Coast Guard, DHS Pt. 15 PART 15—MANNING Subpart H—Computations REQUIREMENTS 15.801 General. 15.805 Master. Subpart A—Purpose and Applicability 15.810 Mates. 15.812 Pilots. Sec. 15.815 Radar observers. 15.101 Purpose of regulations. 15.816 Automatic radar plotting aids 15.102 Paperwork approval. (ARPAs). 15.103 Incorporation by reference. 15.817 Global Maritime Distress and Safety 15.105 General. System (GMDSS) radio operator. 15.818 Global Maritime Distress and Safety Subparts B–C [Reserved] System (GMDSS) at-sea maintainer. 15.820 Chief engineer. Subpart D—Manning Requirements; All 15.825 Engineers. Vessels 15.830 Radio officers. 15.835 Staff officers. 15.401 Employment and service within re- 15.840 Able seamen. strictions of credential. 15.845 Lifeboatmen. 15.403 When credentials for ratings are re- 15.850 Lookouts. quired. 15.855 Cabin watchmen and fire patrolmen. 15.404 Requirements for serving onboard a 15.860 Tankerman. vessel. 15.865 Qualified member of the engine de- 15.405 Familiarity with vessel characteris- partment (QMED). tics. 15.410 Credentialed individuals for assist- ance towing vessels. Subpart I—Equivalents 15.415 [Reserved] 15.901 Inspected vessels of less than 100 GRT. Subpart E—Manning Requirements; 15.905 Uninspected passenger vessels. Inspected Vessels 15.910 Towing vessels. 15.915 Engineer officer endorsements. 15.501 Certificate of inspection. 15.505 Changes in the certificate of inspec- Subpart J—Vessels in Foreign Trade tion. 15.510 Right of appeal. 15.1001 General. 15.515 Compliance with certificate of inspec- 15.1010 California. tion. 15.1020 Hawaii. 15.520 Mobile offshore drilling units 15.1030 New York and New Jersey. (MODUs). 15.1040 Massachusetts. 15.525 Additional manning requirements for 15.1050 North Carolina. tank vessels. 15.530 Large passenger vessels. Subpart K—Vessels Subject to Requirements of STCW Subpart F—Manning Requirements; Uninspected Vessels 15.1101 General. 15.1103 Employment and service within the 15.601 General. restrictions of an STCW endorsement or 15.605 Credentialed operators for of a certificate of training. uninspected passenger vessels. 15.1105 Familiarization and basic training 15.610 Master and mate (pilot) of towing (BT). vessels. 15.1107 Maintenance of merchant mariners’ records by owner or operator. Subpart G—Limitations and Qualifying 15.1109 Watches. Factors 15.1111 Work hours and rest periods. 15.1113 Security personnel. 15.701 Officers Competency Certificates Convention, 1936. AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 2101, 2103, 3306, 3703, 15.705 Watches. 8101, 8102, 8104, 8105, 8301, 8304, 8502, 8503, 8701, 15.710 Working hours. 8702, 8901, 8902, 8903, 8904, 8905(b), 8906, 9102, 15.715 Automated vessels. and 8103; sec. 617, Pub. L. 111–281, 124 Stat. 15.720 Use of non-U.S.-credentialed per- 2905; and Department of Homeland Security sonnel. Delegation No. 0170.1. 15.725 Sailing short. SOURCE: CGD 81–059, 52 FR 38652, Oct. 16, 15.730 Language requirements. 1987, unless otherwise noted. 291 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:49 Nov 12, 2014 Jkt 232198 PO 00000 Frm 00301 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT 31 § 15.101 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–14 Edition) Subpart A—Purpose and www.archives.gov/federallregister/ Applicability codeloflfederallregulations/ ibrllocations.html. § 15.101 Purpose of regulations. (b) International Maritime Organiza- The purpose of this part is to set tion (IMO), 4 Albert Embankment, forth uniform minimum requirements London, SE1 7SR England: for the manning of vessels. In general, (1) The International Convention on they implement, interpret, or apply the Standards of Training, Certification specific statutory manning require- and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, ments in title 46, U.S.C., implement as amended, 2011 (STCW Convention), various international conventions incorporation by reference approved which affect merchant marine per- for §§ 15.403, 15.404, 15.1103, 15.1105, and sonnel, and provide the means for es- 15.1109. tablishing the complement necessary (2) The Seafarers’ Training, Certifi- for safe operation of vessels. cation and Watchkeeping Code, as amended, 2011 (STCW Code), incorpora- [CGD 81–059, 52 FR 38652, Oct. 16, 1987, as tion by reference approved for § 15.1109. amended by USCG–2004–17914, 78 FR 78000, (3) The International Convention for Dec. 24, 2013] the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), § 15.102 Paperwork approval. approved for incorporation by ref- erence in §§ 15.818 and 15.1103. (a) This section lists the control numbers assigned by the Office of Man- [USCG–2004–17914, 78 FR 78000, Dec. 24, 2013] agement and Budget under the Paper Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96–511) § 15.105 General. for the reporting and recordkeeping re- (a) The regulations in this part apply quirements in this part. to all vessels that are subject to the (b) The following control numbers manning requirements contained in the have been assigned to the sections indi- navigation and shipping laws of the cated: United States, including uninspected (1) OMB 1625–0079—46 CFR 15.1107. vessels (46 U.S.C. 7101–9308). (2) [Reserved] (b) The navigation and shipping laws [CGD 95–62, 62 FR 34538, June 26, 1997, as state that a vessel may not be operated amended by USCG-2004–18884, 69 FR 58343, unless certain manning requirements Sept. 30, 2004] are met. In addition to establishing a minimum number of officers and rated § 15.103 Incorporation by reference. crew to be carried onboard certain ves- (a) Certain material is incorporated sels, they establish minimum qualifica- by reference into this part with the ap- tions concerning licenses and MMC en- proval of the Director of the Federal dorsements, citizenship, and conditions Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 of employment. It is the responsibility CFR part 51. To enforce any edition of the owner, charterer, managing op- other than that specified in this sec- erator, master, or person in charge or tion, the Coast Guard must publish no- in command of the vessel to ensure tice of change in the Federal Register that appropriate personnel are carried and the material must be available to to meet the requirements of the appli- the public. All approved material is cable navigation and shipping laws and available for inspection at the Coast regulations. Guard, Office of Operating and Envi- (c) Inspected vessels are issued a Cer- ronmental Standards (CG–OES), 2703 tificate of Inspection (COI) which indi- Martin Luther King Avenue SE. Stop cates the minimum complement of offi- 7509, Washington, DC 20593–7509, 202– cers and crew (including lifeboatmen) 372–1405, and is available from the considered necessary for safe oper- sources listed below. It is also avail- ation. The COI complements the statu- able for inspection at the National Ar- tory requirements but does not super- chives and Records Administration sede them. (NARA). For information on the avail- (d) Uninspected vessels operating on ability of this material at NARA, call an international voyage may be issued 202–741–6030, or go to http:// a safe manning certificate indicating 292 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:49 Nov 12, 2014 Jkt 232198 PO 00000 Frm 00302 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT 31 Coast Guard, DHS § 15.401 the minimum complement of qualified sels and will not establish qualification mariners necessary for safe operation. for any other purpose. (e) The regulations in subpart K of [USCG–2004–17914, 78 FR 78000, Dec. 24, 2013] this part apply to seagoing vessels sub- ject to the International Convention on Subpart B–C [Reserved] Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended (STCW). Subpart D—Manning (f) Persons serving on any of the fol- Requirements; All Vessels lowing vessels, or any owner or oper- ator of any of these vessels, do not SOURCE: USCG–2004–17914,78 FR 17914, Dec. need to meet the requirements of sub- 24, 2013, unless otherwise noted. part K of this part, because the vessels § 15.401 Employment and service with- are exempt from application of STCW: in restrictions of credential. (1) Fishing vessels as defined in 46 (a) A person may not employ or en- U.S.C. 2101(11)(a). gage an individual, and an individual (2) Fishing vessels used as fish-tender may not serve, in a position in which vessels as defined in 46 U.S.C. an individual is required by law or reg- 2101(11)(c). ulation to hold a license, certificate of (3) Barges as defined in 46 U.S.C. 102, registry, Merchant Mariner’s Docu- including non-self-propelled mobile off- ment (MMD), Transportation Worker shore drilling units. Identification Credential (TWIC) and/or (4) Vessels operating exclusively on Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC), the Great Lakes or on the inland wa- unless the individual holds all creden- ters of the U.S. in the Straits of Juan tials required, as appropriate, author- de Fuca or on the Inside Passage be- izing service in the capacity in which tween Puget Sound and Cape Spencer. the individual is engaged or employed, (5) Pilot vessels engaged on pilotage and the individual serves within any duty. restrictions placed on the credential. (g) Owners and operators, and per- An individual holding an active li- sonnel serving on the following small cense, certificate of registry, MMD, or vessels engaged exclusively on domes- MMC issued by the Coast Guard must tic, near-coastal voyages are in compli- also hold a valid TWIC issued by the ance with subpart K of this part and Transportation Security Administra- are, therefore, not subject to further tion unless the individual is exempt requirements for the purposes of the under 46 CFR 10.203(b)(1). STCW Convention: (b) A person may not employ or en- (1) Small passenger vessels subject to gage an individual, and an individual subchapter T or K of 46 CFR chapter I.
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