7 S . S A •ii -.- i—*fi*£*. v :* ■*fl WEATHER MU. M~HXi Tree, r ...Al 74 11.00 QUOTE . 55 74 True# . Our grand business is not to i .£Cej)t. ssi'V;15 I6,,« ,. ..6X' 76 ,y, Sel't. 17 . ..M, SO 0.01 see what lies dimly, a t-a dis­ ES«. 57 ■ 75 0.00- tance,but to do What lies clearly Sept. ,» ...56 71 0.85 Sept- - ...V . 68 ■r-0.00 at hand. - \ W V —Thomas Carlyle RhETH YEAR'-rNp. 12 L2-Pages; ThbW eek CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, T^URSIMV, SEFrEMBRR.22, 19(50 10c perrr Copy “§ltBSCRIPTION $3.00 PER YEAR Jaycees Attend - lulldog L0* t District Meet Vi, Monday at Saline' oses Season’s First Seven Chelsea .popple were’ at Mlir>e;, Monday_ eyenlSVg to attend a Junior :rGhamber-of ^Cbmmerd6 district meeting and won a travel M me to Milan, IB-0 trdj}hy;fWL:bfiing3 the ‘greatest number ■ of “man peit Conference miles” traveleil-to-attend the meet­ ing. - - - ---------------r "Chelsea To Care No Conservation Representing Chelseai- at the Moists Take Top itle Defense meeii ng. were..Alr^and-Mra>-Merla Reserve Sign-up Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Guen- g a in ^ For ‘Evacuees’ May ther,-Mr,-and -MrsT Duane-’-Layher- For This Fall and Dan Maroney. At State Fair At.... Junior••-.■■■■■- High '4. ;- , ■ at year Milan’s Big Reds special Sguest at the meeting '' u /rj.. Mrs. Carolyn Stump - of ' 'the ~0i -ai - fteports received-hero :during-tlieL - Wa'shtehftv.v'County Civil Defense a.iperfoct season fop .the .wasJM, L, Benton 'of OwosBo. stote- A, l jiust week state, that Erwin Haist ;3 hy heating them 20*12. Washtenaw county ASC office?-ex- Director Goraid- Gr Miller^ has an=>“ rpfesTdent of the Junior Chamber flounced that- a Civil Defense “pub- f night the Big Reds phrins that the Sbil Bank Act'au- of Commerce.' thorixed the...Secretaty_of-Agricul- JT-reipjer Michigan[ Breeders Ban*: lie exercise” will bc_ held Supday, _ rdefenVoilTthe Bulldogs, 18»0r ner” on, C<ifriedulevsheej)' they ex- year’s opener. Whether or ture to enter "Trito Conservation begi’miing at, 2 p.nT.-"aiYd that Chel- Reserve contracts through 1960. hibiteihat 'the' Michigan^State^air; sea ’s^artieipntimr-wi llvbe tonpro*-. “ : spoiled a perfect season for m two weeks ago. remains ..to be seen but The sign-up for l960 was held last Chelsea Lanes .vide'..reception and care activities They had champion..awards on for "evacuees” arriving--from*--Sa— i. certain ly^spbl ledZthe -opener. fall so that farmers-would-know-dn advance -vof the cropping season Black Top and Corriedale.'eweis lem and Superior' townships. - [this-year------------ - _ - whether ~their~ land could- be;-at> Opening Set they; exhibited .. and . also. were A11 p l,a n n i n g i n tho-CU elsIiYai'ea ■ — lach Al- Conklin, though dis- awardecLthe-gi-aruLchani])ion award js under the, suoervision " liii^i^ws^iiar^from' dia^ jgepted into the Conservatiotr-Re*- serye. ____ _, on their Corriedale ewe fleece. Grossman, director of. Zone VI LgC(i'-by- the - outcome. ‘‘We ~ R icIra i d had a 1 so gxhibited~Uor- which \ mcludes^Cholseir—ainl—the -th el~ty.pic aL-b pening_._g amc The authorization for entering m Ft 1 n t o'“"Contractrs"%as'"' not- been" ex- riedales at the State 4-H Show in surrounding area- clefonsively, In the first Chelsea Lanes, Inc., the new 12- FIRST PRIZE PARADE' FLOAT This is where class representatives formed tableaux denot* 1%-st* 'La ti si ng vi n~Atrgu sf*a rid: h i s Grossman msaid^yesterday _ that* imjj|hetv4n-the second-half tended to, 19(51, so there will be no lane bowling .alloy at.—U.8Q__M-92- the-float srgn^up period.this fall. -awards- there were four firsts and the Auxiliary- Police -unit here has' Iblew our 'scoring- chances. just south of Old US-12, Chelsea’s ChelBea Community Fair parade Saturday. Sent. charm. Virginia LeVan, na the Community- K-air1 _tw.o, ehampions5. • — boon-assigned -the task--of—meeting-^ Inst .opposition. tlm t adds newest—business venturev onened 10. Entered by the CliolHba High uchpohsaphomore queen candidatecamlidate fromtrom the class, reproHontedrepresented charm;’ ’'evacuees” and directing them to |o. a defeat. IIowveTy we had Monday for league bowlings and Bill "Allen and_&Lancy lluelsb'Crg i were in ttio lead­ the Chelsog Junlor- High", school; effort from- our squad, es will have a gi^and opening—Saturr class, the color scheme was, pink and white, . The Kiwanis Club pink was iispfl to designate ffClass of^’OH” across ership v tableaux.;.. Jack: HowurtL’and .CiiraLM'cCalla ■r— gymnasium where-they will be.reg-. -day,-*- from 2“ p.mi^for/4- p;m,',' to istered. " ___^ ^ - - .which^ereryono-in tlnj community the sides of.the float, "Chelsea High ■School Has in the. citizenship tableaux; Roger Lehman and .. mistakes are ironed out Dr. ^Jvf B. Casey_ welfare co-or- n^ilhlTiVve-H-g^q^ballrclub;-’ is invited.. _ - Everything.”.QhelsCa High’s ath!eUc-nlckname"“the Susan Of Noil--depicted scholarship; and' Ilou_.Wil To Entertain "Son and Judy Weinkinrf totrk- iHn,tras;syinrtsmaaship - dinator for Civil Defense Zone VI^ llan kicked off to Chelsea but Guests were-inyited-jor^ft-pre- ^alTdogs’t WaH giVen consideratiori by ’means-of a Attend Hunter and'Zone- Director Grossman - will* T^a couldn’t- move the_ ball ■view -olof . the new bon4ingrf«ei#ty -bulldog head~at~the~froirt frum which streamers led representatives be present at ,t-he , registration [was forced to punt. Milan’s Teachers ■Friday evening.,- ,. .;__ _ to other elevations of .the pink and - white float " “$20^ center;." ■ ■ " . I Laskey returned the . kick to Features of the new building in?, Safety Class Director .Grossman said, he has "Rill Buettner, Jr., of. the Michi­ elude 12^new automatic Brunswick- Bulldog 40;" a few plays later gan, Consolidated Gas Co, sales de­ Gene Shoemakeiy vtihinteer in- been informed that two- convoys n’s otheiv-halfback) - Al Has-*- bowling lanes, a snaek-b&r-where H istoricaLSdciety. ‘Of* ‘‘e'\'racuees’’"'wilT' lie . joining ■ to partment, Ann Arbor, showed mov- jsaniwich^s, ; beverages and " rice Annual Mission Festival "st"ructor lor the Conse 1 -vation De-. Iscored from the 25-yard. line, ing pictures of a fishing expedition plfrtment. sponsored huntor—safety Chelsea but, ag yet, has .not been -sweep.' The extra point -at- cream >wilV be -available, and sales To-Meet-Here - advised as to'the routes'they will taken in the Salmon River area in spate_for_.a__display ‘ of bo.wling lirogrum in ■ Chelsea, reported -yes? s not good. .• Waho, at Monday’s Kiwanis club Set Sunday at St7 Paul’s u^e to enter Chelsea, bags, "hall s^5hggs7rshir.ts~irrnI.-other .texduy—that_u._tQlal-Xif. .9.4 Control-^Center-fop- this.ax«.., . ea" cam~e:i,"l^ tz'bacIras-l)orr nreetingrThe •picture was entitled simplies.' _-Dr_Rcubnn Huenemnnn, pres NextThursdag -jeturaed—the kick-off—50 "(leojile—appeared-: -wjll—be es,tablished-in—th-e- iHRive'r of. No Return.'-. —-- - "Co’-owners-are-William Freeman, dent o f’ Mission .House Seminary Harold .Jones of Central Fibre: hi-liind'fine blocking to the RnaTtnfcK.wna..int.rndnrnd hy M. Pm session- Tuesday' evening ju-ithe Sc i 6 Townshin Hall (Dexter Fire Charles Slocum ■ and- Olid Johnson. 6f-tln?—Evangelical and Reformed -ilirli),—and^a.lF~€ontrol Center per-- — , 35. The Bulldogs moved to W. McClure, manager of the Ghel- Johnson js acting as manager; Church at Sheboygan, "Wis,. will “sidernbJc..Time -the past .few years" "Municipal building. Included in Clio 25 wlunve"the drive was halted sonnel "-will -ftssomble nt -1 :Xn. p m.__ sea. “ officeotrice of* Michigan Consoli- Slocum was the - contractor who be the guest speaker at Missiqn in compiling iTTteresting daw per- group were several girls as well Telephone communication- will be fumble. - dated Gas-Gas; "Co."McClure was Ki- erected the building. Festival services at St. Paul’s taining to.comcterieiTin thisiarea,' as father.i of some o f - the^ young ijlan scored their secondr.T.Dion4iwanis-program; chairman; for-the established. , u«ing. the_two_tele-. The" snacJr"b'ar*^vill_be*"operated- church - Sunday~SeptT“ 2fi7"-fl"ccord- wiI l-be-the-i-speaker at---a-meeting-of people. phone numbers, HAmiVton C-8535 ll-cxmitcd pass play from ■meeting.. - ■ 1*' : - under the manageine'ut—of—Eritg -fnir—tcr-tm- announcement -by the t-be Washtenaw County Historical and - H Amilton fi*8f>8(), ‘ —------ - IrtcibiK'k ■ Jerry—Hitchcock—to —Report sj.-at -the -meeting stated Schumm, who formerly -operated Society—at - McKuna—Mcmorial -Li­ Subsoouent classes are .sched­ Rev..;-Paul M»: Schnakerpastof7'of~ uled"for Bent-. 2.7, Oct. 4 and Oct. TlfeT'De'Sfter area, whicn is m Chuck -Bliickmer.'’. The play that Kiwanis- President William Schumm’s restaurant^west of Ghel-_ the church. «____ .y . brary,- next—week, ■ Thursday eve.- Rich, Anton Nielsenl past . presi­ 11. Shoemaker - said- —additional Zoiie 5, is to held- a “take cover” red 51 yards. Hassen’s sweep sea. The restaurant- was discon­ Mission House Seminary, one of ning, Sept. 29. exercise, alul,*in addition, will (ex­ knd Chelsea’s left side. for the dent, and M. J.- Anderson, a past young people may still enroll. at tinued la»t ypar whgn. the property the smaller' schools of the denobtn. Title of his talk, appropriately the next meeting. ' . _ pedite and control the evacuation fa point wfl’s 'successful. il. govdrwftf of .the Mlthlgan'DlSfflct bn_which it was Ioeated>was ac­ ination,. is in-the-process oL.mergf enough, will be - the first line—of traffic- from -Salon and Superior ) begin the second half,-Chelsea were -af-Gt»nd-Rapids-for—the^KU quired -by the.
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