dean of the School communication between the fac- an open line of communication. of Nursing Vnrjorie Stanton were weather ulty and Board of Trustees, PROBLEMS IN solving nurs- present, produced fruitful dis- questioned the validity of any ing cases led Lynch to dist'ibute cussion on several of the trvnioie Cloudy and cooler with rain, today and tomorrow. The highs serious evaluation by the Board. a flyer to nursing students areas, said Lynch. today and tonorrow will be in the 40's and the low 50's. The lows "How can the Board of Trus- through mailboxes and at the "The school recognizes there's tonight wi't l-e in the 30's tees effectively evaluate the ad nursing department's Family some problem there but they ministration i{ they don't talk to Night, an orientation event for don't know the solution." anyone but President Kegerreis admitted and non-fcdmitted stu- One of the points of disagree- correction and Dr. Spiegel?" dents and their parents or spous- ment between '.ynch and Torres Stephen Williams, candidate for the Liberal Arts seat OA Student Ritchie said lie is to speak es. was the issue of mifsing Students Caucus, -vas erroneously listed in yesterday's Daily Guardian as a before the executive session Stating "Harmony can't be having to sign evaluations of the chemistry major. Williams is actually a history major. Committee of the Board of Trus- established if fear and intimida- facultv members, a practice 2 THE DAILY GUARDIAN ApHI 20, 1978 Nursing (continued from page I) 12 credits, to increase the a- Lynch said due to time restric- cases flunk the test. grade point average (2.2). which might reflect subjective teaching mount of clinical experience the tions. some issues were not Some students told the Om- was the lowest last quarter of all or grading practices. student receives. discussed in her meeting with budsman's office these grading colleges in the University. STILL TO he solved is the Torres. One was the fact that THE OMBUDSMAN and Nur- practices have caused them to problem of evaluating the stu- only four out of 58 black students Some students blame the low fail classes which they caniot dent's standing in a class before ever complete the nursing pro- CPA on the team-teaching sys- sing School discussions will con- make up until a year later the drop date.
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